I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1284: A Preliminary Study of "The Kingdom of God"

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The Western Regions, the land of the border.

Lei Yi came from the sky and quickly crossed the boundary line and entered the land of the Western Regions.

And after arriving in this once-devil land, he finally noticed the abnormality.

He glanced away, and there was a purple mist in the atmosphere.

And as it went deeper and deeper into the Western Regions, the density of this purple mist gradually increased.

"The density of the infinite power here has actually increased so much!"

He knew that these were infinite power, scattered between the sky and the earth, and even compressed the existence of vitality.

The Western Regions now are no longer a place where immortal cultivators can easily set foot.

"Emperor Infinite actually has these methods, if you give him a little more time, half of the world of immortality will be corroded by Infinite Force!"

Lei Yi finally realized how terrifying the Infinite Emperor's methods were.

Relying on the powerful swallowing ability of the infinite power to consume the basic vitality of the first world, then this world will basically lose the ability to resist, let him slaughter it.

This is more effective than any aggressive means, and it directly breaks the foundation of your immortal cultivation world.

Because of this, Lei Yi wanted to stop these and prevent the tragedy of the human world from happening again in the immortal world.

"How do I find the kingdom of God?" After thinking for a while, he looked around.

The sky was filled with purple mist, and the nearby clouds were also covered with a layer of purple gauze.

It is not an easy task to find traces of the Kingdom of God in the vast Western Regions.

But for Lei Yi, it was not difficult.

He once again adjusted the infinite power within the group, turning the body into an inhuman appearance.

As the facial features on his face disappeared and his face turned into an endless void, his sense of infinite power has also increased a hundred times a thousand times.

In his induction, the infinite power covering the Western Regions resonated with his body.

At this moment, the vast boundaries of the Western Regions can be vaguely sensed.

"Sure enough, I can also assimilate the infinite power and turn them into my own use?" Lei Yi felt a little helpless as he felt the changes in his body.

This change is not a good thing for him, after all, the ability to control the infinite power is the ability of the infinite emperor and his minions.

He also has this ability, in a sense, it is no different from Infinite Emperor and his minions.

However, Lei Yi is not a person of Infinite Emperor, and even in the future, he will never be loyal to Infinite Emperor.

It is enough for him to know this.

In Lei Yi's induction, there was an area of ​​infinite power, the density suddenly increased several times, and a group of powerful infinite power condensate was moving in the sky.

"Induced it!" He knew that this was where the kingdom of God was.

Lei Yi quickly cut off the connection with the surrounding infinite power, this is also to prevent Garuda from spying on him in turn.

As long as he senses the kingdom of God, it is not his plan to attract Garuda's attention.

After confirming the position, Lei Yi sacrificed his light and galloped away all the way.

Under his limit of flight, but within a short time, he spanned most of the Western Regions and came to a land surrounded by mountains.

In the central area of ​​several huge mountain peaks, a huge floating city, the Kingdom of God, is suspended here.

At this moment, the kingdom of God was launching some kind of attack towards the ground below, and a purple beam of light fell straight down and shot into the ground.

Lei Yi could see that this is the kingdom of God injecting infinite power into the veins. With the passage of time, the infinite power density in this area is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gradually, among the mountains, purple mist rose.

In the veins of the earth, the infinite power turned into a torrent, surging underground, could it gush out from the nearby surface cracks.

"If the Kingdom of God is allowed to continue, the entire veins of the Western Regions will be destroyed!" Lei Yi saw this scene and suddenly felt bad.

He quickly disappeared and slowly approached the kingdom of God.

At this moment, the kingdom of God is transforming the ground veins, this is also his opportunity, and the kingdom of God that is still stationary is more accessible.

But around the city of the Kingdom of God, Lei Yi saw hordes of flying monsters.

Without exception, these monsters were infected and became the subordinates of Infinite Emperor.

Garuda obviously arranged them here deliberately, acting as a guard duty. Once they get close, they will most likely be spotted by the monster.

Lei Yi could feel that the sights of these monsters were all concentrated around them, and there were almost no dead ends for him to approach.

Moreover, there are other restrictions on the surrounding areas. Garuda will not only arrange such monsters to be responsible for guarding, but there must be hidden means.

"Based on what I know about that old yin bullshit, he will inevitably prepare all kinds of insidious tricks. Maybe there are ten generals hiding nearby. If you look at it this way, even if you call Garuna out, you probably won't be able to sneak in!"

Lei Yi observed carefully for a while and found that he really couldn't sneak into the kingdom of God.

Since you can't do it on your own, you can only rely on foreign aid.

"So it's time for Yun Guanhai to go!" He took out the five-element talisman and smiled.

The spell was quickly crushed by him, and the five-color light flashed in his palm.

Afterwards, Yun Guanhai, who was far away from the True Spirit Immortal Sect, naturally noticed that the charm was triggered, and his face showed a trace of undisguised disgust.

"Cut, this kid!"

But he still had to do things, so his body moved, soaring up into the sky and flying quickly to the Western Regions.

His escape speed is like a bolt of thunder, crossing the border in an instant and breaking into the Western Regions.

Since entering the Western Regions, its speed of escape has not only failed to converge, but has accelerated again. Even the infinite power of the whole body has evaded under the impact, unable to get close.

Yunguanhai seemed to have anticipated the changes in the Western Regions, and the vitality of the body surface was overflowing, forming a seeming barrier, rushing through infinite power.

Soon, he followed the direction and found the kingdom of God.

"Sure enough!" Seeing the huge city close to transforming the veins, Yun Guanhai's expression became clear.

Because his senior brother had magical dream power, he seemed to know what happened in the Western Regions, so he exhorted a few words before he set off.

Now, seeing the traces of the kingdom of God, Yunguanhai will naturally not hesitate.

"The five elements transform into a dragon!" He clasped his palms together, the power of the five elements gathered in his palm, and then suddenly pushed forward.

The five-color radiance flickered and turned into five giant dragons, launching an offensive towards the kingdom of God ahead.

This time, it wasn't Yun Guanhai's incarnation cast a spell, but a real saint-level blow.

The five-color real dragon galloped in the air, and instantly slammed in front of the kingdom of God.

The demon clan guarding the surroundings also found Yun Guanhai's traces, but he could not stop him from making a move.

The five-color real dragon brought these monsters into the attack range, and almost instantly killed the monsters, and then bombarded the kingdom of God.


Although the Kingdom of God withstood this blow, the huge impact still caused a strong shock.

God's country.

Garuda was sitting in the city, his eyes suddenly opened, and then he looked towards a certain direction.

"Yun Guanhai!" He shouted out the name of the person word by word, his expression was a bit stunned.

Because he really didn't expect that Yun Guanhai would actually appear near the kingdom of God, and the other party would come alone.

"Do you want me to take action?" At this moment, a voice rang in Garuda's ear.

"Your Excellency, Lord of the Sky, leave this person to me to deal with!" Garuda shook his head and rejected the other party's proposal.

"That's the native strongman in this world, are you sure you are sure?" the voice asked again.

"As long as there is darkness in people's hearts, they must not be my opponent!" Garuda was very confident, and disappeared in a flash.

Outside the kingdom of God.

In the sky, a black light appeared, and then Garuda's figure walked out of it.

"Yun Guanhai, are you here because you want to die?"

"Hmph, you and others from other worlds are actually trying to destroy the foundation of my immortal cultivation world. As the deputy head teacher of the true spirit immortal sect, how can I let your treacherous tricks succeed!"

Yun Guanhai showed "all righteousness" at this moment, and angrily scolded the people.

This scene made Garaudia speechless, because according to his understanding, this Yunguanhai was a selfish villain.

He died that year, and the whole world sought revenge from his enemies, but he didn't care about the true story of his commander when he died.

Is such a person actually suspected of attacking the kingdom of God for the justice of the immortal world?

At the beginning, the three saint-level cultivators did not have the defense of the kingdom of God. Could it be useful for you alone?

"If this is the case, let you understand that now in this world of cultivating immortals, it is no longer your cultivator who has the final say!"

Garuda looked back at the Kingdom of God, there was such a presence, and he was not afraid of going wrong.

In the space around him, darkness began to spread, and he launched an attack towards Yun Guanhai.

"If you have the ability, just follow me!" But Yun Guanhai also knew his mission, and after angrily reprimanded, he flew towards the rear.

"Hmph, boring behavior!" Garuda did not suspect anything, and really followed.

Soon, the two of them displayed their magical powers and disappeared into the horizon.

After the two left, Lei Yi, who was lurking below, finally found a chance.

He displayed the golden light of the earth, approached the kingdom of God from underground, and finally came to the position where the kingdom of God attacked the earth veins.

Feeling the infinite power of the high density of the whole body, Lei Yi's body is very comfortable.

Without hesitation, he plunged into the attack of infinite power, and followed this energy and rushed into the kingdom of God.

This is what he has calculated. As long as the cover of this infinite force is used, the guarding monster race outside, including the ten generals, will definitely not be able to find him.

Because they absolutely never expected that someone could sneak in following the attack of the kingdom of God.

Facing the infinite power, Lei Yi went all the way upstream, shuttled in the purple light, and finally entered the kingdom of God.

When he felt that the timing was almost the same, he came out of the beam of light and came into a circular hall.

Above the dome of the hall, there are densely packed purple crystals, the surface of the spar flickers with purple light, and countless points of light converge on the beam of light in the center.

Lei Yi could conclude that the energy source of the shock wave that changes the veins of the earth is the crystals above.

Resisting the urge to destroy these crystals, his gaze shifted to the surroundings.

He knows that destroying these crystals can only stop it for a while, but it may reveal his identity.

His plan was to destroy the entire kingdom of God, not to interrupt the process of ground veins being transformed, and not to lose weight because of small things.

"Okay, let me explore this kingdom of God!"

Lei Yi said so, and his figure quickly disappeared in the passage in the corner of the hall.

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