I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 967: Two hundred seventy one

Chapter 967 Chapter 271: Good and Evil

Feeling the tyrannical aura of rapid approach, Tang Luo turned his head and looked at him. A black light swept in front of him at an astonishing speed from far to near.

The black light dissipated, revealing the black-faced monk Guhan who looked like a corpse. Standing in the void, he put his hands together and bowed to Tang Luo. He smiled and said: "Just now, the monk had a divination. There are nobles coming from the sky. As expected, Lao Na Guhan has seen Longxi Tianjiao."

"Look for me?" Tang Luo folded his arms and looked at the monk in his spare time, tilting his head and wondering: "I wonder what the master does?"

Monk Guhan smiled and said, "Without him, I want to do a business with Tianjiao!"

"Now that the deserted ancient blood building is chased by the King Dusky and is running around the world, still thinking about doing business?"

Tang Luo grinned and said, "Longxi Alliance is a serious force recognized by the Du Tian Wang Xun, are you not afraid that I will report to the Du Tian Wang Xun?"

"So, what good is it for Tianjiao and even Longxi Alliance?"

Guhan didn’t change his face, but he still smiled: “Even if the Longxi Alliance helped the Du Tianwang patrol and catch the monk, the stingy holy eagle dog gave a few verbal commendations to the ancient blood in order to name it. Lou, I believe that no power can be stupid enough."

"Well, that's what I said." Tang Luo nodded in a sensible way, and then said puzzledly: "Even if I don't report you, I won't be guilty of doing business with you. Du Tian Wang Xun suspected that I, Longxi Tang, is not as light and easy to avoid as the Blood Tower."

"Tang Tianjiao is too modest." Gu Han waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Although the Tang family is in the midst of the sky in Longxi, he has not been seen by the blood house. This business is not the blood house and the Longxi alliance. It is the monk talking with Tianjiao, Tianjiao knows, why is the ancient blood building wanted by the superintendent?"

Many truths in the world are submerged by gravel, and these gravel are the information that the victor wants you to see. After all, everyone wants their image of victory to be glorious and decent.

All intelligence agencies know that the grievances between King Dutian and the deserted ancient blood building originated from the corpse monk Shang Guhan, and the two heavenly killers of Youfeng, the bone Daoist, who assassinated the patrol angel. Those who take over the enmity.

But there are too many strange things in this. Although the Wild Ancient Blood House is a killer organization, its main project is to search ancient tombs, buy and sell shameful loot, and exchange some secret methods passed down by the door to grow.

You said that such an organization should have committed some stupidity to blatantly intercept a patrol angel, or the strongest member of the holy land An clan.

This incident itself was full of weirdness, but everyone pretended not to know, and when the two people met for the first time, would the corpse monk say that?

Tang Luo was very suspicious, so he was expressionless. He didn't even put down his arms around his chest. He just said lightly, "I would like to hear more."

"The Wild Ancient Blood Building, since the building was built, it has been adhering to the principle of sharing secret techniques and enforcing the prohibition of martial arts. This is also the fundamental reason why the human race can prosper in martial arts!"

Gu Han’s face has an unprecedented seriousness: “Tang Tianjiao should have also discovered that in the later stages of martial arts, everyone’s needs are different, the secret methods are different, and the roads are different, even if they are of the same clan and origin. Two different people practiced it, and the results are quite different!"

"And even the resources of the sect are limited. Once a disciple needs specific resources and secret techniques, unless it is a person with a very deep foundation and a very high talent, he can only wait for the sequence, sometimes even after the sequence, the sect It may not be able to complete the resource allocation in full."

"So, it's not that many sectarian disciples can't go further, but are limited by resources and have to stagnate. Isn't this the biggest waste!?"

The corpse monk spoke sincerely, but Tang Luo was in a dispirited voice, and said indifferently: "Is it not a waste to have to walk a road that no one has walked before? The reason why the sect is a sect and the reason why the holy land is a holy land is Because the sages have made thousands of paths and don’t know how many have found a right path."

"I think if these disciples are going to follow the orthodox path, the sect should not have resources that they can't produce, but they have to find a different way. The sect has an experimental mentality, and what is the problem with putting resources in batches? ?"

"Experiments are also about rewards. To pay for a "genius" idea, do you know how much resources and time it takes?"

Pointing at Guhan, Tang Luo continued: "If you are really a genius, you need resources on this road, please do it yourself, why rely on others; if you are not, the resources are wasted if you are a sect. , Are you willing to give it that way? I really think that the resources of the sect are falling from the sky!"

"Take ten thousand steps and say, even if you really succeed in the end, you really find another way out, are you sure that this way can be better than the existing way? Who does not have a research institution in the sect holy land? The research results of ten or one hundred martial arts masters day and night are not as good as a disciple’s random thinking?"

"Are you funny with me?"

There is nothing in the world that is more refreshing than a man. Tang Luo's irritability due to an arranged marriage dissipated after he was done with Gu Han, and his whole person was refreshed.

The corpse monk’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He originally thought that a teenager as old as Tang Luo always had the enthusiasm to criticize the powerful and question the authority, so he chose such a starting point for conversation, but did not want to Tang Luo, a twenty-year-old young man, was far more mature than he thought, and he fell into a passive conversation.

The quotations that were originally thought of are all invalidated, and you have to restore the image of your radical thoughts just now.

The corpse monk kept complaining in his heart, but his face was calm, and instead he chuckles: "Tang Tianjiao said that it is the right principle of martial arts, but these disciples must have someone help them realize their ideas. Was born."

"We provide these sect disciples with the resources they need, and they exchange sect skills and secret skills, whether it is secret skills, magical powers, skills, spiritual weapons, beast souls, or jade. As long as the other party can tell, We can provide it and exchange what is needed!"

"At the end, the Wild Ancient Blood Building has become a place for these regular visitors to exchange secret arts, supernatural powers and resources. Many disciples who were originally humble in the sect have become the elders and even the principals of the sect!"

Speaking of this, Gu Han cast his proud eyes on Tang Luo, because he felt that he had expressed his meaning clearly enough.

(End of this chapter)

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