Chapter 953: Chapter 257: Right or wrong is to oneself, and reputation is to others

"Hahaha, Minister Luo is really keen on intelligence, and he knew it was Ning's design when he heard it." Tang Feng smiled and said, "But it is not Ning's that is really powerful, but you."


"Miaozhu is nothing but a helpless little maid. Ning really wants to punish her. There are hundreds of ways, why don't you have to come out on your own. It's not because of the existence of the Minister that everyone dare not move. After all, she is Tang Zhen’s mother, and it is inevitable that she has to plan for her daughter. I heard that this strategy was decided after discussing and discussing this plan with the clan, but is it a maid who can make the clan so prudent? The **** here?"

Tang Feng smiled and said, "That's why I said that the one who is really powerful is Minister Luo!"

"This is really"

Tang Luo shook his head, shook his head, and drank the sweet wine in his glass.

Tang Feng, who didn’t get the expected response, was not annoyed, and then leaned closer: “Speaking of which, since Tang Ling was pushed back to Jiangcheng by you, the Zongsuo has been speculating about your intention to protect Miaozhu. Some guessed that you I want to adopt the child in Miaozhu, right?"

"Puff~~~ Cough cough cough cough."

Tang Luoshun, who was so frightened that he spouted sweet wine, calmed his breath, and asked in a good and funny way: "Who said that, he thought it out! Okay, even if I adopt the child in Miaozhu's belly, what then? When he was older, he asked me, father, where did I come from? Why should I answer when I never met my mother? Could it be that I rubbed my left hand and rubbed my right hand to make an egg because I was so good at martial arts?"

Hearing Tang Luo saying this, Tang Feng was puzzled: "Then I don't understand. If it weren't for this, why would you want to carry Tang Ling? You know, this guy returned to Jiejiang City and made a big pass. fire!"

"Hey, it's not against him. It's just that the old Tang family is already thin, and finally waited for a chance to open up branches and leaves. The child is a few months old. How can you take it if you say it? It is because of the old rules when resources are limited. Today, the Tang family sits on the seven cities of Lingjiang and can’t wait for every child to become a dragon and a phoenix. Using the old method of leaning resources from the concubine will only hinder greater development. ."

Tang Luo shrugged calmly and said: "But a rule has been used for hundreds of thousands of years. Even if it is unreasonable, it has become a habit. Even if someone in the clan wants to break the old conventions, he needs a stunned young man to stand up first and want to come. At this time, there should be no more suitable candidate for the Tang family than me."

"Sometimes I really wonder if there are people in the world who really know it."

Tang Feng looked at Tang Luo’s face, his eyes full of curiosity for a glimpse, “Obviously, he has devoted himself to martial arts since he was a child. Apart from reading some historical books, he only has to practice martial arts. But these keen and insightful principles are Where did you learn it, is it really a gift from God?"

Just like what Tang Luo said, after he returned Tang Ling to Jiangcheng, someone in the clan council that month asked whether to adjust the treatment of the concubine, because at this time the Tang clan is no longer that curled up. The hidden tycoons in the half city of Xiling are now hiding, not pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, but really raising tigers and leopards into pigs and sheep.

The keen people have long understood that once the treatment of the concubine begins to be improved, the entire Tang family will undergo earth-shaking changes, and the source of all this is the "stunned green" of the conflicting ruler in front of him.


The fifth day of April 1785


Appropriate: Sacrificial bathing to lift the broken house

Taboo: funeral and burial

This day is the day for the Tang family to worship their ancestors. Each family must send a representative back to the Beishan tomb to complete the ancestor worship.

As a martial arts researcher who is anxious to solve the problem, Tang Luo particularly simply handed this task to Tang Xing. After all, he is now a married person, and of course he has to start learning this clan etiquette.

Now that the key step to solve Shura's divine heart has been reached, he really can't leave the closed place at one step, for fear of breaking his mind.

But sometimes, the more you are afraid, the more you will come. God knows how Tang Xing, who was worshipping the ancestor, appeared in Lanshan City. In short, the little guy who was barking outside the mountain stream perfectly interrupted the rhythm of the research.

"Let's say, you are not in Beishan to worship the ancestors, what are you going to do in Lanshan City?" Tang Luo with a black line on his face asked angrily.

Tang Xing lowered his head and mumbled: "Father-in-law brought the Ning family to worship the ancestors. I didn't want to be with them, so I asked Zhen'er to go back with them first!"


A void bullet hit Tang Xing's forehead, and Tang Luo glanced at the little idiot and said, "I want to call his mother-in-law, not Ning, understand?"

"Hiss~~~" Tang Xing, who was holding his head, sucked in a cold breath, rubbed his forehead vigorously, and said stubbornly: "No, she is a sinister and jealous woman who is not worthy of being my mother-in-law!"


With another snap of his finger, Tang Xing, who was clutching his forehead on the other side, fell to the ground and wailed: "Brother! What are you doing, I'm married, please don't move and just hit my forehead!!"

"I think you are a long man, not a brain!" Tang Luo said in a bad mood: "Remember, any woman in the Tang family who can be the mother of the family may have such shortcomings, but it can never be. Exposing a fool of such a quality as sinister and jealous, let alone everyone knows!"

"You can now concentrate on martial arts, because the house is peaceful, your wife and concubine are harmonious, and all of this is your mother-in-law sacrificed her reputation in exchange. Do not look at things with your eyes, because you can only see the superficial part, you must be careful ,Understand?"

Tang Xing rubbed his head and stood up seemingly, but he was still dubious: "You said Mother Ning did it on purpose. Why did she want to do this? Can't you just say it?"

"No one listens to what you say well." Tang Luo said indifferently: "People only believe in what they are willing to believe, not the true nature of things. If a lie is spread a thousand times, it becomes a fact. Many people think that Tang Zhen is a flawless wife, and Ning Shi is a fierce and sinister jealous woman, but you have to distinguish the true from the false."

"Okay, you won't understand these words if you tell you now. You just need to remember that you will treat Ning with the same respect as your mother in the future, and take the token to the Danfang to get three Zhuyan Dans, and give you Mother-in-law sent it!"

The little guy who received the token let out an "Oh", and then remembered something surprised and said to Tang Luo: "Brother, my father and mother will soon come back with Xiao Nuan Nuan. I heard that she completed the construction in Xu's family. Ji, I have already started to practice the sword book handed down by Grandpa.” While speaking, Tang Xing said with a smile: “The letter also said that my mother found me a sister-in-law in Yuanzhou, and when they come back, I will let you marry!"

(End of this chapter)

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