I Can Pause Time

Chapter 937: Miss Lu?

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"Miss Lu, is that you?"

Lei Yi never imagined that after waking up, he actually saw a person whom in principle "unpossible" to see.

"Could it be that the Infinite Emperor, sent me back again?"

He touched his cheek, the temperature on his palm was telling him that he was alive and had no dreams, everything in front of him was real.

But if it is true, then the face of the country and the city in front of you can only come from one person.

"Miss Lu, what year am I in?" Lei Yi smiled bitterly and asked the person in front of him.

But his question made Lu Linglong a little at a loss.

"Hey, since you have seen me, you should not be a fool. Why do you ask?" The woman fiddled with Yun Temple with her hand and took the lead.

"Miss Lu, we are all so familiar, so stop joking!" Lei Yi smiled bitterly and motioned to the person in front of him to stop pretending.

But Lu Linglong's expression was not artificial, as if she really didn't understand.

"Are we familiar?" The woman continued to ask, then she thought for a while as if thinking.

"No, if you have been to my Lu family, I should have an impression, and you say that we are very familiar, then I can't help but know you. If you know I'm never forgetting, the only person who comes to visit Lu family every year is So many people, all uncles and uncles, I can all call out names!"

"Well, every year?" Lei Yi looked dumbfounded after hearing it.

In his impression, the Lu Mansion was deserted. There was no visitor throughout the year, so how could someone visit it every year?

But he was sure that the person in front of him hadn't joked with him, so it seemed that something really happened?

After thinking about it for a while, Lei Yi finally plucked up the courage and asked solemnly, "Miss Lu, how many years is it now?"

He was afraid that he went back to the future, but he was in the wrong year.

If it was a few years in advance, the Lu family hadn't decayed at that time, maybe there would be guests.

But a few years in advance, the grade of the person in front of you should not be right.

"How many years? We cultivators don't talk about the year. My dad just shuts up for a while. A little time will pass." Lu Linglong shook her head, and then complained: "If you mean those small secular countries," Lu Linglong shook her head. Almanac, that’s too much, how would you tell me to answer you?"

Lei Yi did not speak, but stared at the person in front of him in a daze.

He always felt that Miss Lu in front of him was a little different from the person he knew.

What's the difference?

Naturally there are too many words.

The former Ms. Lu, it was a pity that the words were as golden. When chatting with others, there were only a few words in a sentence.

It's like now, as if it's suffocated, Lei Yi asked something, she answered, and extended her meaning by the way.

Lei Yi raised his hand, pointed to his head, and asked, "Miss Lu, are you sure that there is no problem with your brain?"

When Lu Linglong heard the words, her eyebrows were raised, her face was angry, and she groaned: "Huh, what are you doing? How can you casually ask people if they have any problems with their brains? You have problems with their brains!"

"This is not the Miss Lu I know. If it is her, maybe a sword aura has already come over!" Lei Yi looked for a long time and finally determined that the woman in front of him was not the one he had remembered.

But the appearance of the two is exactly the same, how can this be explained?

Lei Yi believes that there are no two women in the world who can have such a majestic appearance at the same time.

"Could it be that this is Miss Lu's real mother or twin sister?" Lei Yi thought, but quickly rejected the idea.

If this is the case, then there can be no record of the other party in the Lu Mansion, he should know it.

Lu Linglong Jian Leiyi didn't reply for a long time, his expression seemed to be spending money, and he was immediately angry.

"What's the matter with you, this lady kindly saved you, but you didn't have a word of thanks, and you used words to tease me like this. Are you a disciple?"

"Sorry, sorry, I was thinking about something just now, Miss Lu...cough cough, Miss Lu, thank you for your help. Lei is grateful!" Lei Yi coughed, concealing his embarrassment and bowing his hands.

Then, without waiting for the other person to speak, he continued to ask: "Miss Lu, I don't know where it is and how far is it from Wuhan University?"

Lei Yi thought, he should ask where he is, and then think of a solution when he returns to Wuhan University.

"Which Wuhan University, what place is that?" Lu Linglong looked strange after hearing Lei Yi's question, "This is the coast of the East China Sea. Going forward is the site of the East China Sea Sword Palace."

"By the way, I have to visit my aunt in the East Sea Sword Palace," Lu Linglong remembered her original purpose when Lei Yi asked.

"Hmph, I blame you for delaying this lady's time!" As she said, the woman would sacrifice her flying sword and continue on her way.

"Wait!" But just when Lu Linglong was about to take off, Lei Yi shouted at him.

"You, what's going on, do you have any questions?" Lu Linglong asked impatiently.

"Donghai Sword Palace, this is the ancient immortal world? No, is this the cultivation world?"

"Nonsense, this is not the realm of cultivation, is it still some other interface? Are you demented? How do you ask this kind of question?"

Hearing Lu Linglong's answer, Lei Yi's mouth twitched, but then he let out a breath.

He actually passed through that dangerous space passage and came to the ancient immortal realm, which is the realm of comprehension that corresponds to the human realm.

This realm of cultivation is not the ancient immortal realm that has been destroyed and no human traces in the future, but the world where immortal cultivators still existed hundreds of millions of years ago.

In other words, this world is a world ruled by cultivation civilization.

"Um... Miss Lu, can you take me a ride? I also want to go to the East China Sea Sword Palace to take a look. I don't know if Fang is inconvenient?" Lei Yi immediately changed his attitude, licking his face and asked.

No way, he took a closer look at his physical condition, and found that he couldn't even use the vitality in his body.

He can't even fly, and his strength is gone. Isn't it dangerous to act alone.

Fortunately, his physical body was not injured, but there was still a lot of strength left. It was good to beat the monks in the low or middle realm. When encountering the monks in the high realm or flying, he could only be passively beaten.

In that case, it's better to follow the "acquaintance" in front of you to be more realistic, at least the other party is definitely not a bad person.

"It's not the time when the East China Sea Sword Palace opened the mountain gate to recruit disciples. You followed me. Also, depending on your appearance, you should already have a master gate. Otherwise, how could it be okay if you suffered such a heavy injury?"

"Ahem, that, Miss Lu, I actually want to see the strength of the Xiuxian Sect. Presumably Donghai Sword Palace is a big sect. How about you take me to open my eyes, I will be honest!" Lei Yi changed. The deputy's attitude asked quite eagerly.

He looked like a countryman at the moment, and couldn't wait to see the style of the big city.

Seeing Lei Yi's appearance, Lu Linglong couldn't bear it. After thinking about it, she said, "Since you have said so, I can also take you with you, but there is no guarantee that the people in the sword palace will keep you!"

Lei Yi secretly cried out luck, but quickly praised Miss Lu for her kindness and said a lot of good things.

Although Lu Linglong didn't show much performance, it seemed to be very useful, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, obviously feeling a little happy in her heart.

However, this scene made a man in the rear watch a little worried.

"Stupid sister, just a few words will irritate your boastful heart. Without even asking about this person's identity, I will treat him to Aunt Jianping. If this person is a person from the magical way, or if he is hiding evil intentions, you are not in trouble. ?"

But the man thought about it carefully, but shook his head again.

"But it's okay. The lifelessness in that kid is not fake. He will die soon, so don't worry. Moreover, there are both Aunt Jianping and the uncle who is the lord of the sword palace in the East Sea Sword Palace. They are there. Both look after, Linglong won't have any trouble."

"Furthermore, what about the people of Demon Dao, don't they dare to be presumptuous in the land of my Lu family?"

After that, the man did not show up, but allowed Lu Linglong to present a jade shuttle-shaped flying magic weapon and fly Lei Yi into the East China Sea.

The man wanted to continue to follow, but he hesitated for a moment and did not fly.

"Donghai Sword Palace, if I rush over, Lan Qingxin's woman might find me wrong again. And her husband, Li Shuangnan, known as a cold-faced swordsman, always put on a stinky face. I look upset!"

The man wanted to catch up immediately, but when he thought of having some old accounts with some people in the Donghaijian Palace, he stopped.

"Fine, nothing, it doesn't matter if my face is lost, my younger sister is my father's heart, so I can't afford to lose, I'll take a few more steps to keep up!"

In the end, the man chose to follow Lei Yi and disappeared in a flash.


"What, Miss Lu, your name is Lu Linglong, not Lu Wushuang?"

On the flying magic weapon, Lei Yi asked Lu Linglong's name, only to get an answer that left him speechless.

"Lu Wushuang, what is this name? My lady's name is Lu Linglong. My father gave me this. If you have any comments, ask him yourself!"

Lu Linglong snorted ~www.ltnovel.com~ very dissatisfied.

"Ahem, this name sounds good, and my father has a very high level of naming!"

Lei Yi quickly replied, and then to ease the embarrassment, he continued to ask: "By the way, Miss Lu, how is the strength of this East Sea Sword Palace? Although I know it is a big sect, how big is it, can you introduce it? "

"Of course you can!" Lu Linglong seemed to like to talk very much, and while controlling the magic weapon, he replied: "Listen well, the East China Sea Sword Palace is the largest power in the East China Sea, and my aunt is the wife of the palace lord. In the East China Sea Sword Palace, my aunt and uncle are both in the realm of heaven and human. Their two swords are in harmony, and no one knows the whole world of cultivating immortals in Dongzhou. Of course, compared with my father, it is still a big difference. !"

Lei Yi pondered for a moment after hearing it, and curiously said, "So, isn't your father's strength inferior to Miss Lu's aunt and uncle?"

"Of course, my dad is a super master of the "Saint Realm". It is impossible for my aunt and uncle to beat him together! "Lu Linglong replied proudly.

"Saint Realm!" Lei Yi heard the name of this brand new realm with a dazed expression.

But he had guesses in his mind.

Could this so-called Saint Realm correspond to the strength of the emperor?

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