I Can Pause Time

Chapter 813: The Imperial Stele Hall and the Ultimate Profound Meaning

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The fierce emperor collar, the secret place.

The final trial place is in front of the Imperial Stele Hall.

The battle was over, and Lei Yi felt baffled even with ease.

The blade demon will not say anything. Just taking the arm back, it is equal to the wound number of recovering from a serious illness, and the combat effectiveness is naturally limited.

The other Ye Yi was even more outrageous. Sora had the name of the third prince of the dark descendant. As a result, all his abilities were "ineffective" for Lei Yi, and it was easier to clean up.

It is a pity that in the end the dark emperor left a trick on Ye Yi, otherwise the third dark descendant prince would probably have his life left behind.

"I thought the prince of Darkborn was very capable of fighting, that's it?" Lei Yi chuckled, expressing his disdain for Ye Ya.

To be honest, he thought it would be difficult to fight at first, but he didn't expect the battle to be unexpectedly easy.

"Miss Yin, let's go now!" He pointed to the imperial stele hall in front and looked at Yin Ke on the side.

"Well, let's go." Yin Ke nodded when he heard the words, and said softly.

"It's weird, this woman had an expression that was about to kill me before, so why has her attitude changed now?"

Lei Yi was curious, Yin Ke's attitude seemed to be very different from before, and it seemed to be gentler.

But he didn't care, maybe he felt that he showed his strength, so he shocked this woman.

One by one, the two walked to the gate of the Imperial Stele Hall.

Lei Yi put his hands in front of the door and pushed hard.

In the sound of friction, the door of the palace opened.

The Imperial Stele Hall is huge, and the interior space is the same.

But it's a pity that there is almost nothing in it except the big one. The whole looks empty and the momentum is there, but it feels a bit wasteful.

There is a high platform in the middle of the main hall, on which there is a huge stone monument nearly ten meters high. Lines of text appear on the surface, and it is shining with red light.

Except for the stone monument in the whole hall, there was nothing left.

Although there are many murals on the surrounding stone walls, Lei Yi is not interested in these murals.

Because these paintings are all monsters, monsters, or monsters, someone's aesthetics can't be appreciated.

Since the surrounding murals were not visible, Lei Yi could only walk to the middle of the hall and observe the stone stele.

He got lucky, the words on the stele are all inscriptions of the ancient immortal world, and he knows them all.

"Well, it turned out to be the ranking!" After watching for a while, he saw that this is the blood crystal point ranking in the trial ground, and it is updated in real time.

The current list is as follows

Ranking of blood crystal points:

1 Lei Yi: 1734396

2 Yin Cang: 752200

3 elephant liters: 452800


7 Yin Ke: 354598

8 Xiao Yi: 325205

9 source peak: 298779


There are a total of twenty people on the list. Some close rankings will jump up and down, and the numbers at the back will continue to increase. This shows that some people are still hunting blood shadows, or killing other testers, and plundering blood crystals.

But Lei Yi could see it, as if no one had a million blood crystals except himself.

"Miss Yin, you collected 350,000 blood crystal points, ranking seventh!" He pointed to the seventh place on the list, which was Yin Ke's ranking.

It's a pity that Yin Ke doesn't know much about these words, but she knows the number of blood crystal points on her body in her heart, and she also knows that Lei Yi is right.

"Who is the first?" Yin Ke then asked.

"It's me, but I don't know it. I was shocked. I didn't even know that I had more than 1.7 million blood spots on my body!" Lei Yi pointed to himself and scratched his head awkwardly.

"One and seven hundred thousand!" But when she heard this number, Yin Ke opened her eyes wide and looked at Lei Yi with incredible eyes, "So, are you enough to exchange the ultimate meaning?"

Although she didn't understand how to collect more than 1.7 million blood crystal points, but with so many blood crystals, wouldn't the ultimate meaning of "Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist" be within easy reach.

"That's right, but how do you exchange it?" Lei Yi pointed to the stone tablet in front of him, looking like "I don't know what to do".

"Just do it as I do!" Yin Ke shook her head, put her hand on the stone tablet, and then a blood-red light lit up and enveloped the woman.

After a few breaths, Yin Ke slowly opened his eyes.

"I just used a part of the blood crystal points to exchange for a very profound demonstration. It took several years to understand this trick, but after watching this demonstration, I only need to go back to retreat for a few months to master this trick. Up!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Lei Yi nodded to understand when she heard the woman's explanation.

"Remember, you don't care about the profound meanings or secrets, just ask the ultimate secrets!" Yin Ke still has some expectations. I don't know what the ultimate secrets will look like. After all, there is only one million in the body. Only those who are qualified to contact.

According to Yin Ke's method, Lei Yi stretched his hand onto the stone tablet, and then a blood-red light lit up, and his mind was sucked into the stone tablet.

In a **** space.

Lei Yi's consciousness was pulled by a torrent and flew in a certain direction.

In front of his eyes, there appeared a block of stone tablets with many words on them, and there were figures floating beside them.

Lei Yi took a closer look and found that these were all basic moves, with text notes beside them.

"The basic form of Tiandou Fierce King Fist, Tiandou White Snake Attack, Tiandou Quick Wolf Fist, Tiandou Wild Crocodile Bites, Tiandou Lie Shark Teeth, Tiandou Tiancrow Formation..."

The moves here are very comprehensive, and even the ocean currents and celestial bird flow changes. It seems that this is not only an old move that has been recorded internally, but also many newly studied moves will be recorded in it.

Of course, it is also possible that the stele was collected. After all, the stele can query the blood crystal points of the tester in real time, and there may be methods to probe the moves mastered by the tester.

Lei Yi's consciousness continued to look forward, and the pictures around him changed, becoming the upright hand gesture.

"Heaven Fighting Fierce King's Fist Profound Righteousness, Nine Turns of Void Phase, All Phases Are Invisible, Illusory Snake Demon Rain, Cruel Wolf Killing Array, Thunder Town Killing, Heavenly General Domineering, Feiyan Liuwu, Sky Crane, Mirage ..."

Among these profound meanings, there are many that Lei Yi has mastered, but there are also many that have not been mastered.

Although he was very interested, after thinking of Yin Ke's reminder, he extinguished the idea of ​​finding out.

Consciousness continues to move forward, and the move that appears this time is extremely profound.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King Boxing is extremely righteous, fierce Dao Shaxing, stepless continuous killing, killing **** and magic spear, Shura life and death gate."

It seems that there are only four tricks for Extreme Profound Truth, Lei Yi has mastered three of them, and the last trick is Shura's life and death, but he has not practiced.

However, Lei Yi didn't stop at these moves, but narrowed his gaze and continued to look forward.

There, there is the ultimate meaning of "Heaven Fighting Fierce King Fist", that is, the legendary moves that can make the demon generals match the king.

Although this rumor is a bit exaggerated, if there is no such rumor, can the ultimate profound meaning be called the ultimate ultimate meaning?

Consciousness continued to advance, and the only figure that appeared before Lei Yi soon.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King's Fist is extremely profound, Yuanlong Crossing Sin-Evil Demons!" A line of text emerged as soon as he touched the vague figure, appearing in Lei Yi's consciousness.

"That's it!" Seeing this line of text, he knew that he had found it.

As his consciousness gradually approached the figure, Lei Yi's mind was also attracted.

"Ding, do you spend 1 million blood crystal points to learn the ultimate profound meaning?"

At this moment, a system reminder of the violation sounded.

After Lei Yi heard this voice, he felt speechless for a while.

He didn't know what the original fierce emperor thought, but to design such a paragraph on such a grand occasion is simply ruining the three views.

In this case, shouldn't it be more formal, it's just like the exchange system.

The price is too low!

"Of course, I came to learn this trick!" But the choice is still to be done, and Lei Yi naturally chose yes.

The moment he made the choice, he felt a cloud of blood flowing out of his consciousness, blending into the figure in front of him.

Then the figure gradually became clear, and a huge attraction appeared, drawing his consciousness into it.

In a whirlpool, Lei Yi's consciousness disappeared here, not knowing where he was going.


Somewhere ancient battlefield

Lei Yi gradually regained consciousness.

On the ground around him, there are countless corpses lying, most of them are demons, and there are other strange-looking races.

The mutilated corpse and the broken blades gathered together into a stream of crimson blood, and the blood-stained earth gathered into a sad picture.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, this picture was so cruel that it made people unbearable to look directly at it.

At this moment, there was movement ahead.

Lei Yi was attracted by the sound and looked forward.

At the end of the earth, a scarlet dragon spread its wings and flew out, covering the sky and covering the sun.

The dragon seemed to have found his trail, suddenly changed its direction and swooped down.

"Hey, hey, what's going on, I'm here to learn the profound meaning, how could I be attacked by this dragon?" Lei Yi was bewildered when he looked at the dragon that locked himself in.

But soon, he found something was wrong, because the appearance of this dragon seemed a bit familiar, whether he had seen it somewhere.

"Fuck, I remember, isn't this a statue on the periphery of the Tower of Time? Although it is many times bigger, it can't be wrong. It is this big lizard!" Lei Yi finally remembered this one. Where did the dragon himself have seen it?

But the next moment, the dragon almost rushed in front of him.

Suddenly, a coercion that resembled the heaven and human realm struck, and the ground under the coercion made UU Reading www.uukanshu.com a huge scream.

"Hmph, the Red Devil Dragon, one of the ten generals, dare to pick up the magical powers of the Shenzong Wuxinzong!" Just as Lei Yi was preparing to fight, a voice rang out beside him.

It turned out that the target of this dragon was not him, but the people standing next to him.

Lei Yi was just a bystander from beginning to end, only able to vaguely sense the aura of the dragon.

He also knew that the giant dragon possessed the strength of the Celestial Realm, but the people around him had not reached it.

Then, a middle-aged man next to him took a shot, and the starting style actually used several points around the body to ignite the blood in the body.

"This is the **** of Sacred Heart Flow. He is burning the blood in his body in exchange for strong strength. Could it be..." Seeing this scene, Lei Yi was stunned.

It seems that this middle-aged man is going to die with the dragon in front of him. Is this the true face of the ultimate profound meaning?

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