I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 938: Two hundred and forty two

Chapter 938 Chapter 242: I don't know what I want

"Women's opinion!" Xu Piao said coldly: "Qing Qiu and Qing Yun are both my children, how can I vain their happiness? Although Zhang Feng and Nan Yu are not Xu's disciples, they are the winners of the city. The most outstanding young martial artist of the generation is the lucky one who has awakened the top bloodlines. Such a child, if he appears in the Holy Land, is a figure called Daozi, with Qingqiu and Qingyun, more than enough!"

"Qing Yue doesn't want this, she just wants a husband who loves her, but Tang Luo!"

For the sake of her little daughter, Mrs. Xu confronted her husband like this for the first time, screaming: "He can't even give Qingyue to children. Do you want your daughter to die alone!"

"Presumptuous!" Xu Piao glared in anger, and burst out uncontrollably, frightening Madam Xu to the ground.

As soon as his wife fell to the ground, Xuan Yue Jianzun quickly retracted his momentum, and tried to help, but was pushed away.

Mrs. Xu sat down on the ground, her head held high, tears streaming down her face: "You will always go your own way. For so many years, have you ever seen our mother and daughter well? The concubine knows that you are complaining about your concubine, and are you complaining about your concubine. Give birth to a boy for you so that you can inherit the mantle of Sword Sovereign Xuanyue!"

"It's all over, why are you talking about it, it's cold on the ground, get up!"

Xu Piao's expression was dumb, and he stepped forward again, trying to lift his wife up, but saw a pair of desperate eyes.

"You really blame me." Mrs. Xu clutched her heart, and said sadly: "Yes, the concubine body is useless, the concubine body did not leave an heir for Tianshu's line. I am sorry for the ancestors, and the concubine body will apologize with death!"

With the vigorous palm strength accompanied by the sound of the wind, the life-and-death Madam Xu slapped her heavenly spirit with a palm, but was stopped by Xu Piao.

"What are you doing!"

Xu Piao didn't expect his wife to be so strong. After stopping her palm, she couldn't take care of it too much. He pulled her up and said angrily: "How old is a person, and if you don't agree, you will die. Your daughter is so old. Not too shameful!"

"Shame?" Mrs. Xu whispered: "Do you know how the concubine body came over these years, the heart of the concubine body is dead, and you are afraid of being ashamed. Now the children are also big, please Master Jianzun to let the concubine body. Go without worry."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Xu Piao said displeased: "Other swordsmen, which one is not three wives and four concubines, but I only have you as a wife. You do not count the affairs of the mansion, and all the income is more important. I don’t ask, the precious treasures that the disciples give away every year are filled with the whole warehouse. Who doesn’t envy you Mrs. Xu’s status in Win City? Isn’t this enough to satisfy you? What a grievance!?"

Looking at her husband, Mrs. Xu smiled, sadly, sadly.

The Sword Saint Xuanyue, who was gazing in the martial arts, didn't even know why he died. On the contrary, it was himself, as if making trouble without reason.

"Yes, everyone admires the concubine body and feels that the concubine body is married to a good husband. These other things that need to be exhausted in the mansion and can only be obtained by tearing the skin are all in the hand of the concubine, but who cares, What does the concubine really want."

Wiping away the tears on her face, Mrs. Xu said with a blessing: "What the husband said is right, it is because the concubine is not satisfied with her body and makes unreasonable troubles, and she will never again."

"Yeah." Xu Piao nodded and said with satisfaction: "That's right, you will go to the Heavenly Phoenix Sword Sacred Mansion again and tell Tang Sen that the marriage is set like this, and I will let Qingyue go back to the dragon with them. Xi, I would like to convey another sentence, if Tang Luo encounters any difficulties in cultivation, he can come to Yuanzhou to seek the truth, and the Xuanyue Sword Sect is his home!"


Longzhou, Lanshan City

The group of challengers who came from Zhongzhou from afar are all like the arrogant figures of the family, who have grown up under the stars and moon since childhood.

If it weren't for the name of "the first son of the ten thousand races" was too rampant, they would not come down to challenge a family of Longzhou son.

But in the face of Tang Xing who was in front of him, most people hesitated, because most of the Tianjiao who came to challenge Tang Luo were people in their thirties and forties, and most of them broke through the fierce state. Existence, let them go to fight a baby with no full hair, it is really hard to get it.

On the contrary, a few young offspring, seeing Tang Xing's arrogant words, couldn't bear to fight with anger.

The place of the competition was in a martial arts hall in Lanshan City. The news that Tang Xing was fighting for his brother spread throughout Lanshan City.

Because of the family’s hope, Linghuo Tianjiao has a very good reputation in Lanshan City, but few people have seen Tang Xing’s true face. After seeing Xiaozheng Taijian’s eyebrows, his face is like a crown, he has gained countless passers-by. .

Although he did not think that the small Tang Xing would be the opponent of these challengers in Zhongzhou, it did not prevent them from cheering for the city's Tianjiao.

The group of challenged Zhongzhou Tianjiao would naturally not take the people's cheer in their eyes. After all, facing a fifteen-year-old child, no one thought they would lose.

But when the battle was together, it was shocking. Tang Xing's cultivation was far higher than they thought, and it was very powerful.

Absorbing the half-advanced Buddha species of the Path of No Suffering Nirvana, Tang Xing's spiritual skills at this time are all with a Buddha-nature Zen intent, not only is the transformation and transformation more mysterious, but even the resilience of the spiritual skills itself is greatly strengthened.

In particular, the use of a few diamond seals meant that the reincarnation of a soul boy was clearly weaker than the opponent, but it was Lien Chan's success and defeated three opponents in one go. Among them was a Tianjiao with blood.

What is even more amazing is that in such fierce battles, Tang Xing's combat power is still improving, and the fusion of Zen and spiritual power is also getting better and better.

In the final scene, when the Vajra Seal was cast, an Arhat's image appeared, which attracted the attention of Zhongzhou.

Such a pure and Zen-inspired seal is rarely seen in ordinary Tantric practitioners, not to mention in an untrustworthy place like Longzhou. They are surprised by Tang Xing's Buddha nature, and even more surprised by the power of the other's spiritual skills.

What martial art is, is what remains in your body after you finish practicing the exercises.

Perhaps it was really predestined to the Buddha, or perhaps it was just the ingenious kind of Buddha. After absorbing the half-turned Buddha kind, Tang Xing's combat power had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Facing the second son who changed every day, the Tianjiao group in Zhongzhou who came to challenge was dumbfounded. If the peak of the Transformation Stage in Zhongzhou was 100% sure to defeat Tang Xing at the beginning, on the third day, it was Zhongzhou's most conceited one. The challenger of the Transcendence Realm feels that the probability of defeating him is not more than 70%.

The first son of the Ten Thousand Clan was not seen, Tang Xing made his name first. At this time, the biggest excitement in Lanshan City was the battle between Linghuo Tianjiao and the Zhongzhou challenger.

Under the inadvertent cover of his stupid brother, Tang Luo returned to Lanshan City quietly without attracting anyone's attention.

Standing in the dojo of the General Star Hall, standing side by side with Dusha, Tang Luo rubbed his chin and thought: "Which bad luck is to give this **** name to?"

(End of this chapter)

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