I Can Pause Time

Chapter 890: Lei Yi's "Death"

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Outside the tower of Garuna.

The boundless darkness faded, and the dark emperor regained his ability.

The pitch-black armor on his body, along with the fading darkness, all returned to his body.

"As expected to be the Emperor of the Kingdom of God, even if I use the power of the Overlord Armor, I can't force you to be true!"

The Dark Sovereign had to compliment, but thought in his heart: "Is the power of the law of time really so scary? I have used various methods, but I can't get close to this guy?"

As we all know, time, space and destiny are known as the three supreme abilities.

Similarly, among the laws, people who master time, space, and destiny are inherently stronger than others of the same level.

Even after being proficient in the control ability, it is not difficult to achieve a higher level challenge.

This is also the reason why Lei Yi relies on the ability of [Tyrant of Time] to easily torture and kill the demon of the same rank.

As long as he is decelerated ten times by his ability, no matter how you can reach the sky, there will be a fundamental difference in speed between the two sides.

What's more, he also has the ultimate ultimate move [World], the ability to directly suspend time.

And Lei Yuce also possesses incredible power of time, and even reaching the realm of the emperor, he can do something even more outrageous than Lei Yi.

"Now, are you still disturbing me?" He looked at the dark emperor and asked slowly.

"Hmph, if the emperor can defeat you, then naturally will not give you the opportunity to execute this kid... But now, although I have to admit it, the emperor can't help you. The opportunity to execute this kid is given to You."

The dark emperor said, and then raised his finger to the tower of Garuna, and continued: "However, even so, the emperor has to watch him fall with his own eyes, which is a stop to that matter!"

"It's okay!" Lei Yuce nodded, then faintly raised his hand and stretched out the white mask on his face.

He lifted his mask, revealing the face of a vicissitudes of middle-aged man.

Somewhat similar to Lei Yi, he is also a little plain when it comes to his appearance alone.

But between his eyebrows, there was an unspeakable confidence, which was the aura carried by the people who had been in the top for a long time.

As the emperor of the kingdom of God, in charge of this huge force, he himself has added proud capital.

Lei Yuce, even if his appearance is ordinary, his facial features are not distinctive, but his name alone and his identity as the emperor of the Kingdom of God are protected by countless glory added to him.

At this moment, what he has to do is to destroy the person who may be his son.

Outside the tower of Garuna.

Dorothy looked at the oncoming man in front of her, feeling a little nervous.

Because in her heart, she still can't bear Lei Yi. Although the other party is the tool person of Yekong Ling, they have been adventurous for so long together, which can be regarded as some friendship.

"Uncle, what are you going to do?" She looked at the visitor and asked in a low voice.

Although this was the first time she saw the true face of this nominal uncle, the focus now was not on these, but the fact that the other party wanted to kill Lei Yi.

The night bell on the side was even more direct, with his hands on his hips, he jumped in front of Lei Yuce and shouted: "You bad guy, I really don’t know how the teacher looked at him, but I actually fell in love with you! What are you going to do, I will You hurt Ergou!"

"Selene and Kong Wuxiang's daughter?" Lei Yuce looked at the second daughter, especially the night sky bell, with a cold expression: "I heard that you are still a disciple of Qingcheng, but what a pity."

"When Lei does something, why explain it to the juniors like you!"

After that, he lit up with a golden light, and then disappeared in front of Night Sky Ling and Dorothy.

"You bad guy, what do you want to do! Fatty, stop this guy with me, don't let him hurt Ergou..."

Night Sky Ling was about to call the little fox to take action, but just as she acted, her figure was enveloped by a layer of golden light, and she stopped in place.

Not only her, including Dorothy on the side, and the fat little fox who jumped up, they were all like this, and even her expression was frozen in that moment.

Dorothy's eyes were disturbed, and Night Sky Bell was angry, her fat eyes were wide, and her teeth were grinning, pretending to be vicious.

And Lei Yuce didn't say a word, and walked straight by the three of them without a pause.

Garuna's Tower.

Lei Yi finally "woke up".

It should be that after being thrown out by Lei Yuce, the infinite power in his body was finally exhausted, so he regained consciousness and woke up early.

But at this moment, his state feels a bit wrong.

"What is going on, my body, and this uneasy feeling, what is this..."

The next moment, at the entrance outside Garuna, a figure walked out slowly.

"You are..." Lei Yi looked at the incoming person, his eyes dull, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

Although it was just a glance, he could see that he and the other party must have some kind of connection

"That stupid mistake back then, just disappear into this world for me forever!"

But after the visitor appeared, he didn't blew himself up, but said a word full of coercion, but no emotion at all.

Then he raised his right hand and threw a palm forward.

At the dome of the palace of Garuna Tower, countless golden threads in the void condensed, and finally turned into a huge golden palm, which suddenly smashed downward.

"This scene, isn't it..." Lei Yi heard the familiar words, and the scene above his head that he had watched again, and he felt a moment of astonishment.

Isn't this the scene that the great Yigo of the Yigo clan let himself see in advance.

The other party said that his death omen star had already flashed in the sky, which meant that he was going to die.

In the end, the other party's prediction was right, and I was really going to die today!

"Are you a father..." At the last minute, Lei Yi looked at the figure in front of him, raised his arm, and wanted to ask.

But the next moment, the big golden hand fell directly, completely submerging his body.


In the void, the power of the laws of the world exploded and merged into the void.

And Lei Yi's breath also disappeared along with the bursting power of the law of time.

In other words, he was directly obliterated.

"Father, ridiculous statement?" Lei Yuce muttered to himself while looking at the area destroyed by Tianshi's handprints.

His expression was still cold and emotionless, and the killing of Lei Yi didn't affect him in the slightest.

Afterwards, his body disappeared directly in the same place in a burst of golden light.

"Two dogs!" After he left, the power of time acting on the night sky bell disappeared.

This woman had just recovered her senses, but found that Lei Yuce had disappeared, her heart was tight, and she hurried to the tower of Garuna.

As a result, after entering this place, I only saw a golden palm print in the hall, and nothing else was left.

She could not capture Lei Yi's breath at all.

"Idiot, save some snacks, that person will take action, your tool man can't live." Dorothy also came in, looking at the palm print in front of her, shaking her head and sighing.

Upon hearing this, Ye Kong Ling's expression became extremely gloomy, and she lost her look in her eyes.

The little fox who was fat and fat on the side was the same, with tears in his big eyes, and ran to the night sky bell with his short legs, raising his paws to comfort each other.

But unfortunately, the night sky bell at this moment can no longer feel anything.

Outside the tower of Garuna.

"It's finally over, and everything that kid represents has finally come to an end today!"

Dark Emperor closed his eyes and sighed with emotion.

Although he hated Lei Yi very high, he was more about Lei Yi's existence than Lei Yi.

The existence of Lei Yi represents the shame of the Darkborn and needs to be eliminated. This is not the opponent's personal problem, but the opponent's origin.

But at this moment, Lei Yi finally died, and the hatred naturally disappeared.

"This kid is growing very fast. If given enough time, maybe another emperor will be born in this world..." The Dark Sovereign thought of this, but suddenly shook his head, "I almost forgot, he inherited it too. The power of time, then the position of the emperor should be impossible. After all, the end of the law of time has been occupied by Lei Yuce!"

The end of the power of the law is the monopoly of the emperor, and other people will never want to get involved unless they defeat the emperor.

This is the cruelty of the law, and the dark emperor knew that even if Lei Yi survived, he would not be able to ascend to the throne in the future.

Afterwards, he turned his head and looked at his sons and daughters, his eyes turned cold and said: "A bunch of trash, can't get up yet, and be defeated by a dead man, how decent it is!"

Ye Lun looked a little ugly as soon as he said this.

But at this moment, the person he hated the most was dead, dead in the hands of the Emperor of the Kingdom of God. He saw with his own eyes that he had no way of revenge in his entire life.

Shadow Shan and Shadow Owl behind also hurried over.

The dark-born sergeant dragged the badly wounded body, and also helped Ye Zhi and Ye Yi up, and cautiously sent them to the dark emperor.

"The kid is dead, and the emperor has no other expectations for this place. Let's go out together!"

With a wave of the dark emperor, the endless darkness spread again, wrapping all the dark descendants in front of them, and then taking them out together.

After that, Dorothy also called for the Emperor of Desire to appear, and under the protection of the Black Sky Horse Demon Corps, she also left here.

The bell of the night sky was still in that desperate appearance, and was taken away from the place by the Emperor Yu.

However, before the woman left, she looked back at Garuna's Tower one step at a time, but unfortunately no one rushed out of it, so she shouted for her to stay.

The journey of the Tower of Time has ended in the eyes of several emperors.

They didn't get any benefits, or the Infinite Emperor didn't leave them any benefits at all.

Golden beams of light rose into the sky. This was the light leaving the area of ​​the Tower of Time. This also meant that everyone, including Lei Yuce, had begun to leave.

But what they didn't know was that a figure had been watching them in the void, and until they left, no emperor found the person's trace.

"Finally left? In that case, I will make up for the rest!"

The figure murmured, and then turned into a golden glow, flying towards the tower of Garuna.

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