I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 957: Two hundred sixty one

Chapter 957 Chapter 261: The Feast of Losing the Protagonist

Obviously this guy was silent and didn't say a word during the discussion just now, as if he didn't have a clue, but now he can be so organized, which amazed the other captains.

As the captains who have been on the water for a lifetime, they suddenly realized why they can be the main captain of the fleet, and they are just followers.

And Xiaoyu didn't doubt that he had him, and quickly recalled the bit by bit after Xu Qingyue's breakthrough. It was too difficult for the two who have been with the same sisters day and night to hide each other.

As if she couldn't conceal Xu Qingyue's careful thoughts from Xu Yanliang, Xu Qingyue's hard training and research in the house would also leave traces.

"I don't know if it is." Xiaoyu said with no certainty: "Since the young lady broke through, she has often gone to the pool in the yard. The fish, shrimps and shrimps in the pond will come close. Once I saw the lady from I caught a water polo from the pond"

After all the captains heard Xiaoyu’s words, the same answer popped out in their heads almost at the same time. The Xu family of Yuanzhou was the origin of the sword repair of the world, and the Supreme Sword Canon of the heavens was the origin technique of the Xu family, and Xu Qing As the daughter of Xuanyue Sword Sovereign, Yue is even more unlikely to give up Xuanyue's sword intent and practice water control secrets of other schools.

"In this way, it makes sense." The captain of the main ship smiled bitterly and reported to Tang Sen: "The first adult, we have traced it for a few days, and it is almost certain that the young lady jumped into the endless sea, just thinking about it. When I wanted to go, I thought it would be too weird to report it. But after hearing what Xiaoyu said, it is almost certain that the young lady should have awakened the water spirit body when she was molting, and had already beaten it. Make up your mind and choose to enter the sea where the Sanyang meets."

At this moment, the fleet is located between Longzhou, Yuanzhou, and Tiannan. At the intersection of the three oceans, there is a vast sea in all directions, and continents in all directions. The warriors of the awakened water spirit can not only control water, but also control water. The water snorted and calmed down. Although there were many monsters in the sea, most of them had poor eyesight. As long as Xu Qingyue acted carefully, there would be no trace at all.

In this case, to find Xu Qingyue's trace is tantamount to idiotic dreams!

After listening to the captain's words, Townsend still had that expressionless appearance: "Continue sailing."

In order to find Xu Qingyue, the fleet had been anchored in the ocean for several days, and it was time to leave.


The messenger of the fleet finally returned the news of Xu Qingyue's escape from marriage to Yingcheng, which caused an uproar in Zhongying City!

The Xuanyue Jianzun was furious when she received the news, and Madam Xu fainted. The entire Xuanyuejian Sect disciple was pointed out by others because of Xu Qingyue's actions alone.

Because of this approach, not only did Xu Piao's face be dull, but it was also discrediting the entire Xuanyue Sword Sect. From now on, the world would not know how many people would poke his backbone and laugh at his style.

Xu Piao, who regarded the development and fame of the Xuanyue Sword Sect as his life, was really angry. He went to the sword pavilion alone, and in the name of Xuanyue Sword Sovereign, gave a death order to the Xu family's peripheral forces: "Spread the portraits to various prefectures. , In all the great holy places, no matter who finds it, immediately find this unfilial girl back, and Xuanyuejian will send a local spirit sword!"

I also asked the Sword Master to patrol the Dutian King, so that they would secretly bring Xu Qingyue back in the shortest time at all costs!


Longzhou, Lanshan City

The Zongsuo has spread the news that Tang Luo is about to get married, and even started grand preparations.

As the most outstanding young warrior of the Tang family, Tang Luo is more than just a hope for the future, in just a few years.

Whether it is the martial arts hall, the training ground or the secret technique pavilion, there are traces of him left, not to mention that during the Tang Mi battle, Tang Luo was appointed to serve as the defensive captain of the entire Beishan, and he had accumulated an unknown number of paths in the clan. Popularity.

If Tang had any popularity ranking system at this time, Tang Luo might be able to beat the second place by thirty or fifty blocks away.

Therefore, upon hearing that the clan was planning to prepare for Tang Luo's marriage, the people of Lanshan City and the Tang clan all spontaneously came forward to cooperate.

However, as the wedding period got closer and closer, Tang Luo became more and more irritable. In order to avoid this marriage, he had already thought of all the methods he could think of.

But no one understands him. On the road where marriage is based on the words of the matchmaker from his parents, his behavior is like a different kind.

Tang Luo, who was tortured by irritability, couldn’t continue his research for several days. After smashing the gate of the retreat, the desperate Long Xi Tianjiao said angrily: “Since no one thinks my opinion is important, Then you can get married by yourself, goodbye!"

Leaving a letter, Tang Luo walked out of the retreat, riding on the wind, and drew a white mark called freedom in the midnight sky, looming.


Longzhou Calendar April 28th, 1785

The fleet returning from Yuanzhou finally arrived at Longjiang, and unlike the festive atmosphere outside, every one of the thirteen elders on the Zongsuo Council had a gloomy expression.

Even Zongzheng Tang Zu and the patriarch Tang Zhi are helpless.

Who would have thought that the urgent reply from the fleet was so ridiculous. It was clearly a marriage contract that the two parents had seriously finalized. The woman would plan to escape the marriage and leave a book in the endless sea. She is now missing!

After receiving the news, the wind agent was in a panic. Tang Feng, the genus, hurriedly went to the retreat to discuss with Tang Luo, only to find that the gate of the retreat had been smashed long ago, and Tang Luo was even missing, leaving only a brief note. Letter of:

"The world is so big, I'm going to see it, I don't need to find me, I will come back when the time comes. Also, there is no happiness in an arranged marriage!"

Seeing a person who knows the word, the pen front that almost jumps out of the door, expresses his master's uninhibited longing for freedom, but this content is truly apostasy.

Tang Feng could hardly believe that the Optimus Jade Pillar, whom the Tang family had high hopes for, had been playing tricks at this time.

This is all right, now the whole city knows that Long Xi Tianjiao, who is the best one, is about to get married, and the two protagonists of this wedding are missing at the same time.

This grand wedding banquet planned by the clan for several months has become a complete farce. What the clan council is now discussing is not the political affairs of the clan development, nor the military affairs of offensive and defensive, but how the two protagonists In the case of disappearing, don't let the Tang family lose face in front of the people of the city's clan, and save your face!

Since the establishment of the clan for thousands of years, the prestigious Tang clan has never had a clan council as embarrassed as it is today. Every elder has a stern face and an expression that is difficult to express.

"Cough" Patriarch Tang Zhizuo took a look and took the lead, breaking the silence first: "Elders, it's a matter of the face of the clan, and the fleet will arrive in Lanshan City in half a month. We have to discuss a countermeasure soon. what."

(End of this chapter)

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