I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1246: Looking for help?

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"Master Lu, sorry!"

Lei Yi shouted, while **** like the wind, bombarded Lu Shaoyou's body.

Under the fierce bombardment, Lu Shaoyou's body was like a broken kite, flying backwards.

With a bang, a figure fell to the ground, and the whole body was soaked in blood, which was so miserable.

This person is Lu Shaoyou.

After he was completely suppressed, Lei Yisheng was afraid that the other party would still have the power to fight back. That was a decisive move.

Anyway, Lu Shaoyou was also a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm. As long as he controlled the force of his shot and didn't kill the opponent, he would be able to recover from any serious injury when the pill was in place.

Therefore, when Lu Shaoyou was bombarded out again, he finally struggled and couldn't stand up.

"Brother!" Lu Linglong rushed to the side of Lu Shaoyou, with a complicated expression.

To be honest, this woman was also the first time her brother was beaten so badly.

"Mu Mu, did you avenge your personal revenge and put such a heavy hand?" After that, the woman hurriedly helped Lu Shaoyou and questioned Lei Yi.

"Ahem, Miss Lu, what are you talking about? I'm not afraid that Young Master Lu will have more energy?" Lei Yi quickly denied, shaking his head like a rattle.

Just kidding, what is the relationship between him and Lu Shaoyou, how could he do something like this.

He was really afraid that Lu Shaoyou would still have the power to act. In case of treating the other party, a carelessness might cause a change, so he made a big move.

At this moment, Lu Shaoyou almost broke his whole body, and he couldn't even lift his hands, let alone fight back.

The opponent's body trembled, and blood was still spraying in his mouth. Such a serious injury, it is estimated that it will not be impossible to recover without a few months of rest.

Under this situation, even if Lu Shaoyou was still controlled by Garuda, there was no threat to Lu Linglong.

This woman can finally use the power of a pure white and flawless body to purify her brother.

"Wood, come here to help and hold my brother!" Lu Linglong hurriedly greeted Lei Yi over.

Then, the two immediately got busy.

Lei Yi was in charge of assisting Lu Shaoyou, while Lu Linglong seemed to pass the power, holding Lu Shaoyou's back with both hands, and began to purify.

Seeing this woman's body, white brilliance appeared, and then flowed towards Lu Shaoyou's body.

In the light, Lei Yi felt an aura that made him familiar.

"What is the relationship between this Miss Lu and the future Miss Lu? Even the abilities are so similar!" He looked at the beautiful woman close at hand, but his mind seemed to be back to the future.

In this world, there cannot be two women who are exactly the same. Lu Linglong and Lu Wushuang must be in touch.

It's a pity that even he didn't know the connection between the two people.

Just as Lei Yi sighed, Lu Linglong's expression turned not so good.

Because this woman found that her pure white body seemed to be unable to dispel the weird power in Lu Shaoyou's body.

After trying many times, Lu Linglong finally gave up.

"No, I can't save my brother!"

The woman shook her head, showing helplessness and grief.

Because Lu Shaoyou was injured so miserably, he still couldn't save the other party. Wouldn't it be the case for him to suffer in vain?

"Can't save?" Lei Yi was also surprised, there was something that the pure white flawless body could not disperse.

"Although I can sense that his heart is tainted by some power, but..." Lu Linglong pointed to Lu Shaoyou's heart, and stopped talking.

This means that Lu Shaoyou can only maintain this attitude of killing him. If he really wants to save the other party, he still has to be hunted down.

But if you leave it alone, with Lu Shaoyou's current state, you will definitely suffer if you encounter a monster clan or other enemies.

At this moment, Lei Yi was in a dilemma.

Since Lu Linglong can't help it, then...

Lei Yi looked at Garuna, who was in charge of vigilance. Seeing this woman's innocent look, he put out the thought of seeking countermeasures from the other party.

Garuna looked like she couldn't count on it.

So, if you want to save Lu Shaoyou, you still have to rely on yourself?

"Miss Lu, how about you take a break and let me try?" Lei Yi suggested.


"Yes, let me try, maybe I have a way!"

With that said, Lei Yi asked Lu Linglong to take a rest first, and then took over the other side's position.

After sitting down, Lei Yi began to think about how he would solve the hidden dangers in Lu Shaoyou's body.

"Galoudia is a powerful saint under the command of the Infinite Emperor. I should not be able to decipher his abilities and methods, but as long as he pursues the nature of his power, it is not completely impossible..."

"After all, his power is the law of darkness and infinite power, and I seem to have both of these things!"

Lei Yi compared his abilities with Garuda, and then discovered that his and the other's abilities were actually very similar.

Both have the Law of Darkness, and both have infinite power.

Even Lei Yi has more time rules than the opponent.

Doesn't it mean that Lei Yi can copy Garudia's abilities?

"It's a pity that I have too little time to study the law of darkness. The other party estimates that since the infinite emperor came, he has been studying this ability to control human nature. In the use of power, he is much stronger than me!"

After Lei Yi weighed the pros and cons, he began to think that he could affect Garuda's ability.

Although it is impossible for him to control people's hearts like the other party, it shouldn't be difficult to swallow the other party's dark laws with his own ability.

Thinking of this, he began to try.

Lei Yi manipulated the law of darkness in his body, entered Lu Shaoyou's body, and began to perceive it carefully.

Soon, he found a dark rune in Lu Shaoyou's sea of ​​knowledge.

I saw a strange power shining above this rune, and there was a faint dark power in the surrounding void, pouring into the rune, continuously providing power for it.

"It's no wonder that Miss Lu can't be dispelled. This rune is connected to the entire realm. Afterwards, the power of darkness is continuously injected into it. Miss Lu's ability is limited after all, so naturally it can't be dispelled!"

After thinking about it, Lei Yi allowed his power to cover this dark law.

Soon, he completed the blockade, and the process was surprisingly smooth.

When the black rune was completely restricted, the connection between the rune and the power of darkness was also completely cut off. After the rune flickered, it seemed to have lost its spirituality.

And Lei Yi took this opportunity to use the power of the law of darkness in his body to start absorbing this thing.

Soon, Rune noticed the energy of the same nature, flying out of Lu Shaoyou's sea of ​​consciousness step by step, and finally followed Lei Yi's arm and flew into his body.

Under this situation, the power of darkness in Lu Shaoyou's body began to dissipate.

Lei Yi opened his eyes, with a hint of joy on his face, and clapped his hands: "It's done!"

He knew that Lu Shaoyou had recovered.

But to know the result, you must wake the other party to check.

After Lei Yi thought for a while, he injected aura into Lu Shaoyou's body to help him slowly recover.

After a few breaths, Lu Shaoyou finally woke up.

"Cough cough..." He coughed, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, but finally he was no longer shouting and screaming.

"What's the matter, I feel like I was beaten, and my whole body is hurting!" Lu Shaoyou's tone was trembling, and he looked around in confusion.

"Ahem, what?, Master Lu, you're awake!" Lei Yi was a little embarrassed on his face when he heard it. In order to cover it up, he hurriedly said haha.

Then he motioned to Lu Linglong, who nodded in response.

Naturally, they couldn't tell the story of beating people just now.

"You kid, and my little sister, what's wrong with me?" Lu Shaoyou asked quickly.

"Brother, you were affected by the enemy's magical powers and lost your mind. Fortunately, we rescued you. You should recover temporarily and don't act rashly!" Lu Linglong exhorted quickly.

"Alright!" Lu Shaoyou nodded and smiled: "At the critical moment, you still have to rely on you, little girl!"

Afterwards, he took out a pill, and after taking it, he began to adjust his interest rate and recover.

Lu Linglong and Lei Yi glanced at each other, both of them were a little embarrassed, almost tacitly in their hearts.

After an hour, Lu Shaoyou finally regained his mobility, but his injuries were not completely recovered.

After all, Lei Yi beat him very badly, it is impossible to recover so quickly.

But now, time is not waiting for people, they have to think about countermeasures.

"What, this is the realm of the cultivator of the saint realm, this is the realm of the eternal realm!"

"This woman is still the daughter of the domain caster, and the opponent is still an enemy?"

"That person called Garuda, previously cooperated with Wuxin Divine Sect, in fact, for another purpose, in order to take away the things outside of the sky in Falling Star Peak?"

After hearing Lei Yi's description of the situation, Lu Shaoyou finally couldn't help it, and spit out loudly.

He looked at Garuna on the side, then at the huge plant standing on the dark ground, as well as the dark sun **** entrenched on it, and suddenly fell into speechlessness.

After all, anyone who heard that he was going to fight a saint-level powerhouse would do the same.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stiff, Lei Yi hurriedly said: "Master Lu, the situation is urgent now, we still have to act quickly, otherwise..."

"No, you can't just go by, otherwise we will all have to die!"

But Lei Yi's proposal was quickly rejected by Lu Shaoyou.

"Sage-level powerhouses are definitely not something we can compete against. In the past, none of us would survive!"

"But this is the realm of the Eternal Realm. If we don't go to Garuda, he will come to us too. It's just a matter of dying sooner or later!"

"No, things are not as bad as you think!" Lu Shaoyou shook his head, and then said: "Actually, I am not without countermeasures!"

"Brother, what's the answer to this?" Lu Linglong asked immediately, with a spirit of energy.

"It's very simple, we can find a helper!" Lu Shaoyou put up a finger and said solemnly: "Even if there is one more person, we have one more chance of winning. If there are more people, the odds of winning can be increased by one more layer!"

"Helper?" Lei Yi and Lu Linglong looked at each other, wondering what Lu Shao was talking about.

"It's very simple, isn't your kid able to save me. Then doesn't it mean that you can also save other people in the field, and these people are now deeply trapped in this place, and we all have a common enemy, that is this Jia Lou Dia!"

Upon hearing this, Lei Yi finally understood what Lu Shaoyou meant.

He wants to unite all those who are trapped in the realm to deal with Garuda.

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