I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1045: Three hundred forty nine

Chapter 1045 Chapter 349: Looking for a beating

If he said that his desire for Tang Xing after using the secret technique initiation was 6, then after the secret technique initiation was removed, his desire for Tang Xing became 9.

This sounds unbelievable, but it actually happened. If at first he was only interested in Tang Xing’s aptitude, then after understanding his desperate fight against the buddha species, and after being removed from the buddha species, he created a Buddhist seal. Empty can already be determined.

Tang Xing is an unborn genius who practices Zen. From a certain perspective, his aptitude is even higher than himself.

And he went to Longzhou this time to bring this lost Buddha back to the Buddha country!

This is not a question of obsession or not, but the fate of the Buddha who should belong to the Buddha kingdom.

With the shrinking Tianzutong cultivation base, Yankong quickly came to Longxi. Following the mark of the Bodhisattva, he uninvitedly broke into the family banquet at Tang Mansion in Jijiang City.

Ignoring Tang Sen, Xu Shuhui, Tang Nuannuan and Tang Zhen, Yankong said lightly towards Tang Xing who was shocked: "Idiot, don't let go of everything in the dust and leave as a teacher?"

The Sutra of Suffering Suffering and Death is called the Zen Supremacy Mantra, because its magic is close to the gods, especially the mutual change of birth and death in it, and it has reached the realm of the three Bodhi of Amitara.

The Buddha species are removed, but the Buddha's predestined relationship is still there. In addition to training in Fuyun Temple these days, Yankong is reawakening the root of wisdom in the sea of ​​knowledge of Tang Xing.

Five classes a day, five waterings, this buddha condition, under the induction of the supreme Zen mantra, once again grows into a towering tree in the sea of ​​knowledge of Tang Xing!

Once again, Tang Xing, whose head was washed away by the sea of ​​information, was holding his head in pain and wailing, which made the people in the banquet hall startled and angry.

"Who is your Excellency, why don't you invite yourself to do the surgery on my son!?"

"Little monk Yankong has seen several donors."

The monk put his hands together and said to the people in the room: "Linglang is a lost Buddha in the red dust, and the little monk just led him to the right path."

"It turned out to be Yankong Buddha!"

Xu Shuhui's face was pale, and she said coldly: "My son is a relative of the Xu family in Yuanzhou, and the nameplate is even in the ancestral temple of Yingcheng. The Wuxiang Temple is the leader of the Buddhist kingdom. What is the reason for taking the lead in tearing up the Holy Land Covenant?"

Yankong's eyebrows suddenly frowned, and the calm lake like an ancient well rippled.

Regarding Tang Xing this mantle disciple, he really has the determination to win, even if he confronts Tang Luo with a heavenly arrogant like a holy king, he will not hesitate.

But he never thought that such a big turn would happen in less than a year.

Zen established the supreme Buddha kingdom, and had three chapters with the sacred sect of the Holy Land, and never used the means of empowerment to the descendants and relatives of the Holy Land.

Although Xu Laoying once said that Tang Luo and Tang Xing were his cousins, he later learned that Xu Shuhui eloped with Tang Sen to Longzhou. In other words, neither Tang Luo nor Tang Xing could be regarded as Xu's relatives, even Xu Shuhui. Whether the daughter of the sword saint can continue to stay in the ancestral shrine depends on the Xu clan rules.

With the pride of the sword repairs in Yuanzhou, it is almost impossible to recognize such a eloped young lady's family as relatives. Even if you want to recognize it, you have to go through many investigations and tests. After the conference was full, it took less than ten months, so the Xu family recognized the Longzhou Tang family as a relative. How could it be possible! ?

"Does the female donor have evidence?"

Just like all Lengtouqing who didn't see the Yellow River, Yankong still refused to believe Xu Shuhui's words and asked.

Before Xu Shuhui could answer, there was a deep and stern shout of anger that rang in his ears, and the earth continued to tremble and raised gold rock walls on all sides. Tang Sen, who was in the house, rose from the ground in front of Yankong, his eyes full of killing intent.

Tuo Da's Yankong did not escape from the cage before the surrounding golden rocks closed. When the shadow of the golden rocks covered the two figures, what he had to face was a death fight with the monster in the cage!

No one can defeat Town Sen in this close-to-hands environment, Tang Luo can't, Yankong, let alone!

The immortal combat body has reached the limit of a certain power under the increase of the double power bloodline.

What King Kong is not bad, what Luohan gold body, in front of Tang Sen, who activates the indestructible body, is the difference between crisp and somewhat crisp!

Suddenly perceiving the danger, Yan Kong hurriedly took out the vajra relic to activate, and turned it into a Prajna wheel with 84,000 volumes of sutras. He wanted to break the golden rock, but Tang Sen had anticipated such a response and kept thickening the golden rock At the same time as the outer wall, the enclosed cage was sunk into the ground.

At this moment, only Yankong and Tang Sen were fighting each other in this narrow environment!

Amid the roar of dragons and tigers, only ten punches, the King Kong relic shattered again.

But Yankong's treasure wheel slashed on the opponent, but only a few white marks were left.

Called out the golden body of Bodhisattva and shook with Tang Sen, but was pressed on the rock wall and beaten wildly, like a strong adult beating a young boy.

It turns out that the strength is so great that it can really hurt the golden body of Bodhisattva. Yankong, who can't fight back, couldn't help thinking like this after receiving hundreds of punches from Tang Sen.


The golden body burst into pieces, and Yankong was pressed against the golden rock by the murderous first seat, "Drop seed or die!"


Outside Chaochang City, Fuyun Temple

Tang Luo, who was rescued for the second time, stayed in peace, but didn't know that Chaochang had fallen out.

Dutianwangxun, Wushengshan Arbitration House, Chaochang Xiang clan, as well as all large and small families of Chaochang, were all shocked.

Chaochang City was allowed to enter and not leave two days ago. The carpet search seemed to be just to find someone. Numerous large and small conflicts occurred in Chaochang City.

The people only know that these rare powerhouses are looking for two people.

One is a beautiful woman, and the other is a seriously injured man.

All the people of Chaochang who provided information will reward tens of millions of gold once it is verified. There is a mansion in Shangcheng District.

In a commercial city-state like Chaochang, if you want to mobilize the whole people, you only need to lure them to profit.

Almost all the people blushed, and the incarnation of Ya Ya began to reason about clues, and everyone became nagging, just to get the promised reward of Xiang.

Especially those who are eager to become rich overnight, even more as an opportunity to change their destiny.

In the back kitchen of the Yunlai Inn, the fat man was cooking beast meat, so his apprentice approached and asked quietly, "Master, didn't you go out of the city two days ago, did you see anything weird?"

The fat man snorted in his heart at that time, but he still didn't understand the appearance on his face. He pretended to be disdainful and reprimanded: "You are a lazy man, and you have less dreams of getting rich. If I see something abnormal, I will report it to the Xiang family. My lord, rolling, go and cut the vegetables!"

The little apprentice still didn't give up, and asked: "Master, you have been walking for a whole afternoon, and haven't you noticed even a little abnormality?"

(End of this chapter)

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