I Can Pause Time

Chapter 936: Brother and sister

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Near the coast.

The sea breeze was blowing slowly, and the sound of the waves was endless.

This is a place with pleasant scenery and beautiful scenery.

Spring and day are warm, temperature and climate make people feel comfortable.

Near the coast, there are many beasts on the beach, ranging from crabs to large seabirds, in groups, and there are still a lot of them.

Suddenly, one of the seabirds seemed to have discovered something and let out a shrill scream, then raised its wings and flew high into the sky.

Flocks of seabirds followed, and in a blink of an eye there was no bird or beast in the vicinity.

What frightened the seabirds were the two "corpses" lying on the coast.

When I took a closer look, I could see that it was a man and a woman. They didn't know if they were dead or in a coma, and there was no movement.

Suddenly, the surface of the woman's body flashed with purple light, and then several diamond-shaped crystals slowly floated from behind it.

The color light on the surface of the crystal flickered, turning irregularly around, as if searching for something.

After a long time, the light on the surface of the crystal dimmed completely, and then a layer of purple light appeared around the woman's body again.

The crystal was shining with a faint light, and with the last bit of power within it, the woman's body was wrapped in a thin film of purple light cocoon.

Then, under the body of the man next to him, a group of shadows wriggled, covering, submerging, and dragging into the shadow the purple light cocoon that envelops the woman.

The purple light cocoon disappeared, the woman was completely gone, and only the unconscious man was left on the beach.

Thousands of miles from the sea, in the sky.

Two silhouettes flying with swords, fluttering in white clothes, with outstanding demeanor.

The two are a man and a woman. The handsome men are beautiful, with a faint jade light face, like fairy figures.

Without mentioning how the two's temperament came out of dust, their conversation at this moment seemed a bit homely.

"Big brother, don't send it anymore, I'll go to the East China Sea realm in the past!" The woman frowned slightly and said with some dissatisfaction.

"If you want it, you want it, it's hard for you to get to the door, little girl, how can I be a big brother and let you drive alone!" The man smiled, and then said with a serious face: "Why don't you just send you to Donghaijian? Gong, we are not far from there anyway."

As soon as she said this, the woman's brow furrowed even tighter.

She lightly opened her lips, and said with a sigh: "Big Brother, if you have said that I was on the road by myself, how can I say nothing?"

"Here again, here again, what am I acting like with your elder brother?" Seeing the woman's expression, the man immediately got a headache.

Who made the girl his favorite sister, and the father loved the girl so much. He naturally had a headache when he saw the girl acting so coquettishly.

If he can't follow the other party's wishes, after returning home, he may decide how the old man will deal with him.

Although the man is not afraid, but the old man in the family is his biggest nemesis.

"Okay, okay, since you have said so, I will send it here, eldest brother, and you will go on the next sea route by yourself?" The man blinked and asked.

"Yeah, that's it." The woman nodded very obediently when she heard the words, her big bright eyes blinked, and the corners of her mouth were a little bit happy.

Then, the man told the woman a few more words, and finally had no choice but to let it go.

"Big Brother, then I'm leaving." The woman waved her hand, and then an imperial sword accelerated and rushed out.

"Haha, I'm free~" Before the woman flew far, she heard a cheer.

"My stupid sister, my dad personally told me to look after you. How could I let you go alone?"

But there was a smile on the corner of the man's mouth. After seeing the woman flying far away, he immediately took out a talisman, put it on his body, and then began to pinch the spell.

His whole body was enveloped by a layer of white mist, and then his figure gradually became transparent and gradually disappeared into the void.

"Well, this invisibility talisman is okay, anyway, when the little girl is on the way, relying on her ability and never using the divine sense to look at the rear, she will definitely not be able to find me!"

After confirming that his whereabouts were sufficiently concealed, the man also took off with his sword and chased in the direction of the woman.

It seemed that the woman in front was unexpected, and the so-called letting her act alone was just a lie.

The protection of the man has only changed from bright to dark, becoming "trailing".


As he approached the beach, Lu Linglong was in a good mood at the moment.

When Yujian flew, she even hummed an unknown ballad with a sweet voice.

As for why she is in such a good mood, it is naturally because the old stubbornness at home has finally "opened up".

I felt that my daughter had grown up and it was time to go out and practice, so I asked my good girl to go to Donghai to find her aunt.

"Don't worry, my father, my daughter will definitely not let down the reputation of the Lu family, and you will be impressed!"

Recalling the assurance she had in front of her father before departure, the woman had a headache.

"Actually, people just want to travel. What prestige and admiration are all things to deal with the old man." Lu Linglong muttered to herself as she flew.

Soon, the beach arrived.

"Wow, is this the sea? It's so blue and big!" Lu Linglong looked like a curious baby at the moment, looking at the blue sea, exclaiming again and again.

But then, the corner of this woman's eyes seemed to catch a dark shadow.

"Hey, is that a person?" The woman looked at the black shadow, vaguely seeing the outline of a person.

The man was lying on the shore, still, like a corpse.

However, Lu Linglong immediately let go of her spiritual consciousness and covered it over there.

"Hey, she's still alive and angry!" Then, the woman found that the man was not dead. Although she was in a coma, she had a weak breath.

With the idea of ​​saving one's life and building a seventh-level buddha, Lu Linglong hovered for a while before landing directly on the beach, and soon came to the sky above the unconscious person.

"It's weird. Why did this person faint here? There is no one on this beach?" Although the woman was curious, she landed and turned the unconscious person over.

Suddenly, an ordinary look and plain face appeared in her sight.

"Unfortunately, this looks compared with the eldest brother, it is not handsome at all, like a black charcoal head!" The woman complained, but still injected a vitality into the opponent's body.

But soon, as the vitality was injected, a decadent force also moved into the opponent's body, completely crushing the vitality that Lu Linglong had injected.

"Hey, what's the matter, what kind of power is this?" The woman was infused with a second vitality as if she didn't believe in evil.

But the second vitality was the same as the first, shattered by that decadent power.

"This girl doesn't believe it!" Lu Linglong raised her eyebrows slightly, as if angrily.

She pinched her hands continuously, and from a delicate storage bag on her waist, she took out several Healing Talismans one after another, and threw them on the opponent.

This scene was also seen by the man who surreptitiously followed.

"Oh, this prodigal girl, what is this doing, using so many talisman against a mortal... Wait, that kid doesn't seem to be a mortal!"

The man had secretly scolded his sister's prodigal, but after feeling a little bit, he noticed something wrong with the comatose person.

Although he couldn't get close because of his sister's presence, his spiritual sense was strong enough to be able to spy one or two at such a distance.

He found that the comatose person's body contained a strong breath of death, circling the vital acupuncture points in his body.

"This guy, it is estimated that he has been killed by the magic way. If there is no cure, it seems that he will die soon." The man shook his head, a little bored.

For him, that person is not dead and has nothing to do with him.

If it hadn't been for his sister to stop to treat the other person, he wouldn't even look at that person.

"Well, who let my sister see it, it's good for your kid!"

The man said, patted a pocket on his waist, and then a white shadow rushed out of it.

It was a white wolf that was close to one person tall, with a full-length fur like silver frost, handsome in appearance, and agile in action.

"Wangcai, how's your transformation in Transfiguration?" The man asked with a serious face after calling out the white wolf.

When the white wolf heard the name "Wangcai", a trace of helplessness appeared in his eyes, but he nodded like a puppy.

"Very well, you will transform into other monsters later, and then drag the kid over to me, understand?" The man instructed Lu Linglong where he was.

Hearing the words, Bai Lang nodded as if he had understood it.

Then its body rolled on the spot, turned into a black cheetah, and rushed out in an instant.

"Wow, monster!" A woman's exclamation came from a distance.

"How come there are monsters on the beach?"

"Hey, I want to treat that person, why did you drag him away!"

"Let him down, let him down, I haven't rescued him yet!"

Lu Linglong shouted one after another, but Black Panther was extremely fast, dragging the unconscious person and throwing her away.

Soon, the cheetah returned, and the surface of the body flickered with silver light, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com then returned to its original appearance.

And the man's attention was all focused on the unconscious person who was caught by the other party.

"Tsk tusk tusk, so much death breath, this kid hasn't been killed on the spot, this vitality is really strong. Not to mention, let you wake up temporarily, but so much death breath, if you want to survive, you must find Just wash it in a spiritual spring!"

As the man said, he injected more vitality into the comatose person, and his vitality had a strong edge, actually smashing a part of the dead energy.

After that, the man noticed that Lu Linglong was approaching, and quickly recalled the white wolf, and then disappeared in place after a flash of body.

Just after the man disappeared, Lu Linglong finally rushed to the place with Yujian, patrolling the surroundings with a vigilant look, but found no trace of the black panther.

"Ahem, where am I..." Suddenly, a cough sounded.

"He actually woke up!" When Lu Linglong heard this voice, Xing's eyes widened, her expression unbelievable.

"Miss Lu, is that you?"

And the people below, seeing the face of the woman flying with the sword in the sky, were even more bewildered.

Because this woman, looks exactly the same as a certain woman in his memory.

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