Chapter 954 Chapter 258: Marriage Agreement

My name is Tang Luo and I am twenty years old. I am a diligent and tenacious master of physical skills. Even if the mountain collapses in front of me, I will not frown. Now, I am panicked!

"What sister-in-law? Who is she and when will she come? Why didn't you discuss such a big matter with me, where did you get the news?"

Ruyu's question smashed at Tang Xing with his head and face, Linghuo Tianjiao raised his head and found his brother's face that was pretending to be calm but somewhat pale.

This is the first time that Tang Xing has noticed an emotion called nervousness from his elder brother. It makes him feel very interesting. He quickly laughed and said, "Brother, you are the best prince, no Is it just to take a lady from the Xu family? What's to be nervous about!"

"Am I nervous about this!?" Tang Luo said with a cold face: "A marriage presided over by his parents' orders is to make fun of his life's happiness. You think brother is the kind of person who likes to bet his whole life. person?"

Seeing his brother’s solemn expression, Tang Xing was also aware of the seriousness of the matter. He could hear the content, but couldn’t help it. While observing Tang Luo’s face, he cautiously said: “But you weren’t the **** of gambling in Xiling City before. You should like gambling."

As Tang Luo's face became darker and darker, Tang Xing closed his mouth sensibly, and did not delve into the topic. His eyes pretended to be inadvertently looking at the surrounding scenery, and he took a few steps back calmly and put his hand back. Behind Tao, a diamond seal was made carefully.

After all, Void Snap Finger hurts so much, Tang Xing doesn't want to suffer another time inexplicably.

But at this time, Tang Luo was still in the mood to mess with him. When he heard his mother Xu Shuhui talk about a Miss Xu's, his head would explode.

Of course he doesn’t want to marry a stranger. If he is a lady of ordinary people, he will refuse the marriage and make some compensation. But facing the lady of Yuanzhou Xu’s family, doing so is no different from humiliation. The Xu family's tradition is all about recruiting, and being able to "marry" a young lady to Longzhou is still looking at the identity of his relatives and the superb martial arts talent.

"Damn it!"

Angrily cursed in a low voice, Tang Luo felt a little desperate, even if he had lived here for twenty years, he still failed to get used to the vaguely demarcated clan.

It seems that everyone wants to arrange something for himself. For so many years, he has been trying his best to cooperate, but when his mother wants to help him arrange lifelong events, he still can't help but feel a little irritable.

Tang Xing sensitively sensed his brother’s dissatisfaction, and comforted weakly on the side: “Brother, don’t be nervous. The letter says that his sister-in-law is a young lady from the line of Xuanyue in the Yuanzhou Zhongying City. She has an outstanding appearance and a good family background. , Should be worthy of you."

"Good looks and good family background can get married? Do you think you are breeding!" Tang Luo couldn't help but vent to Tang Xing, and then immediately apologized: "Sorry, I am a little irritable now, with a bad tone. , I have to go to the Zongsuo right away, you remember to take Zhu Yan Dan back to Jiejiang City and give it to Ning.

After finishing speaking, Tang Luo rose up from the sky without waiting for Tang Xing's response, and headed towards Zongsuo. He had to settle the matter before his father Tang Sen and his mother Xu Shuhui returned to Longxi!

When he fell to the Lanshan City Sect, he found that everyone was smiling, and even the eyes that looked at him were filled with joy, and he resisted doubts. Tang Luo found Zongzheng Tang Zu The doubts raised.

"Minister Luo doesn't even know?" Tang Zu looked surprised: "This marriage contract has been set a few months ago. The Xu family has a blue eye for Minister Luo, breaking the custom of not marrying women, let alone the Xuanyue Sword Sect. The swordsman of Wang also prepared a generous dowry. I heard that Miss Xu Qingyue is still the jewel recognized by the city. Minister Luo is really lucky!"

This view of marriage is also excellent. Tang Luo is unable to complain, so he can only point to himself, "Leave the blessed or not. For such a big matter, no one wants to discuss it with the party. Is it me? But the most outstanding young warrior of the Tang family, you just watched the Xu family's beauty tricks, don't care about it!?"

"How can you say that? The clan affairs are the clan affairs, and the minister Luo's affairs are the clan affairs! If the Xu clan wants to recruit extras, the clan and the clan can’t agree to it, but this is Marrying a daughter is not a marriage, let alone a small woman who can still subdue the best Long Xi Tianjiao?"

Tang Zu’s face was full of confidence in Tang Luo, and he sighed: “Not to mention the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. The first woman and the first wife to choose the woman for Minister Luo can’t be wrong, and Minister Luo calmly practiced in Alan Mountain. The preparations for the wedding are left to the clan, and this will be the biggest celebration in Longxi!"

Looking at Master Zongzheng who was shaved and picky, Tang Luo twitched his mouth and turned away. He thought that Zong Suo could come forward for him, but now it seems that he was blinded by this step!

Tang Luo, who had left the sect, came to the wind agent, and directly found Tang Feng, who was handling the documents, and dragged him to a quiet room.

"My mother told me about marriage in Yuanzhou, do you know this?"

Tang Feng looked inexplicable: "The news of the clan is all passed by the wind media. How can I not know about this!"

"Since you know, why didn't you tell me such important news last time I came to Mount Alan!?"

"Where is the trivial matter of getting a wife to be conveyed on a special trip. Besides, there is nothing wrong with the first lady to pick with Mrs. Tang."

After saying this, Tang Feng said to Tang Luo again: "You are here at the right time, I have something important to look for you here."

At this time, Tang Luo was still in the mood to help the wind agent to get the information. He left after a few words "no time, no time", but was held by Tang Feng, "This matter is really important, it is about a peerless Of the strong!"

"There are so many strong people in the world, everyone cares about them, and they are still alive."

Tang Luo turned his head and said dissatisfied: "Besides, you should go to Chief Xiao for this kind of thing, what's the use of finding me!"

"I've found it!" Tang Feng said seriously: "The wind agent has notified Chief Xiao, please be responsible for guarding Bo Macheng, and Lanshan City will rely on Minister Luo!"

"Huh?" Hearing Tang Feng's words solemnly, Tang Luo turned around and said in doubt: "This peerless and powerful man you said came to the Tang family? What's the background?"

"I don't know yet, but looking at his movements, it is very likely that it is directed at his own clan!" Tang Feng solemnly said: "This person's origins are mysterious, but his strength is extremely strong, and he has both spiritual and physical cultivation. The Buddha Kingdom in Upper Zhongzhou repelled the cause of the victory of Tantric Buddhism and slaughtered the non-Tianxiu clan. It was extremely murderous. The Buddha Kingdom in Zhongzhou called it, the demon Lord Gochen!"

(End of this chapter)

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