I Can Pause Time

Chapter 863: Show off

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Just when A Liang was embarrassed, the wolves behind finally lost Lei Yi's vitality supply, and the number gradually decreased.

Finally, the force of a layer of ice swept through, and the wolves were all turned into ice sculptures, and then their bodies were shattered and turned into crystal powder.

Lei Bingning rushed out from behind, came to Ah Liang's side again, and stood side by side with him.

"Miss, be careful, this guy has become a lot trickier!" A Liang quickly reminded.

He was afraid that Lei Bingning would be stimulated by Lei Yi's words again, and he would attack rashly without paying attention, so that it would be easy for a moth to emerge.

"You don't need to remind me, I can see it!" Lei Bingning snorted coldly, not having a good air.

Obviously, because Lei Yi was one enemy two, he actually suppressed the two of them, which made the woman's temper very bad.

"Miss, since we can see it, then we have to be more cautious, otherwise it would be really shameful if we lose with one enemy and two!"

A Liang reminded him solemnly, and then took a step forward and said to Lei Yi; "Lei Yi, let me go, what means do you have, Miss Me and I will follow!"

When Lei Yi heard what A Liang said, he smiled directly.


"Hmph, take out any means, otherwise you won't have a chance!" Seeing Lei Yi's joking gesture, Lei Bingning gritted Silver Fang.

"Okay, that's what you said!" Lei Yi nodded, and then his body was divided into ten, transformed into ten figures, and rushed directly to the two of them.

"Be careful, his phantom demon body is not weaker than mine. Obviously he often uses this body to fight against strong enemies, so he has developed such an accomplishment!"

A Liang wanted to remind one or two, but Lei Bingning didn't listen at all, but had already taken action.

"Ice Boundary!" The girl yelled, her hands sealed, and a layer of white chill spread to the surroundings.

In an instant, the already icy space here was even more cold to the bones at this moment, and even the water vapor in the atmosphere was frozen.

In the sky, under this trick, severe hail fell.

"A Liang, use a gravity field!" Lei Bingning immediately shouted when he saw Lei Yi sprinting in the hail.

"Come!" The latter also shot at the same time, showing off his supernatural powers.

Almost instantly, a layer of gravitational field opened up, covering the entire range of more than 100 meters in the vicinity.

Under the influence of gravity, the falling speed of the hail in the sky accelerated dozens of times, and even turned into a silver-white sharp blade, falling straight down.



Under the puncture of the hail on the ground below, continuous thorns erupted, showing the strong penetrating power of the hail at this moment.

Amidst the hail, Lei Yi's body was also pierced by sharp ice crystals, leaving more bloodstains.

And after being hit continuously, his avatars collapsed one after another, turning into a black mist and dissipating.

Seeing this scene, he can only give up the attack and choose to distance himself.

"Ice crystal plus gravity, this is a combo skill, right?"

He also didn't expect that the other two's supernatural abilities are not strong, but under the double blessing, there is an effect that one plus one is greater than two.

However, the hail blessed by gravity can only cause a little fleshy wound to him.

"Three hundred times the gravitational field!" But just as Lei Yi retreated, A Liang's roar rang out from his side.

It turned out that he had already guessed that Lei Yi would retreat, so when the other party acted, he also acted with him.

At this moment, under 300 times the gravity, Lei Yi's figure suddenly fell, and his whole body seemed to be bound by a layer of shackles, making his movements somewhat inconvenient.

"Almost forgot, this is your own ability!"

Soon, Lei Yi mobilized the blood and vitality in his body, and injected an invisible force into his body, only then recovered a little mobility.

He looked at the ground getting closer and closer, but did not intend to move his body at all, but let gravity smash himself into the ground.

Just as his head was about to touch the ground, a golden light flashed on his body, and the whole person turned into a light and shadow, directly blending into the ground.

The magical powers of the golden light were unfolded, and his figure even escaped into the soil.

"This ability is similar to Wanyao's "Tu Xing Sun". Is it a type of Earth Escape? "

Lei Bingning flew to the sky above Lei Yi's disappearance, and after searching for Lei Yi's trail, he had no choice but to give up.

She can conclude that Lei Yi is still nearby, but the other party is hiding underground at the moment, and can only wait for the other party to show up.

Lei Bingning motioned to Ah Liang's eyes, who immediately understood, and then shouted loudly: "Lei Yi, what are you to be a turtle, come out!"

"Come!" Lei Yi's voice sounded in the ground below.

Then the ground exploded, and nine figures flew out from it. It was Lei Yi who had used the magical body technique.

"It's another nine-turn empty phase, I will do this trick too!" Seeing this, A Liang sneered, his body also divided into nine.

He swooped down to meet each other.

A nine-on-nine scuffle broke out in the sky, but in fact it was only two people who really fought against each other.

A Liang's body and the clone are inextricably separated from the nine Lei Yi fights.

However, with the help of Lei Bingning, relying on the power of the ice to sneak attack and freeze all the Lei Yis, the battle was reversed.

"Hundred times the gravitational field!" A Liang had a timely display of supernatural powers to suppress Lei Yi's actions.

After a few breaths, the last Lei Yi was forced to retreat steadily. A Liang seized the opportunity and hit the chest with a punch.

But the next moment, this Lei Yi showed a sly smile, and then his body turned into a black mist and dissipated.

"No, all nine are clones!" A Liang was shocked, and then immediately turned his head.

"Miss, be careful behind you!"

At some point, a cloud of gray mist appeared behind Lei Bingning.

Hearing what A Liang said at this moment, Lei Bingning was about to fly out immediately.

But the gray mist also surged, and then a figure rushed out of it, it was Lei Yi.

Relying on the cover of Hundred Soul Ghosts and Gods, he launched a feint attack with nine avatars to attract the attention of the two, and then chose to attack Lei Bingning in a sneak attack.

After all, the opponent has a close combat and a long range. It is a conventional tactic to sneak attack on the long range attacker first.

Lei Yi's figure burst out, sprinting to Lei Bingning's approach, and then a golden curtain of light lit up all over his body.

"Tyrant of Time!" He activated the abnormal ability, and the golden enchantment opened instantly, covering the Lei Bingning in front of him.

But the woman's whole body also lit up with a layer of golden light, which actually weakened the deceleration effect of the time tyrant by nearly half of its power.

"I had expected you to have resistance, but resistance does not mean that you can ignore this move!" Lei Yi was not surprised to see this scene.

Behind him, a golden figure brazenly rushed out, it was his soul.

"This is not the law, you have practiced the spirit!" Seeing this scene, A Liang was shocked when he sprinted.

Lei Bingning continued to pinch the tactics, but unfortunately, under the deceleration, the speed of her hands was too slow, so that when the spirit rushed to the front, the woman had no time to use the ability to expand.


An ice shield appeared in front of this woman, but she was hit by Lei Yi's soul.

Under the agitation of the fist, countless layers of ripples appeared in the void.

A burst of blood spurted from Lei Bingning's mouth, and the whole person was affected by the force of the fist. The ice shield instantly exploded, and the person flew out.

"Miss!" Upon seeing this, A Liang quickly changed his trajectory, and moved to catch Lei Bingning.

"Cough cough, such a powerful force..." Lei Bingning was not lightly injured at the moment, coughing up blood in his mouth, but was even more astonished by the power of Lei Yi's soul.

Then, the woman shook her hands, and after she broke away from A Liang's arms, she said coldly: "But even so, you didn't beat us!"

"Yes, these moves alone really can't beat you, and I already know it in my heart." Lei Yi was very indifferent and admitted this.

"Since you no longer have the means, then we'll take the shot!" Lei Bingning inserted the blood on the corner of his mouth and wanted to take the shot.

"Who said that I have no means, I still have a lot of real pressing moves." But Lei Yi shook his head, and then his face was straight: "Next, let's use this trick to deal with you!"

After speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and when he appeared, he sprinted to Lei Bingning.

"No, this distance!" Seeing that the distance between the two of them was close to 20 meters, Lei Bingning knew the range and distance of Lei Yi's time tyrant, so he quickly retreated.

"Can you escape?" But when he saw this scene, Lei Yi sneered, and stepped on the void with his feet. He accelerated and got closer to the opponent.

After that, the power of time oscillated, and the power of the time tyrant was about to open again.

"Miss!" Seeing this scene, A Liang quickly escorted him and rushed towards Lei Yi.

"It's you who are waiting, don't blame me for acting!" But seeing A Liang leaving, Lei Yi laughed instead.

Afterwards, all the power of time in his body was accumulated in his right hand, and a golden rune flickered in his palm.

He quickly raised his hand, facing Ah Liang with his palm, and made a move.

In an instant, the wind and cloud changed color, and a big golden hand formed on his side, carrying a violent time force fluctuation, and grabbed it towards Ah Liang.

"this is……"

"This is the handprint of Tianshi!"

Seeing the moment when the big golden hand appeared, Lei Bingning and A Liang exclaimed at the same time, their expressions shocked.

This time it was really shocked, because this big handprint was a unique skill of the Emperor of God's Kingdom, and no one in God's country could use it except him.

Even Lei Tianci, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Lei Bingning, and even the Four Heavenly Kings could not perform this trick.

Today, this trick was actually reproduced in Lei Yi's hands. How could this not shock Lei Bingning and A Liang.

Afterwards, Lei Bingning seemed to be aware of something, and immediately exclaimed: "A Liang, fast back, his goal is you from the beginning!"

But unfortunately, it was too late.

When the big mudra was formed that day, A Liang still took the initiative to rush towards Lei Yi, while Lei Bingning retreated quickly, too late to support.

In an instant, the big golden hand succeeded in hitting it, rushing past A Liang's body, and then dissipating into the void behind.

The force of rolling time violently shook, causing countless ripples in the void.

After Ah Liang was recruited, his expression remained horrified.

But then he found out that he seemed to be fine.

"How come, I'm okay?" He touched his chest with a look of surprise.

He had seen His Majesty's shot in God's country at the beginning, when the Great Handprint of Heaven was out, the powerful enemy instantly turned into fly ash, and it was the kind of fly ash that had burned out all his lifespan, and he could not die again.

But myself, after being hit by Tianshi's handprint, there was nothing wrong with it.

This makes him not surprised.

Just, is it true?

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