I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1044: Three hundred forty eight

Chapter 1044, Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Eight: Autism

In Zen cognition, from an ordinary practitioner to the Buddha's fruit position, there will be five changes in vision, and the practice of Tianyantong is to explore these five changes, which is also called Buddhism five eyes.

They are the naked eyes of ordinary people, the eyes of peeping the sky, the eyes of sentient beings, the eyes of the universe and the realm of Buddha's eyes that has never been reached.

Even though Yankong's cultivation is only in the Transcendence Realm, his celestial eye skills have reached the pinnacle of Peep Xu Heavenly Eye, and he can break through the second eye realm only by a ray.

Such a realm of celestial eye communication is rare in the permanent resident Arahant, and for Yanshan, it is only one of his six magical powers that is not outstanding.

After taking a look at Tang Luo, Brother Yanshan Chaotian said: "That magic rune is printed on the patriarch's dantian."

A rune containing the true meaning of the martial arts of the king is like a warning to death. Although Yanshan is an unworldly genius who cultivates Buddha, he is also equipped with various Buddhist supernatural powers, but it is also necessary to remove this rune. Powerless.

And more importantly, at first he also wanted to know who was the one who printed the rune and why the pursuer had trouble with this young man.

But the astute brother Tian understood why this man wanted to die.

Taking out the other Xianyun Biaobao from his arms and putting it on, Tian Ge'er turned Tang Luo's **** flesh over his face, and put the left hand wearing the artifact on his lower abdomen.

Activate the magical power with the pure spiritual power in the body, the cloud silk glove turned into a ball of light, countless white light penetrated into Tang Luo's body, easily found the position of the magic rune, and surrounded it in groups .

The rune fused with the divine power of the four spirits of Ziwei seemed to feel dangerous. It was just useless to regain the encirclement of the cloud line, and could only be sealed by Xiuyun's soul.

And the light group transformed by the fairy cloud spirit also all entered Tang Luo's body.

After doing all this, Tiange wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, stood up and said to Tang Luo: "Don't think that your origins are any great. In order to save you, you have discarded a divine tool. This kind of grace, You can only repay by being a cow and a horse!"

"So I announced that from today, your life is mine. Did you hear it? Just scream when you hear it. If you don't speak, it means you agree!"

"Yeah, you know you! The eldest brother will take you back to Fuyun Temple in a while. After that, you can't find life and death any more, which will cause trouble to the master."

Tian Geer, who thought he had persuaded Tang Luo, smiled and lifted Tang Luo up with a cloud of air, but did not pay attention to Yanshan's smile and said nothing.

And Tang Luo was completely autistic. The spiritual power he had accumulated in the past two days had been exhausted with the use of the Immortal Wind and Cloud Body Art, and the sound of the agitated spiritual power just now was what he had left.

So he didn’t acquiesce to the words of Brother Tian, ​​nor was it for the sake of surviving and frustrating the snake, but his spiritual power was exhausted, he could not make a sound, and his meridians were broken, and his bones were shattered, he could not control his body to react, which was inexplicable I became someone else's little brother, who should make sense to this matter! ?

Tang Luo was weak and furious, and the tenacious Tang Luo fainted.

Woke up again, already lying in the wing of Fuyun Temple, staring at the roof with a face of autism.


Wusheng Mountain Xia Kunwu County

After receiving Wang Fulin's rune, Dapengshan Bujiu summoned Wei Hanyuan and Mo Bai, the chief arbitrator.

And summoned thirty senior arbitrators, rushing towards the direction indicated by the magic talisman.

The reason for this is because Bu Jiu firmly believes that behind the demon Lord Gouchen who uprooted the non-celestial religion, there must be a strong force behind it.

The lineup of three grandmasters and thirty arbitrators is to make the people behind the demon lord Gouchen afraid.

Moving south from Kunwu in the center of Longzhou, the sense of the runes became stronger and stronger, which indicated that they were getting closer and closer to the corpse of Demon Lord Gouchen.

Since the world-famous Wang Wudi said that Gou Chen's physical body had collapsed, there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

What they have to do is to find out the origin of Gouchen and give an explanation to the Tiannan Wang family.

After all, this is still the first one in a thousand years. The Son who was seriously injured and dying due to an ambush by others, the key place of the accident was still in the Longzhou boundary.

Although Wu Sheng Mountain is a sacred place to escape from the world, it is the real heaven of Longzhou after all. Once disciples of other sects have problems in Longzhou, they will find Wu Sheng Mountain first.

From this perspective, how can the so-called escape from the world really stay away from the world, but because of negligence of supervision and effort.

After crossing the Weir Cangzhou, the sense of the rune became stronger, and Bu Jiu even said to Wei Hanyuan and Mo Bai: "The demon Lord Gou Chen should undoubtedly fall on the Chaochang realm, but there is a mixture of dragons and snakes and borders endlessly. Hai, just in case, the old man takes a step first and asks the two masters to bring people to come as soon as possible!"

It was Step Jiu leading the team, Mo Baishou and Wei Hanyuan naturally had no opinion, and after looking at each other, he nodded towards Bu Jiu.

After receiving the responses from the other two masters, Bu Jiu stretched out his arms and turned into a golden-winged roc, galloping south.

The journey of thousands of miles only takes one hour for the speed of the Golden Winged Roc.

As long as there is no accident, he will definitely be able to rush to Gou Chen's body, even if the strong behind the opponent arrives first, Grandmaster Dapeng is absolutely confident to take it down.

But the sense of the rune suddenly stopped after he entered the wasteland realm. Bu Jiu didn't believe it, this was a sign that Chen Chen's body was dead and soul dying.

Jinpeng's escape method speeded up again, and Bu Jiu followed the place where the rune lost its sense at the end, and found that hut in the wasteland!

The traces of the Corrosion of the Blood Fiend are vivid, but there are no traces of living beings. Could it be that Gou Chen really disintegrated and was eaten back by the Blood Fiend?

Guessing is never the style of step nine. The golden-winged Dapeng heads straight towards Chaochang City and asks Chaochang Xiang's whereabouts.


Beimang, Lingxiaozong

Tianchi Atami

"It's really God's help to restore the Han family. Who would have thought that Saint Son Wang Chan was actually only complaining about ghosts, wonderful, wonderful!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Ji Xie was displeased by the obsessive and mad appearance of the soul master lying on Xuan Ming's ridge, frowning: "The deity only asks, is it possible to hide the Wang Clan and control this soul?"

"Hee hee hee hee hee." The soul master smiled like a mouse who had stolen the oil: "Liangshenghua, clover, change soul and change life are the good things of soul master, please look at the holy master."

Although being sealed into Xuanming’s house and cut off from the outside world, "Wang Chan" seemed to feel the great danger and trembled unconsciously.


Longxi, Jiejiang City

In Yan Kong's heart, as long as he avoided the fire-thief grandmaster in Poma City, the entire Longxi Alliance should be like no one.

Although the brother reminded him to let go of his obsession, he still couldn't let go of his longing for that disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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