I Can Pause Time

Chapter 889: Darkness【Lord of Shadow-Overlord】

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In the boundless darkness.

"Lei Yi" had no smirk on his face at the moment, and some were just indifferent, without the slightest emotional color.

When the Dark Sovereign sacrificed the boundless darkness, he lost the position of the opponent, and he couldn't even sense the slightest breath.

"To be honest, this emperor is still a little surprised, you dare to shoot at me!" In the boundless darkness, the dark emperor's voice came out.

This voice came from all directions, reverberating continuously in the empty space, making people unable to capture the slightest direction.

"Domain...?" "Lei Yi" opened his mouth slightly and whispered.

"Hmph, to deal with your junior, there is no need for the emperor to use the domain, this is a barrier formed after the dark power is highly concentrated!"

The dark emperor's sneered voice sounded again, "The emperor's ability can control the boundless darkness, and compress the dark power into a dark area. For me, it is easy to do things just by lifting my finger."

"Get out..." "Lei Yi" roared wildly, venting his anger.

"Hmph, you junior, if you want to die by yourself, then the emperor will fulfill you!"

The boundless darkness surged, and a giant snake shot out from it, opened a huge mouth full of fangs, and killed Lei Yi.

But it was a huge fist that fought back against this move, and Lei Yi's fist gang had a dark red aura, and a punch hit the giant snake.


The darkness surged, and the head of the giant snake was shattered by a blow.

But the next moment, the darkness around him again surged, and more giant snakes emerged from it.

"The emperor wants to see how much power you still have to consume now. But the emperor is also a little curious, what is going on with this power in your body, which has actually improved your ability so much?"

The Dark Emperor's body is in the darkness, and has been observing Lei Yi all the time.

He could feel the infinite power in Lei Yi's body, which was a power he had never seen before.

This force gave him a trace of danger, no matter its concentration or quantity, but it was only a trace.

Lei Yi's strength, after all, did not reach the heaven and human realm, and even if it did, it could not be his opponent.

Unlike the king of the flies and the false emperors of the emperor, he is a person who has truly surpassed the heavens and reached the realm of the emperor.

An ordinary Celestial Realm King is just like a child in front of him, while Lei Yi's level is even an ant on the side of the road.

The dark emperor's attack continued.

Although Lei Yi smashed every giant snake that rushed up, but the latter seemed to be endless, no matter how he used it, he couldn't kill it cleanly.

In this way, Lei Yi formed an infinite loop with the giant snakes emerging around him.

The giant snake emerged, and was shattered into darkness by Thunder Yiyi. After returning for four weeks, the giant snake emerged again.

The Dark Sovereign seemed to have endless power, a dark, high-density enchantment that had been maintained.

Similarly, Lei Yi also showed extraordinary endurance at this moment. After a long time of high-intensity attacks, he did not show any signs of fatigue.

"It's not just attack power, but endurance?" In the darkness, the Dark Emperor stared at Lei Yi, a little curious in his tone.

He originally wanted to simply clean up Lei Yi, but the state the other party showed at the moment attracted his attention.

"Darkness...needs light to disperse..." At this moment, Lei Yi, who had been passively attacking, suddenly spoke.

After he spoke, a golden light appeared in his body, and then a violent light bloomed.

In this ray of light, there was a strong power of time, and the darkness around it also faded towards the surroundings at the moment the light appeared.

"Stupid, the power of time is not real light, even if you use this faint light to disperse the darkness, it will only disperse a part of it!"

The dark emperor sneered, then grabbed his hands around, and at the same time proudly said: "The darkness that the emperor can call is endless!"

Under his power, the darkness around him condensed again, even covering up most of the light of the power of time.

The power of time is not the power of the law of time, and it is still reluctance to deal with the power that carries the law of darkness.

Gradually, the golden light of Lei Yi's body finally began to dim, showing that he didn't know.

In the face of the dark emperor's ability, Lei Yi is still a bit "weak". Even if he has unlimited power, he still cannot succeed in singles out an emperor.

"Although Lei Yuce wants to kill you, how can the emperor personally wipe out your blood as he wishes!"

In the darkness, the Dark Emperor looked at Lei Yi, who was still struggling in vain, and finally lost the last trace of interest.

There was a trace of killing intent in his eyes, and his disgust for Lei Yi's existence itself.

The Dark Emperor raised his hand, and in the boundless darkness, a large hand formed by pure darkness.

"Farewell, that bitch's child. Your very existence is the greatest insult to my Darkborn, so go to die!"

The Dark Sovereign controlled his big hand and swept it down, crushing towards Lei Yi.

The boundless darkness formed a cage of imprisonment, Lei Yi Yi could not retreat, was placed under the dark hands.

But at this moment, anomalies suddenly occurred.

In the boundless darkness, I don't know when there will be an extra light.

This ray of golden light seemed to break through the darkness, shining brightly on the vast ground, dazzling.

Even the darkness can't stop this ray of light from flashing, and the dark emperor's methods are actually ineffective on this ray of light.

"Daknis, he is the one Lei wants to kill. How can you intervene!" In the light, a voice sounded.

"Lei Yuce, you are here!" The Dark Emperor never expected that the other party would actually interfere with him.

But soon, his face was replaced by ferociousness.

"Very well, this emperor has long wanted to learn about you, the emperor of the Kingdom of God, now that you are taking this kid as an opportunity, let the emperor see the power of your time law!"

Although the moment before, they were still teammates, exploring the Tower of Time together.

But at this moment, facing Lei Yuce, the Dark Emperor finally had to use his full strength.

"Fight against me, you have to consider the consequences!"

"For the emperor, there is no one in the entire Demon Realm like my eyes, and even nothingness is not enough. Only you are qualified to be the emperor’s opponent. Come on, let you see me today. The power of the tyrant armor!"

The dark emperor is now fighting high, and in the boundless darkness of his body, the pitch black runes are condensed.

Then the darkness gathered around him like a vortex, forming a huge air current vortex.

At this moment, Dark Emperor Daknis is the ruler of darkness, dominating all the darkness in the world.

"Well, since you insist on doing this, Lei will come to learn about your methods... But this kid is too in the way, let me go!"

In the darkness, a big golden hand formed, grabbing Lei Yi, and then throwing it away.

Outside the tower of Garuna.

The endless darkness formed a huge sphere in the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

The horror leaked out of it, even if it was only a trace, made the only remaining members of the dark descendants below frightened and shivered.

Suddenly, a ray of light lit up on the edge of the black ball, and then a figure flew out of it, flying straight into the tower of Garuna.

"It's that kid, he came out like this!" Seeing the figure, the Darkborn Sergeant below felt surprised.

Because that was the Dark Sovereign who personally took action against Lei Yi, so this kid escaped.

But what they didn't know was that Lei Yi couldn't get it out by relying on himself, and he could be thrown out because someone intervened in the battle.

After that, the dark sphere began to expand and contract violently, and a devastating aura spread from it.

Even the surrounding void exploded layer by layer outside the expansion of the sphere, forming layers of progressive but almost shattered white space cracks.

"What's going on? Is your Majesty the Dark Emperor fighting with someone? With this fluctuation, is it because the two sides are evenly fighting?"

"Impossible, in the entire Demon Realm, who is the opponent of His Majesty the Dark Emperor, even if it is the empty emperor, it is impossible..."

"Have you forgotten that this time you explore the Tower of Time, there is another person who is not from the Demon Realm, and your reputation and strength are not even weaker than your Majesty!"

"You said... the person who fought against your Majesty, was the Emperor Lei Yuce of the Kingdom of God?"

"Apart from him, who else can confront your Majesty like this!"

As the sergeant of the Darkborn spoke, the battle situation changed drastically.

As the black sphere expanded for a while, it didn't start to shrink, but the energy inside it became more and more terrifying.

In the end, this energy reached a critical point and then burst directly.


Darkness and golden light were mixed and exploded at the moment the black sphere exploded.

This energy was so great that the surrounding void began to collapse and turned into a large area of ​​black hole in space.

Darkborn's sergeant and others all fled quickly before the explosion to avoid being affected.

As a result, he flew not far, but was swept by the explosion, his body swaying, and falling from the sky.

In the explosion, a figure in a golden robe landed on the ground, exuding a mighty power of the law of time.

No matter how strong the aftermath of the explosion, how sharp the black holes in the surrounding space, but when approaching his whole body, they all stopped and became static.

On the other side, a mighty man wearing a pitch-black armor stomach fell from the sky.

He is holding a huge pitch black Fangtian painted halberd. The stomach is like pitch black snake scales, reflecting light, but it looks tall, solid, and a bit gorgeous.

"Is this your ability, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, the king of shadows passed down from generation to generation in the night clan, or..." Seeing this, the man in Jinpao murmured.

The person wearing the jet black armor is the Dark Emperor Daknis.

At this moment, he just sneered after hearing what the other party said.

"The King of Shadow, that's just something with a name!" He sneered, and then said proudly: "This emperor's ability is all cast by the emperor himself, my [Shadow King-Overlord] , It’s not something with a mere name!

"The King of Shadows-Overlord? It's...something interesting." The Jinpao man nodded when he heard the words, which was regarded as a note.



[Identity] One of the seven emperors of the Demon Realm, the eldest son of the Shadow Demon Emperor, and the eldest son of the old emperor of the Ye Family, but he is not the first heir to the Darkborn Throne, so he did not inherit [The Shadow King]

【Ability】Lord of Shadow-Overlord

[Ability] The final evolution type after the dark fluid has swallowed the "Power of Overlord Armor". It is more powerful than the [Shadow King]. It can control the boundless darkness and become the master of darkness. It can also mobilize the darkness to form a body armor that is close to invincible offensive and defensive. The darkness is immortal, the armor is forever

[Six Dimensions] Strength S Spirit A Speed ​​A Coordination S Distance S Special S

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