I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1002: Three hundred and six

Chapter 1002 Chapter 306: Meng Xia jumps to the moon

He glanced across Tang Luo complainingly, and Xu Laoying grumbled: "You don't know, today is the Mengxia Moon Jumping Festival. There are many Mosuo people in the village, and they will leave tomorrow."

"Mengxia Moon Jumping Festival?" Tang Luo asked himself a lot of studies, but it was the first time he heard of such a festival, so he asked, "Is there anything special about this day?"

"Do you know the Moon of Mid-Spring?" Xu Lao Ying said with a smile: "The so-called Mid-Spring Moon makes men and women meet, so people can't help running. This Mengxia Moon Jumping Festival is a custom of the Xianlingshan clan. "

Although they don't know what Meng Xia's jumping into the moon is, after listening to the explanation of the Moon in Spring, Tang Luo and Ji Fu roughly understand the orientation of Meng Xia's jumping into the moon, which is nothing more than a custom of group marriage.

Sure enough, Xu Laoying, who came to me, immediately gave the two people a popular science about the origin of Meng Xia’s moon jumping: “This year is an odd year, so it is the boys from the Zaba village who went to the Mosuo village, and the girls from the Mosuo village. Come to Zaba Tuzhai, the men's and women's meeting in the wild, it is called jumping the moon! Tonight Tuzhai will choose a Pyongyang land as the moon field, with flowers and colorful costumes. There are groups of songs. Dozens of people gather together, and its popular female songs Male songs answer each other, sing and dance in a whirlpool, slander the waves all day long, and go home privately, than Xiao Nai San."

Thinking of the grand occasion this month, Xu Laoying was even more moved. With a turn of his peachy eyes, he invited the two brothers: "This Meng Xia jumps to the moon once a year. It is a grand event in the fairy mountains. It is not as good as the two brothers and me. together"

"Stop it!" Tang Luo decisively interrupted Xu Laoying's unrealistic delusion, and said speechlessly: "You can enjoy such a happy show by yourself. You don't need rain and dew to get me on it. It's really something to come to you. It's going well, you should be able to catch up with the Meng Xia Moon Jumping Festival!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Xu Laoying, who had just been fascinated with his soul, suddenly became upright, and said to Tang Luo and Ji Fu sternly: "The two brothers' business is the old win, just Meng Xia jumps. What is the Moon Festival, wait a minute, I will come when I go!"

After finishing the majestic and beautiful words, Xu Laoying turned into a sword shadow to chase back to the crowd of people who had tied the **** wild boar and provoked them. After busying for a while, he took in the ring and bracelets that had been returned. In his arms, he came to Tang Luo and Ji Fu with a straight face: "It shouldn't be too late, let's leave quickly!"

Can't laugh or cry Ji Fu shook his head, pointed in the direction of Ghost King Mountain and said, "Go here."

The three of them are the top powerhouses in the contemporary era. The speed of Yukong is naturally extraordinary. It didn't take long to reach the boundary of the Ghost King Ridge. In order to be safe, the three of them directly landed in a secret room in the quiet stream. Ji Chen was guarded by Wangfeng, almost foolproof.

Ji Fu, who invited Xu Laoying to Guiwangling, didn't bother, and said straight to the point: "Brother Yi, I'm looking for you this time, there is a merciless request!"

Xu Laoying has very few friends, so few that he can count them clearly with just one hand, so that he cherishes every friend very much. As long as a friend asks him, he will never turn down and face Ji Fu Even more so: "Big brother and I are brothers of different surnames. Please mention any requests. As long as it does not violate the old win principle, I will never refuse!"

"Okay!" Ji Fu smiled in his eyes, nodded and said: "The eldest brother wants to borrow the Yuxu Youhuang Divine Sword from Brother Yi."

The Emperor Xu Youhuang Divine Sword is Xu Sheng’s saber, and it is also a heritage object left by Xu Shengxian when Xu Shengxian left. If it hadn’t been for Xu Laoying’s outstanding spiritual talent, Xu would not make an exception to give the Divine Sword. .

If you change to other holy land disciples, even if your biological parents say that they want to borrow the sword, it will be 10,000 sentences to shirk, but Xu Laoying did not hesitate at all. He exercised the sword body through the spirit, held the sword in his hand, and wanted to pass it. , But stretched out his hand halfway, but it seemed to suddenly remember something, suddenly froze, and asked Ji Fu: "What is the matter with the sword."

"Sunder Armor."

"He Jia?"

"The first divine armor in the South of Heaven!"

"Hiss~~~~" Old Xu took a breath, finally knowing the origin of the fright, and said bitterly: "Brother, you are so unrelenting, too."

Ji Fu thought that Xu Laoying was worried that he would be implicated in the Xu family after using the divine sword to break the armor. He explained: "Sundering the armor is only a one-shot kill, and the Han family has a magic weapon that can protect the Xu Xu The breath of the Youhuang Divine Sword was changed to a divine sword, so that no one would suspect that it was on Xu's head, so righteous brother can rest assured!"

"Big brother, I'm not worried about this." Xu Laoying inserted the divine sword into the ground, and said a little bit: "Although Lao Wang has indeed changed a lot after joining the Dutianwang tour, he is also my friend after all. Don't say he is Tiannan. The saint son of the Wang clan, even if he is just a commoner, I can't let the eldest brother take his life!"

Although it had long been assumed that Xu Laoying would refuse to borrow the sword, Ji Fu never expected that the reason for the refusal was because of this.

Although he and Xu Laoying didn't know each other for a long time, they understood the temperament of this righteous brother. Naturally, he also knew how heavy the word "friend" is in Xu Laoying's eyes.

For this Xu family, it was just a trivial matter to pierce the ribs for a friend. This is also Ji Fu’s greatest strength in sincerely treating him as a brother, but right now, this greatest strength has become a stumbling block for his side, which makes Ji Fu Great miscalculation.

Rejecting Ji Fu, Xu Laoying turned his head and looked at Tang Luo again: "Cousin, your mood has not fluctuated at all, which means that my reaction has been in your expectations. If so, why did you disclose this news? give me?"

"Although I know that you won't agree, Wang Chan is your friend after all. If you want to kill him, you will know you will be heard. Otherwise, how will you be a brother in the future." Tang Luo's expression is calm, as natural as telling his family to go shopping. "The idea of ​​killing Wang Chan was proposed by me, but it is not the only way to solve the problem. If you can persuade Wang Chan to give up the Beiman preaching and let the Wuyi Sect evacuate as a whole, everyone will be happy!"

Xu Laoying had to smile and shook his head when he heard what Tang Luo said. He knew very well about his paranoid and crazy friend, "If Wang Chan is not willing to give up the Beiman preaching, you will kill him?"

"Yes, because he is the true soul of Wuyi Sect. Leaving Wang Chan, Wuyi Sect is no more than a mob." Tang Luo nodded and said, "But the potential of Wuyi Sect in Wang Chan's hands is really terrifying. If we continue to develop, the Tiannan Wang family will face up to this power one day. At that time, not only Ji family will be exposed, but my Tang family will not get off! If there is a choice, no one will take great risks. Go and kill a saint son, what do you think?"

Knowing that he could not persuade Wang Chan, Xu Laoying wanted to find a supplement, so he said: "Wang Chan has a Nihuang Yuyi, you can't kill him!"

With his heart moving and storing spiritual power into the star core, Tang Luo said lightly towards Xu Laoying: "Use your Ming Ming sword to perceive my breath!"

(End of this chapter)

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