I Can Pause Time

Chapter 939: Donghai Sword Palace

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Above the East China Sea.

"Pang Yuanzhi, a disciple of the East China Sea Sword Palace, has seen Fairy Linglong!"

"Donghai Sword Palace disciple Cheng Wei has seen Fairy Linglong!"

"I've seen Fairy Linglong!"

Lei Yi never expected that Lu Linglong's face was so great that when the disciple of the East Sea Sword Palace appeared, he was so polite to this woman and saluted one after another.

Not only Lei Yi was surprised, Lu Linglong was also surprised by the courtesy of the East Sea Sword Palace.

This woman originally thought that she came to visit her aunt, and she was visiting relatives and friends, so she didn't need to be so ostentatious.

But Donghai Sword Palace obviously didn't think so.

Everyone knows who this is in front of him, that is the daughter of the contemporary Lu Family Patriarch, the pro-daughter of the sword **** Lu Jianxin, who is pampered like a baby, everyone knows.

As everyone knows, the relationship between their East Sea Sword Palace and the Heavenly Sword Lu Family is naturally enough.

"What are you doing? I'm not a senior expert, do I need to be such a courteous?" Lu Linglong questioned her a little displeasedly.

"Fairy Linglong, this is what the master specially ordered before I leave. You must be courteous when you see you, and you must not neglect!" Senior Brother Pang replied respectfully after hearing this.

Lu Linglong frowned slightly and asked, "Who is your master?"

"In return to Fairy, Master Lu Shang!"

Lu Linglong's eyes rolled around, and finally remembered who this was.

"Lu Shang, my uncle's eldest disciple, I heard my aunt said that he was calm in doing things, but sometimes he was too conservative, which is too staid!" Then, she glanced at the two of them and smiled: "Look at your performance. It must be true!"

"This..." After listening, Senior Brother Pang didn't know how to respond.

After all, talking about one's own master outside, it's a bit ill-mannered.

Even if someone else said that his master was not, Pang Yuanzhi, as a disciple, might have to draw a sword with him for the reputation of the master.

But the one in front of him can't do it. Even if the other party scolds him in front of his master, the master has to greet him with a smile.

"Senior Brother Pang, our task is to welcome Fairy Linglong. Now that people are here, do I need to notify the next sect in advance?" Seeing this, Senior Sister Cheng on the side interjected and asked.

Senior Brother Pang slapped his head and quickly urged: "Yes, I almost forgot, business matters. Junior sister, please use the talisman to inform Master that we have received Fairy Linglong, and we will set off now!"

With that said, Cheng Wei took out the talisman, said a few words, and then sacrificed it.

Seeing the messenger talisman flying away, Lu Linglong's brows were still unhappy.

"It seems that our Miss Lu doesn't like such a big fanfare!" Lei Yi on the side saw this scene in his eyes, but he secretly said in his heart: "But your identity is not suitable for sneaking!"

"Hey, who is this person?" At this moment, Senior Brother Pang finally discovered the existence of Lei Yi.

This made Lei Yi speechless for a while. He was so big and stood here for so long. Are you all blind?

But that's right, who made Lu Linglong's country beautiful? Among the group of disciples behind, the male disciple hadn't looked away, and naturally he couldn't find Lei Yi.

"Ahem, I..." Lei Yi didn't know how to introduce himself. After being questioned, he was a little bit unspeakable.

"This is a person I rescued on the road. My father said that if you save someone and save him to the end, if you see him desperate, then I will bring him along!" Lu Linglong pointed to Lei Yi, but directly introduced.

"So, the fairy is really kind, but this person!" Hearing this, Senior Brother Pang saluted Lu Linglong again, but then secretly let go of his spiritual knowledge and swept Lei Yi again.

"Grandmaster?" Lei Yi also felt the strength of that divine consciousness, at the level of the seventh rank.

"No, the seventh rank is a true pill realm cultivator, this is the realm of cultivating immortals, there is no warrior!"

The Senior Brother Pang in front of him was an out-and-out seventh-order monk.

However, the other party's actions made Lei Yi a little uncomfortable. You have to scan and be upright and honest. You have to be sneaky. It is not obvious that Lei Yi is not a good person.

In fact, this was the case. When Senior Brother Pang saw a man Lei Yi appearing next to Lu Linglong, he was already suspicious, and only then did he let go of his consciousness and checked it again.

Of course, with his level, he can't see anything, he can only see that there is no vitality fluctuation in Lei Yi's body, he should be an ordinary person.

"Fairy, this is no more than a mere mortal. My East Sea Sword Palace is also the land of the immortal family anyway. Wouldn't it be a little bit for a mortal to set foot..." Senior Brother Pang looked at Lei Yi with suspicion, but asked Lu Linglong for instructions. .

However, he was asking for instructions, his attitude was obvious, Lei Yi was not qualified enough to set foot in the East China Sea Sword Palace.

"What's this, I kindly saved people, but you blocked me in this way. Then I won't go to the East Sea Sword Palace. Anyway, my aunt can't only visit today!"

Lu Linglong said, frowning, eager to leave.

"Fairy, please slow down!" Seeing this, Senior Brother Pang had a startled expression on his face and hurriedly called out Lu Linglong.

"This is my fault, please forgive the fairy. Although this person is mundane, he should not be able to set foot in the fairy house for life. But if he was saved by the fairy, that's a different story!"

His words changed, but then he immediately walked to Lei Yi, contemptuously saying: "A mere mortal, who can set foot in the fairy house, is an immortal fate that you can't imagine in your entire life. Remember Living here is given by Fairy Linglong, you must be grateful!"

Although he was talking, anyone could tell that he was reprimanding people with the posture of a superior.

Although Lei Yi was upset by his speaking attitude, he still explained: "If you want to thank you, I have already thanked..."

But when his words were general, Senior Brother Pang didn't intend to listen at all, but immediately walked to Lu Linglong's side and asked for instructions: "Fairy, Zongmen should have received our subpoena, let's start!"

Ignore, nakedly ignore!

Just like humans watching wild animals in a zoo and humans watching ants at their feet on the side of the road, this level has surpassed contempt and reached contempt.

"A cultivator, how do you look down on mortals so much?"

Because of Senior Brother Pang's attitude, Lei Yi's longing for the world of cultivators and cultivators no longer became strong.

However, he was helpless, and could only board the huge blue dragon-shaped flying magic weapon under the supervision of a few disciples.

The speed of this magical artifact is extremely fast, and when it flies away, the surrounding water mist is churning, really like a dragon, capable of overturning clouds and rain.

This should be a special flying weapon in the East China Sea Sword Palace. When flying over the sea, it can be driven by the vitality of water, and its escape speed can far exceed the ordinary magic weapon.

The next journey was naturally smooth sailing, and within the sphere of influence of the East China Sea Sword Palace, it was naturally very peaceful.

Soon, an island haunted by white mist appeared in front of Lei Yi and others.

This island is very huge, with palace-like buildings all over the island, especially under the cover of white mist, half-covered and half-covered, the fairy spirit is fluttering, like a fairyland on earth.

Lei Yi also had to sigh, this TM is the fairy island!

"Fairy Linglong, the sect is here, I'm going to notify Master!"

With that said, Senior Brother Pang controlled the magic weapon and flew towards the reception platform on the front of the island.

Although it was a reception platform, it looked like a ferry. There were all kinds of magical artifacts parked nearby, and many low-level monks were busy.

When seeing the blue dragon magic weapon approaching, the low-rank cultivators below gave way one after another, giving Senior Brother Pang's team a relatively open space.

Soon, Lei Yi also officially set foot on the boundary of the East Sea Sword Palace under the watch of several escorting disciples.

As for Lu Linglong, she was waiting for someone with the support of Senior Brother Pang and Senior Sister Cheng.

Soon, a ray of light flew from a distance. It was a middle-aged man with a black beard, wearing a loose robe and a cold face.

"I have seen Elder Lu Shang!"

"I have seen Elder Lu Shang!"

As soon as the middle-aged man landed, the low-level disciples nearby saluted them in a very respectful manner.

But the middle-aged man didn't even look at these low-level disciples, and went straight to Senior Brother Pang.

"I have seen Master!" Seeing this, Senior Brother Pang and Senior Sister Cheng greeted the visitors immediately.

But Lu Shang did not go to see his own disciple. Instead, he came to Lu Linglong and said politely like an elder: "Fairy Linglong, I had a relationship in Lu's family back then, when you were young I'm still young, I didn't expect you to be so old in a blink of an eye!"

"I have seen Brother Lu Shang!" Lu Linglong also said politely.

It is no secret that monks live a long life, and Lu Shang's true age can be the grandfather of Lu Linglong's grandfather.

However, Lu Shang was considered to be the major disciple of the palace lord of the East Sea Sword Palace, and Lu Linglong's aunt was the lady of the palace lord, and the two could be regarded as the same generation.

Coupled with the in-law relationship between the Lu Family and Donghai Sword Palace, the two families can also be regarded as a family, so it is reasonable for Lu Linglong to call Lu Shang a senior.

This is the case in the world of cultivating immortals. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is divided according to strength and origin, but age is secondary.

Maybe a celestial-human realm master has practiced the Tao for thousands of years, and one year suddenly gave birth to a son, and this celestial-human realm master has thousands of disciples and grandchildren, then these thousands of disciples will have to call a little boy and uncle.

If the disciple and grandchildren still have apprentices, then this little kid may become someone else's master uncle.

Although some people yelled awkwardly, who would give a person a celestial daddy? This is the rule of elders and inferior cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals.

Don’t be surprised if you see a white-haired old man calling a certain young master when walking in the world of cultivating immortals. Who knows if that young man is a direct descendant of a certain big brother, or maybe it’s an old monster who likes to pretend. Nen, this is the norm in the world of cultivating immortals.

"The fairy is polite, the palace lord and the lady are waiting for you, let me go!"

As Lu Shang said, he was about to take Lu Linglong to the main hall.

But immediately, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Lei Yi, and his brows were twisted directly.

"Who put this mortal in? Don't you know where it is? How can a mere mortal break in!"

This time, Lu Shang was not polite, pointing at Lei Yi on the spot, furious.

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