I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 968: Two hundred seventy two

Chapter 968 Chapter 272: Ghost Buddha Dao (Thanks to the master of YellowTail for the reward~)

As long as you are not a fool, after listening to Guhan, you will already understand that the ancient blood building is home to countless sects' secret techniques and techniques, and those sect warriors who have grown up by relying on the exchange of blood buildings have become the biggest support of the blood building. After all, there is no shortage of people in the world.

Since Xu Sheng’s "Analysis of Spiritual Power" was engraved on the Tiannan Monument, there are no more secrets for the exercises below the prefecture level. Even those secret techniques and magical powers, as long as they understand the method of cultivation, can use The psychic analysis method came back out, and the sect's encryption can only prevent outside thieves, but where can it stop inside ghosts.

And the smartest thing about the ancient blood building is under the banner of exchange. In other words, for every transaction, the ancient blood building can get two secret skills, and two disciples who eat inside and out can get one.

Don't these people know that they are using their sectarian efforts in exchange for their own interests? Of course they know, but people always do.

When you have no interest in yourself, you can always speak in a high-sounding voice, and the truth is even louder and louder.

But whenever they have a little interest entanglement with themselves, they will change their faces. The previous words are so righteous, and the subsequent methods are so dirty and despicable.

But this kind of thing is hard to see after all. It is conceivable that once the list of frequent visitors of the Wild Ancient Blood Building is exposed, how many sectarian disciples who are already in high positions will suffer.

It's no wonder that the superintendent of the heavenly king can't find the secret place of the ancient blood building with such a powerful tour. Maybe there are many inspectors in the supervising of the king's tour, they are regular visitors in this building!

"The person who founded the ancient blood building is really an individual talent." Tang Luo sighed: "Under the banner of sharing, sucking the bones and blood of the sect, it is no wonder that he will be paid by the superintendent."

"Tang Tianjiao is really smart, he can see through it!" Gu Han nodded and said, "I don't know if there is such an honor, please Tianjiao to talk about martial arts?"

"I think there is no need for this!"

Tang Luo shook his head, looked up and down Gu Han for a few times, then shook his head and sighed: "The method of Buddha and Demon dual cultivation is to forge bones to form an undamageable golden body, and then use the corpse to quench the body and fuse the wish to break the shackles of the corpse If the master successfully merges the two and cultivates into a ghost Buddha or a corpse Buddha, maybe it can really be recorded in the annals of Zen history, but it all depends on the master’s good fortune."

"The kid is just a master of physical skills with a shallow cultivation level, and he walked on the road of body building without any surprises. He really can't keep up with the master's whimsical ideas. Even if he barely discusses, he talks with the duck, which is meaningless."

Guhan heard Tang Luo's words, and a moment of sorrow appeared at first, and then a bright light came on. He was expelled from the Buddha country for practicing the corpse evil method, and became an outcast of Zen. The world only saw his body, but nothing People saw his Buddha bone.

Under the black and black drug-trafficking corpse, what is flowing is the orthodox Zen power, the Arahant scripture!

Zen Buddhism has cultivated the Buddha for thousands of years, and has studied the aspirations to the extreme, but no Buddha has appeared. Even the Buddha in the four directions has only completed the Bodhisattva visualization.

The Buddha's status is the obsession of every Zen disciple. Guhan, who grew up in the mountain gate since he was a child, is no exception. He has repeatedly pointed out that the reason why Zen is unable to prove the Buddha is because the attribute of wishing power is too exclusive. , But was also reprimanded by the teacher because the person spoke lightly.

But Guhan thinks this way. To a certain extent, the attributes of Buddhism are particularly similar to those of the stubborn corpse. What if the two are practitioners?

This idea became stronger and bigger in Guhan's mind, and finally one day, unable to bear the suffering, he began to try to cultivate the fusion of the walking corpse magic technique and the Arahant Sutra.

Outer death and inner birth, demon skin and Buddha bones, Gu Han actually walked out an unprecedented path of demon Buddha.

Since he was expelled from the mountain gate, everyone in the world has fallen into the magic way, but who knows that he still maintained all the habits when he was practicing at the mountain gate, and the five classes did not fall every day.

The golden body cultivation is far more than Arhat Tongji, almost reaching the level of permanent Arahant, and it is rumored that he was dazzled by the corpse, and it is nonsense. The Buddha's bones are the purest Zen aspirations. , With these Fuli plus body, how could he be corroded by the corpse!

Over the years, Tang Luo was the first person to tell that he had a Buddha bone inside, so he looked at Tang Luo's eyes, especially close.

It's hard to find a confidant in life, especially when it comes to his realm, it is almost difficult to find friends with a common language, but I don't want to meet someone who really understands himself outside the lotus pass.

Guhan sighed: "According to the rumors, Tang Tianjiao is the youngest martial arts master in the Longxi Alliance. The poor monk always thought that it was just the flattery of the ignorant people. The monk's roots can be judged at a glance. Tang Tianjiao's eyesight is even worse than that of some martial arts masters!"

"The master is absurd."

"Since being patrolled by the King of Heaven, the poor monks have rarely had such happy days. I don't know what secret skills and magical powers Tianjiao has. Even if he proposed, as long as the blood building has it, Lao Na can find Tang Tianjiao. Come!"

Gu Han waved his hand dryly, but Tang Luo shook his head again and again: "Master is too polite. Physical training takes a dull effort. I haven't fixed the palms of my veins. I don't dare to be greedy, so don't pass it!"

It's not that Tang Luo is really so lofty, but that the identity of the ancient blood building is really sensitive. He wants the size of his wish, at least the address is clear. If he reaches a collegial agreement with Gu Han for the convenience of this point, he will not be able to make up for the shortcomings.

If the real secret of the Tang clan was revealed at this time, it would be the calamity of the genocide. The seriousness of this should be known!

Guhan never thought that Tang Luo would reject him so decisively, and he could only regret: "Since Tang Tianjiao is so determined, the poor monk will naturally not be too difficult for him."

As he said, he took out an ancient coin from his arms and threw it to Tang Luo: "If Tianjiao has any need for the secret technique in the future, just take this coin to Beimangmin City and give it to Ji Shi , They know how to find poor monks!"

Tang Luo, who wanted to refuse, when he heard the word "Ji Shi", Shengsheng swallowed "No need", put the ancient coins into his sleeve, and said calmly: "If this is the case, I thanked the master, and goodbye. !"

"Tianjiao is polite!"


Following the instructions of the corpse monk, Yan Luoyu had been enduring hunger in the ruined temple until the night. Taking advantage of the waiting time, he made a simple coffin using the altar and plaque from the ruined temple.

The sixth-rank white stiffness is almost as great as the pack animal, and under the nourishment of the power of the yin, the general wear and tear will hardly be exhausted.

Yan Luoyu let Bai Zombie carry the coffin, while he sat in the coffin, all the way north.

(End of this chapter)

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