I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1038: Three hundred forty two

Chapter 1038 Chapter 342: Fairy Cloud Soul

"Brother Tian, ​​you can't go!" The fat man stopped in front of the man a few steps and hurriedly persuaded: "This **** evil can't even be blown away by the wind. If you get close, there is nothing good to eat, and how do you know this? Who is this guy? Maybe he's a big thief, or a strongman, can you think you haven't seen it before?"

Brother Tian took a deep look at the obstructing Fatty, and said lightly: "Fatty, do you remember the first time we met?"

"I remember!" The fat man nodded, all three chins trembled: "But it's different. I was chased by the villain. If it weren't for Brother Tian to take the brothers to help, there would be no knife at this moment. This kindness, the knife Remember for a lifetime, so you can't let Brother Tian take risks!"

"Good brother." Brother Tian smiled and patted Fatty's generous shoulders: "But what is the difference between you at that time and him now. I don't know your names and origins, I only know that you are dead. In fact, facing the group of murderers who were chasing you, I could find excuses like this. For example, you might have stolen from them, or you deserved it for some evil crime, but aren’t these all excuses. Knife, I Knowing that you have an unspeakable past makes you unwilling to trust anyone, but I want to tell you that even if you guard against the heart, don't convict a stranger, because you don't know his past, let alone his future."

After that, the man wrapped in cloud gas rushed into the area surrounded by blood evil, and approached the fragmented man.

If there really is a **** in charge of cause and effect in the world, Tang Luo felt that this old man should be targeting him.

Maybe Wang Chan is really the son of the plane, otherwise, how could the unlucky things come one after another after he killed him.

First, Wang Wudi Shenglin forced him to resort to the tactics of star annihilation.

Thinking that he could escape from the sky by the star road, who had ever wanted to break through the star road with the power of returning to the market, he had to land from a high altitude with his face, and the body that had finally been stitched together with the star core fell into a mess.

Even worse things are still to come. The strong turbulence guided the blood qi in the body to somehow activate the Shura divine heart. The drained Shura divine heart suddenly recovered under the stimulation of the blood qi spiritual power, desperately absorbing the evil spirit between the world and earth Not forgetting to destroy Tang Luo's internal organs.

What's more terrible is that Shura's divine heart, nourished by the blood evil spirit, began to corrode Tang Luo's spiritual power, and the dispirited, he could only watch the star core controlled spiritual power being corroded by the blood evil spirit bit by bit.

And every time a trace of spiritual power is swallowed, the power of this Shura's divine heart grows by a point, and the blood evil around it becomes more concentrated.

Asura's heart and star core are like in a competition, one destroys the body and the other repairs the body. At first, the speed of the two can be equal, but as the evil spirits gather more and more, the speed of the star core gradually falls short of the Asura god. The speed of the heart.

In just six or seven hours since the fall last night, the power of the blood evil spirit has enveloped the area of ​​the small hut. Originally, there was an earthen wall behind him when he fell. At this moment, the blood evil spirit has turned into acid smoke.

I thought that the king would return, but I couldn't think that it was just a more painful way of death. It would be better to die.

Because the consciousness is so clear, it means that no pain will be missed.

Whether it was the pain of the fragmentation of the flesh, the burning of the blood evil eroding the internal organs, or even the withering depression of the soul, it was infinitely magnified in Tang Luo's sober consciousness.

This kind of pain is really better than death, Tang Luo thought so many times, but the will to survive has forced him to cheer up and think about ways again and again.

Ordering Zhihai to manipulate the star core is useless!

It's useless to squeeze the sacred house to mobilize the soul!

It's useless to regain control of the body!

Try to control Shura's heart, it's useless!

It is useless to make a desperate bet to integrate consciousness into the star nucleus and planets!

He had already thought of all the methods he could think of, but the meridians were all cut off, and he couldn't control any part of his body at all.

This feeling of powerlessness is even more helpless than the first few days of birth.

Since it is impossible to imagine, then face death calmly.

As the spiritual power was continuously eroded by the blood evil spirit, Tang Luo's consciousness began to blur, and even the eyes that could see the flow of spiritual power lost their power and brilliance and began to become dim.

Heaven and earth returned to the darkness and chaos, forgetting how many years they hadn't slept, now, they should be able to rest well.

Tang Luo, who gave up struggling, sighed quietly. He who never believed in miracles understood that this moment should be the end of his life.

Until a cloud-wrapped human figure broke into the thick fog of Blood Fiend.

When Brother Tian came to Tang Luo's side, he discovered that this person's injury was more serious than he expected. Can anyone really survive such an injury?

But obviously his heart is still beating! ?

Feeling Tang Luo's aliveness, Brother Tian bowed down in spite of the richness of blood, but he drew sideways with a warning sign in his heart.

It turned out that the Soul of Shura in Tang Luo felt the breath of living creatures, spitting out **** evil to defend against the enemy, and burned the already fragmented body into a big hole again.

And Tian Ge, who avoided the **** evil face, knew why this body would attract such a strong **** evil.

It turned out that there was a demon heart condensed by blood evil in this warrior's body, which was throbbing. Perhaps this warrior could use secret methods to suppress it in his heyday, but now he can only let this demon heart provoke blood evil in his body.

It won’t take long for this person to be melted into a pool of acid water by the blood evil spirit. Brother Tian, ​​who knows that there is no time delay, can’t take care of other things. He uses the purest luck in his body to turn into nothing, and wants to take it out of Tang Luo’s body Shura **** heart.

But how can the evil spirits of God’s heart be resisted by ordinary spiritual power? As soon as the thin cloud white hand touched the heart of God, it was eroded into fly ashes, and when Tian Ge saw this scene, he knew that only spiritual power was Can't take out this divine heart.

Feeling the body's evil spirit getting stronger and stronger, and the strength of Yunliu's body guard is getting weaker and weaker, Tian Ge gritted his teeth and took out something from his arms and put it on his hand.

Xianyunxiu (xiu) soul, once one of the nine soldiers of the Yun family, contains the soul of the king of Yunying. It is the signature soldier of Yunzu in the past, and it is passed down from generation to generation. Natal treasure.

With the protection of the artifact, Brother Tian finally smoothly put his hand into Tang Luo's body, and took out the evil spirit that rushed into the sky.

But after taking out the devil's heart, Brother Tian is in trouble again. This look is an extraordinary devil's heart. You can't lose it. After thinking about it, you have to look at the broken warrior on the ground: "You have to wake up quickly. what!"

As he said, the five fingers of the fairy cloud turned into countless cloud threads, like a ball of thread, wrapping the beating Asura's heart tightly, like a cloud cocoon.

And the thick blood evil that was severed and the heart of God slowly dissipated, sinking into the unknowable depths of the earth.

After doing all this, the spiritual power of Tiange'er also saw the bottom, and he sat down beside Tang Luo, holding the celestial thread ball with a melancholy face.

(End of this chapter)

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