I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1179: Black Mountain City Auction

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Black Mountain City Auction House.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lei Yi decided to go in and take a look.

Because the auction house is about to hold a large-scale auction, there are many monks coming nearby, and people come and go at the door.

Don't make up for this excitement. Although he wants to act low-key, if he really has a baby, it would be a pity to miss it.

With such thoughts in mind, Lei Yi walked into the auction scene.

Because he planned to keep a low profile, he chose the location of the hall, found a corner at random, just leaned against the wall, and waited.

But it was a coincidence that those black robe demon clansmen were actually near him.

"This is really not afraid of death, there are many monks in the realm of Dharma, and even the aura of the realm of heaven and human!"

Lei Yi also didn't expect that these monsters were so courageous, they really dared to come, and the Humans did not suspect that there would be a monster to participate in their auction.

If the identity of this group of people is revealed, wouldn't it be encircled by the human monks participating in the auction?

Since this place is the largest building in Montenegro, there must be restrictions.

If the prohibition is turned on, these monster races will have nowhere to run.

But what Lei Yi is thinking now is what is attracting these demons, making them have to sneak into Black Mountain City.

If it is purely to participate in the auction, it is obviously unrealistic.

Because most of the treasures in the Black Mountain City auction were produced in northern Xinjiang, and the monsters themselves can find them, why bother to come to the human auction.

"Since it's not a treasure, is it because the monsters came here for..." Lei Yi's eyes flickered, and a guess emerged in his heart.

Thinking of this, his figure disappeared into the corner, and after covering up his breath, he waited for the auction to begin.

After all, whether it is what he guessed it or not, will not know until the auction opens.

While waiting, more monks came to the auction scene.

Not only in the lobby on the first floor, Lei Yi also sensed that there were a lot of auras upstairs, and some of them even reached the level of heaven and human.

"Hey, that's... Huo Ruliu!" In these breaths, Lei Yi actually encountered an acquaintance.

One of the nine peaks of the True Spirit Immortal Religion, Huo Ruliu, the deputy peak master of Wuyang Peak, had the peak strength in the early days of the Celestial Realm.

When he left the True Spirit Immortal Sect, this person, He Qin and Tao Yu chased him together.

"Forget it, there are a few people of the same rank next to him. My goal is to enter Northern Xinjiang, so let's avoid extra branches!"

Thinking of this, Lei Yi put out his plan of revenge, and forbeared for a while.

However, he made up his mind that no matter what happened later, he would bear it down and not let Huo Ruliu discover his identity.

At this moment, Huo Ruliu also felt a trace of prying and frowned slightly.

A yellow-robed Taoist beside him seemed to have noticed something wrong, so he asked: "Elder Huo, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you have entered the Western Regions, so you are a little worried?"

After hearing this, Huo Ruliu carefully recalled for a moment, and then replied: "Friend Road, I just vaguely felt that someone was spying on me, but that breath quickly disappeared, and it didn't look like it was specifically aimed at me! "

"That's good, if we are really to be discovered by the Demon Dao, maybe Shenzong Wuxin will use it again!" After hearing this, the Taoist Huangpao heaved a sigh of relief.

"You don’t need to worry about it. This place is on the border of the Western Regions, near the northern frontiers. Although the power of the Wuxin Sect is not weak, it is beyond reach. As far as I know, the elders who are here this time are not from the Wuxin Sect. It's the old lady Qin of the Hehuan Sect. This old woman is in retreat all year round, and she basically won't show up for nothing!" At this moment, the third companion beside the two explained indifferently.

This body is fat and generous, wearing a loose robe with a red bottom and gold rim, but the big belly can't hide it in any way.

When he spoke, his belly trembled, and he seemed quite happy.

Just after speaking, he took off a golden gourd hanging from his waist and drank heavily.

"As expected, you are a fellow daoist Feng Huo, you know the news here!" After hearing this, Daoist Huang nodded, "Since you have said so, then the two of us are relieved!"

"Haha, with me here, don’t worry about the two. After all, I am considered half a landlord here. Not to mention, the auction is about to begin. Let’s take a seat now. I have already booked a private room upstairs, two please!"

"Then go up and have a look, I don't know what treasures will appear in this Black Mountain City auction!"

"Don't worry, you guys, this Black Mountain City lacks everything, the only thing that is indispensable is the natural treasures. After all, with the back of Northern Xinjiang, 90% of the treasures there will circulate to this Black Mountain City!"

The three of them chatted all the way and quickly took their seats.

With the arrival of some distinguished guests, the auction venue was almost full.

In the end, amidst all the expectations, the auction in Black Mountain City finally began.

The person in charge of the auction is an old man in the realm of law. It is said that he is the chief appraiser of the Black Mountain City auction. His surname is Zhao, so many people respect him as Master Zhao.

"You can come to participate in the annual auction held in Black Mountain City. Zhao thanked you." Master Zhao walked to the auction stage and thanked the surroundings.

Then he didn't waste time either. With a wave of his hand, the first auction item was carried by a few powerful men and came to the stage.

It was a huge iron cage with a giant beast resembling a vicious dog with dark yellow hair and bare fangs. Even if it was bound by the iron cage, the beast grinned at the surrounding monks.


Maybe it was because so many monks were staring at it, this beast couldn't help it finally and let out a roar.

Under the roar, a sound wave spread, and the monks in the front row of the hall became the first target among them. Many people trembled and almost fell from their seats.

Even Lei Yi was surprised by this roar.

Because in this roar, there seemed to be a penetrating magical power, and he almost didn't block the mighty power of the world around him.

However, the strength of this beast was limited after all, and that roar made the corners of his clothes move at most, and that was all.

"It's interesting!" He murmured, but there was a hint of interest.

"Friends of Taoism, everyone must have seen the power of this beast's roar. According to our firm, this beast has part of the blood of the fierce beast Ya, so it has awakened this magical power. This is an incredible weapon for group battle..." Zhao Seeing everyone looking at him, the master began to talk endlessly.

"The strength of this beast is not weak, and it is still in the growth stage. If the bloodline is fully awakened, even if it cannot reach the level of its ancestors' roar, it will not be worse. If you buy it back, even if it is the spirit of the nursing home. The beast is enough!"

In the end, Master Zhao quoted a price, and many monks started bidding at an increase.

After hearing that this beast possesses the blood of the fierce beast Ya, many monks are very interested, and the bidding of this beast is also rising.

However, Lei Yi at the moment didn't care about this, because he didn't have the slightest interest in beast pets. The other point was that the nearby group of monsters finally spoke.

Since entering the auction, these monsters have been quiet, and he can't even listen to the other party's conversation.

And now, with the appearance of the first auction item, these demons finally couldn't help it.

Lei Yi estimated that they felt a little uncomfortable when they saw their own kind being auctioned off by Humans.

"This group of human beings actually treat our clan as goods for general business, it is deceiving too much!" Among the monster clan, a man's voice sounded.

"Sun Lie, pay attention to your mood, don't have too much fluctuation, otherwise our secret method will not be able to hide the breath!" After listening, a woman on the side quickly reminded in a low voice.

And just such a reminder made Lei Yi hear a lot of information.

"Bai Jiaojiao, Sun Lie, they are actually two acquaintances again!" He never expected that he would meet someone he knew.

I don't know if Huo Ruliu discovered this group of people. If he did, it would be even more remarkable.

Co-authored with Elder Wu Yangfeng of the True Spirit Immortal Sect on the top, and three traitors of the True Spirit Immortal Sect hidden below, this picture makes me happy when I think about it.

"Bai Jiaojiao, you don't need to remind me. Although my Sun Lie is straightforward, I know that some things are more important!" The man snorted again, but he also suppressed the resentment in his heart.

However, he looked at the cultivators around him with some killing intent faintly.

If he can, he must kill all these people himself.

"That's the best, I don't need to remind you. Our goal is the Ninth Prince, and everything else has nothing to do with us. Next, even if your family is auctioned off, you have to bear it with me!" To remind you again, the tone is extremely solemn.

"I see!" The man nodded, then fell silent.

And Lei Yi also heard some important information.

"Nine princes, are they the nine sons of the demon emperor who have no evil, but I have never heard that the demon emperor has so many heirs?"

Lei Yi was surprised that when he was in the True Spirit Immortal Sect, he also heard a certain elder talk about Northern Xinjiang, but it was said that there were not many children under the demon emperor's knees, far less than nine.

But Bai Jiaojiao's talk should not be false.

That said, the nine princes of the Yaozu were arrested at the Black Mountain City auction and will be one of the next auction items.

"This is interesting. These monsters hide their identities, do they want to buy their own nine princes with spirit crystals?" Lei Yi laughed in his heart after hearing this.

If this is the case, then these monster races are too disciplined.

I was afraid that something went wrong at that time, or their identities were seen by the cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm above, how would it end at that time?

It is estimated that if there is no fight, these people can't take the Ninth Prince.

If this is the case, there must also be a master of Heaven and Human Realm on the Yaozu side, otherwise it would be impossible to just let Bai Jiaojiao and others come over.

Coupled with the fact that the opponent is the heir of the Demon Emperor, there is a high possibility that the opponent will send the Demon Race of the Celestial Realm.

"Now, this auction will be interesting!"

When Lei Yi thought of this, his heart began to laugh.

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