I Can Pause Time

Chapter 850: I'm dying?

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The Time Tower area, the Yigo clan territory.

Lei Yi is now walking among a group of Yigo people, looking for the trace of the great Yigo.

The looks of this group of Yigo people can be said to be strange and strange, which greatly refreshed someone's knowledge.

He said that after going around in Yigo's territory, he would not be too surprised if he saw other terrifying creatures in the future.

"Excuse me, where is the great Yigo?" After Lei Yi wandered around for a long time looking for no results, he could only ask a Yigo tribe around him.

This Yigo tribe is a creature with big eyes, except for the eyeballs, there are a bunch of golden slender tentacles.

Seeing Lei Yi's question to himself, its eyes narrowed slightly, and it was thoughtful, as if thinking about how to answer Lei Yi's question.

After a few breaths, when Lei Yi and this Yigo clan stared at each other, the latter finally answered the question.


Lei Yi: "..."

Hearing this answer, someone said that they didn't.

In no way, he could only look at the mental body following him with a look of help.

"He said that the tallest building in the area is where the great Ego is."

After hearing this translation, Lei Yi finally understood.

At this moment, the Yigo tribe even stretched out his tentacles and pointed to a certain golden spire building.

"Understood, thanks!" Seeing this, Lei Yi thanked him and hurriedly walked towards the building.

Soon, he came to the door of this building.

As Lei Yi approached, the golden inscription flashed light on the door door of the building, and then the door door moved to both sides.

"Quack, giggle..." A voice sounded from inside, as if inviting someone to enter.

Lei Yi: "Didn't the great Eagle understand human language?"

"Calm down, the great Igo really knows all the languages ​​in the realm he has been to, but the premise is that you have to tell him what language you speak, otherwise how will the other party answer the question?" The mind continued to add.

"That's right." Lei Yi patted his head, thinking that it was really the case.

He quickly walked into the building, and then saw the "Great Igo" sitting on a golden platform in the building.

"Is this the great Ego? It looks really ‘great’!" Lei Yi complained for a while, and his face became weird.

Because this great Yigo is a bit big, even dozens of times bigger than the average Yigo people.

The body of the great Igo looked like a cylindrical creature, but the dozen or so tentacle organs above the body, like the tentacles of an octopus, were waving around.

And above the tentacles, there is a huge golden eyeball floating in the air.

Lei Yi roughly estimated that this golden eyeball had to be close to a hundred meters in diameter, and there was a striking golden "∞" mark in the pupil.

"The mark of the infinite emperor!" Seeing this mark, Lei Yi was shocked.

"This is not the mark of the infinite emperor, but a symbol of the great Igo's omniscience and omnipotence. This mark represents all creatures that have reached the category of omniscience and omnipotence in their thoughts." Seeing Lei Yi's doubts in the mind body, he continued to explain.

"So, is this great Igo as strong as the Infinite Emperor?"

"In a sense, it is true, but the two cannot be compared, because the Yigo tribe will not conflict with the real world, nor will it fight, so there is no fighting power." The mind body said, made The motion of shaking his head.

"Okay!" Lei Yi nodded, expressing enlightenment.

At this moment, the great Igo also acted.

The huge single eye suddenly widened, and then a golden light shone on Lei Yi's body.

This light seemed to have no energy fluctuations, and naturally there was no hostility.

Lei Yi didn't even react at all, and was shrouded in light.

"Calm down, the great Eagle is looking at your future." The mind body continued to serve as an explanation, indicating Lei Yi not to act rashly.

"My future?" Lei Yi curled his lips with a strange expression on his face.

He knew the ability of the Yigo clan, it seemed to be able to spy on the various possibilities of the future, but when it was the other party's turn to check his own future, he felt a little uncomfortable.

If the other party pops out something like, "You are about to die", "You must die today," or something like that, would you say whether the listener will feel very uncomfortable.

When Lei Yi thought so, the great Igo finally stopped observing.

A layer of golden waves rippled in his eyeballs, and then as if speaking in ventriloquist, a sound came out from his body:

"Human...Humanity, your Death Omen star, has gleamed in the sky."

The great Igo was a little rusty at first, but then he immediately became fluent.

Lei Yi: "???"

Someone had the word "stunned" written on their face, indicating what this great Igo was talking about?

"Who translates to the translator?"

The great Igo seemed to know that Lei Yi did not understand, and immediately explained: "Humans, I wait for the Yigo people like to observe the movement of stars in the starry sky. The appearance of the death sign represents the death of a person. In your words, it is You are dying!"

Lei Yi: "..."

Damn it!

Damn it!

Damn it!

Lei Yi exploded three times in a row to express his depression.

He was really worried about what he would do, whether this great Igo could speak, and could not understand the atmosphere.

Seeing him on the first side, he said that he was dying, so unlucky.

"That's right, they are not humans, so how can they care about these!" Lei Yi didn't bother to complain.

If he didn't suspect that he couldn't fight, he couldn't help but punch the big-eyed creature in front of him.

"Humanity, you in the future will face a choice, and when you make the right choice, the real road to the future will appear."

"There are too many unknowns and uncertainties in your future, but one of them can take you to a height that ordinary people can't reach." Great Eagle did not wait for Lei Yi to ask, and spoke again.

Lei Yi said that he was tired of listening to this kind of magical speech.

He quickly asked: "In fact, I want to know more, how will I die in the future?"

"If you are sure you want to know, I can take you to have a look."

"Can you see this too?"

"For us Yigo, this is not a difficult thing, why is it impossible?"

Lei Yi's eyes widened when he heard the answer from the great Ego, with a wonderful expression.

Afterwards, he fell into hesitation, whether to "past" and take a look.

In theory, no one knows the future, but the Yigo people do.

The great Igo said that he was going to die, and everyone else would be curious as to how he would die.

"Why don't you go take a look?" Lei Yi thought, nodded, and looked at the Mind Body beside him.

The latter did not answer, but did not stop it, as if he had tacitly acknowledged the matter.

"Then, just follow me!" The great Igo's huge eyes suddenly widened, and a ray of light shone from it.

This time, Lei Yi's body finally reacted, but in a blink of an eye a huge pulling force struck, as if to pull out his soul.

"Fuck, my body!"

In fact, it was true. Lei Yi saw that he was flying out of his "body", and then he got further and further away from his body.

His soul was really pulled out of the body by the great Igo.

Not only the soul of Lei Yi, but also the soul of the great Igo is also out of the body.

The golden eyeball seemed to be the soul of the great Ego, and the cone-shaped body connected to the shot below seemed to be a flesh body, abandoned by the great Ego.

"Human, come with me." A voice rang out from the eyes of the great Eagle.

Then Lei Yi's soul seemed to be pushed by a huge force, and the surrounding scene was even more blurred.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the scenes around him became clear again, but they were no longer the building where the great Igo was.

Here is a golden hall full of golden light, with many unknown patterns imprinted on the walls of the surrounding halls.

Simple, solemn and grand palace.

"What about my future?" Lei Yi quickly looked around, looking for his future self.

Then, he saw a figure standing in the middle of the hall.

This figure looks ordinary, but his expression is solemn, his whole body is tight, as if he is facing an enemy, it is not Lei Yi himself.

"That stupid mistake back then, let me disappear in this world forever!" At this moment, a coercive voice sounded outside the hall.

Afterwards, at the dome of the palace, countless golden threads condensed, and finally turned into a huge golden palm, which slammed down at Lei Yi below.


When the giant palm fell, it almost effortlessly drowned Lei Yi below.

In the void, violent golden ripples rippled, and the power of countless laws of time rippled, flooding half of the space in the hall.

Under such turbulent time, Lei Yi thought he could not survive.

In fact, it was true. When the golden fluctuations gradually dissipated, there were no figures in the same place, not even scum.

"Tianshi Mahamudra, I was second by Tianshi Mahamudra. The person who killed me was my father...No, he is not my father, he is just the Emperor Lei Yuce of the Kingdom of God!"

Lei Yi knew who was doing it, but then shook his head and said that the other party has nothing to do with him.

"After seeing the cause of your death with your own eyes, your performance is unexpectedly calm." Great Eagle's eyes also appeared at this time, coming behind Lei Yi and making a sound. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

"As you said, my future is uncertain and I need to choose. If I die, how can I choose a fart?"

"So, my future will not necessarily die, it's just that there will be such a possibility!" Lei Yi looked away and smiled lightly, accepting this future.

But in his heart, he was still a little uncomfortable.

Because according to the setting before entering, Lei Yuce should not know that he came in with the Dark Emperor's team.

So how did the other party find himself and act so decisively?

Lei Yi thought for a while, but didn't have any clue.

After all, he knew too little about his "nominal" father.

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