I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 956: Two hundred sixty

Chapter 956 Chapter 260: Xu Qingyue's Big Plan

And for Xu Qingyue, a well-known daughter-in-law in Winning City, both she and Tang Sen are satisfied. Needless to say, the sacred place of the Xu family in Yuanzhou was born. Family education and appearance are also the best choices, even if the eldest son cannot be born in the future. Heir, but with such a beautiful companion, she is relieved as a mother.

But she also understands what it means for a woman to have no children, and the reason why Xuanyue Jianzun agrees to this marriage has not and has not sacrificed her daughter’s happiness to win over a top powerhouse. This common routine is usually It was Xu's Fallen Sword Sect who used the Tianjiao of the other Holy Land Tianzong, but didn't want his eldest son to receive this honor.

While being proud of her son, Xu Shuhui also felt more distressed about this younger generation known as Princess Qingyue. When they met in the first year, they got close, and after getting along, Xu Qingyue's quiet and gentle temper was even more pleasing, and she recognized this. The candidate for the wife.

Even Mrs. Xu Piao was amazed at Xu Qingyue's performance. She thought her daughter would cry a lot, but she didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Because of Xu Qingyue's calmness, the marriage arrangements between the two families proceeded extremely smoothly, but no one thought about what kind of thoughts were hidden in the heart of this quiet-looking princess Qingyue.

From the shore of the Lingjiang River, you can leave Yuanzhou along the endless sea, merge into the Longjiang River at Longzhou Haikou, and then turn from the Longjiang River to the Lingjiang tributary into the Longxi Territory. The whole process takes about three months. Taoist Tang family is already very familiar with this route.

Along the way, Xu Shuhui often chatted with Xu Qingyue, who was just discharged from the hospital, said something about her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and introduced the prosperous Longxi to the other party.

But Xu Qingyue seems to be more interested in the customs of Longzhou, especially the once golden city of Chaochang. The reason why Xu Shuhui looks for her so frequently is that she is worried that she will suddenly leave Yuanzhou where she lived for a long time. Adaptation, now that Xu Qingyue has adjusted so well, Xu Shuhui is delighted, and he does not doubt that he is there, telling the rise and fall of Chaochang Yun and the rise and fall of this city.

After more than a month of sailing, the fleet finally left Yuanzhou, and something that no one could have imagined happened.

Early one morning, Xu Shuhui called Xu Qingyue to have breakfast with her as usual. The servants who were sent knocked on the door but no one responded. She thought it was just her daughter-in-law who had slept, so she gave up.

But until the sun went three poles, near noon, Xu Qingyue still asked for peace in the future. Worried that her daughter-in-law would be unwell because of the long sailing time, Xu Shuhui went to her room again, calling repeatedly but did not respond, and then she realized that something was wrong.

After ordering someone to open the door, there was no shadow of Xu Qingyue inside, only a neat set of wedding gowns on the bed and a book on the table.

Princess Qingyue escaped from marriage, and the entire fleet suddenly jumped. In addition to sending people back to Yingcheng to report to Xuanyue Sword Sovereign, the guards turned the entire fleet upside down and even sharpened their sense of smell. All of the spirit beasts were used, trying to search for Xu Qingyue's traces, but after working for a few days, Xu Qingyue seemed to have evaporated.

Xu Shuhui shed tears all day long. Seeing his wife’s grief, Tang Sen, who was reticent, gave a death order to find Xu Qingyue. The leaders of several fleets gathered on the main ship for meetings every day to exchange information and progress. .

"Now it seems that the greatest possibility for the young lady is to jump into the endless sea. The few spirit beasts finally found their breath on the deck of the sidestring."

"But it doesn't make sense. You and I have been sailing for many years. Naturally, I understand how many dangers are hidden in this endless sea. Even if she is Xu's disciple, there is absolutely no chance of surviving without a big ship! If you find a short sight, you won’t leave the book and leave, so I think the young lady should still be on board!"

"Bullshit! In the past few days, we have almost searched all the hiding spaces in the fleet, and counted the crew several times. We almost had to dismantle the hull in this endless sea, let alone a big living person, just a mouse. There is nowhere to hide. According to Lao Tzu, she just jumped into the sea. After all, she is the lady of the holy land. How can she be seen as the goddess of the family, this woman with no eyes, she deserves to die!"

During the fierce intelligence discussion, the cabin door suddenly opened, and the expressionless Tang Sen led a timid little girl in.

As soon as the captains saw Townsend coming, they immediately stopped the discussion and stood up all together.

Tang Sen took the little girl and came to stand in front of the crowd. Xiaoyu looked at a captain who was fierce, and forced her inner fear, took a deep breath, and whispered, "The slave servant's name is Xiaoyu, she is the maid’s personal maid. You grew up with the young lady. The young lady broke through the realm a few years ago, and now she has become a cultivator."

Counting her age, a woman who broke through at the age of thirteen or four is indeed extraordinary, but it is absolutely impossible to say that a mortal can survive in the endless sea.

So the captains were still waiting for the following, only to find that the little girl lowered her head after saying this, and then looked at Town Sen, she still looked blank.

The Patriarch’s answer is that he can’t count on it. The captain of the main ship can only come forward and ask the maid who bowed his head in a soft voice: "Little jade girl, in the endless sea, there are countless undercurrent vortices. The monsters are rampant. It's a general horrible situation that strays into the situation, and there is no shortage of embarrassment. If the young lady really falls into the endless sea unfortunately, I am afraid that it will be more difficult.

Hearing that the endless sea is so dangerous, Xiaoyu's tears filled his eyes instantly, crying at the captains and begged: "Master captains, please help me, please, please~~"

Seeing that Xiaoyu was so excited, the captain of the main ship hurriedly stepped forward to help her and comforted her: "Girl Xiaoyu please get up soon, I will do my best to find Mrs. Xiaoyu, but this still requires Miss Xiaoyu's cooperation!"

The teary-eyed little maid raised her head and asked, "How to cooperate?"

"Ms. Xiaoyu, please come back. Has the young lady practiced the secret technique of water escape or got any magic weapon to avoid water?"

The captain of the main ship asked Xiaoyu softly: "Only when we know this, we can judge where the young lady will leave roughly!"

The lady of the Holy Land, even if she has the arrogance above the top, she will never be a stupid person. He believes that the other party has such patience and can wait until the Yuanzhou boundary and come to the sea where the three continents meet. Some planning.

And as long as the opponent's reliance is detected, Xu Qingyue's range of activities can be roughly locked, and the purpose of tracing people can be achieved.

After all, Xu Qingyue is just a mortal warrior, even if there are some treasures and secret techniques to avoid water, you can't see the sky in the water.

(End of this chapter)

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