I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1167: Lin Daoxian shot

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When Lei Wanhong blew himself up a treasure, the Seven-Star Magic Array appeared.

There are a total of seven law formations, which are connected in series by the formations, and the patterns and distribution correspond to the Big Dipper.

What Lei Wanhong attacked was precisely the Tianshu position of the Seven-Star Demon Array, which was also the weakest point of the formation.

"I'm done, you continue!" Lei Wanhong shouted sharply after the blow was successful.

In the rear, Gao Jinyun and others simultaneously shot.

They flew to the corresponding positions one after another, and then each took out a box.

In the box, there are all kinds of treasures and weapons, they have been sacrificed in advance.

And now, with these treasures, they rushed directly to the remaining six positions of the Seven-Star Magic Array, and shot at the same time.




Continuous explosions sounded, and the remaining six treasures also turned into flames in the explosion.

Xuantianjie's body retreated a few steps under the continuous bombardment.

The huge body was faltering, almost toppling.

However, the other party was able to let them attack, but also relied on the previous token and the later appearance of the dragon cable to win the time.

These items evoked a trace of Xuan Tianmie's memories, causing him to fall into a state of ignorance and no action.

At this moment, after seven consecutive rounds of attacks, the seven-star magic array on his chest finally reacted, the magic array circulated, and the deep purple light bloomed.

Yuan Ruomeng saw this scene, but a hint of joy flashed in the depths of his eyes, because the seven-star magic array reacted, which meant that the hidden corpse **** insects finally felt the danger.

"Continue to act according to plan!" The girl yelled and flew towards Xuantianjie.

"Understand!" Everyone in the rear also adjusted their body shapes, and then flew towards a magic circle.

In the midst of flying, they pinched their hands with each other, and took out a golden formation flag at the same time.

Above the formation flag, golden runes circulate, this is the breath of the power of the law of time.

"Go!" Yuan Ruomeng took the lead, urging the formation flag and flying towards one of the seven-star magic formations.

Lei Wanhong and others also took action one after another, offering a banner of formation.

In just a moment of effort, a seven-stroke array flag was inserted on the magic array of the seven-star magic array.

"Everyone, then I will go ahead and go to this corpse **** insect for a while!" Zhuo Fang looked at the crowd, haha ​​smiled, his body turned into a black mist, and he rushed straight towards the magic circle.

Cecil, who was on the side, was not far behind. After taking a deep look at Lei Yi, he also used his abilities to turn his body into a cloud of gray mist and rush towards another magic circle.

"Let's go, too, relying on the power of that kid's law of time, we strive to kill the corpse **** insects at the same time, and don't give them a chance to increase!"

Yuan Ruomeng and others also acted at the same time, each displaying their supernatural powers and rushing towards the magic circle.

In an instant, everyone rushed into it, including Cecil, and disappeared.

In the entire midair, only Lei Yi was left at this moment.

He looked at Xuantianjie's huge body with an extremely complex expression.

Seven black holes were blasted open in the opponent's chest, faint corpse energy spilled out from the hole, and the most terrifying corpse **** insects were also lodged inside.

The plan of Yuan Ruomeng and others was to use the treasure to break through the physical defenses of Xuantianjie, while breaking through the protection of the Seven-Star Demon Array, allowing them to reach the location of the corpse **** insect.

This plan has been considered successful from the very beginning to the present. Although they sacrificed seven treasures of the Heaven-Breaking Xuanzong Zhenzong, they did break through the physical defenses of Xuan Tianmie.

But the next step is the key, and that is to kill the corpse **** insects.

Because relying on the Seven-Star Demon Array, if you kill one Divine Corpse Insect alone, the remaining six Divine Corpse Insects will absorb the breath of that Divine Corpse Insect and become stronger.

The more corpse **** insects killed, the stronger the remaining corpse **** insects.

Seven corpse **** insects, if six are eliminated, then the strength of the last corpse **** insect will reach a terrifying realm.

At least according to Yuan Ruomeng's statement, none of them could kill the last corpse **** insect.

And once a corpse **** insect is not cleanly eliminated, then the curse on Xuantian Mie cannot be lifted, and even the longer it lasts, the chance of Xuantian Mie will become more violent.

Once Xuantian Miezhen's six relatives didn't recognize him, then Lei Yi and the others would not even want to run.

Therefore, to lift the curse, it is best to be able to kill the corpse **** insects at the same time.

But everyone has different magical abilities and different methods. It is very difficult to kill these corpse gods and insects that have survived hundreds of millions of years, and it is even more difficult to ensure that they are killed at the same time.

In the end, Yuanruo dreamed of a solution, which was to rely on Lei Yi's time law.

This is also the reason why they each hold a formation flag, Yuan Ruomeng's formation flag, which contains the power of Lei Yi's law of time.

When one of them kills the corpse **** insect, the formation flag will take effect, and the power of the time law inside will appear, confining the corpse **** insect to the moment before death.

The corpse **** insects in this state are about to fall, but some will not die, so the other corpse **** insects will not get an increase.

When seven people are killed at the same time, the formation flag will be detonated at the same time at the same time, which ensures that the corpse **** insects are killed at the same time.

In this way, the hidden dangers of the Seven Star Demon Array and the corpse **** insect were removed at the same time, and the plan was completely completed.

I have to say that Yuan Ruomeng's preparation methods are very sufficient, considering many possibilities.

As for Lei Yi, he was manipulating the Dragon Binding Cable, and at the same time couldn't help wondering in his heart whether things would really go so smoothly here.

at the same time.

On a mountain peak in the distance, a figure slowly drilled out of the soil.

This person is not someone else, but Lin Daoxian, the lord of Wusheng Palace.

His zombie face now showed a strange color that was different from the past, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was laughing, but it was extraordinarily gloomy.

"Tsk tusk tusk, Yuan Ruomeng, you are really amazing, you actually thought of such a way to crack the seven-star magic array and the corpse **** insect. I didn't expect you to gather seven people. If this is according to your plan, Xuantian Sect Master Annihilation is really going to be liberated!"

Having said that, above his face, the smile suddenly disappeared, replaced by fanaticism.

"However, with me here, you can't help you do this. Xuantian Mie is the first corpse **** since the opening of the sky. As long as I finish his sacrifice, then this world will be in my bag!"

Lin Daoxian pinched the tactics with both hands, muttering words in his mouth, and at the same time the corpse energy on the body surface turned into a thin line and penetrated into the ground.

In the distance, at the feet of Xuantianjie.

A corpse qi broke through the soil layer, drilled out of it, and plunged directly into Xuantianjie's body, following the meridian all the way up to a certain position.

The originally silent Xuantian Destroyed, as if being stimulated, the faint green eyes suddenly widened, and gradually transformed into a scarlet color.

A violent breath burst forth.

Its huge body began to move.

"Not good!" Lei Yi felt the rapid consumption of vitality in his body, and knew that Xuantian Mie was about to resist.

He injected vitality into the dragon-binding cord, and this treasure burst out with golden light, entwining Xuantian Mie's body again.

Xuan Tianmie twisted his body and opened his arms outward, trying to break free from the shackles of the dragon rope.

A layer of silver light appeared on the surface of his body, and the power of the intensive law of force covered his body. Under the blessing of a shocking force, the dragon cable was a little unfettered.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Lei Yi's strength is not strong, and the time for the sacrifice is limited, so he can't exert all the power of this treasure.

In short, the chains that bound Xuantian Mie began to tremble, as if it had reached a critical point, and even the dragon head that bound Longsuo began to make waves of dragons.

The voice seemed to remind Lei Yi that I couldn't hold it anymore, and the person who was bound was about to break free.

"Fuck, what do I do now!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi said that he was panicked.

Most of the vitality in his body was lost, and Xuan Tianmie could not be restrained, so wouldn't the Yuan Ruomeng and others who got into his body more dangerous?

Finally, after a stalemate for a while, Longsuo couldn't hold it anymore.

The dragon head let out a roar, and then this treasure turned into a golden light, and his body gradually shrank and flew into Lei Yi's hands.

Xuantian was gone, completely free.

Facing this scene, Lei Yi was completely at a loss.

When he came back to his senses, he saw an overwhelming hand, already crushing towards him.

"Fuck!" Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but explode.

This move carries the power to imprison the void, and the silver rune on the surface of his big hand is hundreds of times stronger than the law of power in his body.

How do you pick it up? If you pick it up, you will die!

But he couldn't hide, because the surrounding space was blocked, and he couldn't hide.

"No, the power of the law of time can't be blocked, my life is gone?"

Lei Yi thought about it, thinking about countless methods, but all of them were useless. There was no possibility of blocking these methods.

"Wait!" But at this moment, an idea flashed in his mind.

"Die or die!" In the end, he made a decision. Instead of waiting for death, he might as well fight hard.

In a panic, Lei Yi took out a black box from his storage bag and held it high above his head.

In an instant, the pressure that crushed his whole body was instantly relieved, and the huge hand that struck him also stopped in mid-air.

In Xuantian Mie’s scarlet eyes, a clear sound was restored, and at the same time he murmured: "This thing...isn't it...at the time..."

He seemed to think of a scene in the past, UU reading www.uukānshu.com in the Palace of Innocence, his conversation with Lei Yi across time and space.

Lei Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, his body weakened suddenly, almost unable to maintain his flying posture.

Fortunately, this trick worked, and it took a moment to help him survive.

But at this moment, a dark shadow appeared behind him.

"Who!" Lei Yi felt the fluctuation of the incoming person, and disappeared in place under a flicker of his figure.

After the attacker's blow into the air, his complexion also became gloomy.

"It's you, Lin Daoxian!" After Lei Yi adjusted his position, his expression was astonished, because the visitor was actually the master of the Wusheng Palace.

"Boy, hand over the things in your hands!" Lin Daoxian's attention at the moment is not on Lei Yi, but on the box in his hand.

"This thing is not for you!" After Lei Yi put away the box, he laughed and mocked: "You really are a traitor, and if you make a move at this time, it's obviously a concealment of evil!"

"Huh, that's fine, when I kill you, that thing will still be mine!"

But Lin Daoxian didn't plan to give Lei Yi a chance to make another shot.

And Lei Yi, naturally not afraid, also rushed towards the other side.

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