Chapter 986 Chapter 290: Ji Fu's Awakening

Not only did all the praise he had received disappeared, but he was also full of doubts and disappointments. The Ji family pressed the treasure of a thousand years on Ji Fu, but in the end found that it was an embroidered pillow. The kind of despair made the people who waited a lifetime almost crazy. .

Questioning, abuse, provocation, and even humiliation.

The holy son of the Han family who fell from the clouds into the quagmire did not fail, but from the performance of the tribe, he saw his true self.

It turned out that in their eyes, he was just a lucky person who was lucky enough to be favored by heaven. They chose not "Ji Fu" to become the Holy King, but the owner of the "immortal bloodline" to become the Holy King.

It turned out that I had never really known myself before, and the compliments that sounded right in the past seemed to be praised and flattered in retrospect.

At that moment, he finally understood that it turned out that "self" was invisible, and only when he bounced back, would he understand "self".

Ji Fuwu was not discouraged or argued. In addition to insisting on his alliance with the Tang Clan, he came to the back mountain of Lingxiaozong amidst verbal abuse and squeezed the vigorous vitality of the undead blood to the extreme.

Even the most uncomfortable clansmen closed their mouths after witnessing Ji Fu's practice. With the great protection of Ling Xiaozong, Ji Fucan was able to keep the title of Saint Son.

And Ji can only pinch his nose to complete the covenant between Ji Fu and Tang, and send the commanders Ji Xuanyuan and Yang Kangzong to Xiling to see if the youngest pinnacle of extinction is true.

But at that time, the whole Ji clan was still full of complaints that the Tang clan was not worthy of becoming the Ji clan's alliance, and even the Ling Xiaozong who supported Ji Fu the most, had quite a criticism of the Tang clan in Xiling.

It wasn't until the Tang Clan occupied seven major cities in Lingjiang in one fell swoop that they became a new force in Longzhou, and a great master-level powerhouse emerged.

But the annual expenditure of four million spiritual medicines and treasures still made the clan quite dissatisfied. After all, at such a high price, they could win a sect, but now it is just a covenant with a wealthy clan, which is really a waste.

This situation continued until Longxi Tang was invited by Wu Shengshan, and Tang Luo led the team to participate in the Longzhou Youth Martial Arts Conference.

Fist shock Bi Fangshan, frighten the evil king palace Duan Longshu, crush the ghost king compass, truly invincible of his peers, unbeatable!

Such a character born in a thousand years is enough to shut up all the Ji clan members who have criticized this covenant, and the Prodigal Son suddenly becomes a unique visionary.

After carefully analyzing Tang Luo's intelligence, Ji's powerful men came to a gratifying conclusion that as long as this man does not die halfway, the great master is already the bottom line of his future achievements.

And the great master of physical skill, who possesses the talents of the innate two instruments grinding and the transcendence indestructible fighting body, makes people tremble with excitement just thinking about it.

Ji’s suzerain and elders finally remembered the holy son who was still in Lingxiaozong’s retreat. They couldn’t wait to summon Ji Fu, wanting to share the good news, but were surprised to find that this holy son of the Han family was not only already Breaking through the Transcendence Realm, and even cultivated the Immortal War Body to the Fourth Stage Realm, and opened the second temperament **** store.

After further questioning, I found out that Ji Fu had already accumulated spiritual power two years ago and broke through the dual shackles of the martial art realm and the martial art realm in one go.

In the previous Ji Fu, whenever he made a breakthrough, he wanted to let all the clansman know, but that day the elders shared Tang Luo's information with him, which was enough to overturn all the doubts in the clan, but did not cause Ji Fu to move. , He was calm and calm, just nodded in response to prove that he had heard it.

Without the arrogance of fangs and dancing claws, and changed the inferiority engraved in the bones, the son of the Han family who had faded away at this time actually had the style of a saint king in ancient times.

After growing up, Ji Fu made the elders who knew him the most daring to believe that the lost confidence and dream of restoring, after seeing the son of the Han family at this time, even returned the benefits!

What is the Four Little Sage Kings in the world, and what Longxi Tianjiao who is the best in the world is just because the Han Shengzi has not shown his edge.

No one has made a mere act to propose a test result cultivation base. When the elders see Ji Fu at this time, they can be sure, after all, who is the strongest among the younger generation!

The legend of the Saint King was fermented again in the Lingxiao Sect, even Ji Chen, who was once the most unconvinced, lost the arrogance of fighting for the front after seeing Ji Fu.

Losing a little material in exchange for a warrior who truly possesses the posture of a saint king, Ji Chen once thought that after Ji Fu's failed Xiling trip, it was an important opportunity for the Ji family.

His judgment is not wrong. This is indeed an important opportunity for Ji's family. Unfortunately, this is not his stage, but a personal performance by Shengzi Ji Fu.

There are eight sacred mountains in the Beiman realm. Except for the Taixuan sacred mountain where the Xuanji Sect is located, the other seven are secretly controlled by the Ji clan. Even the sects entrenched in the sacred mountain either become allies or are replaced.

After possessing the seven sects, Ji's natural talents came out in large numbers, but there is no Jiazi in the mountain, and everyone's memory still stays in Ji Fu's failed trip to Xilin, like the time when a dog was defeated.

Even the masochistic practice is regarded as an atonement. How could such a sinful son of a corrupt dog come back?

Distinguished disciples of each school didn't believe a word unless they saw it with their own eyes, so the disciples of each school went to the High Heaven Sect to challenge them through various ways.

No one knows what they experienced in Ji Fu's retreat, only that all the disciples who returned to the sect began to practice frantically, but did not mention the result of the competition.

Even if someone went to Ling Xiaozong to question Ji Fu, the answer was always the same official.

"How extraordinary a certain junior's cultivation is, thanks to the undead bloodline, he was lucky enough to drag a tie."

The result of this foggy test made people totally ignorant of the real situation, until a straightforward sect leader explained the process of the test.

The head of the sect, who was loved by the younger brother and younger sister, smiled bitterly, remembering the almost crushed Bidou and sighed: "Where is there any magical immortal bloodline, I can't even wound the holy son. Easily beat!"

After March, Ling Xiao performed martial arts

Ji returned to Guan to challenge Lingxiao Grandmaster Bai Shengzong, and the two fought day and night regardless of victory or defeat.

After the war, the Beiman Ji family could no longer hear any voice questioning the Saint Child, and the disciples of the various sects did not have the meaning of challenge. Whenever Ji Fu was mentioned, there was only heartfelt admiration and admiration.

As usual, the Saint Son of the Ji clan, who was the master of the draw, returned to the retreat to continue his almost self-abuse practice, with even greater intensity than before.

Days passed, until Ji Chen knocked on the door of Ji Fu's practice field, "Holy Son, Longxi Tianjiao Tang Luo appeared in the Taicang Mountains, would you like to see him?"

(End of this chapter)

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