I Can Pause Time

Chapter 952: Traveling with friends

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Shenjun Island, outside the mansion of the island owner.

As Lei Yi fought against the core disciples of the East Sea Sword Palace, the scene became extremely chaotic.

Various colors of escape light, divine passage method, magic weapon and magic weapon, talisman formation method.

All in all, the various supernatural powers of the monks were displayed by these core disciples, and they were about to kill Lei Yi.

But as the battle continued, this group of core disciples discovered that they couldn't help but change.

The **** channel method hit Lei Yi's body, and most of it was bounced away.

Even if some of the attacks caused an explosion, Lei Yi could rush out quickly, killing him like a okay person, and the big punches of sandbags greeted the group of people.

Bang bang bang!

Anyone hit by his fist will make the opponent immortal and disabled. The key is to be beaten by a punch, which is very embarrassing.

It didn't take much effort, Lei Yi relied on the strength of his body, greeted him with his fist, and directly hit dozens of people on the ground.

"No, this guy has a weird physical body, it seems to be a body refiner of the magic way!" Someone noticed the strangeness and immediately reminded.

"To deal with a body refiner, if the magic weapon can't break the opponent's body, then you need to use the spirit to attack and severely damage his sea of ​​consciousness. Most of the body refiners are physically strong, but they ignore the cultivation of the spirit, so the strength of the spirit is stronger than that of the cultivator. Several levels lower!"

Someone recalled the points mentioned by the elders of the sect, and suddenly all kinds of pinches, the power of countless sacred consciousness crushed towards Lei Yi.

"Oh, is this to speed up the process of the battle?" Lei Yi suddenly smiled after feeling the methods of these people.

A layer of gray mist rippled from his body, and then suddenly spread to the surroundings, enveloping the rest of the people.

In the gray mist, countless ghosts emerged, biting at the power of the separated divine consciousness.

Then, various screams sounded.

"Ah, the power of my divine consciousness has been torn apart!"

"No, this is a ghostly method, he is attacking our spiritual consciousness!"

"No, this is another vicious and evil method of the Hundred Souls Ghosts and Gods, Wuxin Shenzong, which can defile the spiritual consciousness!"

"Quickly, take back the divine consciousness, otherwise the divine consciousness will be filthy, and it will not be possible to restore it without more than half a year of cultivation!"

Seeing Lei Yi's use of the gray mist method, some sharp-eyed actually saw this magic trick.

But it is a pity that many people have been corroded by Hundred Souls ghosts and spirits.

Most of them fell to the ground, and their expressions became trance. This was the reaction of the ghosts and spirits.

The battle was almost one-sided, Lei Yi didn't spend much effort, and almost all of these core disciples were beaten to the ground.

Now, there are still a few courageous, who didn't act rashly just now, but they were also shivering in place at the moment.

"The murderer of the magic way, I can warn you, this is the East Sea Sword Palace, don't want to be presumptuous!" One of them shivered.

"My master is the elder of the Inner Sect King, if you dare to do something to me, I will let my master kill you!" The other person even made Lei Yi speechless and threatened directly.

Moreover, his threats were very low-level, and he actually moved out of his division directly.

"This is the core disciple of the East Sea Sword Palace. Why are they all counselors? Not only are they weak, they are not responsible at all, and their psychological qualities are too poor?" Lei Yi shook his head, saying that he was speechless.

To be honest, the performance of the core disciple of Donghai Sword Palace disappointed him.

He originally thought that he could see the style and appearance of the big sects of the world of cultivating immortals, but only a group of second-generation ancestors.

In fact, it is true. In the East Sea Sword Palace, most of the core disciples who can be elected have been practicing since childhood, and only large families can continuously provide the resources for disciples to cultivate since childhood.

So this group of core disciples, in the family or sect, are all people with very background, and to put it bluntly are members of a big family in the world of cultivating immortals.

In the East China Sea Sword Palace, all kinds of situations are complicated, and most of the disciples of the elders are selected from their own families.

There has been no war in Dongzhou all the year round. Although the major sects have competed with each other, they have all been ordered to the end. This has made the overall combat effectiveness of the Dongzhou immortal cultivators not strong.

This is the common problem of the Dongzhou Dazongmen.

Too long of peace made the sect disciples become lazy and lazy.

The training and fighting instincts were abandoned.

Lei Yi didn't kill this time, but at most severely injured the group of people, because he had to run away later and didn't want to forge a **** feud with Donghai Sword Palace.

The law enforcement guard kills if he kills it. After all, the other party will kill himself, and he will not be kind to the other party.

But these core disciples are different, and Lei Yi doesn't matter to offend a group of second generation ancestors.

The problem now is that he wants to bid farewell to Lu Linglong.

"Miss Lu, thank you for your life-saving grace that day, let's see you by chance!" Lei Yi bowed his hand and greeted politely.

"Unexpectedly, I saved a monk from the magic way, I have never missed anyone!"

Lu Linglong stared at Lei Yi with bright eyes, but there was no trace of dissatisfaction.

"By the way, since you are leaving, why don't you..." As she said, a hint of sly flashed in the woman's eyes, and then her lips moved, and she secretly said: "...Why, you just take me away!"


Lei Yi was taken aback for a while, completely unexpected that Lu Linglong would actually say so.

He stared at this woman in a daze, wanting to see something from the other's beautiful face.

Unfortunately, the woman just smiled at him and didn't say much.

Not only that, the woman also drew a white long sword, held the sword in her right hand, and assumed the posture of the sword.

"Bold murderers dare to kill people in the East China Sea Sword Palace. I, Lu Linglong, will represent the Lu family today and learn your brilliant tricks!"

With that said, this Jurchen shot up with a sword.

"Hey, what are you still trying to do, the imperial envoy flies away, let's leave the East China Sea Sword Palace together!"

But just as the woman acted, Lei Yi's ear remembered Lu Linglong's voice again.

Although Lei Yi was a little puzzled, he slammed his foot on the ground, and his whole body soared into the sky, and then flew away.

"Crazy gangster, stop!" Lu Linglong yelled, following closely behind.

The two went one after the other, turned into two escape lights, and disappeared directly into the sea near Shenjun Island.

At this moment, the core disciples who stayed in the same place all looked at each other, and the secret path thing broke out.

Not only did they lose face, they also lost Fairy Linglong.

Over the sea more than a thousand miles away.

Two escape lights stopped one after another.

"Miss Lu, what do you mean?" Lei Yi quickly turned his head and asked the person behind him.

"Thank you for helping me to get rid of those nasty people!" But Lu Linglong was not polite at all, and said with a smile: "By the way, the acting is going to be a full set, let's get out of here quickly."

"Leave, where to go?"

"Of course I went to the world of cultivating immortals, anyway, this girl doesn't want to stay in the East Sea Sword Palace for a moment."

Lu Linglong sighed, and then said helplessly: "Auntie is also true, actually thinking about the group of second generation ancestors who matched me and Donghai Sword Palace, how can this girl look at that group of people, even if I don't object, I After Dad knows, it is estimated that a sword aura will destroy them!"

With that said, the woman's eyes rolled around and looked at Lei Yi.

"By the way, do you have any travel plans lately, otherwise, let's go with me, how about we get together?"

"This..." Lei Yi never expected that this Lu Linglong was not as innocent as it seemed, on the contrary, he was quite strange.

"Miss Lu, you are the daughter of the Sword God, the jewel in the palm of the first family of Dongzhou, and traveling with an unknown person like me, isn't it a bit..."

"You are so boring, how did you know that this girl didn't want to go out? She was bored at home from childhood, she was either practicing sword or cultivating Taoism, or she was learning piano, chess, calligraphy, and calligraphy. In short, she didn't have a little freedom. As a result, my aunt wanted to tie me to the East Sea Sword Palace again. This girl didn't like it. Traveling in this realm of cultivation is what this girl longs for!"

With that said, this woman actually risked a little star in her eyes.

"But..." Lei Yi opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but for a moment he really didn't know how to say it.

Because his purpose in coming to the world of cultivating immortals is also to travel around the world, looking for people who can help the world of humans.

"This girl doesn't mind what you hesitate about, if you don't agree, then I will go out by myself, we will have a period of time!" Seeing Lei Yi's refusal for a long time, Lu Linglong immediately left.

"Ahem, since Ms. Lu agreed, she can accompany her. After all, it's okay if she is away from home." Lei Yi finally reluctantly agreed.

But he quickly asked: "Miss Lu, why don't you rest assured, are you not afraid that I am a gangster?"

"Haha, this girl knows that you want to ask, but I am born with a special sensitivity that can sense the fluctuations of other people's spirits. Your soul is very pure, even more noble than those in the East Sea Sword Palace. So it's definitely not a bad guy."

"So, this ability is also a different ability?"

"I don't know, but my father said, this ability seems to be called "pure white flawless body", which is my natural birth. "

As Lu Linglong said, she took a step forward and flew over Lei Yi with the flying sword.

But at this moment, Lei Yi was stunned, without any reaction, just like a wooden person.

"Pure white and flawless body, pure white and flawless, this is Miss Lu's supernatural ability, why are they two look exactly the same, even the abilities are like this!"

Lei Yi couldn't believe that he had encountered such a coincidence.

"Hey, what's the matter with you, still don't keep up!" At this moment, Lu Linglong in the distance noticed Lei Yi's abnormality and hurriedly urged.

Lei Yi returned to his senses and quickly followed.

The two quickly left and disappeared into the horizon.

And just after the two left, the East Sea Sword Palace also received news from Shenjun Island, and the entire sect was completely shaken.

The law enforcement guards were killed, and the island owner of Shenjun Island disappeared. The most important thing was that the Pearl in the palm of the Lu family was missing, and it was suspected of being abducted by evil men.

The first two were okay, even if it was Island Master Mo's accident, Donghai Sword Palace didn't matter.

But Lu Linglong alone was missing, and this incident made the entire Donghai Sword Palace feel like sitting on a needle blanket.

That was the daughter of the Sword God. If the Sword God Lu Jianxin came to the monk to ask the guilty, the entire East Sea Sword Palace might be smashed by him.

Lan Tingtao, the lord of the Palace of Swords, immediately dispatched the elite to search the nearby waters in a carpet manner.

His wife, Lu Jianping, with her daughter and son-in-law, rushed towards the sea where Lu Linglong and Lei Yi disappeared, looking for clues.

In short, the entire East China Sea is not calm anymore.

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