I Can Pause Time

Chapter 953: East China Sea Sword Palace Chasing Soldiers

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East China Sea.

Near the boundary of Dongzhou.

Three escape lights galloped all the way, extremely fast.

They set off from the main island of the East China Sea Sword Palace and traveled all the way through thousands of miles to the land near Dongzhou.

These three silhouettes flying with swords are fierce, and they are naturally extremely powerful.

The leader was a woman with cold brows and a cold face, followed by a man and a woman.

The woman was a young woman in blue. Her appearance was somewhat similar to that of the woman who took the lead, while the man's face was extraordinarily indifferent, with a sullen face. He hadn't smiled along the way since he set off from the main island.

In fact, since birth, men have laughed only a handful of times. After successful cultivation, they have never laughed because of the practice.

The group of them was Lu Jianping and Li Shuangnan Lan Qingxin who had been chasing all the way from the East China Sea Sword Palace.

Lu Jianping took her daughter and son-in-law to travel, not to come to Dongzhou for business, but to chase Lu Linglong.

"Damn, this group of demons are so brave, they dare to come to the boundary of my East Sea Sword Palace, and now they are even more brave. They robbed my niece, and they are looking for death!" Lu Jianping had a brutal expression on his face, and his tone was deep.

At this moment, she is simply a female version of the cold-faced swordsman, braving all over her body, as if no strangers would enter.

The three of them stopped over a piece of offshore waters, and Lu Jianping pinched his hands with both hands, casting some kind of Taoism.

"Mother, can your bloodline induction technique trace the trace of Linglong's cousin?" Lan Qingxin asked in a low voice when Lu Jianping was sensing.

"Linglong should have stayed in the nearby waters for a while, but left soon, as far as the direction is..."

Lu Jianping said, a cloud of blood appeared in her palm, and then she directed her to look in a certain direction.

"In that direction, let's chase it!" The woman screamed and set off with Lan Qingxin and Li Shuangnan directly, chasing after her.

Why she can be so sure that Lu Linglong is in that position is naturally because of this bloodline induction technique.

After all, Lu Jianping and Lu Linglong are related to their nephews and nephews. Lu Jianping's elder brother is Lu Linglong's father, and there is a blood connection between the two.

Relying on the bloodline induction technique of this loved one, it is possible to catch the trace of the other party.

So this is the reason why Lu Jianping personally brought his daughter-in-law to chase after him. Instead of trusting the elders in the East Sea Sword Palace, he might as well go out and be more efficient.

And just near a mountain range about a thousand miles away from the three of them, Lei Yi and Lu Linglong were repairing in the mountain at the moment.

In fact, it is Lei Yi who really needs to be repaired, he is absorbing the blood of a monster beast to restore his strength.

Lu Linglong, on the other hand, was sitting not far away, with her jade hand propped on her chin, like a little girl, staring at Lei Yi with curiosity.

In front of Lei Yi, there was originally a huge sea monster clan, but as the blood in his body was swallowed, his body gradually dried up, and finally turned into a skinny body.

Lei Yi's body, the coercion of the Dharma Realm gradually spread, and his strength finally recovered.

Finally, when the interest rate adjustment is over, that coercion swept across the surrounding areas directly, the mountains and the fields shook, and the forests horrified.

"My strength is finally restored!"

Someone was so happy at the moment, he couldn't help yelling loudly, and screamed into the sky.

In nothing, it makes him more happy than regaining strength.

If there is, it means breaking through the realm and becoming stronger.

"So you are a monk in the realm of Dharma Realm!" Lu Linglong finally got up, patted the dust on the skirt and said with a smile.

"To be precise, I am a Divine Soul Realm Martial Artist." Lei Yi did not deceive the other party, speaking the truth.

"Divine Soul Realm Martial Artist, what realm is this? Doesn't we have this division in the realm of immortality?" Lu Linglong was puzzled and looked curious.

"This... it's a long story..."

Lei Yi didn't know how to explain it. It's impossible to say that he came from a different time and space. This warrior's cultivation together is the product of the future world.

Lu Linglong opened her mouth and wanted to ask something, but her complexion suddenly changed, and then she exclaimed, "No, my aunt is chasing me, I can sense it!"

With that said, she was about to pull Lei Yi and escape together.

But then, the woman discovered that Lei Yi was still standing there and did not act.

"What's the matter with you, my aunt is chasing me, run away!" Lu Linglong urged with a panic expression.

Lei Yi shook his head, and then said calmly: "Miss Lu, you said that your aunt was chasing you. Do you think we two can escape in front of a cultivator of the Celestial Realm?"

"Fortunately, you didn't say it was uncle, otherwise, even if I knew I couldn't escape, I would choose to struggle a bit!"

"What do you mean, do you mean..." Lu Linglong looked at Lei Yi, her beautiful eyes widened.

She knew what the other party wanted to do.

"Yes, that's it!" Lei Yi nodded, then looked at a certain direction.

He already felt that a strong suffocating aura came, and the suffocating aura was accompanied by the unique coercion of the heaven and human realm.

However, this coercion is far worse than any of the ten generals.

Even in the hands of the Celestial and Human Realm that Lei Yi met, he had only the second to last strength.

The first from the bottom, naturally it was Mrs. Deer, the king of the fierce emperor of the Demon Realm who had not even cultivated in the realm.

Of course, there are also Meng Tianxing and Lu Qianming who just broke through, but one is his own and the other is a dead person, so there is no need to count them.

It can also be seen that Lu Jianping is actually not strong.

In fact, it is true. Since Lu Jianping married into the East China Sea Sword Palace, she has always been the supreme wife, and hasn't interacted with anyone for decades.

This time, if it weren't for Lu Linglong's identity, she would not go out in person.

Lei Yi just waited on the spot, and the three lights flew straight ahead, and then landed in front of him.

Three figures appeared, the first one with a frosty face, and the killing intent in his eyes seemed to be condensed into substance.

"The **** of Wuxin Demon Sect actually dared to be presumptuous in my East Sea Sword Palace, and robbed Linglong, today I will kill you!" After Lu Jianping appeared, his eyes were fixed on Lei Yi, and his tone was extremely cold.

"Cousin, come here soon, we are here to save you!" Lan Qingxin also waved to the side, letting Lu Linglong leave Lei Yi's side.

But this time, Lu Linglong didn't act. Instead, she glanced at Lei Yi, and then she quietly retreated more than ten steps.

"Oops, the cousin must have been planted in the body by this evil murderer!" Seeing this, Lan Qingxin said as if he had "detected" something.

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Jianping's eyes increased by another three points, and that gaze couldn't wait to swallow Lei Yisheng alive.

But Lei Yi screamed wronged in his heart. Lu Linglong wanted to run by herself, and it had nothing to do with me.

Not enough, he knew, the explanations were all superfluous, and it was impossible for Donghai Sword Palace to listen to the explanations of his "magic way".

"Today, I want to..." Lu Jianping said, and wanted to make a move.

But behind her, Li Shuangnan took the first step.

"The running dog of Wuxin Demon Sect, let me Li Shuangnan to meet you!"

This cold-faced swordsman, I don't know if it was because he was eager to save people, or because he rarely encountered a demon of the same level, he couldn't help but took the lead.

In front of Lei Yi, a burning light struck. This was Feijian's attack and kill technique.

But he was just a sideways evasive, the burning light passed by, and the attack failed.

"Huh!" Li Shuangnan snorted coldly, and while sprinting, he made **** and one hook.

Lei Yi felt the cold light coming near the back of his head, and that flying sword turned a corner.

"You don't have to use these little vulture skills!" He also learned the attitude of the other party, and sneered.

Then he struck a punch to the rear, and the fist directly blasted Feijian out.

The burst of air was even more shocking. When the flying sword flew out, the whole body crackled loudly, and the sword body screamed violently.

When Li Shuangnan pointed again and wanted to control the flying sword, he found that there was a crackling sound from the blade of his sabre, and then the whole sword was broken into countless pieces.

"What, the power of a punch alone shattered my magic weapon!" Li Shuangnan couldn't believe it when he saw this.

"Husband, I'll help you!" At the rear, Lan Qingxin saw that his husband had fallen into the wind and flew with his sword.

Lu Jianping had been staring at Lei Yi, the killing intent in his eyes had not faded, but he had not acted rashly.

It may be that she felt that her daughter and son-in-law were enough to deal with Lei Yi, so she didn't need to take action anymore.

After all, three fights one by one, this reputation is not good to hear.

"Donghai Sword Palace Lan Qingxin?" Lei Yi saw Lan Qingxin kill, but he felt emotional for some reason.

Because this is not the first time he has fought against the opponent, he had already fought the opponent once in the Hall of Hundred Slaughters, led by the Fierce Emperor of the Demon Realm.

Lei Yi hadn't acted yet, and a familiar feeling struck.

The air all over his body seemed to be liquefied into a stream of water, and a soft vitality spread, completely sealing off the space around him.

"Husband, our husband and wife are of the same mind, and we will take this lamb!" Lan Qingxin's voice sounded from all around.

"Good!" The cold-faced swordsman also knew that Lei Yi was not weak, so he agreed.

Afterwards, in the soft vitality of Lei Yi's body, countless flying swords came to kill him, blocking all his retreat.

The speed of these flying swords is extremely fast, and each of them turns into a glowing light, launching an electric and flint-like offensive.

Obviously, this was not Lan Qingxin's attack, but Li Shuangnan's magical powers.

"Well, the speed has taken care of you, and then I have to deal with a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm!" Lei Yi was not afraid, staring directly at a certain direction, and said in a cold voice.

A **** color appeared in his eyes, and then his figure was divided into ten, and the nine figures dodged under one of them, avoided the flying sword, and rushed out.

But as he moved, the soft power of the cotton around him turned into a blue vortex of flowing water. com confines its clone and ontology.

"I've learned your tricks a long time ago, and this trick can't stop me!" Lei Yi sneered, and the clone punched with the body at the same time.

"Tiandou Thousand Hands Illusion Kill!"

In an instant, the fist shadows all over the sky bombarded away, drowning all the nearby void.

Lan Qingxin's figure was hidden in the soft sword intent, but the moment Lei Yi shot her, her eyes became extremely shocked.

Because of his magical powers, after being covered by countless fist shadows, he broke away directly, and the fist shadows all over the sky were unobstructed and smashed towards her location.

This scene almost made the woman scream.

Seeing this, Li Shuangnan hurriedly came to the woman's side.

But the next moment, his face also changed drastically.

Because the fist in front of him suddenly disappeared, and then nine figures were shot out, not just the nine clones of Lei Yi.

"This time, you both have to explain!" Nine Lei Yi smiled on their faces, raised their fists, and made a bold move.

Li Shuangnan and Lan Qingxin suddenly changed their expressions under the shadow of the fist in the sky.

"Hmph, in front of me, dare to be presumptuous!"

But at this moment, Lu Jianping finally made a move.

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