I Can Pause Time

Chapter 862: Together, you can't match me!

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Near the ice castle.

Lei Yi broke through the air, and his momentum was flourishing.

"How can it be!"

Seeing him flying over, Lei Tianci, A Liang and the others were all shocked.

That is more than a dozen warriors of the Kingdom of God, and laughing Yan Luo to help out, was actually killed by the opponent in minutes?

But Lei Yi flew over indifferently at this moment, and the group of warriors, including Xiao Yan Luo and others, were nowhere to be seen. Lei Yi came, and they didn't come, so it could only be dead over there.

Facts speak louder than words and do not need to be refuted.

"This bunch of trash can't stop even one person, what do they eat!" Seeing Lei Yi's return, Lei Tianci suddenly became furious and directly cursed.

Lei Bingning on the side frowned tightly after listening.

Because the people cursed by Lei Tianci are all members of the kingdom of God, their subordinates and colleagues.

Because they didn't stop Lei Yi, they became **** in Lei Tianci's mouth, and it was naturally inappropriate to be cursed so much by him.

But Lei Tianci not only scolded, but he was righteous and even scolded for several minutes.

"God, if you want to become a superior, you must be happy and not angry, restrain yourself!" Lei Bingning shook his head straight in his heart, but he still persuaded.

"What restraint? That bunch of rubbish, even this **** can't get rid of it, it's not rubbish!" Lei Tianci refuted, his expression still irritated.

Then, he looked at Ah Liang and shouted in a commanding tone: "A Liang, you go up, stop him, and kill this **** for me."

Seeing Lei Tianci's posture, A Liang shook his head in his heart, but still accepted the order.

He stepped forward and walked to Lei Yi.

"Lei Yi, I didn't expect you to be able to beat them. That's a warrior that even me finds tricky. How did you win?"

"Clean them up, it didn't take much effort for me." Lei Yi naturally wouldn't tell the other party the cause and effect.

"The result now is that I am standing in front of you and they are all dead." Facing the three of Lei Tianci, he shouted: "Next, let me learn about the brilliant tricks of the two of your Nine Envoys. Right!"

"Why, do you have to fight one against two?"

"No, it's not that I want to fight one against two, but according to my estimation, the two of you must join forces to fight me!"

"Lei Yi, I haven't seen you for so long, I don't think you are so embarrassed!"

Hearing Lei Yi's scream, A Liang couldn't stand it first, so he rose directly into the sky and killed him.

"This is not a big talk, but a fact!" Lei Yi just smiled faintly, without denying it, because he never lied.

If it were in other places, it might be a bit difficult for him to deal with A Liang and Lei Bingning at the same time.

But here, when the surrounding space is flooded with astonishing power of time, that's another matter.

"Time Tyrant!" When A Liang got close, Lei Yi opened the time barrier without hesitation.

In an instant, a layer of golden aperture was placed outside, enveloping Ah Liang.

"Here again!" Even if he couldn't sense the power of time, A Liang also noticed something strange outside his body.

Because in his sight, Lei Yi's speed "increased" more than ten times.

The opponent almost appeared in front of him in a flash.

"Okay...fast...ah..." A Liang's mouth squirmed, almost using "Turtle Speed" to say these three words.

But just when Lei Yi was about to succeed, the sudden change occurred.

In the direction on the side, countless ice spears shot out, blocking the angle of Lei Yi's attack.

"Sure enough, President Lei also has time resistance. Although it is not much, it is much better than A Liang!" Feeling the offensive from the side, his figure suddenly retreated and distanced himself from A Liang.

On the other side, the ice spear flew past A Liang's figure, and the attack also landed in the empty space.

"Miss, how did you make the move?" Seeing this, A Liang immediately said.

"If I didn't make a move, you would have hit a punch just now!" Lei Bingning flew to Ah Liang's side, but then fixed his eyes on Lei Yi, "The power of time, and the use of mature abilities, plus time. The particularity of the tower, you are not his opponent here."

"It's my carelessness. Since the eldest lady is going to make a move, let's form a team temporarily!" A bright spot said, agreeing with Lei Bingning's statement.

Here, although his ability has not diminished, Lei Yi's ability has increased tremendously.

"Just like you said, the two of us are now joining forces, and we should be able to flex your hands with you!" Lei Bingning said towards Lei Yi.

"President Lei, since you want to enlighten me, please!"

"I am no longer the president of the imperial capital of Wuhan University. I am now Lei Bingning, the nine angels of the Kingdom of God. I hope you don't continue to call me like that!"

"Okay, President Lei, I see, President Lei!"

Lei Bingning: "..."

I have to say that Lei Yi's words and deeds made Lei Bingning's eyes a sullen color.

"Bring your horse here, President Lei!" Lei Yi continued.

"Since you insist on angering me, I will fulfill you!"

Lei Bingning was also extremely annoyed by Lei Yi's words, and after he sealed his hands, he killed him directly.

"Miss, if you are always calm, will you be shaken by words?" A Liang from the back frowned when he saw this scene.

He had to admit that Lei Yi's combat experience was too rich, and Lei Bingning was shaken by just a few words.

However, as a teammate, he can't let it go at this moment.

So after Lei Bingning, A Liang also made moves at the same time.

On his hands, two silver wolf shadows appeared, and his figure turned into a flash of lightning, chasing him.

"Heaven Dou Xun Wolf Fist!" A Liang's moves are naturally "Heaven Dou Fist".

"This trick?" Lei Yi saw A Liang's moves and Lei Bingning's tentacles, but suddenly smiled.

He cleared his throat and shouted loudly, "President Lei, in fact, A Liang has always had a crush on you, do you know?"

As soon as this statement came out, the lethality was huge.

Lei Bingning and A Liang's movements were at the same time, and the offensive in their hands was weakened by three points.

Because of these words, there were so many things exposed that A Liang blushed a little, and Lei Bingning frowned.

"It's now!" But after shouting, Lei Yi suddenly made a move.

His figure was divided into ten, and he was transformed into ten at the same time. When Lei Bingning and A Liang's offensive was suspended, he had already seized the opportunity.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist Profound Righteousness, Heaven Dou Cruel Wolf Killing Array!"

Just after A Liang and Lei Bing condensed the various thoughts in their hearts, they discovered that the two men's Zhou had been surrounded by dark red wolves.

The surrounding wolf shadows floated, and the fierce aura was so pervasive that both of them felt a sense of oppression in varying degrees.

"This is a move that Tiandou's Killing Fists don't have?!" Seeing the wolf shadows around, A Liang twisted his eyebrows unconsciously.

"Of course, this is the improved boxing technique of the Fierce King's land faction. I learned it directly from their demon generals. It is not the old style recorded in the boxing table!"

Lei Yi's voice came from among the wolves, but it resounded like an empty valley, making people unable to capture the direction.

"I'll deal with the wolves, you go to find the location of that guy!" Seeing this, Lei Bingning said to A Liang, then opened his hands.

Suddenly, a force of ice spread around, and the chill was pressing.

"Okay!" Ah Mingliang's head, his figure divided into nine at the same time, rushed out all around.

"It's useless, under the blessings of this place, even if you two join hands, you can't beat me!" Lei Yi's voice came from among the wolves again.

"Hmph, I advise you not to be too confident, this place also has a blessing to my ice power!" Lei Bingning sneered and made a bold move.

The power of the ice turned into a blizzard and swept toward the surrounding wolves.


The wolves also moved at the same time, the howling of the wolf was mixed with howling, and then the wolf shadow floated and charged towards Lei Bingning and A Liang.

A Liang's figure was quickly submerged by the wolves, while Lei Bingning relied on the power of ice to reinforce a barrier around his body.

After the wolf shadow crashed into the barrier, they turned into ice sculptures one after another, and the offensive also stalled.

However, after the wolves flew, Lei Bingning had to continue to maintain the barrier, only defending, unable to counterattack.

A Liang galloped among the wolves, and the nine figures were gradually torn apart by the wolves, turning into eight, seven, and six...

After a few breaths, he finally rushed out of the wolves, but only his body was left, and the whole body was also colored.

"As expected to be the clan of Tiandou Killing Boxing, the martial arts of the fierce emperor is really powerful!" After he rushed out of the wolves, he looked forward and exclaimed.

Here, Lei Yi stood with his hand, as if he had already been waiting here.

"Lei Yi, you also take my uprising!" He looked at Lei Yi and made a bold move.

Dozens of silver wolf shadows rushed out of his body and slew the figure in front of him.

But even after the wolf shadow drowned it, he didn't move a step when he got the figure, letting the attack tear him apart.

"Oops, it's a clone!" Seeing this scene, A Liang secretly said badly, and then his eyes were shocked, "How is it possible, I should recognize whether he used the magic body method, but he has deceived me."

"This trick is the advanced, profound meaning and intangible of the magic body method, but it is not comparable to the Nine Turns of the Empty Phase!" Just when A Liang was shocked, a faint sound rang in his ears. Discourse.

"What!" A Liang's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously slammed a punch to his side.

But the punch hit the empty space, and at the same time, Lei Yi's figure was caught out of the corner of his eye.

The opponent was actually standing in a position torn apart by the wolf shadow, but at this moment the silver wolf pack had disappeared, and Lei Yi seemed to have never been attacked.

"Is this what you learned in the Demon Realm?" After A Liang questioned, his face looked ugly.

"Yes, it's a pity that I can't display the ultimate meaning of Fierce King Fist proficiently, and you are not qualified to see this trick, otherwise I really want to show off my skills in front of you!" Lei Yi said, and myself Laughed.

He laughed at when, A Liang was the person he needed to look up to.

And now, he can actually say that the other party is not qualified.

The confrontation between the two had unknowingly changed from Lei Yi not an opponent at all, and now Lei Yi has begun to have the upper hand.

"There is even the ultimate profound meaning!" And A Liang was digesting the information revealed by Lei Yi.

There is the ultimate meaning, that means there are more cards.

A Liang felt that it had indeed become extremely difficult to defeat Lei Yi.

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