I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1171: Domain: Life and Death 2 Hell

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Seven-star magic array, within the eyes of the array.

After Lin Daoxian flew into it, he got into the flesh and blood, and soon came to the place where the corpse **** insect fell.

"Abominable Yuan Ruomeng, actually thought of using the law of time to freeze the time of the corpse **** insects, killing them at the same time, and cracking the seven-star magic array!"

After entering Xuantian Mie's body, Lin Daoxian finally saw Yuan Ruomeng's method, his face was savage, and he gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

As a last resort, he could only use the last resort.

The corpse **** worm in his body was not intended to be used by Xuantian Mi. After all, the worm is no less precious than many heaven and earth spiritual things.

Especially for corpse cultivators, this worm is even more of a god-like existence.

But now that the Seven Star Magic Array has been destroyed, the corpse **** insect in his body is the last resort.

"Yuan Ruomeng, Lei Wanhong, Yu Fusheng, and Gao Jinyun, even if the four of you are dead, will you still trouble me?"

Lin Daoxian creaked his teeth, and quickly flew to the center of the inner space.

The corpse **** worm in his body seemed to have a sense of induction, with countless tentacles stretched out of his body, which suddenly pierced into the surrounding flesh and blood barriers.

After achieving this level, Lin Daoxian's expression recovered slightly.

He knew that Yuan Ruomeng's four had already died, and what he had to do now was deal with the few remaining people.

"It just so happens, relying on the corpse **** insect, I can control the corpse **** body of Xuantianjie, let's use you to vent my anger!"

When he said this, the fierce color in his eyes, like a flame, began to boil.

At the same time, the outer area.

As Lin Daoxian exposed the last corpse **** insect in his body and got into Xuantian Mi's body, Lei Yi had a bad premonition.

He looked at the silent Xuantian Mie, and wanted to do something, but he couldn't start.

"Senior Yuan, before you leave, can you tell me all the follow-up matters?"

Lei Yi muttered in his heart, but he also knew that complaining was no longer useful.

He looked at Xuantian Mie, then looked at Zhuo Fang's eyes to the side, but unfortunately the latter was wearing a mask and could not see any expression.

Suddenly, Xuantianjie's huge body heard a sound.

Zhuo Fangyan, Cecil, including Lei Yi, all focused their eyes on the opponent's chest.

That was the position of the seven-star magic array's eyes. At this moment, the eyes of the array burst into light again, and the purple light lingered above the magic array, showing weirdness from top to bottom.

"Oops, he has to act again!" Seeing this, Zhuo Fang's eyes also secretly said that it was not good.

The strength of Xuantianjie is obvious to all of them. The opponent defeated the Sun and Moon Second Envoy of the True Spirit Immortal Sect with only a pair of palms, and killed Yuanzhong Sheng with a hand knife. He was even more casual in the middle of the Celestial Realm. Obliterate.

Under this kind of strength, even if they join forces, it is impossible to suppress each other.

"You are waiting for the three of you, today this seat will wipe out all of you to vent my hatred!" Lin Daoxian's sly laughter came out of Xuantian Mie's body.

As soon as his words fell, Xuantian Mie began to act.

The opponent's attack was also simple, a pair of fleshy palms lifted up, and then pressed towards the three of them.

But it was such a simple and rude attack, in the eyes of Lei Yi and others, it was as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, and the pressure was amazing.

Before this big palm arrived, a force of imprisoning the void still emerged. Lei Yi felt that his body was beginning to be inconvenient to move, and the entire void seemed to be frozen.

"Not good!" At the critical moment, a figure beside him shot out, then grabbed him, and then the two disappeared together.

The big hand smashed down, and the void was shattered with one blow, countless cracks spread, and a force of space swallowing spread.

And thousands of feet away, two figures reappeared again, avoiding the blow dangerously and dangerously.

These two people were Lei Yi and Zhuo Fangyan, and Zhuo Fangyan rescued Lei Yi in a critical moment.

But the two of them are okay, it doesn't mean that Cecil is also okay.


The ground below was smashed through by a black shadow, accompanied by a huge roar, smoke and dust everywhere.

Just now there were two big hands pressed down, Lei Yi and Zhuo Fangyan avoided the first blow, but Cecil was hit head-on by the second blow.

In the smoke and dust, Cecil shook his body and stood up with difficulty.

The armor on the surface of his body has been shattered, and the visor has been flattened and deformed. The death energy in his body overflowed from the cracks in the armor, darkening the entire space.

"Ahem, there is such power in the world, and it hurts me severely with just one palm..." He looked up at Xuan Tian Mie, his tone of voice filled with fear and consternation.

The strange light flickered in his eyes, and finally he glanced in the direction where Lei Yi was.

He flipped it with one hand, and a pitch-black runestone appeared in his hand.

"Little Human Race, I will let you go this time. When I meet next time, I will definitely capture you and give it to Lord Garuda!"

Cecil finished speaking and crushed the runestone in his hand.

Suddenly, a black mist spread, blackening his figure and the void of his body.

After half a breath, a gust of wind blew and the black mist dissipated.

At the same time, there was also the figure of Cecil.

This ten general knew that he could not defeat Xuantian Mie, so he ran away!

"How can you be like this? Leave the cruel words and run away!" Lei Yi looked at the opponent disappearing, and couldn't help but vomit.

"Boy, if you have this time to complain about him, it's better to care about yourself!" However, Zhuo Fang's eyes on the side pointed to the top of his head and couldn't help but remind him.

Because after the first round of attacks did not destroy the two, Xuantian Mie made another move.

Another giant hand struck, and an invisible imprisoning force sealed the void, covering the area where the two of them were.

"Peak Master, how to fight this!" Lei Yi looked at the scene above his head, his mouth twitched, a little speechless.

"Run first!" Zhuo Fang grabbed Lei Yi with his eyes, and the two of them disappeared in place again.

The big hand fell, smashing the void, but again missed the two of them.

In the distance, two figures rushed out in the void.

Lei Yi looked at Zhuo Fang's eyes at this moment, with an unexpected look on his face.

Because the opponent is also in the late stage of the Celestial Realm strength, even if it is stronger than the Yuan Zhongsheng or the Sun Moon Second Envoy, it is still the strength of the Celestial Realm.

Xuantianmie can destroy the Yuan Zhongsheng and easily suppress the Youying Candlelight. It is logically impossible for Zhuo Fangyan to avoid the opponent's attack so easily, and it still carries a burden.

"Peak Master, you..." Lei Yi wanted to ask something, but Xuantian Mie's attack came again.

In no way, Zhuo Fangyan once again took Lei Yi to fly out thousands of feet.

"No, this guy is too strong, a little difficult to deal with!" This time, Zhuo Fang said with eyes.

If this doesn't work, they can't cause harm to each other.

Xuantianjie is also the body of the corpse god, with infinite power, it is impossible to experience exhaustion, and it will be extremely detrimental to them if it is consumed.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Fang grasped Lei Yi and was about to fly out again.

"Don't want to escape!" Lin Daoxian seemed to be aware of the intention of the two, and once again controlled Xuantian Mie to make a move.

This time, Xuantian Mie changed his attack mode, grabbing the void with his right hand, and the large area in front of him shattered, and a crack that could not be seen appeared.

"Not good!" Zhuo Fangyan and Lei Yi felt that they were being pulled by a huge suction force. When they wanted to do something, it was too late.

When they stabilized, they found that the two of them had returned to the front of Xuantianjie.

"He cut the space and let us come back!" Zhuo Fangyan reacted immediately and exclaimed.

"Hmph, you two die for this seat!" Xuantian Mie raised his hand and pressed down again with a pair of giant palms.

Seeing the other party's power, and the divine power of shattering the void and cutting the space, Zhuo Fangyan knew that the two of them could not escape.

In critical moments, he also had to make a decision.

"Boy, let's beat him together, otherwise you and I will die here today!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Lei Yi to refute, and he directly sealed his hands, and a mighty dead energy escaped from his body.

In the void, countless gray runes condensed, and a powerful force no weaker than the might of Xuantian Extinguished Strike instantly spread.

Under this force, even Xuan Tian Mie's offensive was stopped, and his body shape unconsciously took a half step back.

"What, what kind of power is this!" Feeling the breath of Zhuo Fang's eyes at the moment, Lin Daoxian said in shock.

"Although I haven't reached the realm of saints in the next stage, my cultivation has been as early as the peak of the heavens for more than a thousand years, and I have inherited this power from other places... Since I can't get out today, then let you see it, I inherited it. field!"

Zhuo Fang's eyes slowly closed, and then suddenly opened, his hands were sealed, and he shouted: "The domain is expanded, life and death are in prison!"

A dead force soared into the sky, turned into a dark storm, and instantly spread thousands of miles.

In an instant, the world died, everything returned to dust, and life filled every inch of space here.

But this is not over yet, a chain of pitch black chains flew out of the dead air, straight into the sky, and countless huge pitch black pillars were erected, sealing the mysterious sky and the surroundings.

In the center position, a huge ghost gate rises, showing its fierce appearance, with blue-faced fangs, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is like a **** of paper here, suppressing the Quartet.

The dark chains, the ghost gate in the center, and the pillars surrounding the sky are the area of ​​Zhuo Fang's eyes.

When Lei Yi saw this scene, his face was surprised, and he whispered: "Life and death bipolar hell, this is not the realm of heaven and human, this is..."

"Yes, this is the realm of the Saint Realm, but I did not cultivate it, but I inherited it from a senior in Infernal Prison. After so many years in Wenfeng Peak, you don't really think I am quite a gatekeeper, right? ?" Zhuo Fangyan admitted generously without concealing anything.

Infernal Prison is the predecessor of Wenxin Peak. Later, the prisoners in the prison died, and that place was transformed into one of the current nine peaks.

That said, a monk in the Saint Realm was previously imprisoned in the Infernal Prison, so Zhuo Fangyan could inherit the domain from the opponent.

Under this situation, wouldn't Zhuo Fangyan's strength be the same as the seven emperors of the Devil Realm, a pseudo-emperor realm.

"The current me, with the realm of the Saint Realm, but not the realm of the Saint Realm, is considered a pseudo-sage realm!"

After Zhuo Fang finished speaking, he raised his head again and looked at Xuantianjie.

He exposed his domain, naturally to deal with the enemy in front of him.

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