I Can Pause Time

Chapter 940: The arrogance of the cultivator

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Donghai Sword Palace.

Entrance of Zongmen, access platform.

"Who let this mortal set foot on the boundary of my East Sea Sword Palace, and didn't blast him out for me!"

Lu Shang was very angry at the moment, blowing his beard and staring, completely angry.

He never expected that there would be such a big mistake at the reception desk.

In the important place of the Immortal Family, and at the entrance of the sect of the East Sea Sword Palace, where the face of a sect was, a mortal was actually mixed in.

But he waited for a long time, only to see his disciples Pang Yuanzhi and Cheng Wei, who were actually frozen in place and did not move.

"You two, why don't you do it yet, do you want me to blast away this mortal by myself!" Lu Shang directly rebuked.

But what he didn't see was that Lu Linglong's expression on the side became a little worse.

Seeing this, Pang Yuanzhi quickly winked at Cheng Wei who was aside, and the latter cautiously leaned towards Lu Shang.

He didn't dare to come forward by himself, but asked Cheng Wei to speak. Naturally, because Cheng Wei's father and Lu Shang were acquainted with each other, because of this relationship, Lu Shang would not be angry with Cheng Wei.

And even if he tells the truth about his own words, he will not be reprimanded by Lu Shang in the end.

"Master Qi... Master, this mortal was brought here by Fairy Linglong, I dare not stop it." Cheng Wei faltered and told Lu Shang.

"What, Fairy Linglong would bring a Tier 1 mortal to the East China Sea Sword Palace?" Lu Shang was slightly surprised, but then he glanced at Cheng Wei, and changed his attitude slightly, "Why don't you mention this matter in the messenger!" "

After all, the other party is the daughter of an old friend of his own.

"Master, the disciple didn't look closely at that time, so..." Cheng Wei continued to hesitate.

Seeing this, Pang Yuanzhi at the back was secretly relieved.

It seems that letting Junior Sister speak this step, he really made the right way.

If this was replaced by a complaint by himself, Lu Shangke would not have had this attitude.

Because of Lu Linglong, Lu Shang glanced at Lei Yi again, but there was no trace of emotion in his eyes.

For him, it seemed to be a waste of time to look at Lei Yi, and he didn't even bother to show it.

Yes, just disdain.

Lei Yi could clearly feel that Lu Shang's contempt for himself had reached his bones. It was an instinctive conditioned reflex.

It seems that the cultivators are all high above, but he can only lie on the ground and look up at each other.

"Well, since it was the person brought by Junior Sister Lu, I will send it to..." Lu Shang was about to say something casually, but he stopped when the words reached his lips.

Because he thought that there was no mortal in the entire East Sea Sword Palace, naturally there was no place to arrange Lei Yi.

"...Just send it to the handyman disciple, change him a suit, and freshen up a little bit, so as not to lose the face of Junior Sister Lu!"

"Pang Yuanzhi, you take him over!" Lu Shang casually ordered, and then asked Lu Linglong again: "Junior Sister Lu, the palace lord and them are waiting for you, let me go!"

"Well, thank you Senior Brother Lu!" Lu Linglong nodded, and then secretly transmitted to Lei Yi: "You can live in the East Sea Sword Palace first. I will see you in a while, so remember not to run around."

After speaking, she blinked at Lei Yi secretly, revealing a very playful expression.

But then, the woman immediately recovered the coldness of Fairy Linglong, and left the reception platform with Lu Shang.

From beginning to end, Lu Shang did not listen to Lei Yi.

In fact, he didn't need to listen, because no one would listen to a mortal. This is the arrogance of a cultivator.

Therefore, Lu Linglong has not been nurtured by the iron ze of the immortal world, and can save Lei Yi. This can be seen in this woman's kindness, or simple mind.

"Boy, what are you dazed about? Don't follow me!" Just as Lei Yi watched Lu Linglong leave, a rather impatient voice rang in his ear.

Pang Yuanzhi, Lu Shang's disciple, was in a bad mood at the moment.

Because he was reprimanded by Lu Shang and wanted to lead a mortal like Lei Yi, it made him depressed for a while.

Originally, he could find a low-level disciple to do it for him, but Lu Shang personally ordered this matter. In case someone chewed his tongue after the incident, he could not say that he would have to be preached again.

So just in case, he had to go there in person.

"Come here!" Lei Yi had no objection, and followed Pang Yuanzhi and left the reception platform.

This reception platform is located in the outer area of ​​the island, and the residence of the handyman disciple is also nearby.

So after a short half-quarter of an hour, Pang Yuanzhi took Lei Yi to the place of the handyman disciple.

The handyman disciple is the one with the lowest cultivation level in the sect, and is generally held by the Body Tempering Realm.

If the cultivation base reaches the aura, then you can leave the status of a handyman and become a low-level disciple of the outer sect.

The fourth-order accumulation of energy, the fifth-order foundation building, and the sixth-order false pill belong to outer disciples.

And once the real pill is condensed in the body, he can become the core disciple of the inner door.

The seventh step is a watershed.

Among this type of people, many of the talented individuals will be selected as disciples by the elders to pass on their stunts and teach immortals.

As for the eighth-level God Refining Realm, it is already considered as the mainstay of the sect. This realm has completely separated from the identity of the disciple, and is also a middle-level leader in the East Sea Sword Palace.

For the Ninth-Order Dharma Realm, it belongs to the higher level, the elders of the sub-temples, and the island owners of the sub-islands are mostly Dharma Realm masters.

The East China Sea Sword Palace is so powerful, and the East China Sea is rich in resources, it is naturally impossible for them to occupy only one island.

On the contrary, within the sphere of influence of the East China Sea Sword Palace, there are many islands in charge, which can be described as scattered.

As for the Heaven and Human Realm, the entire East Sea Sword Palace can only be reached by the Palace Master and the Palace Master’s wife. At this level, it is the Taishan Beidou of the Immortal Cultivator.

Even Lei Yi had some expectations for the Celestial and Human Realm masters in the cultivation world, and didn't know how they looked like.

But now, Pang Yuanzhi didn't know what the mortals around him were thinking, he was looking for a goal at the moment.

He and Lei Yi are now in the residence of the handyman disciple, a wooden village built on the edge of a cliff.

"Hey, you!" Pang Yuanzhi suddenly greeted not far away.

There stood a male disciple who looked like a handyman.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and obviously did not expect that Pang Yuanzhi would call him.

"It's you, come here!" Pang Yuanzhi beckoned again, his attitude was very arrogant.

"My lord, do you call me?" The male disciple licked his face and asked for instructions after a trot.

"Yes, you are what I called. Have you seen this guy!" Pang Yuan pointed to Lei Yi and motioned to the male disciple: "You will arrange for him a place to live and change his clothes by the way. Don't let him look like he is now. That's it for tatters!"

"Okay, do you have any more orders?" The male disciple nodded his head with a respectful expression.

"No, that's it!" Pang Yuanzhi didn't intend to waste time any more, and without looking at Lei Yi after shaking his hand, he directly sacrificed Feijian and Yukong left.

"Flying with the sword, I really hope that one day I can become an inner disciple, high above!" Seeing Pang Yuanzhi's departure, the male disciple looked envious.

Then, he glanced at Lei Yi and asked, "Do you have anything to do with the great man in the inner door? That disciple of Elder Lu Shang in the door, could it be you..."

"No, I just passed by and was rescued, and then I came to the East Sea Sword Palace." Lei Yi waved his hand and denied.

"That's it, forget it, I thought you had a relationship with a big man. But I don't think it's possible. If you really have something to do with an adult in the door, how can you use it to report on the handyman? Directly You can go to the internal affairs to get a good position."

With that said, the male disciple took Lei Yi to the residence of the handyman's residence. First, he took him to the mountain spring water on the island, and then put him in a handyman's costume, which was regarded as a completion of the task.

In the end, the male disciple took Lei Yi to a room with a Datong shop, and pointed to a bed on the floor.

He introduced: "This is your residence. Our handyman disciples are all sleeping here. This shop was originally owned by people, but he took the task of other islands and was going to take turns for a few years. This is just a few years away. It is estimated that it will not be possible to come back in a short period of time. This shop will be yours for the time being!"

With that said, the male disciple left directly, no matter what Lei Yi did.

In his heart, it is estimated that Lei Yi didn't pay much attention to this temporary handyman.

As he said, if Lei Yi had a background, it would be impossible to come to the handyman.

Even if Lei Yi's cultivation base is not high, but with a big background, he can mix his qualifications on an island with plenty of oil and water.

Or, for an unemployed job found elsewhere, at least there is still a little spiritual stone to get every month.

It's like their handyman, in order to cultivate resources, they have to go out to pick up tasks one by one, and all they receive are chores.

But Lei Yi didn't care about this, he was just a passer-by, and he didn't intend to serve the East Sea Sword Palace.

What he has to do now, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the top priority is to dissipate the dead energy in the body and restore the cultivation base.

After he recovers his strength, with the strength of the Divine Soul Realm, Donghai Sword Palace can at least pay more attention to it.

Otherwise, he has no strength, in the eyes of the cultivator, he is a mortal.

As for the attitude of the cultivator towards mortals, he also saw all of it.

It can't be said that there is a huge difference between the status of the two, it is completely not treating him as a person.

In the eyes of immortal cultivators, mortals are another inferior existence. This is a fact.

"East China Sea Sword Palace, Palace Master Lan Tingtao, a master of the Heaven and Human Realm, but for my goal, this strength is not enough!"

Lei Yi thought for a while, then thought of Lu Linglong.

"The father of Miss Lu is a super master of the Saint Realm. In other words, he is at the level of the emperor... No, it may be stronger. After all, this is the ancient cultivator world, and it is a place with highly developed cultivation civilization. This Lu family sword **** That’s the one I'm worth visiting."

Lei Yi thought for a while, and felt that he still had to make a good relationship with Lu Linglong so that he could meet the real big man in the Lu family.

As for how to make a good relationship, it depends on whether Lu Linglong can remember him in the next period of time.

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