I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1166: 7 Star Magic Array

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True Spirit Immortal Sect, inside the Zongshan Gate.

Somewhere in the dark secret hall.

Meng Shentong sat upright in the front, and in front of him was a corpse that had been split in half.

The corpse looked as if it had been split from the Sky Spirit Cap, and split into two halves, which were extremely symmetrical.

The face of the corpse still retains the shock and panic before death.

"This seat thinks that sending the second envoy of the sun and the moon, together with the sage of the Yuan Zhongsheng, can ensure that the action is foolproof. It can be counted as a thousand dollars, and it has not been counted as Xuantian Destruction!"

"It was a pity that Wei Wudao entrusted you to this seat back then, how can you expect this scene to be like today..."

Meng Shentong said, and with a light wave of his hand, a ball of light slowly flew above Yuan Zhongsheng's corpse.

"Well, I have never used this magical power in front of people. Today is an exception. When you are done with you, there will be two others, Youying and Zhuzhao, and I will rescue them. Otherwise, all of them will be destroyed in the ruins of Xuantian Sect!"

With that said, the gaze of Dream Supernatural power looked somewhere in the void.

"Xuan Tian Mie, in order to protect the sect, you did not hesitate to use the secret method to refine yourself into a corpse god, this seat also had to admire your determination. But it is also the fault of the Dongyue giant and Beihai Kunpeng's poor strength. You even cut his two monsters. What a pity, what a pity, even if you become a corpse god, you did not protect the sect in the end, hahaha, hahahaha..."

The faint laughter echoed in the secret hall for a long time.

Po Tian Xuanzong, within the ruins.

At this moment, Lei Yi was looking at Cecil, who had recovered, and now also watching Lei Yi and his party on guard.

The two sides did not speak, and were wary of each other.

Finally, Zhuo Fang began to speak.

He walked up to Cecil and said earnestly: "Your Excellency Cecil, I am the impermanent ghost of the Wuxin Divine Sect. Your Excellency Garuda and my Sect Master have a cooperative relationship. We can naturally join hands temporarily too!"

"Joining hands?" The latter heard the words, and there was lifelessness spilling out under his visor.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a face, so other people can't see his expression.

"Yes, join forces!" Zhuo Fangyan continued to persuade: "You have also seen that the biggest danger in this place lies in the one who shot just now. If you have the ability to save your life in his hands, you can treat it as if I hadn't said it before. The matter of joining hands!"

The one just now naturally meant that Xuantian had been destroyed.

Cecil saw the scene of the opponent killing Yuan Zhongsheng and others in a flash.

So he knew that if he met each other one-on-one, he would definitely die.

Although he is a dead general, he will truly become a "dead general" if he encounters Xuantian Mie.

Seeing Cecil remained silent, Zhuo Fangyan continued: "I'm waiting for a few people, but now I have only one purpose, and that is to supersede the soul of the one just now and help him relieve the suffering of corpse refining. But we lack a helper. There are some risks to complete this matter, but it is different if you join, so that our number is just enough, and the success rate of completing this matter can be increased by as much as 50%!"

"How about, Your Excellency Cecil, you have to think about it. If you help us, everyone can go out alive. Otherwise, you can only wait and die here, or if you have the means to go out, neither will we Stop you!"

Zhuo Fangyan said everything to this point, after considering it, Cecil nodded in agreement.

"If you want to join forces, it's not impossible, but after helping you complete this matter, I will settle your grievances with you!" He said, raising his hand to Lei Yi, and indifferently said: "Next time I meet, I will still be enemies with him!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it's your own business to fight for life and death. Now our task is to get out!" Zhuo Fang nodded his head and said that he had no opinion.

Lei Yi glanced at Cecil and nodded in the same way, agreeing.

The biggest hatred between him and the other party was that Cecil used to kill his peak master Zhuo Fangyan, but now that Zhuo Fangyan is in front of him, this hatred has disappeared.

And he knows one thing, Cecil pays attention to chivalry, and the things he promised will not change.

Although the opponent is an enemy with himself, the quality of the opponent is still not mentioned.

After hearing Cecil's consent, he was relieved.

"In that case, we should not be too late, let's get ready. Sect Master is going to hunt down the two traitors Youying Zhuzhao now, but they can't buy us too much time!"

With that, Yuan Ruomeng took out a dark red box and handed it to Cecil's hand.

"Just a little sacrifice of the treasures in the box. I will tell you how to explode the treasures. Later we need to use these treasures to break through the defenses of the suzerain, so as to kill the corpse gods in his body!"

"By the way, since your kid has time for cultivation, I also need your help!" Yuan Ruomeng said, looking at Lei Yi, and then said a series of requirements.

After Lei Yi listened, he nodded after thinking about it for a moment.

Now Yuan Ruomeng has the final say, he is also a tool man, only responsible for listening to orders.

After a few hours.

Lei Yi and the others are finally ready, now all they need to do is one thing, waiting for Xuantian Annihilation to return.

The latter went to chase You Ying Zhuzhao just now, and didn't know how long he had left, but because Yuan Ruomeng started the flames and wolf smoke before, Xuantian Mie would eventually return to the vicinity of the Doushen Temple.



Fortunately, this time I didn't wait for too long, with a trembling sound coming from under my feet, an extremely loud voice came out of the gray fog.

"Everyone, success or failure depends on this!" Yuan Ruomeng sent a final reminder when Xuan Tianjie appeared.

"Junior sister, go!" Lei Wanhong was the first to agree, his expression solemn and excited.

"Yeah!" Yu Fusheng said few words, just nodded.

"Senior Sister, you are optimistic!" Gao Jinyun, the activist, was eager to try.

Xuan Meng had no words, Lei Yi glanced at Zhuo Fang and found that the latter was talking to Cecil in a low voice, as if he was telling the other party how to act.

"Go!" Finally, Yuan Ruomeng ordered, and everyone flew up.

They turned into eight escape lights and flew straight to the mysterious sky.

The latter also noticed the approach of the eight people, and a reminiscence appeared in his eyes, because he saw several familiar figures.

But soon, that memory was also replaced by coldness.

His duty is to guard the Doushen Temple and the Potian Xuanzong. In his eyes, Lei Yi and others belong to the intruders.

"Intruder, it's time to kill!" Xuantian Mie let out a thunderous roar, suddenly raised his hand and patted Lei Yi eight people.

"Sacrifice the token!" Yuan Ruo reacted immediately after dreaming of this.

Including Lei Yi, everyone threw out the token of the Eight Palaces.

The token flew into the air, turned into several rays of light, and rushed towards the mysterious sky.

Facing the token, Xuantian Mie's attack suddenly stopped, because he could sense that it was something he needed to protect.

It was such a momentary pause that caused Lei Yi and others to get closer to each other.

"No...you are all going to die!" But Xuantian Mie's hesitation was only a moment, and in the end he took a shot.


The void trembled, and those tokens were also swept in by the turbulent flow of space in an instant, disappearing without a shadow.

However, because of the pause just now, all of Lei Yi's eight people dispersed and avoided this trick.

"Well, relying on the token, we won the time to get close to the lord, but there is only a little breathing room, don't waste it!" Yuan Ruomeng spoke again, reminding everyone.

Lei Yi knew that it was time to make a move by himself.

"It's life or death, it's up to you!" He took out the dragon rope, exhorted the treasure, and sacrificed it.

The dragon-binding rope was originally in his hands, just the size of an ordinary treasure.

But after flying into the air, the wind grew longer, and finally reached a length that could rival the Xuan Tian Mie.

Under the control of Lei Yi, the chain flew in front of Xuantianjie, the dragon head let out a loud dragon chant, and its slender body began to move.

"Longsuo..." Xuantian Mie whispered, his figure paused for a moment.

In just such a short time, his body was entangled by the dragon rope this time.

Lei Yi felt that the energy consumption in his body increased instantly, and knew that the dragon-binding rope had successfully restrained the opponent, and that the imprisonment power was also working.

"Seniors please hurry up, I control this treasure, and the time I can gain is limited!" He reminded loudly while controlling the dragon rope.

"We understand!" Lei Wanhong took the lead, bathed in thunder and lightning, and rushed to the forefront.

He took out a golden formation flag, glanced around Xuan Tianjie's body, and finally settled on the right atrium.

"The weak spot of the Seven-Star Magic Array is here, look at how good I am!" He shouted sharply, his figure turned into a golden lightning, and rushed to that location.

Lei Wanhong quickly flew to the surface of Xuantian Destroyed Body, relying on the dragon rope to buy time.

After he landed, there was an extra golden box in his hand, and he opened it and took out a golden spear from it.

"It's a pity, old man, this is your last performance, don't let me down!" Looking at the treasure in his hand, Lei Wanhong was reluctant to let him go, but he was quickly dispelled by it.

He sacrificed a spear and then pierced it into the surface of Xuantian Destroyed Body.

Although the spear was sharp, when it touched the skin of the latter's body, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com was suddenly bounced off.

Lei Wanhong seemed to have expected this scene, and continued to grab the spear and stab at the same position. After the continuous stabbing, the spear finally pierced a few inches below the skin.

He flew back and said something in his mouth.

The golden spear shone brightly on the surface, and finally burst under a burst of scorching light.


A huge flame suddenly erupted on Xuan Tian Mie's chest, his body trembled slightly, and he stepped back a few steps.

The power of this explosion can be seen by being able to push back such a huge body of Xuantian Mie.

When the flame of the explosion gradually extinguished, a large black hole appeared in his chest.

Not only that, there is a faint flash of light on his chest, and the dark purple rules are lit up.

There are seven arrays in succession, which are arranged from the chest to the waist and abdomen. There are arrays in series with each other, forming the pattern of the Big Dipper.

"This is the Seven Star Magic Array!" Seeing this scene, especially after seeing the appearance of these seven magic circles, Lei Yi knew it.

This seven-star magic array is the means that Xuantian Annihilation uses to protect the true vitals in his body.

To defeat Xuantian Mie, you must crack this seven-star magic array!

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