I Can Pause Time

Chapter 806: The last 2 opponents

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Lei Yi dragged the blood-stained body, blasted out a punch, and directly blasted out a sturdy man in front of him.

It was not full yet, he raised his right hand, and the white light bloomed in his palm, and several white snakes dashed out and killed the opponent who was flying in the air.

The white snake hit the target and burst into a series of blasts.

The flame rose up, and the big man's body collapsed in the flame, and finally became invisible.

Seeing this, Lei Yi smiled.

Because this was the eighth afterimage he had killed, and the ten consecutive battles had passed eight levels.

"Come on, anyone else, come on!" He looked around the field, waiting for the ninth opponent to appear.

In the sky, a blood-colored beam of light fell, which also heralded the appearance of a second powerful enemy.

In the **** light, a man wearing a golden robe and carrying a huge sword box walked out.

This person is a middle-aged man with a well-proportioned figure and a graceful temperament. He looks like a superior person, with arrogant colors all over his eyebrows.

"Golden Sword Gate Jin Wuliang, please advise!" After this person appeared, he held his fist and saluted Lei Yi, and then unlocked the sword box behind him.

Suddenly, a golden flying sword flew out from it, surrounded by its side, forming a sword formation.

"It's Jian Xiu again, why are there so many flying swords?" Lei Yi only took a look and found that the other party had sacrificed 18 flying swords at once.

Generally speaking, sword repairers can only refine a flying sword. In the White Cloud City of the Heavenly Dao League, many people were equipped with a sword at their waists.

Even Su Muliu, the lord of Baiyun City, is said to have only a flying sword.

But now the person in front of him actually sacrificed eighteen flying swords at once, which is a bit exaggerated.

However, I heard that the ancient cultivator world has a set of magic weapons, and obviously these eighteen flying swords are a set of sacrifices.

Otherwise, if the eighteen-handed flying swords are warmed up individually, the eighteen swords must be warmed up to the year of the monkey before they can be sacrificed to the enemy.

Lei Yi didn't care about this. The opponent was just a sword repairer with more flying swords. How could he be afraid of the opponent's more weapons.

After the middle-aged man appeared, he pinched out the sword tactics with both hands, and the eighteen flying swords suddenly split into two, among which nine flying swords came to Lei Yi to kill.

"Huh, half the number?" Lei Yi saw this, his body divided into nine, and at the same time he slammed into the nine flying swords.

The avatar approached Feijian, then punched and attacked.

The continuous and crisp sound of "ding jing dang dong" came out, like gold and iron clashing with sparks in mid-air.

Lei Yi's body may be afraid of the sharpness of the flying sword, but the clone cannot.

However, when he first met, he found that although these flying swords were sharp, they were not strong enough, at least slightly inferior to the beauty of the East Sea Sword Palace.

"Eighteen flying swords are practiced together, no wonder the hardness is not enough!" Seeing that the clone can repel the flying sword, his body is not afraid, and he directly punches.

He slammed a flying sword in front of him, and the touch of the fist also told him that although the flying sword was hard in texture, its sharpness was far from enough.

When the middle-aged man in Jinpao saw this, his face was expressionless, but his hands again pinched a weird magical decision.

Suddenly, the other nine flying swords beside him also moved, turning into nine golden dragons, and killing Lei Yi and his clone together.

The original nine-handed flying sword uttered a clear sound in mid-air, and also turned its direction. After flying into the high air, it turned into nine dragons.

Suddenly, there were eighteen golden dragons in the sky, enclosing Lei Yi's body and the clone in the center.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King's Fist Profound Righteousness, Heaven Dou Cruel Wolf Slaughter Array!" Facing the offensive of eighteen flying swords, Lei Yi had to display Profound Righteousness.

Suddenly, the wolf shadows all over his body floated, and dozens of wolf shadows rushed out and killed the flood dragons attacking from all directions.

The wolves and the dragons were fighting together, biting each other, and the scene was not bloody.

"And you!" The scene froze for a while, but Lei Yi noticed his opponent, and threw his fist to control the wolves.

Several dark red wolf shadows separated from the team fighting with the dragon and slew towards the opponent.

The speed of the wolves is very fast, but the reaction of the middle-aged man in the golden robe is not slow. Under the control of the pinch, the eighteen golden flood dragons uttered waves of dragons, and then twisted their bodies and broke away from the wolves.

Eighteen golden flying swords blatantly returned, came to the middle-aged man's side, and then changed back to their original appearance, forming a defensive sword formation.

Surrounded by flying swords, a layer of golden barrier was formed to block the wolves.

The wolf shadow collided, but it only made the barrier shake a little, and couldn't hurt the middle-aged person protected inside.

Seeing this scene, Lei Yi showed a sly smile, because he was not afraid of the opponent's defense, but was afraid of the opponent's offensive sharpness.

As long as the opponent is shrinking, he can always use whatever means he wants to break through the opponent's tortoise shell.

In an instant, he has to care about.

Lei Yi used one heart and two purposes, while controlling the wolves to surround each other from all directions, and attack continuously.

But his body raised his right hand high, and then slammed the ground, and countless black and white thunder and lightning poured into his right arm from the shadow of the ground, winding and beating.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King's Fist is extremely righteous-Killing God Demon Spear!" Lei Yi's figure turned into a huge magic spear, wrapped in the power of lightning, and suddenly shot out.

The golden sword formation resisted the bite of the wolves, but in a blink of an eye, a magic spear was slain with the momentum of thunder.


The Thunder Spear pierced the sword formation at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, and at the same time slammed into the middle-aged man.

The latter was naturally unable to resist, the body was penetrated by the tip of the gun, and then under the ravages of the dark thunder, the body gradually collapsed and turned into nothingness.

This middle-aged man was also beheaded by Lei Yi.

The ninth level is passed.

"Hahaha, this is the ninth one, and there is still the last one left!" Lei Yi thought so, looking forward.

In the sky, a blood-colored beam of light landed, and the tenth powerful enemy appeared.

To Lei Yi's expectation, the tenth opponent was not good-looking, and he was actually a young man in a white robe.

Although the opponent's appearance is elegant and his face is fairly beautiful, his appearance is somewhat ordinary compared with the previous nine opponents, and he doesn't even look like a cultivator.

However, Lei Yi noticed that the other party's temperament was ethereal and dusty, and the indifference between his brows brought out a certain arrogance.

Although the young man was only a remnant image in the Bailu Hall, this hall imitated the coldness of the other party's immortal cultivator.

"Gu Tianfei, the true spirit immortal teacher, please advise!" The young man gave a deep thought, registering himself.

It was another sect that he had never heard of before, but Lei Yi always felt that since this sect called "True Spirit Immortal Sect", since he dared to add the word "Xian" to the name of the sect, it must have something extraordinary.

It is a pity that there is no record of this in the ancient immortal world, but there is a true spirit sea in the center.

Just as he was thinking like this, the other party started.

This young man named Gu Tianfei raised his hand and threw out a blue treasure bottle. The mouth of the bottle was turned upside down, and the monstrous flood poured out from it.

"Magic weapon?" Seeing this scene, Lei Yilue was a little surprised. He didn't expect this last opponent to be a cultivator who is good at imperial emissaries.

This is a bit too common, after all, there are various sword repairs and strength repairs.

How come the last enemy, like ordinary cultivators, uses magic weapons to fight the enemy.

But in the next moment, Lei Yi knew he was wrong.

The blue aquarium in the sky continued to release water, and the entire site was flooded by running water, so that Lei Yi had to fly out of the sky.

Gu Tianfei also stepped on a cloud of white clouds, and his whole body rose up into the air, facing Lei Yiyao.

"Tengyun driving the fog?" Seeing the gesture of the other person stepping on the white cloud, Lei Yi was naturally very familiar.

Then something flew out of Gu Tianfei's sleeve robe, and it grew long in the wind, and turned into a huge stone mountain about a hundred meters in size.

The surface of this mountain is engraved with countless complicated and delicate lines, which at first glance is not ordinary, obviously it is another magic weapon.

Gu Tianfei pinched the tactics with both hands, and Shishan suddenly turned into a meteorite outside the sky, and hit Lei Yi head-on.

At the same time, the flowing water of the submerged field below rolled up, and countless large and thick water dragons rose into the sky, and they also slew towards Lei Yi.

"This is the magical power of moving mountains and overturning the sea?" Seeing this scene, especially seeing the power of the flying stone mountains and water dragons, Lei Yi finally felt a little bad.

This young man named Gu Tianfei was actually a master of fine channeling and supernatural powers. The first blow alone was so powerful that the opponent was definitely better than the nine players he had fought before.

Looking at the oncoming Shishan Mountain, Lei Yi let out a wild roar, two ape arms appeared on his arms, and then he rushed out like a lightning bolt.

His fists blasted continuously, slamming against the rocky mountain, and there was an earth-shaking roar.

The sound wave shook, and even the water dragon approaching below, under the influence of the sound wave, became sluggish and unable to get close to his body.

Lei Yi shook Shishan with his strength, and at the same time retreated the water dragon, which was considered to be the first attack.

Then he exerted force with both arms again, and the mountain shook with great force, and flew back backwards.

"It depends on how you pick it up!" When Shishan returned to fly, Lei Yi opened his mind and instantly locked Gu Tianfei's position.

But only saw the latter pinch out a magic trick with both hands, his figure turned into a white light, UU reading www.uukanshu.com directly rushed into the flowing water below.

The next moment, the other party's breath disappeared in Lei Yi's divine consciousness.

"What, my divine sense can't be locked?" After repeated confirmation, Lei Yi looked surprised.

He had already pushed the power of the divine consciousness to the limit, but no matter how many times he swept it, he couldn't find Gu Tianfei's trace in the flowing water below.

It seems that the other party does not exist, or is it possible that the other party has escaped into a different space?

"Is this because the supernatural power Qianyuan failed to shrink?" Finally, Lei Yi's eyes rolled, slightly guessing.

When he was studying Taoism on Kongshen Island, he also heard Lu Yu talk about some magical powers that were lost in the ancient immortal world.

Most of these supernatural powers are extremely mysterious, but unfortunately they have been lost, and the cultivation method has also been annihilated in the long river of history.

But he never expected that the opponent he met today was actually proficient in so many ancient fairy realms that had long been lost.

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