I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 939: Two hundred forty three

Chapter 939 Chapter 243: Corpse Monk

Beimang, Shiqiu

In the dark and deep corpse lay a man who was asleep.

His complexion was dark and bald, his body was covered with corpse spots lingering death, and he could see golden light when he looked carefully, his tall and sturdy figure tightly packed the originally spacious corpse, and the evil spirit followed the man. Breathing evenly, the more gathering, the more cold the corpse is.

Ordinary warriors in such a heavy place will not be able to stand it for a long time, but men seem to enjoy it very much. Under the nourishment of this cold corpse, they sleep more and more sweetly.

Suddenly, the sleeping man opened his eyes, the pupils of the black and white cross were full of guard and vigilance, carefully listening to the movement on the ground.

After finally escaping from the encirclement of Dutianwangxun, Gu Han didn't want to die in this deserted mound in Beimang.

The escape technique unfolded silently, and the corpse monk was shining with yellow light, as if he was fused with the earth, and left the corpse to escape quietly.

But the warriors who are arranging the formation on the corpse mound still don't know anything, and they tricklely display spiritual skills, connecting the nodes of the formation.

After about a quarter of an hour, the formation was activated, and the clear light shield enveloped the entire corpse mound, purifying all the corpses and death, but no trace of any living person was found.

On a cliff overlooking the corpse mound, stood two tall men, one of whom had a smooth and white face, with a sharp and angular Leng Jun; dark and deep eyes, with a charming color; that The thick eyebrows, the tall nose, and the beautiful lips all exaggerated the nobility and elegance.

The other is one of the four little sage kings in the world, the walking king of the Tiannan Wang family.

The noble-looking man covered his mouth and nose with a veil, and frowned lightly and said: "Brother Wang has seen it. This is the fate of the dead monk. Any encirclement and suppression that may cause harm to him will be induced by him in advance. , And once the strength is contracted, it’s extremely difficult for him to become an evil ghost. Starting from Zhongzhou, this young man has encircled him more than a hundred times, and even the great master has invited a few, but the closest one, but Will he be seriously injured or let him go, what can Brother Wang have to deal with?"

Among the six magical powers of Zen, the most difficult ones are the magical foot power and the fate power. The former is the top-level escape technique, while the latter is more mysterious than the fate power. Even Xiaocheng's fate power can see his own death. Survive for life.

As for Guhan's destiny mastery, even the great Zen masters of the Buddha Kingdom were full of praise. When he fell from the world, he was revered as the Master of Fate.

But for some reason, the Buddha who had high hopes in Buddhism eventually rebelled against the kingdom of Buddhism and became the killer of the ancient blood building. The pure Zen practice of his life was changed beyond recognition and became an evil Buddha.

Fengyou, the bone man, and Shang Guhan, the corpse monk, are known as the two pillars of the Blood Tower, and the patrol angel that shocked Zhongzhou has fallen, are these two masterpieces.

Zhongzhou An's was furious and ordered Dutianwang Xun to pursue the investigation with all his strength, so An Jia's back in Wang Xunzhong seemed to be beaten up one by one. An Yuanxi led the martial artist to chase Beimang from Zhongzhou, but still found nothing.

With a wicked smile on Wang Chan's mouth, he glanced at the empty corpse mound, turned his head and sighed: "This is not a crime of war. If you don't arrange a formation, you won't be able to trap the corpse monk, but once you start the arrangement, you will be scared away. The guy has a tyrannical cultivation base, but he is as timid as a mouse. As long as he perceives the fluctuation of the strong, he will slip faster than anyone. It's a bit difficult!"

"Brother Wang is a sensible person." An Yuanxi sighed and said with hatred: "Wang Xunzhong must have a lot of people slandering the Metropolitan Supervisor at this moment, thinking that Yuanxi is using public implements for private purposes. Perhaps in many people's eyes, hunting down A corpse monk is as easy as catching a turtle in an urn. It's ridiculous!"

"Brother An, don't worry, the chief governor asked me to help this time because he saw Brother An's difficulties." Wang Chan smiled and said, "Continue to investigate the traces of the corpse monk. Next time I find Wang Mou will go alone. Please invite Brother An to lead the team to encircle, how about?"

"Never!" An Yuanxi heard it, and waved his hands repeatedly: "Although the dead monk is as timid as a mouse, he is close to the master in his cultivation. Although Wang brother is a man of heaven, he is facing the old and cunning. Guhan is still too dangerous, it is better to take a long-term view!"

For An Yuanxi, the pursuit of the corpse monk Shang Guhan is not a big accomplishment, after all, he has spent a lot of manpower and material resources like Wang Xun, even a lot of favors.

But once Wang Chan got lost, it would be a major event that would shake the world. This would be more turbulent than the turmoil of a patrol angel who patrolled the death of King Dutian. How dare he take such a risk?

When Wang Chan saw An Yuanxi’s appearance, he knew what he was thinking. He rolled his eyes and laughed and said, “Brother An can rest assured. Although John has a high level of cultivation, he won't break the **** armor."

An Yuanxi's eyes lit up suddenly, and she was surprised: "It seems that Brother Wang is highly regarded by the Wang clan. He actually bestowed the first bodyguard in Tiannan. It seems that Wang clan will be the future holy lord. Brother has a very good chance!"

"There is no chance, but the ancestor's love." Wang Chan smiled modestly and waved his hand: "Compared with Brother An's achievements, this is not worth mentioning."

Just when the holy land masters were touting each other, Guhan, who had escaped from birth, went around a big circle and came to a dense forest, found a hidden formation, and activated it.

After about a quarter of an hour, a grim-faced young man appeared. Although he looked young, he was so aggressive.

Walking up to Gu Han, the young man raised his eyebrows and asked, "Shiqiu is already the most deadly place in the east of Beimang, the master is still not satisfied?"

"Satisfied?" The corpse monk touched his bald head, barked out his white teeth, and said grimly: "Didn't you say that you are hiding in the corpse mound, and the person who keeps the Superintendent King's patrol can't be found, but I haven't slept enough yet. On Sunday, Wang Xun’s people arrived, how do you explain this!?"

"Come so fast!?"

The domineering young man murmured in his heart, frowned lightly, and said to the dead monk: "After all, the Dutianwang patrol is an eagle dog. There are always some extraordinary methods. It seems that Beimang is not safe for you anymore. Go out to sea!"

"Going to sea?" The corpse monk clasped his arms and said displeased: "I came to Beimang this time, but he didn't come to take refuge. The Blood Tower killed the patrol angel, but the reward you promised has only been paid by half so far. Ten flying yaksha and a million elixirs, you won’t fall for the bill!

"The corpse training and the spirit pill are already prepared, as long as the master speaks, he will immediately serve it!" The domineering man's face became cold, and he said stiffly: "It's just that after the money and goods are lost, what happens to my clan will not matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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