I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1178: Black Mountain City and Orcs

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If there is regret medicine in the world, Wu Muqi must want to buy one.

Why did he want to be greedy? Why didn't he hold back trying to kill someone for a while when he heard the group of people reveal his sect.

As a result, the ship overturned in the gutter and encountered a monk in the mid-celestial realm.

And now, he was captured by the opponent.

"Young hero, please beg your life!" Wu Muqi licked an old face and laughed, begging for mercy in a low voice.

His expression at the moment was completely different from the gloomy and cruel look just now.

"Sorry, I need to know the information of Heishan City, so you have to die!" The young man did not give Umuqi a chance, and put a hand on the other's head.

"Young man, I have been lurking in Black Mountain City for many years. I know all the information here. If you want to know, just ask me. I will tell you everything!"

"Confused!" But the young man chuckled, "I search my soul directly, I can know everything differently!"

Then, he didn't give Wu Muqi a chance, and directly operated the soul search technique.

Wu Muqi felt a sharp pain in his head, as if he was about to explode, but then he completely lost consciousness.

Soon, the young man got the information he wanted, and after throwing away the corpse in his hand, a ball of flame flew out and burned it to ashes.

"This old man does everything without any leaks. I have already disposed of the corpses of those people, so I can save my hands!" After looking around, the young man nodded, a little admiring Umuqi's professionalism.

But anyway, he didn't know the group of people well, just happened to meet him on the road.

A woman with high self-esteem, and a group of licking dogs, died and died, does it have anything to do with him?

After checking the direction, he flew straight to Black Mountain City.

Soon, a city built among the mountains, although not majestic, but still magnificent enough, appeared in front of him.

"It's finally Black Mountain City. After I came out of the ruins of Po Tian Xuanzong, this has been almost a month's journey, and I can rest!"

The young man was naturally Lei Yi, as he said, after coming out of the Potian Xuanzong ruins, he drove non-stop, and the road was calm and calm, and there was a slight episode in the last part of the road.

Now, Black Mountain City has finally arrived.

The terrain of this city is dangerous, and most people entering the city need to walk through the checkpoints in front of the dark mountains and walk a rugged mountain road.

But for a monk who can protect himself from the sky, this is obviously not a problem.

He directly crossed the front checkpoint and flew towards the city behind.

As he flew away, in the city ahead, a group of monks flew up and flew towards his direction.

"Quick, quick, quick, a large number of disciples are attacked, the city lord told me to wait and dispatch quickly, don't delay time!" When the team of cultivators took off, they shouted something.

Lei Yi has the strength of the Heaven and Human Realm, so he can naturally hear him clearly.

The sentiment group is for his former companions, but unfortunately they are all dead, and they went there for nothing.

Lei Yi also had to feel sorry for this group of people. The young master of the Qingyan Clan had to behave in front of a woman, but as a result, he encountered an evil cultivator who had hidden his identity. He also showed that he had exposed his identity, which made the other party coveted.

If there weren't so many things, they might have entered Black Mountain City by now.

Lei Yi chuckled, dispelling these thoughts, and then watched the team of monks fly past him with a calm expression on his face.

"According to Wu Muqi's memory, the city lord of Heishan city was a ninth-order dharma monk, but because of the proximity to the northern frontiers, Wuxin Shenzong and other demons would arrange for an elder of the Celestial and Human Realm to be stationed here, rotating once every five years, so the city still There is a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm here!" He carefully recalled the information obtained from the search for the soul, and quickly judged the situation in the Black Mountain City.

The resident elder would generally not come forward, because the five-year garrison time for them is just a change of place to continue practicing in retreat. Unless the Northern Frontier Demon Clan is killed, they will not easily leave.

In this case, Lei Yi would be more convenient to move.

As long as he keeps a low profile, he won't attract the attention of interested people.

After all, who could have thought that he would take the initiative to enter Northern Xinjiang.

Soon, the gate of Black Mountain City appeared before his eyes.

The gates of this city are quite impressive. Not only are there soldiers on both sides of the gate, but there are also several low-level monks who preside over the inspection of entering the city. In the distance, there are also guards of monks who patrol back and forth from time to time.

After all, it was the last hurdle for the Western Regions to enter the northern Xinjiang. The guards of this city were stricter, but it was easy to understand.

Lei Yi quickly followed the crowd and walked towards the gate of the city.

Since I intend to keep a low profile, it is better to pretend to be a casual repairer.

After all, just outside the city of Heishan is the demon clan of Northern Borders, and it is common for casual cultivators to come here to try their luck.

By his side, there were many casual cultivators with such thoughts at this moment, and everyone finally joined together to form a long dragon, slowly walking towards the gate of Black Mountain City.

At the gate of Black Mountain City, the monk stationed here questioned Lei Yi.

At this moment, Lei Yi finally knew the evil spirits of the Xiu Xian realm towards casual Xiu.


"Um... Ergou!"

"Do you have a teacher?"


Hearing that Lei Yi had no teacher, all the garrison monks around him showed a trace of contempt, and many people seemed to have expected it.

"Huh, it's another casual cultivator who wants to get rich." Among them, the person who interrogated Lei Yi, he laughed, and stretched out his hand: "The entrance fee is 20 Lingjing, and you can go in after paying the money!"

"20 spirit crystals!" Lei Yi was a little surprised when he heard the fee.

It's not that he can't afford it. On the contrary, there are a lot of spirit crystals in his storage bag, let alone 20, even if it is 2000, he will have it.

But it's one thing to afford it, it's another thing that the cost of entering the city is so high.

An ordinary city, it doesn't even cost to enter the city. Even if there are one or two spirit crystals, it is almost the same. It actually costs 20 yuan here, which is not the same as robbery.

"So, I can't even pay for this amount of money!" Seeing that Lei Yi hadn't responded for a long time, the resident cultivator became strangely angry, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction between his eyebrows.

Lei Yi thought for a while, but reluctantly took out 20 spirit crystals and handed them to the opponent.


But when Lei Yi paid the entrance fee and wanted to enter Black Mountain City, the resident monk grabbed him.

"Because of you just now, we have lost a lot of time, and then pay 5 spiritual crystals, which is our lost work fee!" The other party looked over with arrogance, as if he had taken Lei Yi.

"This..." This time, Lei Yi was really angry.

Because of this so-called missed work fee, it is obvious that the person has nothing to look for, and he just found a reason to make himself difficult.

Lei Yi gritted his teeth, then took out 5 spirit crystals again and handed them to the opponent.

But secretly, he had already released a mark of spiritual power and hit this garrison monk.

When this person's rotation is over, Lei Yi will let the other party understand that some people can't offend casually.

After receiving the five foreign expresses, the garrison monk's mood improved, and he did not make any trouble, and finally let him go.

However, the contempt in his eyes never faded, and even the gaze that looked at the monk behind him remained the same.

As everyone knows, he is already near death.

After paying the money, Lei Yi also entered the city.

As soon as he entered Black Mountain City, he was attracted by some unique sights in this city.

By his side, several people with beast ears, beast tails, and even beast claws passed by, and the mortals around were no strangers to this.

In Heishan City, there are many aliens, which Lei Yi didn't expect.

Not only that, he walked through a lively street and saw many people crowded together, where an auction was being held.

However, the auction items are not commodities, but the orcs bound by chains.

These orcs are clearly marked with prices. Some good-looking female orcs are worth hundreds or even thousands of spirit crystals, while for some old, weak and sick, there are only dozens of spirit crystals or even a few spirit crystals.

But to say the most valuable, there are also some powerful male orcs. These orcs have strong blood and burly bodies. At first glance, they are powerful physical refiners.

The value of each such orc is not less than a few thousand spirit crystals, and there are even those with a price tag of over 10,000.

Regarding these, Lei Yi has taken a long time to know, and has no intention of interfering at all.

However, he is speculating that if there are orcs in this era, then in the future time and space, the orcs in the Western world will be born from this time.

"This place is close to the northern frontier, and the monster race also has transformed monsters. It is estimated that after having fornicated with humans, they left blood descendants. And these descendants gave birth to heirs again and became the ancestors of these orcs..."

He guessed secretly, but he didn't have the mind to explore either.

But just as he moved forward, Lei Yi found that there were a few more powerful auras around him.

Lei Yi looked over and saw several figures shrouded in black robes.

"This breath is not a human monk, nor is it a magic way, it is actually a demon..."

Lei Yi was shocked, because he remembered that Heishan City was forbidden to enter and exit from the Monster Race, and once discovered, it would be the siege of the resident monks.

However, these are all metamorphosis monster races. Everyone in UU Reading www.uukanshu.com seems to be above the ninth rank. If the garrisoned monks find them, it is estimated that there will be no more people left.

Unless the resident elder is invited, this group of demons can completely retreat.

"Forget it, these monsters are here, what does it have to do with me!" After Lei Yi thought about it, he still looked away, not interested in these things.

There is no contradiction between the Yaozu and him, and he doesn't bother to expose these people. Both sides have their own separates, so I think they have not seen these people.

But he still kept an eye on him, always feeling that this Black Mountain city is not peaceful.

Monster races can get in, who knows if there are any weird people hiding in the city.

After wandering around in Black Mountain City for half a day, Lei Yi finally came to the center of the city.

The largest building here is a building called the Black Mountain City Auction House, which occupies a huge area and is luxuriously decorated.

"Hey, that's not the demons just now!" Then, he saw several black-robed men walking into the auction house.

And these people are the monster races who had hidden their identities before.

When Lei Yi saw this, his original plan to enter the auction stopped suddenly.

He is considering whether to go in, if something happens later, can he withdraw?

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