I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1131: Shura Hall

Remains of Po Tian Xuanzong.

Somewhere near the dark red canyon.

Lei Yi and his party flew away for half a day, and came here with great care along the way.

When he got here, Lei Yi's injuries had been recovered for the most part, after all, the body of the Heaven and Human Realm was not covered, and his recovery was amazing.

"Several seniors, this is where the Asura Palace is?"

Looking at the dark red rock forest in front of him, Lei Yi looked strange.

Not to mention the palace here, there is not even a ruin, there are just large blocks of raised rocks, which look like barren mountains.

Is there really a palace in such a place?

Lei Yi wondered why Xuanzong Potian built the Asura Palace in such a place where birds don't shit?

"Naturally, this is the Asura Palace!" Yuan Ruomeng's eyes scanned the front and said with certainty.

"Boy, what do you suspect, how could we admit the wrong way!" Lei Wanhong hurriedly helped.

"This Shura Hall is not my Thunder Hall, nor is it the Rainfall Hall of Floating Rain, the Falling Sun Hall high near the clouds, the Shura Hall and the Wusheng Hall belong to the two dark halls of the Eight Halls. Those who cultivated in the world of immortality, only knew My Po Tian Xuanzong has eight halls, and my sect is orthodox temple in Doushen. Many people don't even know the names of Shura Hall and Wusheng Hall!"

"This is not the same as Wenxin Peak. Outsiders only know that True Spirit Immortal Sect has Jiufeng, but only the name of Bafeng is counted. They don't even know that the last peak is Wenxin Peak!" Lei Yi understood.

He knows this thing well, the questioning peak that he had been with at the beginning was not just this urinary sex.

"That's far away. At least the Sect Master still gives some support to the Wusheng Temple and the Shura Temple. That Lin Daoxian was originally a corpse with a self-born spirit and wisdom. The temple master, and the Asura Palace is cultivated by the resources of the suzerain, and the annual resource share of the disciples in the temple is only slightly lower than that of the Doushen Temple!"

"So it turned out to be the case. I thought these two halls are the same as Wenxin Peak. Grandma doesn't care for uncle or uncle. I didn't expect it to be the only one who forced me!"

Lei Yi curled his lips, his face depressed.

Then they moved on.

According to Yuan Ruomeng, they must be more cautious, because there are space cracks everywhere in the area where the Asura Palace is located.

These cracks lead to an unknown space, which is filled with a kind of black gas. Once the cultivator is contaminated, he will lose his mind and be insane.

And within the cracks in this space, there are a large number of unknown creatures inhabiting, each of them is violent and impermanent, killing people when they see it, which is very dangerous.

It is said that the secret boxing technique of the Shura Temple was spread by imitating the attacking methods of these creatures and improved.

"Isn't this the Demon Realm?" Lei Yi heard this introduction and immediately reacted in his mind.

It is said that Wuxin Divine Sect also has a direct path to the Demon Realm, and the monks of Wuxin Divine Sect will also sneak into the Demon Realm and hunt down some monsters to sacrifice supernatural powers.

He scratched his head and quickly asked: "By the way, what is the name of the leader of the Asura Hall?"

"He, Yin is unbeaten!" Lei Wanhong replied straightforwardly.

"Surname Yin!"

Hearing this answer, Lei Yi was shocked.

He always felt that this leader named Yin Unbeaten had a certain connection with the Yin family.

The Asura Hall has a means to lead to the devil world, and the Yin Family, who is in charge of the Wuxin Divine Sect, also has a similar means.

In the future, Yin Podi will also create "Heaven Fighting Fierce King Fist". The lineage of this boxing technique comes from the secret boxing technique of the Asura Palace.

All of this seems to have become a line, gradually forming in Lei Yi's mind.

In the future, the martial arts led by the fierce emperor of the demon world will come from the sect of the ancient cultivator world that was destroyed.

That's why the Demon Realm has so many secret transmissions of the mysterious powers of Xuantian Xuanzong, and the descendants of Yin Podi are also descendants of Xuantian Xuanzong.

But these are all things that will happen in the future, and Lei Yi is living in the present, and the future things have nothing to do with him.

Thinking like this, he dispelled these thoughts and continued on his way.

Soon, they saw a crack in space.

A huge, pitch-black gap lay horizontally in the center of the rocky forest, and its edges shrank sharply. The inside was pitch black, and black gas escaped from it from time to time.

"Be careful, this crack should have been here for a while, and something might jump out of it!" Lei Wanhong glanced at the crack and said calmly.

It seems that he should be very familiar with this place, and he can judge the depth of the crack at a glance.

"Well, there is indeed a demon world here!" As for Lei Yi, he was standing in front of the crack, carefully comprehending the aura inside.

However, in the world on the other side of the crack, there are no Seven Emperors of the Devil Realm, and it is estimated that there are no emperor-level monsters on the other.

After all, the current time is ultra-ancient, and the Seven Emperors of the Devil Realm will only appear later.

"Hey, why is your kid okay?" Lei Wanhong looked at Lei Yi and suddenly became surprised.

Because Lei Yi was standing very close to the crack, the devilish energy inside had already fluttered onto his face.

Between Lei Yi's breath, devil energy entered his body, but nothing happened.

Lei Wanhong and others are puppets, so there is no problem.

But I didn't see Gao Jinyun coming nearby, so he avoided the crack as far as he could.

He didn't want to be tainted with devilish energy at this cultivation level, but Lei Yi was like a okay person, how could he not be weird?

"It's very simple, I don't reject demons!" Lei Yi spread his hands and said that he didn't care about it.

"You kid, you are really weird!" Lei Wanhong narrowed his eyes, and then he played with a taste: "If Yin is still alive, maybe he really wants to accept you as a disciple. He was always looking for one at that time. People who can adapt to the environment on the other side can't be found if they look around!"

Now with the collapse of the sect, these can only be regarded as ridicule.

With that, they are going to bypass the crack and continue on their way.

But at this moment, there was an abnormal noise nearby.

Just as Lei Yi turned his head, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the crack, and a pitch-black claw hit his head.

No one noticed this hand because the crack isolated the breath.

"Boy, be careful..."

Lei Wanhong intentionally reminded, but it was almost too late.

But he did not react, but Lei Yi was very calm.

The golden light on his body flickered, and a light curtain enveloped him.

The attacking black shadow also slowed down ten times under the light curtain, and the attack of the sneak attack was naturally avoided by Lei Yi sideways.

Afterwards, he saw the real face of the attacker. It was a leopard with three eyes, with green pupils, grinning teeth, and a bit fierce.

But the blow was not successful, the beast also sensed that Lei Yi's group was not easy to provoke, and under a low growl, his figure rushed towards the distance.

But the beast had just sprinted a hundred steps away, and a thunder flashed away, and then a fist hit the beast's body.

The body of the beast exploded, the flesh and blood flew across, and a mass of blood escaped, but it converged in the palm of the attacker.

"Well, the qi and blood are not bad, but the strength is a little weak, and they sneaked on me!"

Lei Yi felt the qi and blood pouring into his body, as well as the pure magic energy mixed in it, and his body was refreshed.

"You..." But seeing Lei Yi's move, Lei Wanhong and the others opened their mouths wide and couldn't speak.

"Can you still absorb these devilish energy?" In the end, Yuan Ruomeng said.

"Of course..." Lei Yi nodded and replied.

"If you were born before the fall of our sect, then you are simply the disciple that Yin Undefeated dreamed of!"

Yuan Ruomeng said, looking forward.

"Go, hurry up to the Asura Hall, where there is the Yin Invincible token. After we take it away, we will go to the Wusheng Hall to find a copy of the forbidden technique!"

The team continued to set off, and the matter of Lei Yi being able to absorb the devilish energy was only a small episode.

During the next journey, the group encountered not only the cracks in the space that were exposed, but also some hidden cracks.

Even when I walked through an empty area, I don't know when a crack will open in the center.

Once you take a wrong step, your body may be torn apart by the force of the space in the crack, and the force of the space torn may be dissipated, or it may be swallowed by the crack.

All this shows that the power of the space here is very unstable, and this has caused the problem of cracks everywhere in this place.

But this is not over yet, there are so many cracks near the Asura Hall, who knows how many monsters ran out of it.

Lei Yi and the others came along. There were hundreds of monsters with strange appearances.

And as it gets closer to the Asura Hall, the number and strength of the monsters are gradually increasing.

They even encountered a king of primitive demons in a canyon.

This kind of monsters that reached the strength of the heaven and human realm, combined with the geographical environment of this place, caused some troubles to Lei Yi and his party.

In the end, Lei Wanhong and Lei Yi joined forces and used the Thunder God Spear to kill each other with the power of thunder and lightning.

However, this is also beneficial. Lei Yi has swallowed the blood and devil energy of a king again, and the divine orifice in his body has actually begun to loosen again.

This discovery also made him happy for a while, it turned out that it could also increase the cultivation base by devouring devil energy.

However, this is a cultivation method that only suits him. Other people don't have the blood of the Darkborn Demon Race in their bodies, so naturally they can't swallow the flesh and blood of the Demon Race.

When the group came to the Asura Hall, they flew for half a day.

It took nearly half a day to wait for a short distance of dozens of miles near the Shura Temple.

Finally, after UU reading www.ukanshu.com killed the monsters along the way, a palace built in the dark red rock fault appeared in front of them.

"This is the Asura Hall. The rock layer behind is the space of the Asura Hall. It doesn't feel big when you look at it, but it extends in all directions. The internal space is much larger than my Thunder Hall!" Lei Wanhong looked at the entrance of the palace. , Said so.

He had been to this place several times, but to be honest, the disciples of Potian Xuanzong didn't like to come to the Asura Hall.

Because the Shura Hall is the law enforcement hall in the sect, once a disciple commits a crime, he will be "invited" by the people in the Shura Hall.

The Asura Hall will also enforce the law outside the sect and perform some beheading actions, so most of the people in the Asura Hall have strong evil spirits, and their reputation in the sect is not good.

If it weren't for the token, Lei Wanhong and others wouldn't want to come to tell the truth.

On the contrary, it was Lei Yi, standing at the entrance of this Shura Hall, but he was a little excited in his heart.

He couldn't say this kind of feeling himself, he felt that there was something in it that attracted him.

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