I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 927: Two hundred thirty one

Chapter 927: God's Heart Seeds Demons

The suddenly exposed Shura's divine heart reacted immediately, spewing out a bitter suffocation, Feng You's left hand ate the seal, and controlled the three souls to block the divine light.

Skeletons with toughness comparable to spirit weapons will block the divine light for life, but Tang Luo in the circle can see it really, at most a quarter of an hour, the bones of the white bone gate, which is said to be invincible, will be completely melted by the blood evil. After all, the filthy and filthy blood evil spirit is the nemesis of all kinds of spiritual things in the heavens and the earth. Even though it looks at the evil charm, it is still a spiritual thing in essence.

This kind of thing can be seen by Tang Luo, a layman, not to mention the richness who knows this way well. Seeing that the bones are eroded by the divine light, he is naturally very heartbroken. He quickly tore the neck of the corpse and took out one from it. Killing black magic seed.

Under the retrograde blood pressure in the body, Feng You took a deep breath, sat down cross-legged and began to recite the "Killing Curse".

The spirit words were formed, and the swastikas with killing intent were spit out from Fengyou's mouth, and then absorbed by the demon seed. Each time the spirit word was digested, the breath grew by one point. After the 72 spirit words, the demon seed contracted and swelled. Repeatedly, like breathing.


After seventy-two "killing curses", Feng's ghost power was almost exhausted, and the heart of the **** Shura was beating constantly, finally unable to suppress the retrograde qi and blood, spewing a large mouthful of blood on the demon seed.

But the demon seed that was stimulated by the blood of the strong was like alive, the demon seed that had absorbed the abundant blood and essence sounded a thumping heartbeat.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

At this moment, there were two voices in the temple, one light and one heavy, one anxious and one slow, and Shura's heart and the killing demon actually produced a strange attraction.

The **** light finally stopped, Shura's heart became restless, and the magic seed in Feng You's hand was also struggling desperately, eager to try.

"Finally, it's done!"

Feng You wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and was about to raise his hand to infuse the demon seed into the heart of Shura God, all the light from the inner temple was wiped out.

The light emitted by the main hall candlestick is limited to a very small area. It is clearly burning, but you cannot see a trace of light.

Obviously he was in the heaven and earth, but he couldn't feel the flow of vitality. The soul couldn't get out of his orifice, and he couldn't control his spiritual power. The orifice seemed to be covered by a black cloth.

There is only one person who can do this kind of thing in the whole Vimasaya, and he is the strongest King Dashura in history, the Emperor Xiushi!

Feng You stunned, and quickly gathered the magic seed, holding the seal technique to control the three skeleton guards around him, and hated in his heart: I have known that Jiuda is embarrassing for a long time, but both are King Asuras and are in the Asura field. But it can't hold it for a quarter of an hour. It's a waste.

Holding a muddy Jiuda in his hand, the handsome Xiushi Emperor was full of anger at this time, threw the half-dead Jiuda on the ground, and roared: "Bone Daoist, you are trespassing into the temple, and you are ruining my Asura statue, I See if you are living impatiently!"

Why is Xiushi Emperor known as the most powerful Asura King in the ages, because he has understood more than one Asura magical power, and his combat power is naturally far superior to Tongji.

This great black sky that covers the entire main hall is his supernatural power obstructing. In this black sky, he is like a fish in water, but the rest cannot see things. Even the most important spirit of the warrior of the fierce state is deadlocked. There is no way to get out of the body in the body, and the general spiritual cultivation is covered by the dark sky, and there is only one way to go.

Although Fengyou has profound martial arts, all he has learned is in the white bone gate, so he can only be protected by three skeletons when he is covered by the black sky. The bones under his feet are scattered and scattered. You then fell to the ground.

The Emperor Xiu transformed the blood evil spirit into a bow and arrow, opened the bow and pulled the string, and shot an arrow at the quasi-fengy landing gap. The blood arrow drew a sharp light across the sky, facing the gap between the three skeletons. Side ribs.

If the blood arrow is compacted, and the blood will enter the body, Fengyou will die without life, but the boneless bones of the white bone gate will be magical after all, even in the dark sky, it will block the fatal blow for the owner, making Fengyou You can land safely.

The sound of the arrow also revealed the exact position of Emperor Xiusi. Fengyou, who fell into the bone pile, knew that he had to break through the barriers to survive his supernatural powers. He shook his heart and painted symbols with essence and blood, gathering almost exhausted. Spiritual power, perform stunts.

The aura spread to the temple, soaking the corpses, all the bones became weapons, whizzing out in the direction of Emperor Xiu, like a storm.

Seeing this power, Emperor Xiu didn't care about it. He withdrew from the temple while imagining the three-headed and six-armed Shura Fa to stop at the entrance of the temple.

But in the face of thousands of spiritual bone weapons, even the suffocating face, it only lasted for a few breaths, and was worn into a rag doll, but the storm-like bone spear and bone spurs are not rare. go with.

Faced with such mighty spiritual skills, any warrior would choose to avoid its sharp edge, but the Emperor Xiushi who retreated outside the temple knew that he could not retreat, because the gods and guards in the temple had rushed back, if they were to see The most powerful King Shura was beaten up by a bunch of bone spears and spurs, where is his face going!

Shengsheng stayed in his footsteps, and Emperor Xiu used another Shura magical power, the true shadow of Qiansha!

Vigorous blood gushed out from the air pockets around his body, and behind the Emperor Xiu, a palace-like tall evil shadow of Shura appeared. It had nine heads, each with a thousand eyes and nine hundred and ninety hands, just like from outside the domain. Demon.

Eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-one **** hands like tentacles waved, covering the sky, and the spirit bone spear hit the blood evil tentacles, exploding into masses of mixed blue and red blood mist, the power is amazing.

I thought that by calling out the true shadow of the thousand evil spirits, it would be able to block all the bone spears, but the spiritual bones in the temple flowed endlessly like a galaxy. The Emperor Xiu carried the evil shadow, his feet fell into the ground, and he was affected by spiritual skills. The shock of the collision kept pushing back and plowing open the long road on the temple floor.

After more than ten breaths longer than a year, the Bone Spear Waterfall finally dried up. Before Emperor Xiu could catch his breath, three skeletons of different colors were bullied in front of him, and the bone claws shining with cold light were facing him. The key points all over the body.

Facing the attack of the skeletons, Emperor Xiu's complexion was pale, the true shadow of Qiansha had nearly 9,000 blood evil tentacles. In just a few dozen breaths, there were only dozens of them, and these tentacles were drawn on these skeletons. , It’s no different from tickling, let alone causing damage, even blocking.

In desperation, he could only stretch out his hand to form a curtain of blood with the blood evil, and stopped in front of him, able to block the attack of the three indestructible ones.

Taking advantage of the blood curtain to fly up, Emperor Xiu has already seen clearly that Feng You has already broken out of the bounds of the Great Black Sky, and is rushing to adjust her breath.

How could Emperor Xiu who found the Lord Master continue to entangle with the skeleton, turning into a **** shadow, and rushing towards Fengyou.

(End of this chapter)

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