I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1283: Come on, hurt each other!

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"What! Raiders?"

When Lei Yi learned about this from Lu Jian's heart, he was immediately stunned.

He never expected that this group of people would be so shameless, and they would let themselves go to death.

What kind of trick is this, this is to rush him to "deliver express".

Especially Yun Guanhai who proposed this plan, the other party's thoughts are already clearly revealed.

"Senior Lu, do you think this is reliable?" Lei Yi looked at the other party with piercing eyes.

"I think it sounds unreliable, but it's the only way now!" Lu Jianxin shook his head, a little helpless.

Although in his heart he didn't want Lei Yi to die, but apart from this one method, it seemed that there was no other more suitable.

What's more, the dream magical power even used the Supreme Treasure Sage Scroll, which also showed that they were ready to spend their money.

"By the way, what's the use of that saint scroll?" Lei Yi asked next.

Since Lu Jianxin has this attitude, it means that he may not have to refuse, it is better to ask clearly before speaking.

"This sage scroll is the most precious treasure of Confucianism. In the vast history of Confucianism, the birth of a sage monk in Confucianism is extremely difficult. The reason is naturally due to the cultivation of Confucianism and others. Taoism is different. It requires practitioners to enter the secular world and experience the world. Powerful Confucian monks need the support of the secular dynasty. Some Confucian monks who reach the realm of heaven and humans are all important ministers and current confucians of some large and small countries in the human world. ."

"A million years ago, there was a superpower in the world of cultivating immortals. This country almost unified the territory of all peoples in the immortal world, and included all countries, large and small, into its territory. At that time, a Confucian monk also relied on By preaching Confucianism, he became a great Confucian well-known in the world at that time, and finally cultivated to the highest sage level with Confucianism and Taoism. This strong man proclaimed himself a Tianwu immortal, and the most precious thing he used was the sage scroll."

"This thing is a book of wonderful strategies. It is said to be able to record a magical power of a monk in the saint realm. Whenever you confront an enemy, you can open the scroll and select a page of magical powers. In this case, you can use a small amount of consumption. , Display the thunder blow of the saint realm monk. I say that, do you understand?"

"I see, there is actually this kind of book that can record the supernatural powers of the saints, it's really outrageous!" Lei Yi nodded, expressing his understanding.

In other words, if Lu Jianxin's Third World Excalibur was recorded by the Sage Scroll, then after Lei Yi found that page, wouldn't it be possible to use the Third World Excalibur to defeat a powerful enemy in seconds.

"But don't expect too much. It is said that the saint scroll is incomplete, and the dream magic power should not give you many pages. And because the Tianwu fairy has fallen a long time ago, these pages are all one-time consumables. Use one. One less." Lu Jianxin did not forget to add.

Lei Yi curled his mouth and said nothing.

He knew that there could not be such a good thing.

Dream Shentong was able to take out the saints, but also because he was going to die, the other party was able to understand.

"Senior Lu, can I refuse?" Lei Yi asked after thinking about it.

After thinking about it, Lu Jian said: "It should be possible, but if you refuse, be careful to be used by Yun Guanhai to make a fuss. Then the entire world of cultivation may be hostile to you and secretly scold you as a selfish villain. !"

"I can't refuse feelings!" Lei Yi was speechless.

But he also understood, because it was not the victim who was sent to die, it was him, and the others were naturally happy.

No matter how this matter is beneficial to the world of cultivating immortals, and it is not oneself who died, it is estimated that everyone else will support it 100%, but the person involved, Lei Yi, will oppose it.

But what about Lei Yi's objection, we can use the righteousness of the world of cultivating immortals to coerce you and not allow you to refuse.

In response to that sentence, it is a good thing to die a fellow Daoist but not a poor Dao!

"Okay, I agree!" After Lei Yi gritted his teeth, he could only nod his head.

But then, he suddenly said: "However, I have a request!"

Half a day later.

True Spirit Immortal Sect, Zongshanmen Chamber.

"What, that kid actually directs me to do things?"

Looking at Lu Jianxin, Yun Guanhai's tone was a little agitated, and even more a little unrestrained.

Because Lu Jianxin brought the news that Lei Yi agreed, but Lei Yi made a request.

According to Lei Yi, the kingdom of God is guarded by Garuda after all, and there may be another saint state, so it is necessary for the immortal world to send one or two saint states to deal with them.

This trick is called slamming the east and the west, letting the sage monks attack the kingdom of God, or pretend to attack the kingdom of God, attracting the attention of Garuda and others.

This will give Lei Yi more time to complete the plan.

And just as Yunguanhai named Lei Yi, Lei Yi also named Yunguanhai.

You sent me to die, right? Then I will call you to die.

The power of the kingdom of God, everyone present knows it, and Lei Yi naturally knows it.

Let a sage state attack the kingdom of God, if the kingdom of God fights back with all its strength, that saint state who is careless, may not die and suffer serious injuries.

Therefore, if you want to send the Saint Realm to contain the Kingdom of God, it is almost the same as Lei Yi, it belongs to the death.

At this time, Lei Yi asked Yun Guanhai to come by name, which could be regarded as a step for the other saints, and they were naturally happy.

Anyway, it’s not me, it’s better to let you watch the sea.

In Lei Yi's words: Come on, hurt each other!

"Deputy Chief Yun, you named him, can't he name you?" Lu Jianxin smiled slightly and teased.

"Yes..." Yun Guanhai's expression sank and looked at other people.

Lu Jianxin had anticipated it, and then relayed: "That kid said, he doesn't understand other people. Only the magical powers taught by Yun Guanhai, he is more at ease, so I insist on letting you go!"

"That kid!" Yun Guanhai's expression was completely gloomy.

How he couldn't tell, this was Lei Yi deliberately finding fault with himself.

"Why, is Master Yun going to resign?" At this moment, Lu Jianxin was happy in his heart, but he pretended to be compassionate and pitiful, and said: "This is a major matter related to the life and death of the immortal world. Presumably, Master Yun should not Will reject it!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was tantamount to blocking Yun Guanhai's words.

Before, you planned to deal with Lei Yi like this, using the righteousness of the realm of cultivating immortals to coerce the victim, now it is your turn to be coerced.

Although Lu Jianxin was rehearsing, the meaning in the words was also very obvious. If you Yun Guanhai refuses, then Lei Yi can naturally refuse.

Why can he only become a death squad?

If you dare to refuse, Lei Yi can make a fuss about this, saying that you are a selfish villain.

Although a saint-level monk, it is not something that ordinary people can arbitrarily argue.

But it is indeed dishonorable to speak out.

And can you stop people from all over the world?

"Junior brother, promise!"

Seeing Yun Guanhai still hesitated, Meng Shentong knew that he had to stand up.

When he speaks, it means that he has agreed to the matter on behalf of Yun Guanhai.

"Well, since that kid asked for it, then I agree!"

Yun Guanhai could only nod his head, but when he spoke, he gritted his teeth.

The next day.

Inside the Zongshan Gate of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, in a secret hall.

Lei Yi accepted the task, and at this moment received the Saint Scroll in the secret hall.

But the dream magic power handed him only three pages.

"Is this the sage roll?" Lei Yi was surprised when he looked at the thing in his hand.

On these three pages, there are three paintings, namely Yin Jitian, Fanzun and Lu Jianxin, which means that it is the three of them who have left their magical powers.

Except that the pictures are very vivid, these three pages look unremarkable and have nothing special. They just feel tough when held in hand.

"On this sage scroll, the magical powers of the three of us are sealed, if you really encounter a strong enemy, you can use the magical powers to fight the enemy!" Lu Jianxin looked at Lei Yi and reminded.

"But if I use the saint scroll, wouldn't it be impossible to deal with the kingdom of God!" Lei Yi asked after thinking about it.

"About this, you can rest assured!" Meng Shentong smiled at this moment, as if he had already turned into a jade with Lei Yi, and took out a box again.

After he handed the thing in his hand to Lei Yi, he said, "In this box, is a part of the divine passage method that I sealed before I taught the sacred teachings of the past generations. My true spirit fairy sect has gone through several generations. Overwhelming mana and countless magical powers. If you enter the kingdom of God and open it, the power of the inner gods can burst out. With the strength of the masters of the past, the power of this explosion will not talk about the kingdom of God, even if it Some small interfaces can be destroyed!"

When Lei Yi heard the introduction of the contents of the box, he exclaimed in his heart: Good fellow!

The Immortal Sect of Feelings still hides such a big killer, but if he is useful for life, it is estimated that he will run away.

Finally, Yun Guanhai stepped up reluctantly.

He took out a five-color rune from his storage bag, and said stiffly: "This is a five-element rune, and you have to take it. Once you get close to the kingdom of God, crush this rune and I will shoot. Attack, help you attract attention!"

Lei Yi thought about it for a while, and it turned out a rune and held it in his hand.

At this stage, everyone's goals are the same, so he knows that Yun Guanhai can't manipulate the runes.

"Thank you Zhang Yun for teaching!" Lei Yipi smiled and thanked him.

In the end, Meng Shentong said: "Under this situation, it is considered complete preparation. By the way, I want to remind you that this magic weapon is only known by the heavens and the earth. No one else knows the news, so don’t expect reinforcements to help!"

"I understand this. In fact, I prefer to act alone!" Lei Yi said goodbye and left directly.

His figure escaped into the sky, flew to the west, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

But Lu Jianxin and others all watched the other side leave.

For them, letting a celestial and human realm monk take risks for them, which really lost their face as a saint realm monk.

"Junior Brother, go down and prepare, this time you must cooperate with that kid with all your strength, don't be arrogant!"

"I understand!"

With the urging of Dream Supernatural Power, Yun Guanhai also said goodbye and left, and went down to prepare.

"Now, the fate of my immortal cultivation world depends on this kid. But I must also be fully prepared, in case he fails, we still need to discuss other countermeasures!"

"We are also aware of this, it is impossible to pin all hopes on one person!"

The remaining five people, after being reminded by the Dream Supernatural Power, began to discuss countermeasures.

As for Lei Yi, although they felt that the Wonder Strategy had great hopes, it was only hope.

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