I Can Pause Time

Chapter 885: Extraordinary Force

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"Open Sesame!"

With Lei Yi's shout, the closed door really opened.


Amidst the roar, the tower of Garuna has been banned for many years and blocked the door of unknown seekers, and the gap has been opened.


A golden light overflowed from it, and then the space within it was completely revealed in front of Lei Yi's trio.

In this scene, not only Yekong Ling and Dorothy were stunned.

Even Yingshan in the rear was also bewildered by Lei Yizheng's outburst.

She came here long ago, and used all her energy on the gate of Garuna Tower, using almost all of her inventory just by breaking the ban spell.

As a result, this door did not enter the oil and salt, and no measures to break the ban were ineffective.

Just when Yingshan thought that Lei Yi and the others were just doing useless work, the other party actually opened the door with a word.

The most important thing is that this sentence actually means "open the door with sesame seeds," and Yingshan was about to cry.

The contrast between the front and back is too great, why she has worked so hard for so long, and she can't match a password.

"Ergou, how did you know you wanted to call Zhima to open the door?" Yekong Ling asked quickly.

Not only her, Dorothy and Yingshan behind both pricked their ears, wanting to hear why.

"The Infinite Emperor told me, he told me a secret code!" Lei Yi said "to be honest".

"Ergou, if you don't want to tell me, just talk straight. You have to talk about the infinite emperor. I really thought I wanted to know..."

Ye Kong Ling immediately rolled his eyes and put on an expression of "You continue to act, I can see it".

"Yeah, if you don't want to tell us, just say it directly, make up any reason for the infinite emperor, and you don't treat us as your own!" Dorothy was also a little displeased, and said to Lei Yi.

Fatty: "Hmm~(??????)?,? (This little fairy thinks they are both right!

Come on, Lei Yi didn't intend to explain.

He was telling the truth, but no one believed it. This is a fart to explain.

"Let's go, go in and have a look, what's the point of entangled in this code!" He waved his hand and walked directly into it.

Yekong Ling and Dorothy followed.

Seeing this, Ying Shan in the back followed up after hesitating for a moment.

However, before she entered the Tower of Garuna, she had secretly communicated to Ye Lun and the others, if they saw the news, they should come sooner.

Of course, this place is the Tower of Time area, and this woman doesn't know how long this will be soon.

And Lei Yi had already taken the lead to enter the Tower of Garuna.

Compared with the magnificent, majestic, majestic and primitive simplicity of the Tower of Time, the Tower of Garuna is much more ordinary.

The space inside is not small, but compared to any secret realm or palace Lei Yi has been to, it is really too ordinary.

In the tower of Garuna, apart from some murals on the temple, there is really nothing left.

The only thing that can attract Lei Yi is probably a high platform in the center and some golden light spots on the high platform.

"The power of time, no, it is the power of the law of time that is more pure than the power of time!" Those light spots made Lei Yi feel.

These light spots are not other, but very pure power of the law of time, which is much higher in nature than the power of time in his body, and is closer to the origin of the world.

"Ergou, look there, is there a box?"

In fact, Lei Yi also saw it without the night sky bell reminding him.

The surrounding murals are nothing to look at. Apart from the golden light spots floating in the air, there is only one box on the high platform in the center that is more eye-catching.

Lei Yi did not rush over, but took a cautious step, and after confirming that there were no special restrictions, did he walk to the vicinity of the high platform.

"What will the Infinite Emperor leave for me?" With such curiosity, he stepped onto the high platform and then walked to the box.

This is a purple box, looks plain, without any characteristics.

Lei Yi put his hand on it and sensed something carefully, but nothing was sensed.

Needless to say, the sealing measures of this box did a good job, at least Lei Yi couldn't see much.

On the side of the night sky bell, neither Fatty nor Dorothy had noticed any abnormalities, indicating that the box had no passive hands or feet.

There was no lock on the box, but there was a layer of golden mark, shining with a faint light.

Within this golden rune, there is the same pure power of the law of time.

Lei Yi tested it and found that the box couldn't be opened with brute force, and the key to opening the box was obviously on this mark.

"Silly girl, Dorothy, stand back a little!" Lei Yi turned his head and reminded him.

In fact, there is no need for him to say much, Yekong Ling also felt a little bad, and took a few steps back after holding the fat.

Seeing them retreat to the edge of the high platform, Lei Yi raised his spirits, put his hand on the golden rune, and then injected the power of time into his body.

The golden light lit up, and the mark was in the golden light, gradually fading until it disappeared.


The seal of the box disappeared, and the mechanism inside was opened.

"That's it?" Lei Yi looked dazed, this is too simple.

In other words, is it possible for anyone else with the power of the law of time to open this box?

But he thought that other people didn't seem to know the password to open the door, so he was relieved.

Who would have thought of the building in the Tower of Time, the password to open the door would be "Open Sesame", and no one would have thought of it.

"Come on, let me see what the Infinite Emperor wants to give me!"

Without hesitation, Lei Yi directly opened the box.

In an instant, a purple light lit up from the box.

At this time, the hairs on Lei Yi's body stood up, and a trace of danger emerged in his heart.

"Oops, the things here are dangerous!" This was the instinctive reaction in his mind when the purple light appeared.

But even if there is a mental reaction, it is too late physically.

A purple light flew out of the box and reflected in the center of his eyebrows within the time that Lei Yi was completely unable to react.

There was a plop.

Lei Yi fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Before fainting, he saw the night sky bell and chubby rushing over, but the thought in his mind was...

Infinite Emperor, what have you left for me?


At the same time, inside the tower of time.

When Lei Yi opened the box, the person wearing the black robe suddenly stopped and looked at a certain direction as if feeling.

That position is exactly where Garuna's tower is.

"Has it started?" he murmured.

But at this moment, there is no mind body by his side, and in the entire huge palace, he is the only one who exists, which is slightly lonely.

The figure retracted its gaze and continued to mutter:

"The secret of evolution, this world has already studied almost, even if the power of a mortal goes against the sky, it can't change anything, because this is the **** of the world's origin and the rule of the great road."

"For that young man, using the "power of mutation" to complete the first evolution. The power of the tyrant enhanced his ability, but it also caused a mutation in his ability, which meant that he had lost the possibility of a second evolution. . At least in this world, the rules are like this..."

Having said that, his words paused slightly, and then continued...

"...But what if the power afterwards does not come from this world, is not bound by this world, and is detached from the rules of this world?"

"Juvenile, this is the power entrusted to you, which can help you break your destiny, the power from outside the sky. I hope you can survive and counter the "power outside the sky." Only then will you be able to get to that point completely in the future..."

When the figure talked about this, there was a wave of fluctuation in his words.

Afterwards, his gaze penetrated the mask on his face and looked far away.

"Next, the young man will meet his destiny, and he also needs to be prepared and make a destined choice."

The figure opened his arms and shouted loudly: "The gatekeeper of the underworld, the messenger in charge of death, listen to my call, wake up, and lead the boy on the path he must recognize..."


At the same time, the Devildom.

Dark emperor collar, the city of no light.

Inside the Dark Palace, Dakdo is calling the other two kings for discussion.

However, it was a matter of discussion. From the beginning of the meeting to the present, only one person was talking, and the other two hardly interrupted.

As for the reasons, one is because their personality is like this, and the other is because the management of the dark emperor is all trivial matters, which they look down on.

The Dark Emperor took away the guards of Lengyu Valley, and after Jialian and Darkwing King, only Dakto, the Necromancer and the Bloodshadow King remained in the City of No Light.

At this moment, it was Daktor who was talking about it.

"The situation on the border has been a bit tense recently. The gang of barbarians led by the fierce emperor is very noisy. Do you want to send more people to it? Or should we send someone out and give the gang of barbarians a little color?"

"If you want to start a war, you need your Majesty's approval!" The Blood King, who had not spoken, finally moved his mouth.

Although his body was hidden in the scarlet robe, he couldn't tell whether he was speaking, but he made a sound.

The Necromancer on the side was still like a wooden man, without any reaction at all.

"Huh, Daknis, you are here, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, can't I be the master, necromancer, you have to say something too!" Dakduo was a little annoyed, and then asked another person.

But suddenly, he found that the Necromancer was a little different.

"Necromancer, what's the matter with you?" he asked immediately.

"Impossible, impossible, this is absolutely impossible!" But the latter suddenly let out a hoarse exclamation.

This caused the Blood King to be a little surprised. Immediately ridiculed: "Necromancer, what's wrong with you, you who won't speak for several years, why are you so panicked today? Say you are not a necromancer, do you still have feelings in your skull head?"

"I feel the breath of that adult!"

This thoughtless sentence made Duquedor and the Blood King somewhat inexplicable.

"Who is that lord, what are you talking about?"

"I can feel it, it's the breath of that lord, he is... the Emperor of the Underworld... Cecil..."

"What, Emperor Underworld, there really is such a person!" Dakduo immediately exclaimed with a twitch of his old face.

He always thought that the Emperor Underworld was just a legend, because he had never seen the other party himself.

Even when the Seven Emperors System was established in the first generation, no one had ever seen the Emperor of Hades.

But now, the Necromancer actually said that the Hades appeared!

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