I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1134: These monsters are weird

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Shura Hall, Killing Hall.

Lei Wanhong, Yu Fusheng, and Gao Jinyun finally arrived here after going through numerous agencies.

They hadn't been to this place before, so they didn't know exactly what the layout was inside.

It is said that some people with the most serious crimes are held here, and it is the place where they were executed.

Therefore, as soon as they arrived here, the three of them felt a resentment that made people feel chilling.

Fortunately, Lei Wanhong and Yu Fusheng were all puppets, and could not feel the horror of resentment.

But Gao Jinyun was different. Under this resentment that had accumulated for hundreds of millions of years, his body was a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, Xiaogao, why are you trembling? Fortunately, you are still the leader of the Eight Halls, come with a little momentum?" Lei Wanhong suddenly complained when he saw this.

"Hmph, you two, relying on your being a puppet body, mock me!" Gao Jinyun was mocked by the other party, and that was immediately slammed back.

"That's not it, although the puppet's body doesn't feel, but at least it doesn't need to be affected by the grievances here, it's not completely useless!" Lei Wanhong laughed, actually a little proud.

Gao Jinyun curled his lips and did not continue to speak.

Because he knows that with Lei Wanhong's character, even if he goes back, he will continue to be hit by the other party. This is a waste of time.

If the elder sister was there, he might continue to say something, but arguing with a big man, does it make any sense?

"Wait..." At this moment, Yu Fusheng, who had not spoken, suddenly spoke.

"There is a problem here!" He immediately raised his hand and called the two of them.

"What's the matter?" Lei Wanhong suddenly became alert and glanced around.

There was nothing in the killing hall, only some instruments of torture were placed here, stained with blood.

But Yu Fusheng actually noticed the strangeness, which shows that there must be a hidden danger here.

"Do you think that you heard the movement of monsters before, but it's too quiet now?"

"What do you say, it seems to be..."

Lei Wanhong also thought so. After all, they had heard the movement of the monster before, but now that the three of them have been in for so long, they have not seen a monster, which is unreasonable.

Monsters have no wisdom, only the instinct to kill. Driven by bloodthirsty desires, they will attack all the creatures that appear in front of them.

If it is a monster, it will definitely appear immediately and kill the three of them.

The Temple of Shura said that it is not small, but it is not too big. For the monsters that have lived here for many years, it is not difficult to find intruders.

No monsters have appeared for so long, either these monsters know how to restrain, or...

"Someone is driving these monsters behind, is Yin undefeated?"

"I don't know, but something is coming!"

After Yu Fusheng finished speaking, he looked to the side of the killing hall.

Under the gaze of the three of them, a stone gate opened from the side, and bursts of beasts neighed inside.

The figures of Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong were unconsciously wary, while Gao Jinyun on the side moved his hands and feet, ready to go.

The next moment, from the stone gate, countless black shadows rushed out and launched an offensive towards the three of them.

"Sure enough, these monsters are under someone's control!"

Yu Fusheng murmured, but in such a short while, the three of them were surrounded by countless black shadows that appeared in front of them.

"It seems that I am waiting for the three of you to spend a lot of tricks today!" Lei Wanhong laughed, arcing around his body.

"Don't die, or I will be sad!" Yu Fusheng whispered to remind the other party.

"Hey, I, Gao Jinyun, will kill you demons today!" Gao Jinyun on the side screamed and rushed out first.

A big battle began.


Shura Hall, in the main hall.

"Sirius hunts, snakes spit out fog, closes eyes, gluttonous swallows the sky..."

Standing in the middle of the hall, Lei Yi murmured after moving away from a stone statue in his hand.

Just for a while, he read all the martial arts recorded in the stone statues in the hall and wrote down all the details.

Relying on his unforgettable talent, if he wants to study in the future, he only needs to remember one or two.

Xuan Meng on the side tried it too, but after observing the first stone statue, she kept frowning, and seemed to have no interest in the other stone statues.

Lei Yi knew that this woman should be a descendant of the Xuan family's direct line, so the inheritance was not the martial arts of the Shura Hall, but the magical powers of the Fighting God Temple where the Xuanzong's orthodoxy was located.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Lei Yi noticed something strange.

He turned around and looked at the entrance of the main hall.

"How do I feel, something is approaching here..." Lei Yi frowned and whispered in a low voice.

Finally, he did not forget to add: "The other party is carrying the killing intent, and it is getting stronger and stronger!"

At the next moment, a dark shadow shot out from the entrance.

His body was slender, his limbs were slender, his hands and feet used together like a cheetah, and he rushed towards the three of them.

"This is... a monster?" Lei Yi asked in surprise after seeing the full picture of the incoming enemy.

This monster didn't know what race it was. It looked like a person whose hands and feet had been stretched two or three times thinner, and his dark skin had a metallic luster.

The most important thing is that after Lei Yi's consciousness swept through the opponent, he couldn't sense anything.

Because of this, he didn't know if the opponent was a monster.

However, the opponent had already launched an attack, and he couldn't tolerate his guess.

The person who came, or should not call the other person a person, but an unknown monster.

This monster has a single attack method, but the speed is extremely fast, and the distance of more than a hundred meters can be reached in an instant.

Lei Yi saw a dark shadow in front of him, and one of the opponent's forearms turned into a dagger, piercing his chest to the point.

"It's fast, but..."

He sneered and let the opponent pierce his chest.

With a chuckle, the arm passed through the chest.

However, in the next instant, Lei Yi's figure turned into a black mist and dissipated in place.

It turned out that this was the clone he left behind, and the body had already escaped far away.

Above the monster, a figure shot out, it was Lei Yi's deity.

"Look at your slender limbs and your physical body must not be strong. How about a punch!" He laughed, and blasted a punch at the opponent's head.


With a punch, the opponent was as expected, and was blasted into the ground with a single blow, and his limbs trembled violently and twitched again and again under the force of the fist.

Lei Yi fell to the ground, clapped his hands and said, "Get it done!"

"If I were you, I wouldn't think so!" But then Yuan Ruomeng pointed to the entrance of the main hall and said.

Xuan Meng, who was on the side, even put out his posture and made a stance of confrontation.

"what's the situation!"

Lei Yi immediately turned his head and saw that at the entrance of the main hall, countless black shadows suddenly rushed out.

Among these dark shadows, there are not only human figures similar to the monsters just now, but also some beast-shaped monsters.

But without exception, they all have pitch-black skin, and there is no racial origin at all.

The most important thing is that there are too many of them, and they are constantly pouring in from the entrance, seemingly endless.

"Human Sea Tactics!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi didn't bother to complain.

He immediately made a stance of confrontation, and then rushed into the attacking monster group.

Lei Yi fisted like electricity, and launched a violent bombardment of the attacking monster. Once he punched out, the fist wind alone could blast dozens of them.

Kicked it out, the monster suddenly broke and fractured, and its body fell apart.

But something he couldn't believe happened. The bodies of these monsters seemed to be made of liquid. After a lot of them fell to the ground, their bodies twisted and stood up again.

Not only that, many monsters, even if they were torn apart, can recover in a short period of time and once again become alive and well.

Lei Yi looked back, and he secretly said so.

The first monster to attack has long disappeared, and it looks like it should have recovered and is mixed in the surrounding monsters.

"Senior Yuan, what are these things, is there such a thing in the Asura Palace?" Lei Yi asked quickly, seeing that the monsters could not be killed.

He finally felt the difficulty at this moment, not because the incoming enemy was strong, but because the opponent couldn't die.

If the Asura Palace had such a powerful method, how could the Po Tian Xuanzong be breached?

"I don't know what these are. There is no such thing in the Asura Palace before!" Yuan Ruomeng shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

Together with Xuan Meng, she was also resisting the attack of the monsters, and there would be no problems for a while.

But the surrounding monsters can't be killed, they will eventually be exhausted in the long run.

Lei Yi also knew the result, so he secretly transmitted a voice and asked Yuan Ruomeng whether there were other entrances to the Asura Hall.

The entrance now has been blocked by a steady stream of monsters.

The ghost knows how many of these things are still outside, it is too dangerous to walk through the entrance.

It's a pity that Yuan Ruomeng didn't know much about the Asura Palace, and he didn't have any countermeasures for a while.

Just as the three of Lei Yi were fighting, among the monsters, the first monster that attacked Lei Yi really lurked here.

Above its pitch-black head, a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Lei Yi~www.readwn.com~ waiting for the opportunity.

In an instant, Lei Yi blasted the monster in front of him with a fist, but the door opened wide behind.

At this moment, the monster seemed to have found an opportunity and was ready to take action.

The warning sound in Lei Yi's heart was loud, and he instantly sensed the killing intent behind him, and his body twisted at an incredible speed, just in time to see the opponent.

A golden figure suddenly appeared behind him, it was the soul.

Lei Yi's soul had never taken any action before, so it was enough to resolve this crisis.

With the arms of the gods and souls waving, the monsters that would strike in the future flew out with one blow.

Then the two fists blasted the sky full of fist shadows, knocking all the monsters around him into the air.

In a short time, a vacuum zone formed near him.

"Ten Thousand Demon Pill... hand over the Ten Thousand Demon Pill!"

But what he didn't expect was that the monster that had been bombarded stood up immediately and let out a roar.

"This... they can actually talk!" Lei Yi heard the other party's roar, suddenly bewildered.

He never expected that this group of guys who were ignorant at first sight could actually speak human words.

And why does the other party know that Wanmo Pill is on him?

Could it be that this refining Ten Thousand Demon Pill is the other party's failure!

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