I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1172: You have no heart! (happy weekend)

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Zhuo Fang's eyes expanded the domain, and at this moment, the entire world had become a dark and boundless prison.

Around the field, the pitch-black pillars looked like giants swaying the sky and the earth.

The chains are staggered, all over the sky.

In the center is the Ghost Gate, which even showed an unspeakable oppressive force, making Lei Yi frightened when he saw it.

"Is this the power of the saint realm's domain!" Lei Yi said secretly in his heart, but forced himself to calm down.

This is not the first time he has seen the realm of the Saint Realm. Before in the True Spirit Immortal Sect, he had seen the realm of Yunguanhai, the "Five-Party Supernatural Power Realm."

But at that time, in order to show the changes in the field, Yun Guanhai deliberately controlled the power of the field.

But now, Zhuo Fang's eyes opened, but the saint realm domain with full firepower.

"Boy, don't be stunned, listen to me..." At this moment, Zhuo Fangyan's voice came from Lei Yi's ear.

He secretly communicated to Lei Yi to discuss strategies.

"It's impossible for the two of us to defeat the one in front of us, so we must destroy the controller inside. Later, I will use the domain to buy time, and you will enter the Seven-Star Magic Array and cut that Lin Daoxian. Kill, so you can get out of here!"

"Peak Master, you are dragging Xuantian Destruction Sect Master alone, are you a little bit..."

Lei Yi was a little worried, but Zhuo Fang waved his hand and said, "It's okay, as long as you put more effort and speed to kill the opponent, then I will be safe!"

"Speaking lightly, I have to deal with that person, and I may not be able to win it in a short time!"

"In short, you can do your best! Remember, don't hide and pinch, take out all the skills, otherwise we two will undoubtedly die!"

"Okay!" Seeing Zhuo Fangyan's words, Lei Yi solemnly replied.

"So... do it!"

Zhuo Fang yelled in response, then pinched his hands with both hands to display his magical powers.

Numerous runes condensed around his body, and under the blessing of heaven and earth, he dragged his figure up and flew into the sky.

With such a blink of an eye, Zhuo Fang's eyes reached the height of Xuantian Mie's head.

At this moment, he finally reached an equal height with the other party.

"It's actually in the realm of the Saint Realm..." Lin Daoxian's voice sounded again in Xuantian's body, "But what about it, you only have the cultivation base of the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm, and in front of this corpse god, it is not enough!"

"Whether it is enough or not, it is necessary to speak with strength!"

Zhuo Fang let out a cold snort, cast spells with both hands, turning like a windmill, and at the same time he shouted sharply: "Life and death Yama!"

Above the ghost gate in the middle of the domain, a huge phantom gradually solidified.

This is a Yan Luo ghost fairy holding a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, dressed in a pitch-black costume, with green face and fangs, fierce and unusual, huge in size, even no less than Xuantianmei.

"Huh, the bug trick!" Seeing this, Lin Daoxian sneered again, manipulating Xuantian Mie to make a move.

"Boy, it's up to you!" Zhuo Fang shouted loudly, and then cast the spell in the same way.

Na Yan Luo also moved, and his body flew lightly towards Xuantian Mie, but as soon as he approached the opponent, a black wind surged, and a dark green ghost hand protruded from the black robe and faced Xuantian Mie’s. Palm.


Ghost claws and flesh palms collided in the void, and both had the power to shake the sky and the earth. At the same time, when they made moves at the same time, it was really upset.

And right at the center of the chaotic storm, a figure turned into a golden rainbow and rushed towards Xuantianjie's chest.

"Don't think about it!" Lin Daoxian noticed the strangeness, and controlled the other arm of Xuantian Mie, and waved to the opponent.

Jin Hong is Lei Yi. He looked surprisingly calm when he saw the attack come.

"As the last disciple of Po Tian Xuanzong, I have the duty and obligation to help the sovereign get out of the sea of ​​suffering!" Lei Yi exclaimed, showing a golden light.

In his palm, a golden rune flickered, and then the power of the law of time flooded his body.

"Tianshi Handprint!" At such a juncture, Lei Yi used the only magical power of the time law that he had mastered.

A big golden hand flew out and blasted towards the attacking arm.

Although the big golden hand was less than one-thousandth the size of his arm, the power carried in it made Lin Daoxian feel a shock.

"It's the power of the law of time again, it's you little devil!" He screamed, and was about to crush Lei Yi with one blow.

But just as the arm fell, an incredible scene happened.

Xuantian Mie's entire arm actually stopped in midair without falling.

"How is it possible!" Lin Daoxian urged again, trying to crush it, but after trying for a while, he found that the arm was stuck at this height, and he couldn't fall down no matter how hard he tried.

Not only that, as one arm lost the ability to move, Yama in front of him also made another move.

Two huge dark green ghost claws struck, and the target was exactly where the Seven Star Demon Array was on Xuantian Mie's chest.

"Don't think about it!" Lin Daoxian screamed, Xuantian extinguished his body, and his corpse energy surged wildly.

At the same time, on its body surface, dense silver runes flickered again, forming a layer of fish-scale protective wall to resist.

The ghost claw's attack was reached, and the bombardment hit Xuantian's chest.

In the sky, there was another huge tremor, the void violently, and a huge black mist spread out.

Under such an attack, Xuan Tianjie's body retreated half a step, but the silver rune on the surface of the body completely blocked the black mist.

"It deserves to be the master of the law of strength from ancient times to the present. Even if the body has fallen for so many years, the power of this physical body is still so powerful, and my magical powers can't help him!" Zhuo Fang controlled Yan Luo with eyes, but there was only shock in his eyes.

"Boy, I really rely on you this time!" Finally, after seeing a golden light flying into the black mist, he secretly prayed in his heart.

It was impossible to defeat Xuantianjie in the attack just now. Zhuo Fangyan did this just to help Lei Yi cover his tracks.

"What about the kid, what about people!" At this moment, Lin Daoxian also noticed the abnormality.

Although the attack just now was blocked, the magical powers of Black Mist blocked his prying eyes, and he lost Lei Yi's position.

"Fight against you, your Excellency still cares about the others, so you don't put me in your eyes!" Zhuo Fang's eyes renewed his force and controlled Yan Luo to make a move.

"Damn it!" Seeing that the opponent's attack was killed, Lin Daoxian had to withdraw his thoughts and manipulate Xuantian Mi to respond.

Under this situation, he couldn't find Lei Yi's trace.

At this moment, Lei Yi had already entered the Seven Star Magic Array.

Now his body turned into a dark shadow again, shuttled through Xuantianjie's body, and soon came to the position where the eyes of the Seven Star Demon Array were.

After passing through the barriers of flesh and blood, what appeared in front of him was a relatively empty area.

In the middle of this place, the corpse **** worm in Lin Daoxian's body has taken root here, and countless tentacles stretched out to fuse with the surrounding flesh and blood barriers.

As the control of this worm, Lin Daoxian sat on the ground without moving.

"Sure enough, your kid really came in. I should have killed you when I was in the Palace of Innocence to avoid future troubles!" Suddenly, Lin Daoxian opened his eyes and cursed viciously.

After speaking, he put one hand on the corpse **** worm, silently recited the mantra, then pulled back his palm, and came to Lei Yi.

It seems that he should have given some kind of order to the corpse **** worm.

"Now, it's my turn to see you off!" Lei Yi looked at the other party and responded with undiminished momentum.

"Send me a ride, then see if you have this ability!" Lin Daoxian immediately disappeared in place when he moved.

Lei Yi didn't panic when he saw the opponent's move. When he sensed the strong wind behind him, his figure flashed, and he also disappeared in place.

A black ghost claw caught in the air with one blow, and Lin Daoxian's figure was also revealed.

Lei Yi appeared behind him and threw a punch.

"Stupid, have you forgotten that I am controlling the body of the corpse **** at this moment!" Lin Daoxian smiled strangely and suddenly mocked.

As soon as his voice fell, in the position of Lei Yi's body, countless tentacles suddenly broke through the barrier of flesh and blood, and killed him.

But in the face of this scene, Lei Yi also smiled strangely, unabated.

"You are stupid, it seems you don't even know how I killed the corpse **** insects!"

"What!" Hearing this, Lin Daoxian was finally stunned.

He couldn't believe why the other party was not afraid of the attack of the corpse **** insect. Didn't he know that being hit by the corpse **** worm's tentacles, the blood in his body would be sucked up by the worm?

But in the next moment, he understood.

When the tentacles pierced into Lei Yi's flesh and blood, a strange suction force spread from Lei Yi's body, and the corpse **** insects immediately sensed the abnormality and quickly retracted the tentacles.

"How come!" Seeing this scene, Lin Daoxian finally exclaimed.

All of the tentacles that killed Xiang Lei Yi broke, blood sprayed out, and a shower of blood rose here.

In the blood rain, Lei Yi slammed in front of Lin Daoxian without any reduction in speed, and blasted out with a punch.


The fist hit the opponent, and the huge fist blasted Lin Daoxian away, smashing into the barrier of flesh and blood.

"Cough!" Under the attack, the corpse Qi in Lin Daoxian's body collapsed, and dark green blood was also flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

He got up with difficulty and looked at Lei Yi with a very bitter look.

"Kill him for me!" He pointed at Lei Yi and shouted sharply.

This scene made Lei Yi somewhat inexplicable.

Here are the two of him and Lin Daoxian, who is the other party giving orders.

As he said, Lei Yi's gaze swept around, only to see the corpse **** insect.

"I'll wipe it!" He finally realized that there is "who" there.

"Boy, be careful!" At this moment, Zhuo Fang's eyes yelled loudly in his ears.

A huge finger broke through the layers of flesh and blood, and smashed into the space where they were. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

And this is Xuantianjie's finger!

Lin Daoxian was giving an order to the corpse **** insect to control Xuantian Mie to kill Lei Yi.

The attack came quickly, and Lei Yi was in danger!

But just when Lei Yi felt that he couldn't avoid it, the sudden change occurred.

A burst of white light appeared all over his body, and the huge pierced finger suddenly stopped.

"What's going on!" In this scene, not only Lei Yi was shocked, but Lin Daoxian was also shocked.

In the white light, Lei Yi saw the figure of a woman, Yuan Ruomeng.

"Lin Daoxian, if you dare to take in the flesh of Lord Sect Master, it is really a heinous sin. Today, I, Yuan Ruomeng, will replace the lord and kill you!"

"Yuan Ruomeng, what have you done, why can't I control Xuantian's extinction?" Lin Daoxian looked at the woman who appeared, his eyes gloomy again.

"Because you have no heart, you can't understand how hard we can be for Sect Master Xuan!"

Yuan Ruomeng did not answer, but looked at Lei Yi, "Now, he can no longer control the Sect Master, and he has also lost contact with the corpse **** insect. This is your last chance!"

"Please... please help the Sect Master to get rid of..."

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