I Can Pause Time

Chapter 814: Origin of Fist

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The space where Lei Yi's consciousness is.

The words "Red Devil Dragon" and "Ten Generals" made him in a daze.

Because these ten generals are not the servants of the Infinite Emperor in ancient legends?

When did the Infinite Emperor's subordinates fight against Wuxin Shenzong?

Could this be something that happened in the ancient times, when the Infinite Emperor attacked the Demon Realm or the Ancient Immortal Realm, causing the Wuxin Divine Sect to fight with it?

With this question in mind, Lei Yi looked towards the court.

After the middle-aged man appeared, there were a few more figures around him. He was uniformly dressed in black, his complexion flushed, and his blood was agitated.

It seems that they have all used some means to forcefully urge the energy of their bodies.

"Go!" The middle-aged man roared wildly, and rushed to the dragon in front of him.

"Swish swish!" All the men in black flew up and killed the dragon in the sky.

At the same time, a huge dark red area opened up, covering all areas within a radius of hundreds of miles.

And at the center of the domain is the dark red dragon.

Lei Yi knew that this was a means that could only be displayed by the Heaven and Human Realm, and it was the "domain."

The middle-aged man rushed into the air, his body was also enveloped by the domain, and he felt pressure suddenly, his whole body seemed to be crushed by a huge boulder, gradually descending.

"Suppress with evil spirits and malice, destroy the foundation of the domain!" But his expression remained unchanged, and he shouted directly.

After saying this, an astonishing suffocation erupted all over his body, and there were countless ghost-like figures floating in the suffocation.

With a touch of Lei Yi's consciousness, he could feel how many people died in the hands of the middle-aged man.

Not only him, but behind the middle-aged man, those in black clothed people also exploded with a similarly not weak evil spirit, mixed with black wind gusts, like a ghost domain.

A scene that surprised Lei Yi happened. Under the influence of the evil spirit and the evil spirit, a small part of the area where the dragon opened up unexpectedly appeared unstable.

The domain of this area seemed to be eroded by evil spirits and evil spirits, and ripples appeared in the void, and then countless cracks filled, disappearing and reappearing, as if this place had been out of the control of the domain.

"Roar!" But the next moment, the giant dragon let out a loud roar, and a boundless might smashed past, shaking away all the evil spirits and ghosts in the domain.

That evil spirit and soul, in front of the mighty dragon, can be said to be vulnerable.

Also shattered was the group of people in black headed by middle-aged men.

But Lei Yi could see clearly that there was indeed some abnormality in that area under the erosion of evil spirits and evil spirits.

But it is a pity that the Celestial Realm is ultimately the Celestial Realm, and the strength of this red devil dragon almost crushes the middle-aged man.

Under that coercion, including the middle-aged man and others, all fell under the wild roar, and there was no scum left.

"That's it?" Lei Yi looked stunned.

Is this the ultimate meaning? Are you sure this is not in the popular science world, let me not provoke the world?

The next moment, the picture in front of him changed.

The battlefield just now has disappeared, replaced by a dark red land.

"Hmph, I'm the unintentional Shenzong Yin breaking the enemy, how can I succumb to monsters like Yuer!"

In front of Lei Yi, a figure soared into the sky, carrying an astonishing breath, rushing into the sky.

Behind him, a crowd of dark shadows chased out. This was actually a group of monsters with bat wings, a pair of screams, and dark red skin.

"This is the extinct primitive demon clan of the Demon Realm?" Lei Yi was surprised when he saw the appearance of those monsters.

Because he has heard of some legends of the Demon Realm. It is said that in the ancient times of the Demon Realm, many demon races were not wise, and their appearances tended to be beasts. For example, these are primitive demons.

But with natural selection, creatures will evolve. Later, the primitive demons were gradually replaced by new demons, and they almost disappeared.

Only in some ancient ruins in the Demon Realm, some remains of the primitive demons can be found.

And the scene that appeared in front of Lei Yi at this moment was obviously in the ancient times, when a certain human strongman fell into the Demon Realm and encountered a battle between the primitive Demon Race.

A great battle has broken out in the sky, and the Wuxin Divine Sect monk named Yin Podi, whose combat effectiveness is obviously good, actually suppressed a group of primitive demons.

But at this moment, the dark red earth cracked, a huge crimson palm broke through the ground, and then a huge monster that was hundreds of times larger than the original demons in the sky crawled out of it.

The skin of this demons is almost blood red, with a pair of curved red pointed horns on the top of the head, the tail is in an inverted triangle, and the back is covered with huge black bat wings, but the neck is covered with blood-red mane like a lion. .

The most important thing is that this demon's breath is so strong that it has reached the realm of heaven and human, and it is not an ordinary realm of heaven and human.

As soon as this monster appeared, a field of golden and red colors opened, covering the sky and the earth.

Under the ground, cracks were everywhere, and magma jumped out like boiling water, and this demon was bathed in magma, like a demon god, with great power.

"Hmph, finally appeared, the devil's head, as long as you kill you and bathe your blood, my injury can be recovered!" The man named Yin Podi seemed to know that this demon would appear. increase.

When Lei Yi saw this scene, he was taken aback, because this Yin Podi was actually seriously wounded against the king of the primitive demons. Isn't this looking for death?

Next, the battle broke out.

After the demon king of the primitive demon clan appeared, the little brothers around him didn't do anything. Instead, they flew as far as possible, leaving the battlefield to their boss and Yin Po.

The two broke out in a earth-shattering battle, and Lei Yi saw it really.

But to be honest, Yin Podi is only at the level of a top demon general. Being able to fight the demon king's attack in the field for a long time has already refreshed Lei Yi's three views.

No, after this person was slapped flying by the demon king's palm, the person turned into a shooting star, dragging the red tail flame that turned into blood, and fell into the earth, how miserable it looked.

"Don't you run?" Even Lei Yi had such a question.

"Ahem, that's true... I only have the strength of the Faxiang Realm now. I am still a little reluctant to deal with a Heaven and Human Realm..." Yin Podi's voice sounded in the cross-cutting ground.

"... However, if you can use Dutian Shensha, you still have a chance!"

There were intermittent voices, but Lei Yi heard the key words.

"Du Tian Shen Sha, this is a word mentioned by Yin Ke's father, could it be..." He turned his eyes, staring at the bottom of the earth, Yin breaking the enemy's position.

At this moment, the latter had climbed up from below the ground and looked up at the demon king.

"The strength of the Dharma Realm is not enough to use this magical power, but it can still be done by borrowing part of the power of one of the changes..."

Yin Podi looked directly at the Demon King, not at all timid because he was one level weaker than the opponent.

He pulled off his collar, revealing a fairly robust human body, and on his chest was tattooed a black dragon with a sharp one-horned head.

This is not a dragon from the West, but a dragon from the East, but it looks a little cold, not like a lucky thing.

"With the power of Yuanlong, I can break through your domain!" Yin Podi tapped his chest for a few times, and the blood in his body began to vibrate, almost spilling out of his body.

Lei Yi saw this move very clearly, but it was not the middle-aged man who took the lead in performing it during the previous war.

"The ultimate meaning of "Heaven Fighting Fierce King Fist" is called Yuanlongdu Crime-Evil Devil, can it be said..." He looked at Yin Podi and the surge of the opponent's momentum, his mouth opened wide, his face was shocked and shocked. color.

"Monsters in the area, let you see the power of the gods!" Yin Podi roared wildly, and a huge blood mist burst out of his body, dyeing his body and the surrounding space into dark red.

In the blood mist, a black flood dragon suddenly appeared, opening a huge mouth like an abyss, rampaging through the domain, without being affected by the domain at all.

"The body of that dragon is purely composed of blood evil spirits and evil spirits. This is not true!" Lei Yi could see clearly what the structure of this black dragon was made of.

The black dragon ignored the coercion of the domain and slew the Demon King head-on.

In the latter's hideous face, there was also a hint of surprise and a hint of consternation. Obviously, he did not expect a human being in the realm of Dharma to be able to get rid of the shackles of the domain.

Afterwards, the picture in front of Lei Yi went black, and the result of the battle was naturally not seen.

"Damn, let me finish watching anyway!" He had to complain, but he couldn't stop the "disc change" in the consciousness space.

The picture turned once again and became an area that Lei Yi was very familiar with.

The fierce emperor leads, the mountain of beasts.

At this moment, he is on the top of the mountain, in the middle of an altar.

On the altar, a middle-aged man with a good appearance is guiding a group of young people to practice martial arts.

"Is this, that Yin Podi?" Looking at the appearance of the middle-aged man, Lei Yi finally realized who the opponent is.

But beside Yin Podi, she was accompanied by a few women from the Beast Demon Race.

Although these women have the appearance of human beings, they also retain some of the characteristics of the beasts, such as long beast ears, beast tails, and rough skin like beasts.

The same is true of the young people practicing martial arts in the field. Some have inherited the appearance of human beings, but some have the appearance of beasts.

"Senior Yin is playing pretty well!" Seeing how Yin Podi talked to a few Beast Demon Clan women, Lei Yi curled his lips and his expression became weird.

After talking with the woman, Yin Podi walked up to these young people and shouted loudly: "You are all my heirs and descendants of my Heartless God Sect. Now I want to teach you all of my magical powers. ."

"My Heartless Shenzong’s magical powers belong to the magical way, mainly to attack and kill the enemy. The subsequent magical powers are even more against the heavens and need to slaughter all living beings and fight against the heavens and the earth. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com, and all domains of the magic world call me the fierce emperor. If this is the case, then I will name this martial arts "Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist" and hope you will inherit my martial arts mantle!"

"Follow the teachings of the fierce emperor!" The young people of these beasts, demons or humans all bowed and showed worship.

As for Yin Podi, he walked to the side of the altar after he finished speaking, holding a small bottle of dark red blood in his hand.

"It's a pity that the blood of this deep dragon is not so easy to digest. I don't know who among them can inherit my real mantle and inherit the name of this fierce emperor!"

"In this case, I will imitate the ancestors of the sect, create a space, store the blood of the deep dragon in the heavy ground, and put it there together with the method of sacrifice, waiting for those who are destined, and hope that someone will get it in future generations. This thing..."

At this point, all the pictures are over.

Lei Yi watched the last scene, even if the scene in front of him disappeared, it would be a long time to return to his senses.

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