I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1245: Lu Shaoyou was also recruited

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"The wind is screaming!"

Lei Yi never expected that he would say this one day.

But the situation forced him to escape.

No way, who made him chase after a bunch of sub-monsters.

At this moment, Lei Yi took Garuna and Lu Linglong on his way.

And behind him, amidst the smoke and dust, countless black shadows galloping around, these are all monsters.

Who knows how many demon races have arrived in Beijiang, but at this moment they are all dragged into the realm by Garuda, and they are all controlled by the opponent.

Now the goal of this group of monsters is very clear, which is to kill Lei Yi and "show loyalty" to Garuda.

With Lei Yi's escape, the number of demon races gathered around has also increased. Chen Qun formed a team and blocked all the escape directions around him.

And in the outer area, there are still many demons gathered.

These are the people of the ten great tribes in northern Xinjiang. They competed for credit, but they came out all the time, and now they are suffering someone.

You said that your monster clan, for the sake of a Starfall Peak thing, with so many people here, are you not afraid of the emptiness of the imperial court base camp?

However, there is a demon emperor in the base camp, and there should be nothing to worry about.

Seeing that Lei Yi was surrounded by a steady stream of monsters in all directions, he was speechless.

"Garuna, use your ability!" In the crisis, he couldn't care about other things, so he could only ask his teammates for help.

"Yeah!" The latter nodded, and then the six-sided crystal on the back gleamed, and the void in front of him suddenly formed.

"Go!" Lei Yi grabbed Lu Linglong's hand and rushed into the crack decisively.

Garuna followed, and the three quickly disappeared into the crack.

The crack disappeared, and countless monsters rushed here, but all lost their targets.

"Kill!" At this moment, someone among the monster clan shouted loudly.

A soaring killing intent flooded this place, and seeing these monster races, they actually started to act.

They should be the monster clan belonging to the northern frontier forces, but at this moment, there is a large-scale battle, and even the clan is also attacking each other.

Not long after, there have been casualties.

But under the spread of the **** smell, the shots of these monsters were even more fierce, like real beasts, biting and gnawing at each other.

The corpses were all over the field, and the blood was full of blood. This place has evolved into a battlefield of slaughter.

And thousands of miles away.

In the void, a crack opened, and Lei Yi led Lu Linglong and Garuna, rushing out of it.

"Finally safe!" After he landed, he immediately surveyed the surroundings, and after confirming that there was no trace of the demon clan, he let out a sigh of relief.

But this only shows that this area is temporarily safe.

According to Garuda's ability, he would not be let go.

"However, we still have to find each other!" Lei Yi raised his head and looked at the top of the huge plant with serious eyes.

Once you reach that position, you have to face Garudadia head-on.

"There's someone nearby!" At this moment, Garuna pointed to somewhere in front of her and suddenly said.

This woman has always been relatively silent, and generally does not speak, but to attract her attention, there must be something special about the person coming.

"That's..." At this moment, Lu Linglong also looked at that direction, Huarong paled.

Seeing that the two women are both with this dart flag, Lei Yi twisted his eyebrows, feeling that something bad might happen next.

Soon, he finally knew why.

Because the person here is...

"Find the target!" The incoming Yujian flew over, and when he noticed Lei Yi, he shouted sharply and pointed out.

A sword aura instantly tore the air and slammed in front of Lei Yi.

"Brother, what are you doing!" Lu Linglong immediately screamed when she saw the other party's shot without hesitation.

The person here is not someone else, but Lu Shaoyou.

However, at this moment, Lu Shaoyou's body surface was stained with some black energy, and there was only a fierce color in his eyes, which was obviously also hit.

Lei Yi raised his hand subconsciously, swiping his fist, knocking away the sword energy with one blow.

But at this moment, his expression is complicated, because the person who made the shot is Lu Linglong's eldest brother, Lu Shaoyou.

He had never expected that Lu Shaoyou would have been recruited, but it was not surprising when he thought that this was Garuda's domain.

"Miss Lu, what do you do now, you have a pure and flawless body, can you help Young Master Lu restore his sanity?" Lei Yi quickly asked, seeing that the momentum was wrong.

"I can try, but if my ability is used, I must touch the target. But my brother has lost his mind now, and I can't get close!" Lu Linglong responded immediately without delay.

"That said, we must temporarily restrict Master Lu's actions!" Lei Yi understood that Lu Linglong needed to get close.

If this is the case, it is necessary to make Lu Shaoyou unable to move, that is, to seriously injure the other party!

"Master Lu, don't blame me, although I really want to learn from you, but I didn't expect it to be in this situation!"

After thinking about it, Lei Yi knew what to do.

He raised his fist, his figure flickered, and rushed in front of Lu Shaoyou.

When the latter saw this, the hideous color of the corner of his mouth flashed, and he raised his hand with dozens of sword auras.

"The mere sword energy is useless to me!" But Lei Yi was not afraid, silver runes flashed across his body, and the whole person was protected by a silver mask.

Ding Ding Ding-

Under the continuous collision, his body surface sparked four.

But these sword auras were all shot out by the silver mask, and none of them caused him harm.

Taking this opportunity, Lei Yi raised his fist and punched Lu Shaoyou.

Under the bombardment of the fist, the latter's figure flew upside down, but Lei Yi felt something wrong. The punch just now seemed to hit the air.

"Be careful, that's my brother's transposition of supernatural powers!" At this moment, Lu Linglong in the back quickly reminded.

An edge struck behind Lei Yi, and Lu Shaoyou unexpectedly appeared behind him.

"Fuck!" Seeing this scene, someone exploded with a foul language.

Lu Shaoyou, who flew out in front of him, faded in an instant and disappeared.

The back is the main body, and the front is only an illusion that attracts attention. This move is similar to Lei Yi's magical body method.

"Drink!" But Lei Yi didn't panic at all, and the golden light appeared on the surface of his body, spreading around, covering a 20-meter radius.

Under the golden light, Lu Shaoyou's speed greatly slowed down.

Lei Yi finally had time to avoid the sword, and at the same time grabbed Lu Shaoyou's arm holding the sword.

"Master Lu, you are offended!" He raised his fist again and was about to hit the opponent's head.

But the latter seemed to have been expected long ago, and after a muffled grunt, white rays of light lit up on his chest.


Because of the influence of the tyrant of time, Lu Shaoyou's speech speed was greatly slowed down, but Lei Yi still understood.

Those white rays of light were actually sharp sword auras, and they flew out of the opponent's chest.

Sword Qi was hidden in Lu Shaoyou's body.

"Wood, that's sword intent, not pure sword aura, be careful..." Lu Linglong saw this move in the rear and quickly sent out a reminder.

Unfortunately, this is already too late.

Lei Yi wanted to rely on the law of strength to protect his body and resist the sword aura, but he didn't expect the sharpness of the sword intent to be far beyond the previous sword aura.

Several sword intents pierced into the silver barrier. Although they did not penetrate and collide completely, they left slender cut marks on the surface.

Afterwards, the remaining sword shadows swarmed at the location of the cut marks, directly expanding the gap.

In the end, there were three sword intents, breaking through the collision and piercing Lei Yi's chest.


Under the tearing sound, Lei Yi's chest was directly cut open by the sword intent, and the whole person flew out, and the chest was even more bloody.

When he landed, his whole body was stained red with blood, which was not miserable.

"Lei Yi!" Lu Linglong called out Lei Yi's name directly at the critical moment.

And Garuna on the side, her eyes flickering, the power of the whole body's space condensed, and the six crystals behind her gleamed with purple light, she was about to move towards Lu Shaoyou.

"Galuna, don't take action!" But at this moment, Lei Yi's voice suddenly sounded.

I saw him who had fallen to the ground and stood up tremblingly.

His chest was still bleeding, but his complexion remained the same.

"Master Lu, I didn't expect you to hide some tricks. It was my carelessness, no flashes!" Lei Yi laughed at Lu Shaoyou, "But this time, I have to use my real skills!"

As he said so, Qi and blood emerged from the wound on his chest, and the flesh and blood healed quickly under the peristalsis.

After recovering, Lei Yi slowly loosened his fists into palms, and the silver runes on his arms lit up, forming a pattern like armguards.

He raised his hands and began to swing slowly, and with the movements of his arms, layers of silver ripples in the void rippled and spread around.

"This time, let me use the power of covering the sea to meet you!" After performing this trick, Lei Yi seemed to see a chance to win.

Without any hesitation, Lu Shaoyou raised his hand a little, and a silver light burst out of his sleeve robe. It was his proud flying sword.

Feijian and his body move together, and when sprinting to a normal distance, the human sword is one.

At this moment, Lu Shaoyou seemed to be a sharp sword, everything could be destroyed, and he was stunned.

The sharp sword aura came to Lei Yi first, but the ripples carried by his hands swayed away directly.

Then came Jian Yi. Although the speed was slower than Jian Qi, it was stronger and sharper.

However, that layer of weird power has also swept away the suggestions.

Jian Yi changed its position in the air, and then slew towards the positions on both sides of Lei Yi, naturally failing.

In the end, Lu Shaoyou's deity was killed.

But an incredible scene appeared. Under Lei Yi's continuous push with both hands, the void in front of him was distorted ~ www.readwn.com~ Lu Shaoyou's body and the flying sword in his hand actually reversed the direction of the attack.

Under the continuous rippling of the ripples, the flying sword even twisted in layers, turning into a zigzag irregular thing.

"The force of covering the sea can be overcome with softness. It is an advanced application method of the law of force. The sharp sword intent can't hurt me!" Lei Yi saw that the move worked, and laughed again.

He waved his hands abruptly at any time, and that strange force brought up a huge wave, drowning the void in front of him.

Wherever the huge waves swept, whether it was sword aura or sword intent, they were all defeated and turned into nothingness.

In the end, even Lu Shaoyou's body was distorted under this layer of strength, and flew to one side, even Lei Yi's clothes corner could not be wiped.

"Opportunity!" At this moment, Lei Yi suddenly moved, killing Lu Shaoyou who flew by his side.

This time, the latter was still drifting along with the current under the influence of the sea-covering force, so it was naturally unable to counterattack effectively.

Lei Yi blasted out with a punch, hitting Lu Shaoyou's face.


Seeing the latter, he was blown out with a fist, with gold stars in his eyes, and blood gushing out of his nasal cavity.

The appearance of the other party was worse than Lei Yi who had just been hit by the sword intent!

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