I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1037: Three hundred and forty one

Chapter 1037 Chapter 341: Oath

The last time we parted was so rude, but the other party was able to rescue him again regardless of the previous suspicion. Xu Qingyue blushed with shame, bowed and bowed to the man in an ancient ceremony, and said softly: "Thank you, Brother Yunshi."

In the dark days of ancient times, the human races on all continents were unable to speak, so the saints made a ritual agreement to show their identity by saluting, meaning to watch and help the human race. But how many people still remember this incident. Now the human races are all over the continents, but they die every year The human life in the hands of the same race is even worse than in the dark times.

Is it really a good thing to dominate the hegemony of the human race and martial arts?

The vicissitudes of life and compassion were revealed in the eyes of the man Canruo Xingchen, and he unconsciously returned an ancient gift to Xu Qingyue and turned to leave without a trace of nostalgia.

Xu Qingyue, who was biting her lower lip, saw the man's ancient ceremony and was more sure of her guess, and she said aloud, "Brother Yun Shi."

The man's figure halted, and Xu Qingyue continued: "Today's Chaochang is no longer the Chaochang of the Yun family. If the Xiang family knew you existed, he would definitely not let it go, it's better."

In the reservedness of a woman, Xu Qingyue didn't say the second half of her words, but with the intelligence of a man, how could she not be able to hear the meaning of the words.

"Although the Yun family has fallen, the vow to guard Chaochang will not change." The man did not look back, but said lightly: "Xu Shimei should leave as soon as possible."

After saying this, the man left, leaving only Xu Qingyue with a blurred look.

The year is cold, and then the pines and cypresses will wither.

A person's character and vigor can never be seen through when the wind is smooth, and even a stupid pig can fly in the sky under the influence of the east wind, then it is not a bird.

Only when you are in a disadvantageous situation can you see a person's integrity and strength.

After the human sages, how can you resist!

Xu Qingyue strengthened her ambition even more. After bowing to the man who was going away, she turned and left.

The man who said goodbye to Miss Xu's family naturally wanted to return to Chaochang, but after walking not far, he found a wretched fat man hiding behind a rock. He probed his head, wondering what he was looking for.

He quietly stepped forward and patted the opponent's shoulder. He was shocked. The fat man drew out his dagger and turned around wanting to dance around. When he found that it was a man, he was frightened and limp on the rock roots.

Seeing the cowardly appearance of the incoming person, the man scolded with a smile: "Fatty, don't stay at the Yunlai Inn to cook, run here and do something!"

"I'm not worried about you, Brother Tian." The fat man patted his chest with little nose and eyes, and tremblingly said: "I heard that the people at the police station surrounded the entire clear water lake and said who would be arrested. I came quickly, wanting to report to you!"

"Report that you are running out of the city?" The man called Tian Ge'er smiled at everything, pointed at the bulging gold and silver shape around the fat man's waist, and said with a smile: "I think you are afraid of being implicated. , Want to run!"

"Look at what Brother Tian said!"

Hearing this, the fat man was unhappy at the time. He stood up with a bang, and the fat all over his body trembled in justice: "The life of the knife was saved by Brother Tian. You are the big brother of the knife. Care what is involved!"

The words were right and rigorous, but Brother Tian just laughed and said nothing.

Knowing that fooling is useless, the fat man scratched his head and pleased him: "It's just that you know that the little knife is timid. If you have such a big skill, the knife will be useless even if you put two hundred pounds on it. , It’s better to save your useful body, and you can even incense on Brother Tian during the holidays, right?"

"It's all right." Brother Tian held his forehead and said silently: "There is nothing wrong with me, you should go back to the inn as soon as possible to let the shopkeeper find that the chef is missing.

"Let the old thing die in desperation!" When he mentioned that stingy shopkeeper, the fat man came to the fire, cursed and said to the man as if he changed his face: "It's all here, let the little knife send Brother Tian back to the city, also remembered Recall the demeanor of the Qingtian Gang back then."

"You really can't help it."

The man called Tiange shook his head and smiled helplessly.

The dark road of the clear water lake leads to the outermost wasteland of Chaochang City. This was once a paradise for hunters. It was open to all hunters of Chaochang. However, after the Xiang clan took control of Chaochang, all the hunters were The Xiang clan gathered into a team and strictly regulated the hunting time. It was the ghost month and the beginning of the autumn harvest. The autumn hunting season was only two months later, so the wasteland was inaccessible at this time.

The two walked for a long time, and they didn't see a single figure until they passed a hut and saw the strong evil spirit and the bones of the surrounding beasts.

The timid fat man drew back behind Brother Tian, ​​and asked in a trembling voice, "Brother Tiantian, what is that? Isn't it a mountain spirit?"

On the fifteenth day of the fifteenth month of July, the gate of ghosts opened, and the feast appeared. Legend has it that this is the hottest season of the year, and it is also the most sinister time.

On this day, ghosts and monsters are not afraid of Yang Qi and can run across the world, so the so-called ghost hitting is mostly in July, and children are strictly prohibited from approaching the Jingkou River to avoid being dragged by water ghosts.

Thinking of these legends, Fatty was so scared that he was so frightened that he was so angry and funny when he saw him: "Aren't you a boy, and you are afraid of mountain spirits and ghosts?"

"I'm afraid it's not anymore." The fat man screamed secretly in his heart, pulling up Brother Tian'er's sleeve and saying: "Brother Tian, ​​let's go!"

"What are you panicking?" Brother Tian calmly pulled out his sleeves from the fat man's hands, and said lightly: "How can such a strong evil spirit gather in the wasteland inexplicably? It's better to look at it!"

After saying that, Tian Ge'er flicked his long sleeves, and a pure white cloud gas was ejected from his sleeves, and the tens of thousands of gang winds blew away the rich blood evil, revealing a man who was cracked and didn't know his life.

After seeing that the blood evil is a person, the fat man is no longer afraid, but he said: "This tramp has hit the evil spirit. It has caused so many blood evil to upper body, his whole body is split, and the ball must be dead!"

"He is not dead yet, we have to save him." Brother Tian said in a deep voice towards the fat man: "Hurry up to Fuyun Temple and ask Master Yanshan to come over!"

Hearing Yanshan's name, the fat man couldn't help furrowing his brows and complaining: "There are countless sage doctors in Chaochang, why should Brother Tian ask me to find that harlot?"

"Stop talking nonsense, go quickly!"

After giving the order to the fat man, Brother Tian offered his Yunliu Body Protector. He wanted to get close to the **** evil area that became dense again, but the fat man screamed and shouted: "Brother Tian, ​​what are you doing!"

Brother Tian, ​​who had been accustomed to the fat man for a long time, didn't turn his head back: "I have to go in and see his injuries. Normal people can't live for an hour in this concentration of blood evil!"

"Then you go!?" The fat man didn't think about the life and death of the broken man. He only knew that even if it was a powerful brother, it would be dangerous to enter this **** evil!

(End of this chapter)

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