I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1130: Enemy rendezvous

The realm of the second envoy of the sun and the moon has undergone tremendous changes at this moment.

This area covers thousands of miles, most of which are suspended in mid-air.

But for some reason, the domain at this moment began to expand rapidly, and there were many damages on the edge of the domain.

A trace of lifeless energy spread from the damaged area, slowly converging into a giant net, enclosing the entire area.

This process has lasted for more than a hundred interest.

In the end, the entire field is within the giant net made up of lifelessness.

"You... actually have... this kind of strength... what kind of means is this..."

In the realm, there was a sound of astonishment from Zhuzhao and Youying.

They were shocked by the strength of the impermanent ghost, and the other party could even break through their fusion domain.

But what they are even more puzzled is that this impermanent ghost is so amazing that it can still be undercover in the True Spirit Immortal Sect for thousands of years, and has been lurking in the sect as Zhuo Fangyan.

As the peak master of Jiufeng, Zhuo Fangyan's status is really not high, and even some of the elder's disciples don't put the other party in their eyes.

Who could have imagined that such a peak master who was not to be seen in the clan actually had the strength to suppress the two of them.

I'm afraid that the other peak masters of True Spirit Immortal Cult Jiufeng are not opponents of this person.

Eventually, the situation reversed, and the domain couldn't suppress the death pressure, but was instead controlled by the death pressure.

In the astonishing energy explosion, the Sun Moon Universe Domain lost its balance.


The field was shattered, and the energy exploded, destroying everything in the radius.

A blaze soared into the sky, and a large gray mist in the sky was also dispersed by the explosion.

But when the gray mist was washed away, a giant seemed to have found a target, suddenly turned around and walked towards the center of the explosion.

The burst of air and the flames soaring into the sky could not stop it.

"You Ying... Candlelight... Traitor..." Two names were whispered in the giant's mouth.

In the sky, the two figures met and saw the giant coming.

"No, it's Xuantian Mie, he actually broke free!"

Under this situation, they couldn't care about other things, and forced to endure the backlash in the body, and the two merged the escape and rushed towards the distance.

Speeding up and fleeing, they avoided a giant hand, flew thousands of miles away, and quickly disappeared into the gray mist.

The giant was also behind, and every step it took could cause a big earthquake and tremor, and the gray fog blew up a violent storm under its movement, and the dust was flying all over the sky.

After the giant left, another figure rushed out, it was the impermanent ghost.

"Is this the Sect Master Xuantian Destroyer of the Xuantian Sect? Such a powerful figure has become a corpse. He can only stay here for hundreds of millions of years. It is really embarrassing!"

The eyes under the mask of the impermanent ghost stared at the direction the giant was leaving, and shook his head secretly.

He didn't know the identity of the giant at first, but at this moment, he heard You Ying and Zhuzhao's exclamation, he had already confirmed it.

The giant is exactly Xuantian Destroyer, the last Sect Master of Po Tian Xuanzong.

In order to protect the sect, he did not hesitate to use forbidden techniques to refine himself into such a huge corpse, just to be able to protect the sect forever.

But even so, Po Tian Xuanzong has also been destroyed.

And what caused such a situation is the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

"No wonder the people of this sect are so hostile to the True Spirit Immortal Sect, Xuan Meng even said that betrayal is betrayal. It turns out that there are such secrets!"

The impermanence ghost sighed with emotion, and the man flew up with the escape light and left in the other direction.

at the same time.

Jin Lingsheng, Mo Qianyuan and Nangonglie all gathered together at this moment.

However, in front of them, there was a corpse that was as thin as a wood, which was a cloud edict.

"This is Young Master..."

Mo Qianyuan and Nangong Lie still couldn't believe how their young master became a corpse and died so miserably.

"It's the traitor named Lei Yi. The law he majored in was the law of time. The young master was deprived of his lifespan with one blow, and he fell!"

At this point, Jin Lingsheng secretly hated in his heart, and his face was abominable.

The fall of the young master was great, but he also blamed himself for not using the domain to trap Lei Yi, causing the young master to be killed.

"For this plan, I must kill Lei Yi, otherwise, under the blame of Master Yun, the three of us will all..."

When Nangong Lie said this, his expression had become extremely ugly.

Yun Guanhai is famous for protecting short, not to mention that he is just such a son, who is usually very precious.

Even if the edict of Yunzhao is seriously injured, as long as he does not die, he can be cured by means of the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

But now that the people are gone, and the corpse is still like this, even the means of reaching the sky are useless.

"But..." Mo Qianyuan opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"I understand, you mean to say that the three of us alone can't kill that kid, right!" Jin Lingsheng had already expected this when he saw this.

Although Lei Yi is not strong and the three of them are not afraid, Yuan Ruomeng and others are different.

Although these people can't use their domains, they are all powerful people. With them protecting each other, the three Jin Lingsheng obviously can't succeed.

"What about..." Nangong Lie was worried, and he, who was originally extremely angry, was left helpless at this moment.

After all, this matter is of great importance. Whether they can withstand Yun Guanhai's thunderous anger, it depends on whether they can catch that kid.

"For today's plan, we can only find a helper!" Jin Lingsheng pondered for a moment, and said slowly.

Since the three of them can't fight, then find some helpers.

"Helper?" Mo Qianyuan and Nangonglie looked at each other, thinking about whom to call.

"Don't worry about it. Leaving the former head teacher has already told me who to call for help. I will contact them now!"

After Jin Lingsheng finished speaking, he directly took out the messenger talisman, and after whispering a few words to the charm, he sacrificed it.

Soon, the talisman burned, and his words were conveyed to the other side.

Next, the three of them waited on the spot, and it was not until a short while later that there were a few rays of light on the horizon.

The figure in the escape quickly spotted the three Jin Lingsheng and quickly landed, revealing their figure.

The head among them is a middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing, dressed in a white robe, with an air of arrogance.

Behind him, several people followed, and Jin Lingsheng and others also knew each other.

"The master of the Yuan Sect, the three masters of the Three Sacred Gates, and the Sect Master of Spiritual Illusion, Jin Mou has seen you all!"

These people turned out to be the people of the Three Sects headed by Yuan Zhongsheng, the master of the Promise Gate.

"Jin Lingsheng, call me and wait, what's the so-called?" Yuan Zhongsheng came here and asked.

He is not very polite, even facing the five exercisers, his attitude is quite plain.

However, this is also related to his status as the Sect Master of the Promise Sect, and Jin Lingsheng's cultivation base is not as good as him, so naturally there is no need to be too polite.

"Master Yuan, the three of us..." Jin Lingsheng hesitated to speak.

After all, the young master was killed under their noses, and it was a bit shameful to say this kind of thing.

"Who owns this corpse? How is it so old..." Behind, the spiritual illusionist in a palace costume found the clue.

"This corpse is empty of blood and vitality, and lifespan is not much. Could it be that it is dead here?" Yuan Zhongsheng also took a look and guessed.

"Dear fellow Taoists, this corpse is not someone else. It is the young master Yun's edict I am waiting for, the son of the deputy head teacher!" Jin Lingsheng said this, sighed and showed grief on his face.

"What, Yun Zhaoshu?" But his answer was that Yuan Zhongsheng and others could not believe it.

They had all seen Yun Zhaoshu, but the other party was a handsome young man. When did he become such a ghost?

Moreover, the edict of Yun Zhao is not a person with a longevity. How could he just "dead old" when he got here?

"It's true that the Young Master was killed by a traitor from my sect under the protection of our sect. This son was named Lei Yi. He was originally a disciple of Wenxin Peak, one of the nine peaks I taught. He..."

Afterwards, Jin Lingsheng explained everything that had happened before.

Even Lei Yi did not conceal the fact that there is a time rule in his practice.

"The power of the law of time, there are really people who practice such magical powers, then the Young Master Yun Zhaoshu was affected by the power of the law of time, so he landed like this?"

Yuan Zhongsheng and the others looked at the corpse on the ground, and there was a palpitation in their hearts.

Don't be afraid of the enemy's strength, but fear that the enemy's ability will change.

And the power of the law of time is the most perverted among them, and these people are also quite jealous.

"Don't worry, this person is just a step-up, he is not skilled enough in the control of the power of the law, there are many flaws in the fight with me, and the combat power is not high. If the master of the Yuan sect personally shoots, this is definitely not yours. Opponents, even the three sacred gates and the daoists of the Spiritual Fantasy Sect, have a good chance of winning against them!" Jin Lingsheng saw that everyone was a little jealous and quickly explained.

Lei Yi's strength is not strong, he is aware of this.

As long as the power of the dike's weird time law, the other party's other methods are not a problem, after all, that kid hasn't even cultivated the domain.

"By the way, Fellow Jin Daoist said that they are going to **** your token, what does this mean?" Spiritual Illusion Sect Master asked next.

"That's it!" Jin Lingsheng took out the token and held it in his hand for a closer look.

"The group of people before, heard from the two holy envoys, Youying and Zhuzhao, that they should be the sect monks of this ruin. This token seems to be a very important thing to them!"

"In that case, the token of UU reading www.uukānshu.com must have a great effect?" Yuan Zhongsheng took the token and looked at it carefully.

"Looking at the inscription on the token, it should be possible to pass some restrictions, but I don't know the specific function for the time being!" The Spiritual Illusion Sect Master also said.

"Forbidden, before Yuanmou came to rendezvous, he passed by a secret hall, this token may be able to open that place."

Yuan Zhongsheng thought for a while, and said, "Furthermore, I heard from Fellow Jin Daoist that the purpose of those people should also be these places. If we rush there, it is very possible to meet them. We might as well take it. "

"I have no opinion!" The Three Sacred Sects, Spiritual Fantasy Sect and others all agreed.

The three of Jin Lingsheng would naturally not object, after all, they have lost the whereabouts of Lei Yi and the others. Yuan Zhongsheng said that it is good that they may encounter Lei Yi and his party when they go to those secret halls.

Their purpose is revenge, as long as they find someone, their current number is enough to kill each other.

Now they are headed by Yuan Zhongsheng, the master of the Promise Gate, and a group of people are marching toward the secret hall.

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