I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1133: Anonymous Boxing

At the same time, the deepest part of the Shura Hall.

Here is a dark and gloomy hall, the inside of the hall is pitch black and there is no light source.

Suddenly, there was a sound of chain knocking, and it was very clear and loud.

Afterwards, in the middle of the hall, two scarlet light **** emerged, looking like some kind of ghost opened its eyes.

"Kill...Kill...Kill all the invaders..." A hoarse voice was heard where the light group was.

The voice is vague, with a little low noise, unlike ordinary people talking.

And as this sound rang, countless crimson lights lit up in the hall.

Then a black shadow galloped out, rushing out to the surroundings of the palace.

These shadows, judging from the outline of their bodies, are obviously not humans, but monsters.

at the same time.

"Magic Pill?"

After Lei Yi heard the name, he knew that this pill was not a good thing.

"Yes, Ten Thousand Demon Pills, this is the unique secret pill of the Asura Palace. It can be refined only if you are invincible, and it is a pill that can greatly improve your cultivation!"

Yuan Ruomeng said, looking at the pitch black pill in mid-air, and said lightly: "Unfortunately, the side effects of this pill are also very serious. If the Xiantian monk swallows it, it will probably not be able to bear it. Staying in that surging medicinal power, in the end it exploded and died!"

"Such an exaggeration, isn't this pill that not many people can swallow?" Lei Yi also looked at the pill, doubting the effectiveness of this pill.

"You’re right. Even in the heyday of our clan, there were not many people who could swallow the Ten Thousand Demon Pill. Besides the violent prescription of this pill, there were other side effects. Among them, the most feared one was this. Dan's risk of enchantment!"

Having said that, Yuan Ruomeng sighed, and recalled: "This ten thousand magic pill, as the name suggests, all the spiritual materials used in the refining are derived from monsters, and then refined with the blood of the monks, so this pill is refined. When the time, all the spirit materials injected contain powerful resentment and killing intent. The moment when the ten thousand magic pill becomes a pill, is also the moment when resentment concentrates and erupts, and this resentment will not dissipate over time, but will always be accumulated in Among the pills, once someone swallows this pill, this resentment will also erupt in the swallower's body."

Having said that, she pointed to the blood cloud in the sky.

"You see, this blood cloud gathers and does not disperse, it is as solid as it is. Judging from the scale, it should be more than 10,000 people. This shows that when this ten thousand demon pill was sacrificed, at least 10,000 cultivators' minds were used. blood."

"No wonder, I said why the smell of blood here is so heavy, it turned out to be because of this pill!"

Lei Yi looked at the blood cloud condensing around the pill in mid-air, his brows were a little solemn.

Refining with human blood is still painstaking. He can't think of this kind of thing.

At this moment, the blood cloud in the sky also changed.

The condensed cloud group began to converge towards the pill in the center, leaving slender blood-colored textures on its surface.

"This Ten Thousand Demon Pill is considered a successful refining, but why can it be successful?" Yuan Ruomeng looked at the pill gradually taking shape, feeling even more strange.

Although she specializes in one formation, she also dabbles in alchemy, so she knows some information about ten thousand magic pills.

The time period for the refining of this pill is indeed not short, but it is impossible for one to maintain the refining state from that year until now.

Therefore, this pill was obviously refined later, and the person who refines the pill can only be Yin undefeated.

However, it is a pity that Yuan Ruomeng and Yin Unbeaten are not familiar, and even Lei Wanhong and others have not dealt with each other much.

Wusheng Hall and Shura Hall, these are two alternatives among the eight halls, and they are not closely related to the other six halls.

"In short, let's be more careful. This alchemist should still be in the Asura Palace. The opponent may be Yin undefeated, but if it is not, then the problem is big!"

Yuan Ruomeng said, swiftly pinching the tactics with both hands, one by one, Fajue hit the Danding in the center.

Above it, that Wanmo Pill completely absorbed the blood cloud, and the pill finally took shape.

The surface of this pill was filled with slender blood streaks, which looked like blood vessels in the human body, dense and complicated, making the whole pill covered with blood.

Not only that, after becoming a pill, this ten thousand magic pill seemed to be alive, and it was still "beating", making a "plop" sound.

It looks like a heart.

Following Yuan Ruomeng's decisive exercise, a gentle force enveloped the Ten Thousand Demon Pill, took it down and fell into the hands of this woman.

"We don't need this pill, keep it for you!"

Without saying anything, the other party stuffed the pill into Lei Yi's hands.

But then, she also urged: "With your current strength, don't swallow this pill rashly, otherwise there will be a risk of getting into a demon or even exploding your body. When your number of divine orifices reaches 72, use the pill's medicinal power. Maybe you can hit the bottleneck in the later stage. Of course, this pill's resentment power should not be underestimated. After you go out, you must not only practice, but also find a remote and hidden place to ensure that there is no danger before you can swallow it!"

Seeing that Yuan Ruomeng said so seriously, Lei Yi naturally packed the pill carefully, and after installing it in a jade box, he also attached several talisman to seal it up.

With the Ten Thousand Demon Pill being taken down, there is no value in this side hall, and Lei Yi and others naturally continue to move forward.

Just after they left the side hall, a gap was suddenly opened on a stone wall in the hall, and then a black shadow rushed out from it.

The black shadow fell on all fours and had a slender body, but it was not in human form.

When he reached the center of the medicine cauldron, he found that he was a step late, and the Ten Thousand Demon Pill had been taken away.

"No..." Seeing this, Sombra let out a resentful roar, mixed with a trace of human voice.

Shura Hall, the main hall.

Coming all the way from the partial hall of alchemy, there is no danger.

Soon, Lei Yi and the three came to the main hall.

This is also the place that Lei Yi is most looking forward to, because here is the secret boxing technique of the Asura Palace.

According to Yuan Ruomeng, this martial arts was not created by the Potian Xuanzong, but was painstakingly researched by the masters of the Asura Palace, imitating the attack methods of monsters and combining the background of the Potian Xuanzong.

There is no name for this martial arts, and there is no systematic learning method, because this martial arts was still incomplete in the year.

It is a pity that because of what happened that year, this martial art will never be completed.

But when they came to the main hall, all their blood was extinguished.

"Who, so unethical!" Lei Yi cursed while looking at the temple wall.

Because the wall of the temple where the martial arts were recorded was actually scratched, leaving countless claw marks on it.

Don't say a word, even if there is a pattern, it is estimated that no one can see it.

Lei Yi wanted to curse.

But when I thought about it, it was definitely not a human who would ruin the temple wall, and it put out the plan to explode.

The wall of the temple was ruined, so the secret boxing, wouldn't it be missed by him?

"You don't need to be so excited, it's not this temple wall that records martial arts, it's only the blood path secret arts of the Asura Palace!" Yuan Ruomeng signaled Lei Yi to calm down.

She walked to the center of the main hall, her eyes stayed on the ground under her feet for a moment, and then she knew in her heart.

Yuan Ruomeng walked a few steps forward, then raised his foot and tapped the ground for a few times, making a "click" sound.

After some operations, several areas in the center of the main hall suddenly sank downward, as if some kind of mechanism had been activated.

Afterwards, amidst a harsh rubbing sound, nearly ten statues slowly rose from the ground of the main hall.

"These are..." Looking at these rising statues, Lei Yi looked dumbfounded.

"These stone statues are the characteristics of my Xuantian Sect. You can press your hand on it." Yuan Ruomeng smiled lightly and motioned.

Lei Yi didn't doubt anything, anyway, there were some big stone statues, what could be the problem.

He walked to one of the wolf-shaped stone statues with wings and put his hand on the stone statue's feet.

At this moment, among the stone statues, a strange energy suddenly spread throughout Lei Yi's body.

This feeling was as if the body had been shocked by an electric shock, which gave him a touch of numbness.

But then, the scene in front of Lei Yi suddenly changed, and his whole mind was drawn in by this force.

The endless desert area.

In a barren, countless monsters raged, gnawing various corpses, and slaying each other.

The huge monsters attacked the weak monsters, and wanted monsters of the same size to fight together. The scene was **** and cruel.


Suddenly, a howling of wolf sounded.

Above the earth, all the monsters seemed to have heard the death knell, and they all acted.

But unfortunately, they were just preparing to act, but they were already a step late.

I don't know when, countless black shadows appeared in the sky. It was a dense pack of wolves, but with its back and wings, each one could soar into the sky.

The wolves in the sky formed a dense phalanx and launched an offensive towards all the monsters below.

Next, what appeared in front of Lei Yi was an overwhelming massacre.

He saw countless monsters surrendering, and saw the courage and skill of the wolves, and...the top strategy.

The wolves killed one monster after another, and even monsters hundreds of times larger than a wolf fell under the wolves.

"A nimble wolf pack is like an army of hundreds of wars commanded by a general. It actually knows how to use tactics... No, this is not a tactic, but the experience of the enemy and the on-the-spot response. This is based on the enemy's actions. The change…"

Soon, Lei Yi understood.

At the same time, the vision of the wolf pack in his mind disappeared, replaced by a figure performing boxing skills.

As soon as this person punched out, there were countless winged wolf shadows rushing out and fighting towards the target. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

If the enemy strikes back, the wolves will immediately respond, either avoiding, or confronting.

Even the wolves are divided into multiple troops, part of defense, part of sneak attacks, until the enemy is destroyed.

After the picture disappeared, Lei Yi's mind returned to his body, and at the same time he also knew the name of the martial arts recorded in the wolf-shaped stone statue.

"Sirius hunting!" He murmured, knowingly.

Among these stone statues, the records were all martial arts, so the secret boxing of the Shura Palace is in these statues.

Thinking of this, he put his hand on a stone statue next door.

In an instant, Lei Yi's new life was inhaled again, and an evil beast appeared in front of him.

This beast also has its wings on its back, resembling a vicious tiger, with red hair all over its body, and a terrifying fierce light in its eyes.

"This is... one of the four fierce beasts!"

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