I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1001: Three hundred and five

Chapter 1001 Chapter 305: Perfect Integration

Zhaba Tuzhai in Xianqingshan is the longest surviving matrilineal clan in Beimang territories, and the tribe has always been tied by matrilineal blood. The form of marriage is divided into group marriage and walking marriage.

The so-called group marriage is usually a group marriage between a group of men in a clan and a group of women in another clan as a couple. After the group marriage, the group of people live together. The male and female members of the group marriage can freely combine and live together. Not limited to any one male, and vice versa.

This kind of marriage system is the oldest marriage system of the Human Race, and it is also the first time that the Human Race has restricted the relationship between the sexes in that age of ignorance.

Perhaps it was from that time that human beings discovered the difference between themselves and ordinary beasts, and then slowly multiplied and transformed, gradually becoming the overlord of Xihe Continent.

After talking about group marriage, let’s talk about walking marriage. Compared with the chaotic form of group marriage, walking marriage is more mature.

Because of the difference in the division of labor, men and women of the clan seldom get along alone during the day. They can only sing and dance to express their love to the person they like at the party after nightfall. In a matrilineal society with open folk customs, this kind of courtship The expression is not only for young men to women, but also young women for men of their minds.

The way of expression is also different. For example, when a boy is attracted to a girl, he will **** the girl’s headscarf or ring and bracelet while singing and dancing. If the girl is not satisfied with the boy, she will fight back and not let the other party take her. Bandana ring. If he also hits the boy, he will pretend to run away shyly, open his attic window and light a lamp in the dead of night, waiting for his lover to have a tryst with him.

This kind of rendezvous is called climbing a house. Usually, men will go on horseback solemnly, but they cannot enter from the front. Instead, they must climb the stairs and enter the lover’s boudoir through the window, and then put a hat or belt as a representative The identity items hung outside the window, indicating that the two are having a tryst, so that other people don't disturb.

Normally, a man who comes to climb a house in the middle of the night must leave quietly before the sun rises before the female companion’s family wakes up, otherwise he will be ridiculed.

The children born in the men's and women's trysts also belong to the mother's clan, and the lineage and property inheritance are calculated from the matriline. Even in some powerful families, the husband will move to the wife's clan and live from the wife.

The degree of freedom in this form of walking marriage is also extremely high. For example, young people in Zaba Tuzhai will start looking for a lover at the age of sixteen or seventeen. When they find a lover, they start to climb the house. If the relationship cannot be maintained due to emotional discord between the two parties or other reasons, it will be terminated as the man no longer climbs the house or the woman refuses to open the window.

It can be said that this kind of marriage between gatherings and divorce is completely based on the relationship between the two parties, without the slightest political background and the interests of money and property, and there is no intrigue and cunning calculations.

There is no "third party", there is no such thing as a "parent's order, matchmaker's words", and there is no such thing as marrying a chicken with a chicken or a dog with a dog. The men and women in the Tuzhai live in different homes. The purpose of union is not to make a living; divorce will not endanger anyone's survival. No matter how rich the economy is, no matter how high the status is, it will not build a reliable foundation for a solid union.

Romantic feelings are what they are after. Everything here makes Xu Laoying feel fresh. He originally expected to leave Beimang when he saw the grand bonfire party in the Tuzhai, and resolutely stayed.

He took off his gorgeous brocade clothes and dressed like a young man in the village. He sang and danced at the party every night using his half-baked native language. After kicking his headband ring, he began to climb the house.

Within a few days, the people in the village knew that there was a young and suave young born in the village, who was handsome and strong, and fascinated the girls in the village.


Ghost King Ridge, Conference Hall

As long as you want to check, there is nothing in Beiman that Ji Clan could not find. Naturally, it also includes the traces of Xu Laoying. Although the Xu Clan’s walk has never thought of hiding, he looked at the secret slip handed by the wind media Still let Ji Fu's forehead be covered with black lines.

I work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Every day I sing and dance and hook up a few native girls and then go upstairs. The dress is no different from natives. If it weren't for the unforgettable pair of peach eyes, Ji's style The media can hardly be sure that this man who is perfectly integrated into the Tuzhai is one of the legendary four little saint kings.

Inviting Tang Luo to the conference hall, Ji Fu pointed to the secret slip on the table, and said helplessly: "We have to go to the fairy green mountain."

When the two came to Xianqingshan Tuzhai, watching the handsome man who stabs a **** wild boar to the ground neatly, and then enjoys the natives' praise and laughter, they all want to hide their face with their palms.

However, Xu Laoying's six senses are amazing. Almost when Tang Luo Jifu and the two paid attention to him, they found prying eyes.

Turning their heads, they found that Tang Luo and Ji Fu made the Xu family's son who was perfectly integrated into the natives laugh, and after a few words to the supporters around him in fluent native dialect, they slid towards them. Ran over.

"Big brother, cousin! Why are you here!"

Xu Laoying, who was approaching, gave them a big smile, and constantly twisted their bodies, and introduced Tang Luo and Ji Fu to the robe he is wearing now: "Look, how about my robe!?"

Tang Luo looked up and down Xu Laoying's blue, red, and white large-collared unbuttoned robe, sincerely praised: "The robe is very beautiful!"

"Brother, you really have a foresight!" Xu Lao won Dale, patted Tang Luo on the shoulder with one hand, and pointed at his clothes and said: "This clothes is knitted by the girl in the village, and this belt! "

After boasting about the robe, Xu Lao Ying pointed to the belt made of some kind of animal skin on his waist, and boasted to the two of them: "I took a lot of effort to kill a wild monster beast. How is the fur obtained? Is it handsome?"

"Handsome, handsome." Tang Luo said a few soulless perfunctory words, and then said to Mr. Xu: "This is not a place to talk. I came to you for something important. Talk to another place."

"That's it" Xu Laoying hesitated for a while, as if he had made some huge determination, gritted his teeth and took out a few rings from his waist, and said to the two of them: "You two wait for me for a while, I'll go say hello!"

After speaking, he ran back to the group of natives who were dealing with the **** wild boar. After reluctantly handing back a few rings to a few young natives, he went back to the two in despair.

Looking at the appearance of Xu Laoying turning his head three times, Tang Luo covered his face and said helplessly: "Looking at your unpromising appearance, it's not going to come back, as for!?"

(End of this chapter)

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