I Can Pause Time

Chapter 851: "Sapling" upgrade

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Great Igo residence.

Lei Yi came back, and finally came back after seeing his death.

His soul returned to his body again, and his figure was shaking for a while before he stood still.

"Is this the soul out of the body, it feels a bit unreal!" He looked down at his body, his face turned pale.

Then he looked at the great Igo.

"If I know I'm going to die, what should I do?"

"Your question, I don't know how to answer, because our Yigo people are immortal."

The great Yigo's eyeballs radiated a wave of fluctuations and explained: "When we perceive danger, the Yigo people will observe the future and choose the safest path. Sometimes, we Yigo people will communicate the future with our spirit. Safe self, let the mind get rid of the body, enter the future self body for assimilation, and finally become the new self, so as to avoid danger."

"Fuck, so awesome!" Lei Yi was not calm at all after hearing what the other party was doing.

"The body is only a shackle, and the spirit is detachment. This is the final evolutionary form of the Yigo people waiting for me, projecting the spirit into the infinite future. No matter how dangerous it may appear, the future will always be on our Yigo side."

Lei Yi said that although this ability is awesome, he can't learn it now.

Besides, if the spirit travels through time and space and connects to the future self, after the unity of personality, is that person still himself?

This kind of question obviously has no answer.

"Aren't your abilities invincible?" Lei Yi said, he could only envy him.

"No, it's not!" But the great Igo shook his eyes and said that was not the case.

"Theoretically, I will still be in danger while waiting for the Yigos and cannot avoid it."

After that, the great Yigo glanced at Lei Yi again, and then calmly said: "I wait for the Yigo clan's ability to have no effect on the same kind, because the same kind can resist this force, so we can only see ourselves. But I can’t see the same kind in the future. If there is a kind who wants to kill me, then my future will be rejected because of the participation of the same kind and become unpredictable."

Speaking of this, the great Yigo seemed to be in a memory, and it took a long time to continue: "In the history of our Yigo people, there were betrayers of the same kind who came into contact with some evil thoughts in the universe. His own existence has been questioned, and finally it has become a certain kind of'Cthulhu' depicted in the universe's life form, killing many innocent lives, even our Yigo people."

"And this kind of record has existed more than a few times in the many histories of our Yigo tribe. Although these fallen people have received due retribution, it also means that our Yigo tribe is not invincible."

The one who can defeat the Yigo is naturally the same kind of Yigo.

"This is not considered invincible. At least others can't beat the other party, so they can only destroy their own people." Lei Yi murmured for a while, saying that as long as you don't rectify the internal strife, there will be no natural enemies.

"Human, I suggest you follow your own path. I will wait for the Yigo tribe and you will not intersect."

As he said, the great Eagle's eyes rolled, and then he made a blink of an eye.

In his pupils, Lei Yi's appearance was once again reflected.

"You are very strange. Even among the human beings I have seen, you are a unique existence. Even in some respects, you have many similarities with our Yigo people."

With that said, in the pupils of the great Yigo, that golden mark suddenly burst into light, and a golden beam of light broke through the space and directly hit Lei Yi's chest.

This position is the biggest secret in his body, the source of the power of the five elements of time.

"Human, the abilities in your body have various magical functions, but you lack the method."

As the great Igo spoke, behind Lei Yi, a sapling gradually grew.

"This is..." He also noticed the strangeness behind it, but then discovered that the sapling was gradually growing, and at the same time, his body's perception of the power of time was also increasing simultaneously.

The saplings gradually grow up, the branches become thicker, and the leaves become luxuriant, and at the same time exude a strong vitality.

"It is still too weak and needs your irrigation and cultivation. When it gradually grows into a towering tree, you will also experience the substantial help it brings you."

"Now, I let it absorb part of the power of the law in this space, hoping to bring it some growth."

Under the shining of the great Ego, the sapling finally changed its appearance.

In just a few breaths of effort, the sapling has grown into a ten-meter-high tree, and various golden runes hang over the treetops, shining brightly, and some of the branches even melt into the golden torrent of time, extending into the endless void. Inside.

On the branches and leaves, the power of the law of time is exuded at the same time, and there is a unique vitality of wood properties.

The two completely different energies, at this moment, seem to be intertwined, drawing a symphony of vitality and time.

The appearance of this tree makes people dazzling and intoxicated just by looking at it, which is really incredible.

"It's okay, it's the green tree. I don't like the color!" Although Lei Yi looked surprised, his sentence ruined the atmosphere.

"Green represents vitality, while gold is the power of time. Now it still occupies the majority of the power of time. When you reach a higher level in the power of time, the color that occupies it will become more and more of the origin of the power of time. color."

"Okay, humans, this is the end of the meeting between you and me. Next, you still have your own way to go. I will send you to the entrance of the regional teleportation array. You should leave!"

"How did you know that I was here to borrow the teleportation array, and I didn't even speak?"

"We Yigos don't need you to speak, I have seen your future."

Great Eagle's eyes turned again, and then a golden circle suddenly lit up under Lei Yi's feet.

In a burst of light, he disappeared in place.

"Humanity, there are still too many uncertain factors in your future, the next choice, I hope you make the right choice...I wait for the Yigo people, I still need your help..."

Great Eagle watched Lei Yi leave, but then made a mumbling voice.

Yigo territory, on a stone pillar.

A golden light lit up, and Lei Yi's figure fell out of it, and fell on the stone pillar with a "bang".

"Is this great Ego given away like this?" After he got up from the ground, he spit out a few words before he began to look around.

Then he found that there was a teleportation formation under his feet, but unfortunately he didn't know how to activate it.

"This is the Teleportation Array of the Yigo Clan, with the coordinates marked on it, which can send you to any area the Yigo Clan has reached."

Until then, the mind body that had been silent for a long time finally spoke, and pointed at Lei Yi's feet.

"But I can't read their text, how do I set the coordinates?" Lei Yi was in trouble. After all, he was not from the Yigo clan and could not operate this thing.

"No, because the teleportation array has already been set up, the previous Yigo clan who used the teleportation array should also go to the farthest point."

With that, the mind body came to a certain position of the teleportation formation and signaled Lei Yi to come over.

"Pour the power of time in your body into it, and the teleportation array will be activated. This operation is very simple for you."

Lei Yi was half skeptical. After squatting on the ground, he pressed his palm to this position of the teleportation array, and then used the power of time in his body to inject it into it.

As the force of time urged, the magic circle inscription under his palm burst into layers of light, and then gradually spread to the entire circle.

Finally, the magic circle was completely activated, and a force of spatial transmission began to fluctuate.

"This has just landed, are you going to be teleported away again..." Before Lei Yi could finish speaking, the person was in the light and disappeared again.


A huge grassland in the Tower of Time area.

In the sky, a golden magic circle suddenly formed, and then a figure fell from it.

With a "plop", the human fell to the grass, fell a dog to eat shit, and his mouth was full of mud and weeds.

"I'm pooh, pooh, pooh, pooh!"

When Lei Yi got up from the lawn, his face was depressed.

Is this Yigo clan deliberately targeting him? How could he be so embarrassed every time he teleports.

"The teleportation array of the Yigo tribe is not simply the power of space, but it is also mixed with the fluctuations of the power of time, so for those who are used to the space teleportation array, there will be great discomfort." Mind body "timely "When he appeared, he didn't react to Lei Yi's embarrassment, but added a word to the face.

"That's it, in other words, everyone is the same!" Lei Yi felt a little better when he heard the other party say this.

Then he looked around, trying to find a way forward.

"Where is this place, where are we going next?"

After listening to the mind, he waved his hand without urging, but pointed at Lei Yi and said: "Don't worry, it's rare to find a place with strong vitality, you can experiment with your newly grown ability!

"My ability just grown?"

Lei Yi finally remembered that before bid farewell to the great Igo, he slightly "upgraded" his sapling.

Thinking of this, he silently recited the four words "Heaven's Journey Shenmu" in his heart, and then called out this thing.

Behind Lei Yi, a ten-meter-high phantom tree suddenly grew, and a wave of vigorous vitality spread to the surroundings.

"Well, I feel it!" When the big tree appeared, UU read www.uukanshu. Lei Yi's eyes on the lawn changed.

He saw more, more things.

The grass in front of him became no longer a piece of grass, but a collection of vitality, and he could not only see the vitality of these plants, but even had an illusion that as long as he moved his mind, he could modify the vitality of these plants.

"Or, try it?" Lei Yi thought so, his eyes aimed at a weed on the grass.

He raised his hand and pointed a finger at the weed, and a golden light flew from his fingertips and shone on the grass.

Then the grass was visible to his naked eyes, and it suddenly grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the rhizomes and branches and leaves more than doubled.

"Fuck, it can be like this, doesn't it mean that I can be a gardener in the future?" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi was finally moved.

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