I Can Pause Time

Chapter 884: "Open Sesame"

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"Silly girl, wake up, don't be confused, we're there!"

Lei Yi shook the bell of the night sky, which brought the woman back to her senses.

Recognizing a tower as a piece of cake shows how confused this woman is.

Then she knocked Dorothy, who had fallen asleep next to her, to wake up the woman lying on the blanket.

"What's the matter, this hall is still sleepy~" Dorothy was sleepy and lazy, with a slightly long mouth, yawning.

Lei Yi: "..."

He couldn't help but landed on the plain with his second daughter.

The consciousness was released, and no danger was found nearby for the time being.

But Lei Yi didn't dare to relax, because this place was too weird, there were time traps everywhere, although he was resistant, but his spiritual consciousness did not.

Who knows if anyone or a monster is hiding in these traps, in case he avoids his spiritual sense, and any random ambush is enough for them to drink a pot.

During the previous journey, Lei Yi has encountered all kinds of strange creatures, among them there are unknown creatures hiding in time traps.

Fortunately, his reaction was not weak, and the time trap had a limited impact on him, which made it possible for many times to evade danger.

But now, finally reaching the destination, he didn't dare to relax for a moment.

"Look, this is the Tower of Garuna!" Lei Yi pointed to the spiral tower in front of him and introduced it to Night Sky Bell and Dorothy.

"Tower like a cake~" Ye Kong Ling looked at the building in front of her with a stunned expression.

Lei Yi was a little speechless, but he had to say that the tower of Garuna was indeed bloated.

It's not so much a tower as it is a bunker.

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to when entering Garuna Tower?" Lei Yi asked the "signpost" beside him as he walked.

"There is nothing to pay attention to, as long as you don't use force in it. Of course, if you have the power of a true emperor, the restrictions here will not restrain you."

"In other words, there are restrictions and no hands are allowed, but if the dark emperor wants to do something, why can't this place be him?"

"Yes, besides the Dark Emperor, there is that person. You should know who it is."

Lei Yi nodded, indicating that he knew.

"Forgot to tell you, my task is to guide you to the Tower of Garuna, and now that the task is complete, I have to leave."

With that, the body shape of the mind body gradually faded.

This scene was a surprise to Lei Yi, and he remembered that the other party's mission was to guide himself from the beginning.

And now that the place is here, the mind of the infinite emperor has finally fulfilled its mission

Just when the mind body was about to disappear, he seemed to "suddenly" remember something, and quickly raised his head to look at Lei Yi and reminded: "Ahem, I almost forgot, the password for the door is'Open Sesame', don't forget it. Oh..."

"Why did Zhima open the door!" Just when the mental body disappeared, Lei Yi couldn't help but complain.

He had to admit that this infinite emperor was so evil that he actually set a password for the tower of Garuna, and it was still such a password.

"Open Sesame, why don't you open the door with watermelon, open the door with pizza, open the door with braised pork?" Lei Yi said again and walked towards the building in front.

But just after he walked a few steps, his figure suddenly stopped.

"Oh, what's the matter with you Ergou, don't stop suddenly while walking!" But the night sky bell behind him didn't react for a while and hit his back directly.

Lei Yi shook his head secretly and sighed: "Silly girl, you are too confused, you don't even sense anyone nearby!"

When Lei Yi said so, the night sky shook his head and immediately became sober.

But after she felt it, she was confused again.

"Someone, no one, why didn't I sense it? Dorothy, did you sense something?"

Dorothy shook her head, pointed to somewhere in front, and said lightly: "No, the main hall doesn't sense anything except seeing your fatness."

"That's it..." Night Sky Ling scratched his head, and then immediately reacted.

She turned her head to look forward again, and then she saw a white shadow on the plain ahead rushing towards her at high speed.

That petite body, but fast speed, is not her cute pet, the little fox fat.

"Fatty!" Yekong Ling opened his arms and looked happy.

"Hey! (*^▽^* The chubby who rushed was equally excited, and flew into the bell of the night sky with a "swish".

Lei Yi watched Chubby return to Night Sky Ling, slightly relieved, but his expression still wrinkled.

"Fatty, who are you following?" Yekong Ling asked quickly.

"Uhhhhhhh~" Fatty responded immediately, raising his little paw and making a few gestures on the spot.

"Princess Yingshan, you don't have to hide, the fat has betrayed you!" Lei Yi immediately shouted to the front when he saw this.

Although he knew that there was a person in front of him, he still didn't know who it was.

As a result, Fatty said that, there is no need to guess.

Sure enough, being so disturbed by the fat, no one can hide.

On the plain ahead, a shadow wriggled from the low-lying place, and then a figure rose from it.

The person here is a black dress girl with black hair and black eyes, and her body is full of extravagance. It is the fourth daughter of the Dark Emperor, the fourth princess Yingshan of the Shadow Family.

As soon as this woman appeared, she looked at Night Sky Ling and Fatty with a hateful look.

Because she was lucky, she ran into a fat little fox as soon as she entered the Tower of Time.

This woman is trying her best to win over on the road, and all kinds of delicious and fun things are served to the fat, but unexpectedly after coming here, the fox said that she was rebellious and rebelled.

Her wining along the way is tantamount to doing useless work, so how can she not be angry.

"It's naive to want to dig a corner!" Lei Yi also saw it, and smiled in his heart. "Silly girls and chubby girls have grown up since childhood. How long have you and that girl been together? How could you succeed in digging the wall? ."

At this moment, Yingshan approached Lei Yi, showing hesitation, but still timidly said hello: "That...cousin, how are you."

As soon as these words were said, Yekong Ling and Dorothy looked at Lei Yi, and then at Yingshan.

"Darkborn people, don't mess around with rapport!" Ye Skyring asked in a frenzy first, sticking in his waist.

"Yes, that's right, you still call your cousin, you really think of yourself as your sister?" Dorothy sneered likewise, and was even more defensive towards Yingshan.

Lei Yi was also a little surprised. How can Yingshan recognize it?

Although his mother is the sister of the Dark Emperor and the other is the daughter of the Dark Emperor, the two are indeed cousins.

But the Dark Sovereign has never recognized himself, and Yingshan recognizes his "cousin" in this way. Wouldn't it make the Dark Sovereign dissatisfied?

However, Lei Yi also took into account that this place is unfamiliar, and Yingshan is alone again. It is estimated that she wants to find a backer for the relationship.

Now that she met Lei Yi, she naturally used the so-called "relative relationship" to get closer.

Yingshan didn't expect that his own "cousin" would actually make Yekong Ling and Dorothy so repulsive.

The woman immediately pretended to be timid, but she snorted coldly in her heart: "Hmph, the empty emperor and the princess who desire the royal, I didn't expect this guy to have a relationship with them."

"Cousin, what's the matter with this tower? I have been here for so long, but unfortunately I can't get in."

Seeing Yingshan still wanting to make a relationship, Lei Yi immediately said: "You don't know how to open it, but I don't plan to team up with you, Princess Yingshan, why don't you go find your brothers and sisters?"

"Don't think I don't know that God's Kingdom has a messenger talisman, so Prince Yelun must also have a messenger talisman to communicate with you."

Then, he no longer gave Yingshan the opportunity to speak, and took the night sky bell and Dorothy to the Tower of Garuna.

All he had to do was to open the door in the past and take away what the Infinite Emperor had to entrust to him, nothing more.

As for Yingshan, just treat it as a passerby.

Seeing that Lei Yi ignored him, but walked away with someone, Yingshan's face was blue and white, and the expression in her eyes also changed.

"Does this guy know how to enter this tower?" Yingshan was shocked when she saw Lei Yi walking straight past.

But soon, a sharp look appeared in her eyes.

"Indeed, I wanted to take advantage of myself, but this place is so dangerous, my ability is limited after all, I still have to inform Brother Ye Lun and them. I just don’t know, after Ye Lun Yeyi and the others came, you guys will still Can you be so arrogant!"


Dorothy is communicating with Lei Yi.

"Are you sure you won't clean up her, but I can feel that the princess of the shadow family is not what it seems to be, but there is a killing intent in her heart!"

"So what? I can't really kill her!" Lei Yi spread his hand, expressing helplessness, "Just like she said, we do have some relatives, and the other party didn't take the initiative to attack me. Will kill innocent people."

"Furthermore, my task is to enter this tower of Garuna, and leave without any delay. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, what can she do by herself. Even if she really informs the dark descendant. The other people in, even notified the dark emperor, that we can leave immediately if the other party rushes over."

Hearing what Lei Yi said, Yekong Ling and Dorothy nodded.

At this time, the tower area is so big, and Lei Yi has the help of ten generals. It can be obtained anywhere, so what are you afraid of.

Thinking about this, Lei Yi finally walked to the gate of Garuna Tower.

Compared with the Tower of Time, the Tower of Garuna is not so impressive, but the gate is still big, tens of meters high, and it is tightly closed.

"Hey yeah~ The little fox standing on the shoulder of the bell in the night sky saw this, and immediately let out a cry.

"Fang Fat said, that Ying Shan has been here for so long and tried many ways, but he couldn't open the door." Ye Kong Ling immediately translated.

After Lei Yi listened, he laughed, "That's the password for the door she doesn't know!"

"Password?" Yekong Ling and Dorothy looked at each other.

"Look at me." Lei Yi calmly walked to the door, then took a deep breath and shouted: "Open Sesame!"

Night sky bell: "..."

Dorothy: "..."

Fatty: "Σ( ̄д ̄;)!!!"

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