I Can Pause Time

Chapter 805: "Yue Tier" 10 consecutive battles

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Hundred Slaughter Hall, trial ground.

Lei Yi was staring at the sky in a daze, dumbfounded.

Because he has now survived the Thunder Tribulation and has become a monk in the Divine Soul Realm.

But even so, he also has the illusion that he has succeeded in this life?

The ninth level of the monk is called the Faxiang Realm, but he is the only one who is different, and he actually found a different way, condensing the spirit that the martial artist can cultivate.

Using the means of a warrior to follow the path of a cultivator, he can be regarded as setting a certain precedent.

"Now I am finally promoted to the ninth rank powerhouse?" Lei Yi looked at the palms of his hands, feeling incredible.

When did he actually get to this point?

You know, three years ago, he was an ordinary teenager in a small town, but now he has actually become a Tier 9 powerhouse.

It is a pity that the joy of his breakthrough cannot be shared with others, and there is no companion around him who can tell his concerns, so he can only be secretly happy.

This is a bit bleak and sad, but Lei Yi is more joyful at the moment.

Because he broke through to the ninth rank, it also shows that he can no longer fear any demon.

Not only a demon general, as long as he does not encounter the peak ninth rank that has mastered the power of the law, anyone has the power to fight.

Even if he met A Liang, Lei Bingning and the nine envoys of the Kingdom of God, he was confident that he could not fear any of them.

Relying on the mystery of the power of time, even if he meets the king, he will have the power to protect himself in a short time.

What is this, this is self-confidence!

Within the golden space, the ability of the hourglass of time still exists.

Even if the sky thunder rolled just now, time was still suspended as the tribulation disappeared.

There is still time for cultivation, and Lei Yi just needs time to consolidate his realm.

He discovered that the ability of Tianji Shenmu seemed to accelerate time, so after being struck by lightning, his body could heal quickly.

This is all relying on the ability of this thing to accelerate the speed of his body's healing.

And at the moment of being struck by lightning, he also felt the power of Thunder Tribulation "weakened", but it was not a substantial weakening, but when the Thunder Tribulation acted on his body, the speed of the impact slowed down.

It can be inferred from this that, in addition to the ability to accelerate, the heavenly miracle tree also has the ability to slow down attacks.

The time to "accelerate" and "decelerate" the target object, this is the ability of the heavenly miracle tree that Lei Yi inferred, that is, the magical effect of that small sapling.

But he didn't have enough time to explore, he was still in the speculation stage about this ability, and he had a faint feeling that the ability of this thing must be more than that.

But what I have to say is that the five-element holy thing in his body is really eye-opening in the magical use of time, and it feels incredible.

In this way, the remaining time passed quickly during Lei Yi's recuperation.

On this day, he opened his eyes, and at the same time felt that the ability of the hour-breaking hourglass was fading, and the golden space to protect himself was also disappearing.

In front of him, the middle-aged Wang Ru, who claimed to be from the Yuheng Palace of Qiyao Gate, still maintained the posture of attacking, and even his expression had not changed from before.

If he hadn't seen the other's face, Lei Yi would have almost forgotten that he was still fighting with others.

Time returns to flow...

In front of Lei Yi, a burning light came, but when he turned his head slightly, he easily avoided.

"The speed of this attack is very fast, but for me now, it is not too difficult to escape!"

Fortunately, his opponent, the middle-aged man, was not a real person, otherwise he would be surprised.

When did your opponent actually advance? Didn’t he say he was able to challenge the next level? How could he become a battle of the same level?

That's right, for Lei Yi now, this ten-tier battle is no longer a tier-higher, but a ten-game battle of the same rank.

Relying on the ability to pause time, after breaking through the realm, his strength is already equal to the ten challenged.

Fortunately, there is no anti-plug mechanism in the Bailu Hall, otherwise, if this hall senses that Lei Yi breaks through, and turns the 10 consecutive battles of the higher order into the 10 consecutive battles of the same rank, wouldn't it be necessary to kick him out.

His opponent, the middle-aged man named Wang Ru, didn't notice Lei Yi's strangeness. As a residual image, he only had the desire to attack the enemy.

So after Lei Yi avoided the first blow, he immediately reacted and prepared for the second blow.

He once again raised his hand and pointed his subordinates, a few glowing lights all over his body, and he flew towards Lei Yi.

"It's actually a flying knife!" But Lei Yi's eyesight at the moment has also increased several times, just a little bit of concentration, and he can see what is in the glow.

In this white glow, there is actually a flying knife with the Big Dipper pattern engraved on the handle.

The blade is no more than a foot long, and the blade is as silver as snow, and the seven-star pattern shines in the flying knife, so mysterious.

But having said that, Lei Yi would not be confused by the opponent's attack. He moved around to avoid the continuous attacks of Burning Light.

Although these flying knives are not slow, they can't even hurt the corners of his clothes in front of advanced Lei Yi.

Relying on the speed after the breakthrough, Lei Yi's figure moved continuously in the field, leaving behind shadows in the air.

After all, he arrived in front of Wang Ru at an incredible speed, and then blasted out with a punch.


The latter's figure flew out, and the whole person twisted strangely in mid-air, and then fell to the ground.

"After playing for so long, it's time to change me!" But the moment Wang Ru adjusted his position and landed, a faint sound rang from behind him.

It turned out that Lei Yi didn't know when, he had already killed behind him.

Fortunately, Wang Ru has no expression, otherwise he must show a look of horror at this moment.

"Tiandou kills instantly with a hundred arms!" Lei Yi's figure is divided into nine, and the nine people simultaneously close their fists and make moves.

The sky full of fist shadows blasted out, directly submerging Wang Ru's figure.

In a continuous roar, Wang Ru's body was directly shattered, turned into **** spots, and dissipated in the air.

The first challenger was almost defeated by Lei Yi with a crushing attitude.

But at this moment, a blood-colored beam of light fell in the sky, and a second enemy appeared.

This is a middle-aged beautiful woman wearing a blue palace costume, holding a sword in her right hand, her eyes sharp, and a red lotus mark on her brow.

"Donghai Sword Palace Lan Qingxin, please advise!" After the beautiful woman in palace dress appeared, she held the sword in her right hand, made a deep stroke, and declared herself home.

After that, the woman's right hand was a little bit, and the sword in her hand turned into a blue light, and she pointed it out directly.

The speed of the flying sword is even more exaggerated than Wang Ru's flying sword just now. With the attack, a series of roars can even be heard in the air.

"East China Sea Sword Palace, Jian Xiu?" Lei Yi was surprised when he saw the opponent's fierce offensive and the decisive sacrifice of the flying sword.

As everyone knows, Jian Xiu's attack power is undoubtedly the strongest of the same rank.

Except for the Lu family brothers and sisters, Lei Yi hadn't seen the sword repair methods. He didn't expect to fight a sword repairman today.

But in such a stunned effort, Feijian has already been killed.

If it is facing other cultivators, Lei Yi still intends to use his physical body to hold on.

But in the face of Jian Xiu, he dared not use his body to force it. After all, Jian Xiu's prestige was a well-known thing.

In this way, his figure was pierced by a single blow, but the pierced body was twisted and collapsed into a black mist.

In the critical moment, Lei Yi used the magic magic method to avoid the blow.

"Heaven Dou White Snake Attack!" Then, his figure rushed out from behind the beautiful woman in the palace costume, raising his hand to make a move.

White light bloomed in the palm, and the white snake phantom shot forward.

But the beautiful woman in the palace costume was just a move with her right hand, the flying sword turned into a blue rainbow, and she turned and killed her back.

A blue light shuttled through the snakes like a flash of electricity. Wherever the blue light passed, the white snake's phantom instantly collapsed, turning into stars in the sky, and dissipating into the sky.

"How could it..." Lei Yi didn't expect that the flying sword's offensive was so sharp that the opponent would break the Heaven Dou White Snake attack with only one sword.

"Ordinary moves can be broken, so what about the profound meaning?" But it was not over yet, when Feijian killed, Lei Yi was cold.

His figure moved continuously again, leaving a series of afterimages in the air, even Feijian couldn't tell which was the real body and which was the afterimage.

"Tiandou kills instantly with one hundred arms!" The continuous fist moves again, and the sky full of fist shadows will drown the opponent.

But at this moment, the beautiful woman in the palace costume pinched a sword tactic with both hands, the flying sword turned into a blue rainbow, rushed in front of her, and then spun quickly.

In the void, real blue ripples rippled, and then a layer of blue light enveloped the opponent, forming a barrier like rushing water.

The fists continued to bombard the barrier, but an unexpected scene happened to Lei Yi.

He found that his fists couldn't penetrate that barrier, or a defense similar to a barrier.

The opponent's defenses were as soft as water, and his fist was as if hitting cotton. No matter how hard he increased, he couldn't break through the blue barrier.

Even when his howling fist hit the opponent's defensive means, there was no sound.

"Isn't Jian Xiu taking a hard line? How can there be such a soft defense method?" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi was stunned when he felt the strange feeling coming from the boxing hole.

You say that you are a good swordsman, and you have cultivated such a strong defense power. Isn't this not the case and the other.

Although the flying sword of the beautiful woman in the palace costume is also very sharp, this defense is the source of his headache.

"Okay, I don't believe that you can't break through your defense!" Lei Yi finally had no choice but to close his fist and distanced himself from the opponent.

His eyes glanced at the blue barrier, UU read www.uukānshu.com and noticed that the other party's methods were similar to running water, and he suddenly made a plan.

"Hey, you still have to rely on robes for help at this time. Don't you like water? Then I will dye the water red and turn it into blood, depending on how you manipulate it!"

After saying this, a golden light on the top of Lei Yi's head lit up, and a golden figure suddenly rushed out, it was his soul.

After the figure appeared, he grabbed it with his right hand, and the blood-colored robes on his body fluttered and shrouded in front.

The beautiful woman in palace dress still urged the flying sword to defend, and her body was covered with a barrier like flowing water.

But the robes can ignore these, directly cover up on the barrier, and then turn into a pool of blood and blend into it.

The blue barrier instantly turned into a blood-red color, the flowing liquid also showed a sticky feeling, and the beautiful woman's pinching movements became unnatural.

"Sure enough!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi showed a hideous face, and then killed him.

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