I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 928: Two hundred thirty two

Chapter 928 Chapter 232: Emperor Xiu

When Feng You saw the murderous Emperor Xiu Shi, he did not hurriedly used the escape technique, and wanted to escape into the soil, but his face changed drastically as soon as the escape technique was halfway through.

The **** shadow of the goshawk fighting the rabbit also suffocated in the air, revealing the shocked expressions of Emperor Xiu Shi. The two people who were still beating and dying just now flashed into the hall tacitly. They looked up and were shocked. Pale.

The Asura idol, which is several tens of meters high, cracked from the head. The huge stone fell from the top of the Asura idol and hit the ground, shaking the entire hall, and the vibration caused the idol to crack. Keep accelerating.

But in the big hole in its chest, Shura's spiritual heart disappeared. There was only one tall and thin man wearing a gouchen mask and star robe, and a corpse was lying down beside him in pain.

The two who were still beating and fighting just now stood side by side, with a gloomy face, and Feng You couldn't help but say: "Mr. Gouchen, this joke is not funny at all, please give Shura to God immediately. Come out, don't mistake yourself!"

Standing on the side, Emperor Xiu Shi also said solemnly: "No matter who you are, immediately hand over the heart of Shura, the deity can forget the past, otherwise, don't blame the deity for being ruthless!"

Regardless of the non-tian clan or the deserted ancient blood building, the statue of Asura is an extremely important existence, the former is because of the fundamentals, the latter is because of the plan.

God's heart is missing, it's like a scholar who has been studying hard for more than ten years and determined to get fame, suddenly finds that the imperial examination has been cancelled.

Even though he hated Tang Luo very much, Emperor Xiu Shi still patiently tried to change his temper, he might have used his bow and arrow long ago.

But Tang Luo didn't have the strength to recover the two at this time. The two of them had just beaten out of the hall. After Emperor Xiu had removed the obstacles, he quietly turned from the palms of the gods after he had finished removing the evil spirits. The first weather arrow smashed Shura's heart, but how could his first weather arrow smash the collection of evil spirits for thousands of years.

If he was given enough time, he could use the innate yin and yang to slowly crush the heart, but would the two people outside give him such a long time.

While thinking hard, Tang Luo suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Maybe he could take advantage of the battle between the two and become a giant and swallow the heart of Shura?

The suffocating energy that has not been condensed for thousands of years from the heavenly religion contains so much pure energy. Although his physical body cannot withstand the erosion of the blood evil, it does not matter if it is swallowed into the empty stomach.

In this way, not only will the roots of non-celestial religion be broken, but it will also give him a means to defend against the enemy, why not do it! ?

I thought that with his fourth-rank indestructible battle body, just swallowing an Asura divine heart was not a small dish, but when he took it, he found that it was not the case at all.

Asura's divine heart is actually the center of the Vita Temple's divine formation. Unless the spiritual power node is destroyed, the connection between the Asura divine heart and the divine formation can be cut off and swallowed.

Fortunately, he had a pair of eyes peeping through the spiritual power, and after cutting off several nodes on the Asura idol, he swallowed the Asura's heart with a happily probe.

Then, the evil spirit of the sea destroyed his immortal battle body, and the blood evil corroded his teeth, nose and nose. At this time, half of Tang Luo's face under the Gouchen mask was eroded into a blood hole by the blood evil, and his tongue It is even more condensed into a pool of blood, and the turbulent evil aura wanders randomly in the body, devouring his flesh and blood, burning his meridians, and the extremely powerful gong body has no trace in front of this blood evil that has been brewing for thousands of years. resistance.

Tang Luo, who was curled up in the big hole in the chest of the **** statue, was weaker than ever. Although Shura's heart was swallowed into the stomach of the void, he now also lost all the strength to resist, and his body was messed up by evil spirits.

What's more terrible is that because of the loss of Shura's divine heart, the statue of Asura, which has been corroded by evil spirits for thousands of years, has long been riddled with holes and is collapsing, but he can't even evade at this time, it is really killing him.

The three heads of the Asura statue have collapsed one after another, and the cracks have spread to the neck of the statue. Fengyou and Emperor Xiu are looking at the tall and thin figure that is still squatting, and they flew up almost at the same time to compete for Tang Luo.

"Obstacle—Da Hei Tian!"

The Emperor Xiu who flew up with his backhand covered the temple with a **** sky, covering Fengyou, turning into a blood shadow, and in a flash, he came to the chest of the **** statue, and was about to spread his hands to grab Tang Luo. The corpse suddenly He got up, revealing Kolkata's hideous death.

Suddenly saw the Great Asura King who had died in his own hands, the emperor Xiu Shi who had experienced many battles was still sinking into the water. He used the blood to transform a Shura spear, raised his hand and pierced it towards the chest of the corpse, stabbing it. A pair of wear.

The blood evil spear drilled a large hole in the chest of the corpse. The corpse was pushed away by this unmatched force and nailed to the wall of the cave. The Emperor Xiu who completed the attack did not even look at the corpse in Calcutta, so he wanted to explore. Grasping Tang Luo with his hands, the tyrannical King Shura was very confident, and he had no chance of resisting after being hit by his **** god.

Because the blood evil spirit will mess up all the spiritual power, and the refining of the corpse also needs spiritual energy to drive, the blood evil spear enters the body, and the 72 spiritual runes on the surface of the refining corpse dim.

Xiu’s self-confidence cannot be said to be wrong, but he has forgotten that Calcutta is also the King of Shura, a warrior who cultivates evil spirits, perhaps the blood evil spirit is a lore to ninety-nine warriors in the world, but it certainly does not include the non-tians. .

The refining corpse nailed to the wall suddenly opened its mouth, and a light of blue and black struck Xiu Shidi’s chest, knocking it out of the hole, and scorching a big hole in his chest, revealing the woods inside. Bones.

The painful Emperor Xiu gave a violent shout, detonating the **** **** soldier on the chest of the corpse, blowing it into blood-stained meat.

The crumbling idol that can withstand the crit of Emperor Xiushi is like the last straw that crushes the camel. Numerous cracks spread from the big hole in the chest of the Asura idol to all sides, an unprecedented event. The great collapse began.

The falling stones instantly buried Tang Luo inside, and the statue of Asura, which was several tens of feet tall, collapsed. The huge stones hit the pillars supporting the temple, causing the towering main hall to become violent. Shook the ground.

"Do not!!!"

The flying out Emperor Xiu Shi looked at Tang Luo, who was about to be buried by the stone, and regardless of the chest injury, he wanted to break into the collapsed rock pile and **** the person off, but before he could get close, a rose on the ground. Only a huge white bone claw like a pillar of sky slapped him out with just one blow.

"The supreme should first go to the palace to heal his wounds. As for Asura's heart, leave it to the old Dao!"

After knocking down the Emperor Xiu, the supernatural powers that were obstructed were dispersed. Fengyou, who was guarded by the four boneless bones, put his hands in each other's sleeves. After a gloomy comment, he stepped forward to **** Tang Luo. Moving, I felt a strong heart palpitations, and rushed into the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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