I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1122: Xuan Meng also rebelled

In the sky, the battle continues.

Yuan Ruomeng and others are now besieging Yunzhaoshu.

As for the reason why they were besieged, on the one hand, it was because of the strength of Yuan Ruomeng and others, and on the other hand, it was because of Yun Zhaoshu himself.

As the young master, his own strength is not strong, at least in front of Yuan Ruomeng and other eight palace leaders, he is obviously a weak chicken.

Therefore, Jin Lingsheng and others have to separate their minds to protect this young master, and the number of people on both sides is equal, which naturally fell into a disadvantage in this contrast.

With this fight, the battle became one-sided.

"Young Master, be careful!"

"Young Master, quickly use a magic weapon!"

"Young Master is in danger, run away!"

These words popped out from the two people of Nangonglie and Mo Qianyuan from time to time, making people feel embarrassed to hear them.

"Damn it, what's the matter with Xuan Meng, even a traitor can't clean it up?" Yun Zhaoshu was pressed and beaten by Yuan Ruomeng and others for a long time, and finally couldn't help it.

In his expectation, Xuan Meng should be able to get rid of Lei Yi easily, and then they will be 5 to 4.

But now, the two of them have been fighting in the realm of Xuanmeng for a long time, and outsiders don't know the situation.

When Yun Zhaoshu saw that his party was suppressed, he naturally became more impatient.

But if he knew that Xuan Meng had already discussed joining Lei Yi in the domain, wouldn't he be furious?

But soon, Xuanmeng's realm finally loosened.

In the sight of everyone, the domain suddenly exploded in a burst of earth-shaking roar.

Then two figures galloped out of it, one flew towards Yuan Ruomeng and the others, and the other flew towards the vicinity of Yunzhaoshu.

"You..." Xuan Meng coughed up blood, came to a place near the edict of Yun, clutching his chest, and looked at Lei Yi in astonishment.

As for Lei Yi, his breath was also sluggish, bloodshot faintly spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he was obviously injured.

"Xuan Meng, what's the matter with you, even a traitor can't win?" Yun Zhaoshu immediately scolded when he saw this.

"Look at his breath!" But Xuan Meng replied with a weak tone.

When Jin Lingsheng on the side saw this, his spiritual sense went directly to Lei Yi, and then he found the problem.

"Young Master, this kid's breath is wrong. When Huo Ruliu and others pursued him, he had only the initial strength. But now, this kid has 37 divine orifices in his body. This is a proper mid-term!"

"What, mid-term!" Yun Zhaoshu's gaze also shifted to Lei Yi, and the haze in his eyes flashed away.

Obviously, Lei Yi's growth has exceeded their expectations.

On the other side, Yuan Ruomeng also looked at Lei Yi.

"What's the matter, that woman's field, how does it look like..."

"Senior Yuan, you read it right, it's just what you guessed it!"

Lei Yi secretly transmitted the voice and directly admitted.

"Then, could that woman also..."

"Yes, that woman is called Xuan Meng. She claims to be a descendant of the Xuan family, and her ancestor is a disciple of the Potian Xuanzong, but at the time of the catastrophe, their ancestor was sent away by the sect one step ahead of time. However, she escaped a catastrophe. , But since then there will be no chance to set foot here again, and now it is passed down to her generation, she has only one seedling left!"

"Descendants of the Xuan family!" Yuan Ruomeng heard this and looked at Xuan Meng's gaze, slightly surprised.

Sect Master said that he did send away a group of people ahead of time.

So, that woman is a descendant of the line of the suzerain.

However, it is said that it is a direct line, so many years have passed, and it is still unknown whether the blood on the body is pure or impure after so many years have passed to the generation of Xuan Meng.

And just like Lei Yi, Xuan Meng's identity also needs to be thoroughly checked.

But now, the two sides are still fighting...

"Do it!" At this moment, Lei Yi suddenly shouted.

At this moment, everyone was taken aback.

If you want to do it, do it, what do you shout, for fear that others will not know you want to do it?

Lei Wanhong and others said that they have never seen you speak martial ethics in this way, and they have to say hello to others before doing it.

"No, he didn't want to do it himself, but was giving orders to others!" But at this moment, Jin Lingsheng suddenly reacted.

As soon as he moves, he will rush towards Yunzhaoshu.

Because in his induction, Xuan Meng, who had originally retreated to his camp, had a killing intent on his body, and the target of the killing intent was not Lei Yi's side, but the Yunzhao Book Venerable.

Xuan Meng turned out to betray!

"How come!" Yun Zhaoshu did not expect that the traitor was by his side.

"Xuanmeng, what are you doing!"

"Xuanmeng, you dare!"

Mo Qianyuan and Nangong Lie never expected that Xuan Meng dared to shoot Yun Zhaoshu in front of them.

So when this woman took a shot, they all took a slack, and they could only open their mouths to scold them one or two.

However, when Xuan Meng made a move, it was a killer move, and she would not be easily drunk by the two.

"Yunzhao, you deserved it!" Xuan Meng rushed to Yunzhao's letter and blasted out.

This punch was filled with all the power of the law in this woman's body. When the punch was blasted out, the surface mapping runes flickered, as dazzling as a star.

"You..." Seeing the fist rushing towards him, Yun Zhaoshu was completely panicked, unable to speak for a while.

But just as the fist was about to hit the cloud edict, a five-color pendant hanging on his chest reacted first.

Suddenly, a five-color barrier blocked the Yunzhao writing and protected it.

And Xuan Meng's attack came after the barrier appeared.


The force of the fist flooded the space where the edict of the cloud was located, the void vibrated, and explosions sounded one after another.

But Xuan Meng knew that this blow did not kill the opponent.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple, there are so many methods left by the deputy head teacher!"

She retreated quickly and quickly left the attack range of Jin Lingsheng's trio, and retreated to Yuan Ruomeng's side.

During the explosion, one could vaguely see a barrier blocking all attacks, and even the collapse of the void was resisted.

"Xuanmeng, you dare to betray my true spirit fairy sect..." Among them, Yun Zhaoshu's angry voice was vaguely heard.

When the smoke completely dissipated, he revealed his figure under the protection of a five-color barrier.

At the moment, the edict on Yun Zhao's face was gloomy and watery, and the gaze towards Xuan Meng was like a poisonous snake choosing people to eat, and the killing intent was almost in essence.

Because he almost lost his life just now, if it weren't for the treasure that Yun Guanhai rewarded, his precious life would be accounted for here.

"Kill her, kill her for me, dare to threaten this young master, you will kill her for me!" Yun Zhaoshu couldn't bear it anymore and roared on the spot.

Seeing this, Jin Lingsheng couldn't help but reminded: "Young Master, the other party is crowded now, we still..."

"Shut up, you dare to come and order me!" Yun Zhaoshu couldn't hear anything at this moment, and roared again: "You three, kill her for me, dare to threaten me, I will definitely not let this **** go. !"

Seeing that the edict of Yun was like this, Jin Lingsheng also had difficulty doing it, so he could only look at each other with Mo Qianyuan and Nangonglie and communicate secretly.

"The young master has a treasure body rewarded by the deputy head teacher, enough to support a period of time, we will clean up the traitors first. As for the others, they are all puppets, or the aura in the body is not pure, they should be the same as the previous one. , They are not normal monks, I am not afraid to wait!"

In the end, Jin Lingsheng judged the strength of both sides and felt that he could still deal with Lei Yi and others.

"Jin Lingsheng, my task is to protect the young master!" Mo Qianyuan was a little cautious.

"I know it naturally, but do you think this group of people will let me leave?" Jin Lingsheng has already seen Yuan Ruomeng and others' murderous intentions. If they don't show their true ability, they are likely to fall into a chasing war and be caught The other party caught up.

In that case, it is better to clean up some of the weakest ones.

And their targets are naturally the injured Lei Yi and Xuan Meng.

Even if the two did not fight at the time, the injuries on Xuan Meng's body were not fake.

In order to deceive Jin Lingsheng and others, she must have used some means on herself, even self-harm, so that she could get close to Yunzhao Shu without hiding their eyes.

"Let's do it!" Finally, Jin Lingsheng shouted, and took the lead in killing Lei Yi and Xuan Meng.

At the same time, Mo Qianyuan and Nangong Lie also looked at each other, and the two of them killed Yuan Ruomeng at the same time.

As for the Yunzhao edict, there is still a bit of shock at this moment. Although the resentment in his heart is extremely, but he did not directly shoot it, but wanted to wait and see the change.

"Before the three of you weren't our opponents, now there are only two left, isn't it just looking for death!"

Seeing Mo Qianyuan and two flying over, Lei Wanhong and others immediately ridiculed.

"Hmph, I didn't have any real ability to wait for the two people before!" But Nangong Lie was also ironic.

Then, on his body surface, red runes flickered, and a mighty force of heaven and earth began to condense.

Mo Qianyuan next to him also had blue runes appearing all over his body, and the mighty power of heaven and earth began to bless his body.

"No, the two of them want to use their fields!" Seeing this scene, Lei Wanhong and the others were shocked.

If it were back then, they would naturally not be afraid of Mo Qianyuan and Nangonglie, but now it is different.

Their puppet body, as well as the revived body, can't use the domain.

Before the nomads were killed by Jin Lingsheng and others, it was also for this reason. Otherwise, with the strength of the Eight Halls to command the late stage of the Heaven and Human Realm, how could they be afraid of the siege of several monks of the same rank.

"The domain is unfolding..." At this moment, Mo Qianyuan and Nangong Lie shouted in unison.

"The abyss!"

"I wish Rong Huoyu!"

The fields of the two people expand separately and meet in the sky.

For a time, the entire sky, the sea of ​​flames churned, and the turbid waves were overwhelming.

The realms of water and fire actually converge at this moment, and UU read www.uukanshu.com and merged.

This scene, Lei Yi on the side has naturally seen it.

However, at the beginning, the two of them were to assess new entry disciples, and their magical powers were less than one-tenth of what they are now.

In the sky at this moment, flames and waves swept across the four directions, dividing the entire battle group into two areas.

On one side is the sea of ​​fire, on the other is the abyss, the repelling realm surrounded Yuan Ruomeng and others, blocking all their escape routes.

"It's actually a field of fusion!" Yuan Ruo dreamed of having a lot of knowledge, and naturally he saw the details of the field.

But even in their time, there are not many fields that can be integrated.

"Now your opponent is me, so you still have the mind to care about other people!" But Jin Lingsheng also attacked at the same time, making moves towards Lei Yi and Xuan Meng.

When Lei Yi saw that Xuan Meng's aura was sluggish and needed to recover, he knew that he had to rely on himself next.

This is the first time that he has faced a five exerciser, and he is also the strongest Jin Lingshi among them.

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